The Duel of Symbiotes
Authors note: I do not own any of these characters they belong to Sony and Disney and none of this is for profit plus be free to review and leave ideas for future chapters and I will see what I can do.
As Ariel makes it close to Arendelle she transforms back into her gown and starts walking back into town but sensed something was wrong. "Something doesn't feel right symbiote." Says Ariel. "The only time we ever feel like this is if we sensed a spawn but I don't remember spawning another symbiote." Said the Symbiote. Just as it finished its sentence someone yells at them from a far.
Ursula: That just hurtful, you don't remember your own child.
Ariel: Sorry do I know you?
Ursula: You won't remember me in this form but you might remember my nickname, the sea witch.
Ariel: Ursula!?
Ursula: So you do remember me.
Ariel: How are here? You don't have a symbiote to help you get here.
Just then Ursula's gown turned into a red and black slime that coated over her in a skin-tight outfit with claws on her fingers and mask with a maw full of teeth and a long slithering tongue and her legs then changed back into tentacles. As Ariel is witnessing this she wonders should she change or run away but then thought if we ran it wouldn't do much for her so she changes into her symbiote starting with her gown turning jet black and shrinking to conform to her body leaving a white spider emblem on her chest and white patches on the back of her hands then her mask forms over her head leaving hits teardrop patches where her eyes were. As the people are watching this they start running out of pure fear. At the same time the stranger who turns out to be Kristoff and Sven go and enter the castle to warn Elsa and Anna.
As the two symbiote clad women stare at each other they wait to see who will make the first move Ursula gets tired of waiting and charges at Venom and was so fast that Ariel barely was able to dodge her attack and swiftly spun around to kick Ursula in the back and jumped back to get better ground. Ursula now gets mad and jumps at Venom but Ariel jumps away but Carnage uses her tentacles to wrap around a bar along a building and spun around it to gain speed and kicks Venom hard in the stomach and sent her flying into the castle wall. Then Carnage then jumps onto Venom and starts to rip off Venom from Ariel and they both scream in tremendous pain.
Meanwhile inside the castle, Kristoff has explained what is going on outside and Elsa is trying to decide whether to go out herself to help or if she could send her guards out to fight just then a loud rumble could be heard and they go to see what is going on and see one of the females that Kristof told her about is being beaten and ripped apart very badly. Anna says, " We got to go help her. Elsa not wanting to have her soldiers die for no reason decides she will go out herself to help and tells the guards to guard Anna with their lives if she doesn't come back. Anna then struggles against the guards yelling, "No! Don't go we just got back together I don't want to lose you again." " Don't worry Anna we will always be together even in death do us part." said Elsa as she runs outside. Anna's eyes are tearing up after seeing her sister go out. And the guards take Anna to her room to prevent her from seeing the battle and to protect her better. Anna though knew a way out of her room to be able to watch her sister while avoiding the guards.
Back outside, Ariel is pinned to the wall and is beaten down and unconscious and Carnage is slowly ripping Venom off her as to make sure Ariel dies when it separates from her but before she got half way, she was blasted in the back and falls to the ground with a large piece of ice covering her back and Ariel starts falling with her symbiote coating back over her but is caught by an ice slide and slides down toward Elsa. Once the symbiote coated back over Ariel, she wakes up wondering what just happened and sees that a woman in what appeared to be an ice dress saved her and thanks her beyond gratitude. "Thank you, thank you for saving us." said Ariel and Venom together Elsa then asked, "Us, whose us?" "Oh, this suit I wear is alive and I'll refer to me as us." says Ariel. "OK" ,says Elsa. "Now its time to take out Carnage." Says Venom and Ariel together. And her suit changes giving her claws and her mask splits giving her a mouth full of teeth and a long tongue as she jumps at where Carnage landed.
Carnage laid on the ground and knew it was going to get Elsa to become of it. But it needed to keep Venom away so that it would get her alone and knock her out. So Carnage gets up and snaps off the ice along her back and turns around to see Venom as she punches her right in the face and then throw over toward Elsa. Elsa then blasts Carnage again but Carnage blocks with a shield that deflects some of the blast. Carnage then knew it just needed to get Elsa distracted long enough for her to knock her out. Then Carnage forms two axes from her hands and charges at Venom and Elsa and Venom meets the axes by slashing with her claws and Elsa tries to keep her distance by firing ice shards at her. Carnage blocks off Elsa's shards and one flies off toward the castle just then Anna shows up and gets hit by the ice shards along her left arm and cries out in pain. When Elsa sees who sees hit she wonders how she got there and goes to see if she's alright. Carnage sees this and knew it how it was going to get Elsa as she grabs Venoms arms and throws her out into the woods and goes toward Elsa. As Carnage nears behind her, Anna tries to warn her and Elsa turns to see Carnage about to smack her and tries to block but fails and is left on the ground unconscious and goes toward Anna to kill her with her claws but right before she did a web line grabbed her arm and swung it back. Venom then lands by Anna to see if she got hit at the same time Carnage picks up Elsa and starts web-slinging away but shoots out spikes toward Venom which she managed to dodge after picking up Anna but a few shards managed to hit Anna along her stomach and chest just missing her heart.
As Carnage has swung away with Elsa, Venom rushes Anna to her castle to be helped and walks out to contemplate on her failure. "What have I done?" she then decides to go see how Anna is doing and noticed that she was the other capable host she sensed and sees her lying down bandaged up and unconscious. She sensed that she was alive but barely after bleeding to near death from her wounds then Venom needed to make a choice to either separate her symbiote and have it bond to her and save her or to keep it herself and embrace a darker side of her personality? While Carnage prepares to corrupt a powerful queen.