(Disclaimer: I don't own My Hero Academia, I only own this story and my (fictional) character(s)and (fictional) quirk(s).)
Name: Kasumi Yamamori
Age: 15-16
Hair color: sky blue
Eye color: silver
Height: 5'0
Weight: 100 lbs.
Quirk: Storm
Family: Unnamed Parents (deceased), Ayaka Suzume (Maternal Grandmother), Nana Shimura (Great-aunt; deceased), Unnamed Great-uncle (deceased), Shimura (uncle; deceased), Unnamed Aunt, Tenko Shimura "Tomura Shigaraki" (cousin)
Appearance: She has long sky blue hair (that goes just above her shoulder), bright silver eyes, pale skin complexion, rather short (but not too short), slim figure, not a very big bust, slightly toned arms, legs, and torso, (sometimes) has her eyes closed, (sometimes) keeps her hair tied up, wears leggings underneath her uniform skirt, has her iPod with her (almost) all the time, and doesn't care what she looks like when not at school
Hero costume: She wears gray and black ninja-like robes, black leggings, brown military-like boots, usually has her hair up in a bun, wears silver rings on her hands and braclettes on her wrists, piercings on her ears, wears a lace domino mask and dark make up around her eyes (to hide her identity), (sometimes) has her iPod with her, and an old ragged piece of canvas either wrapped around her neck or tied around her hair
Personality: Quiet, calm, stern, distant (sometimes), bitter (sometimes), serious, strict, compassionate, (occasionally) has mood swings, friendly (when she thinks someone is good), soft-spoken, protective, doesn't hesitate when it comes to defending people she cares about, supportive, determined, intelligent, brave, helpful, not easily tricked, observant, kind, loving, caring and polite
Likes: Learning, reading, sketching, her friends, her Grandmother, experimenting with her Quirk, mountain climbing, backpacking, hiking, helping her friends, music, singing (mostly to herself), trying to stay healthy, exercising (when in the mood), Bakugo (currently), Izuku (just as friends), her choice in hero costume, and the torn piece of canvas (it's sentimental to her)
Dislikes: Bullies, flirts, perverts, delinquents, villains, Bakugo (formerly), jerks, morons, her cousin, people making fun of her hero costume choice, being annoyed, being teased, her friends and/or loved ones in danger, being interupted, fighting (unless it's necessary), unfair battles, cheating, the League of Villains, and All For One