I don't own Naruto or Star Wars

Naruto the Hokage Bounty Hunter

The battle of Illum


Naruto was heading into the meeting with Marr. "Hunter, you're here," said the Dark Lord. "Normally I would send a messenger out, however; this operation is too important."

"Understood, Lord Marr," said Naruto. "What is the mission?"

Unfortunately, we have to team up with the Jedi with this one," said Marr.

"Why?" asked Naruto. "I can only think of a rouge element of the Sith or Jedi that requires that."

"Darth Malgus."

"I see, the butcher of Coruscant," said Naruto. "I had a feeling he would be up to something.'

"Now we will coordinate with the Jedi strike team. You will of course be leading the Sith forces," said Marr.

"Who is the contact on the Jedi?" asked Naruto.

"Master Corr," said Marr. "Hero of Tython."

"I will head out now," said Naruto.

Good luck,' said Marr.

"Thank you my Lord."


Naruto was walking to the cantina. He sees the blond Sith. "How are you Lana?"

"I am alright, hunter," said the Sith. "I heard you had another mission.'

"I do, I can't tell you anything about it," said Naruto. "I will be back."

"Good luck, hunter," said Lana. She pecks him on the lip. "For good luck."

"Thanks," said Naruto. "See you soon."

Naruto walks to the hanger.


He gets to his ship. "Mako, pilot a course for Illum."

The ship flies through hyperspace. "A beep on the console is heard. "This is the Republic base, hailing unidentified ship."

"This is Naruto Uzumaki, bounty hunter, I have been asked to meet Master Carr for a joint mission," said Naruto.

This is Master Carr," said the voice. "Please follow the fighter escort to a hanger and we will meet.'

"Understood, Master Jedi," said Naruto. Seeing several Republic fighters Naruto follows the fighter and lands.

Naruto walks down the ramp and sees a man with black hair, Jedi battle armor and two lightsaber hilts. "Master Carr," said Naruto. "A pleasure to meet you."

"Same," said the Jedi. "Now let's head to the meeting plan our moves."

The meeting hall had a circulatr holo table. Around it was a Bothan, a well built trooper in Republic armor and a female Jedi who is well known. "I brought our ally to the meeting," said Carr.

"Why did you bring an imperal warrior here?" asked the man in the armor.

"Commander Malcolm, with all due respect," started Carr. "He is an enemy, however, I requested him because of his honor."

"Imperials have no honor," said Malcolm. "Grand Master, what is your opinon?"

"The interesting thing is, I sense an equal amount of Darkness and light. Perfect balance," said Satele. "I think we should accept his help."

"I do have info on our common foe," said Naruto. "Comander Malcom and Grand Master have both faced him. Darth Malgus."

"So how do you propose we handle Darth Malgu?" asked the Bothan.

"Normally we would let the Jedi exhaust them self to fight him," said Naruto. "That is no longer possible."

"Why?" asked Carr.

"The thing you call a Holocron has been stolen from the emperor tomb," said Naruto. "I sense his power as can all of you."

"It has increased," said Satele. "However; it is not as much as you think?"

"How do you know he is not hiding his power or suppressing it?" asked Naruto.

"It is possible," said Carr. "It's an advance ability."

Malcolm faced Naruto. "Why has the Dark Council decided for a cease fire now?"

"They know the threat of Darth Malgus more than you think," said Naruto. "The trick is how do we fight him?"

"How about a strike team approaches Malgus and we take him out," said Satele.

"It won't work," said Malcolm. "He will anticipate that."

"I agree," said Naruto. "How about thinning his forces and then we send a small team to deal with him?"

"How do you propose that?" asked Satele.

"Simple we each take command of a small troop battalion and attack from all side," said Naruto. "First, we need team A to take out a shield generator."

"I can handle that," said Malcolm.

"Next we need some to disable his defense network, otherwise we will be sitting ducks," said Naruto.

"Leave that to me," said Satele.

"Once all that is done the last team will cause chaos in the base itself," said Naruto. "Keep them guessing."

Master Carr stood up. "I help with that. Will you be joining me?"

"I will," said Naruto. The four leave the meeting room.


"We wait till Master Satele and Commander Malcolm hit their objectives before moving to the base," said Carr.


Malcolm was with his troopers. "Hit them hard."

The troopers starts to fire on the Sith warriors and treasonous Imperial troopers. The battle turns to a slug fest as Malcolm has proven age has not slowed him down. The last of the Neo Imperial troopers were killed. "Lets blow this generator up," said Malcolm


Satele troopers made better times since there were a few Jedi in the mix. "Well what do we have here," said a voice. "What is the Grand Master doing here?"

Satele nearly avoids a lightsaber being thrown. "Who are you?"

"It's been a long time Satele," said the voice. The figure appears from a ledge. "I have no choice but you face you."

"Master, how?'

"Malgus resurrected me," said the figure taking off his helmet showing off the face a Zabrak.


Naruto was fidgeting. "The defenses are not down yet," said the blond. "Your Grand Master must be in a tight spot."

"I will go and help her," said Carr.

"No, right now you have to stop Malgus," said Naruto. He hand Carr a kunai. "When I am done I will let you know, throw this on the ground and I will join you."

"Very well.'


Satele was fighting for her life. Her old Master Kao Cen Darach was showing Satele why he was the Battle Master. "Is this all you're capable off?"

He kicks Satele in the chest knocking her back. A yellow light appears on her battle armor. The undead Master charges the Grand Master. "Leaf Whirlwind," said a voice as the Master is kicked back. "You ok Grand Master?'

"Yes, why are you here?" asked Satele.

"It was taking you a long time to hit your objective. Had a feeling you needed some help," said Naruto. "I normally don't show my abilities often, but I will make an exception."

Naruto takes out a Katana. "A regular sword?" asked Satele. Naruto charges forward. His sword clashing with the lightsaber, but it does not cut. "Impossible."

Naruto disappears in a body flicker. He slashes the former Jedi from above. However; the former Battle Master blocks it and send Naruto back with a force push. "Checkmate."

A small explosion is seen on the Undead Jedi body as he is vaporized. "What did you do?" asked Satele.

"A small frag grenade that I placed on him in our last clash. I let him push me away and I let it do it job," said Naruto. "I will be heading to the base. If you need to rest you can. Master Carr and I will take care of Malgus."

Naruto runs off. Once out of sight he disappears in a yellow flash.


Carr was in a duel with Malgus. "You can't defeat me Hero of Tython," said the Sith lord. "I know all about the Marr's little ceasefire with the Republic. I must say, I am honored they think of me as a threat."

Carr charged again. The blue saber clashing with Malgus. "You will not win," said Carr.

"You believe some short of back up will join you?"

Rasengan," shouted Naruto. He sends the Sith Lord back with his signature attack. "You ok?"

"I am ok," said Carr. "Glade you could make it."

"I have had vision of you," said Malgus. "The child of Prophecy."

"You should not know about that, unless," said Naruto.

"This Holocron is called the Universal Holocron," said Malgus. "It lets me see into all realms and universes."

"So you do know about me?" said Naruto. Naruto walks up to the Sith lord. "I made peace with my past life."

Naruto is thrown back by a force push. "Seventh Hokage of the Leaf, The hero of the Fourth great war," said Malgus. "Impressive resume."

"Then you know my true power," said Naruto.

"I want to face you at your best," said Malgus getting his saber at the ready.

Naruto give a cheeky smile. "You will have to earn it."

Naruto pulls out a scroll. "What is that going to do?" asked Malgus.

Naruto places his hand on it and a replica Zabuza's sword appears. "How do you like my sword?"

"You compensating for something?" asked Malgus.

"I least I can get some," said Naruto. Naruto charges with impressive speed. The sword clash with the lightsaber, Naruto infusing some chakra into it push Malgus to his knee.

"I am being beaten in strength?" asked Malgus to himself. Using his free hand he send force lightening to Naruto, forcing the blond to disengage and block it.

"You are skilled," said Naruto. "However; I have many more attack I can come at you with."

Carr gets back up and stands next to Naruto. Nodding to the Jedi the two charge Malgus. Malgus blocks the lightsaber and avoids Naruto attack, knowing his strength would overpower him. Sending out a force wave, Naruto and Carr are flung back. "You two will die here," said Malgus.

"Dance of the Crescent Moon," said Naruto as two clone charges Malgus each wielding the blade. Malgus takes both clones out and nearly dodges a third attack by Naruto. It hits his armor take part of the armor off of the arm.

"How are you this strong?" asked Malgus.

"Simple," said Naruto. "I have comrades and friends I want to protect."


"You are weak cause you have nothing left to fight for except your own desires," said Naruto. Brining up a blaster, Naruto fires killing the Sith. "Being struck down by a Jedi is too honorable for Malgus."

"What shall, we do with the Holocron?" asked Carr.

"We destroy it," said Naruto. "It's too powerful for one person to hold.'

Naruto hits it with his blade cutting it in half. "Well done Hunter," said Carr.


Back at the station, Naruto was standing in front of the Republic leadership. "Well, I hope you all have fun," said Naruto. "I have to leave."

"A deal is a deal," said Satele. "Have a safe trip."

"Thanks you, Grand Master."

Naruto walks away and heads to his ship and takes off.


Darth Marr, Mission is a success," said Naruto. "I destroyed the Holocron."

"I normally would be against it, but that Holocron was to powerful. It had to be destroyed," said Marr. "You did well."

"Thank you, Lord Marr."

"Enjoy your time off," said Marr. "May the force serve you well."

Thanks my Lord.'


A/N: So Naruto did not have the real sword, he had one foraged without the abilities of the sword. Let me know what you think