Goku and Vegeta return to the future again with the hope of bringing peace back to the world. Goku manages to learn Mafuba to seal away the immortal Zamasu and Vegeta have trained to fight against Goku Black. While Vegeta fights Black with Super Saiyan god but secretly turns to Blue when attacking, Goku has unsuccessfully to seal Zamasu because he forgets to bring the charm.
-That idiot- Vegeta cursed
Goku has no choice but turning to God to fight Zamasu
-Goku-san, you can go to God too? Trunks surprised
-I've used a lot of my stamina, though this form is more than enough- Goku smirks
Hearing Goku's words, Zamasu is pissed off. He tries to paralyze Goku, but Goku teleports behind the immortal god and kicks him to the ground. But it has no effect on him.
-How many times do I have to tell you...- Before Zamasu finished, Goku punches him in the stomach
Again, he recovers quickly
-It's useless mortal- Zamasu sarcastically says
Back to Vegeta, it seems like Goku Black having a hard time. He's getting punch after punch.
-Shit, you're getting this strong in just a short time?- Black says as he gets another punch from the Prince
-Don't underestimate Saiyans. I think it's about time you died- Vegeta
-Look over there I wonder how will you do without Black?- Goku
-Silence mortal- Zamasu yells
-Honestly, even Trunks is stronger than you. You can't kill anyone even if you're immortal- Goku hits Zamasu pretty hard, in mentally
-Our plan is perfect as there is no room for failure Zamasu says, but he also seems to agree with it
Goku Black is now full of damages, as he looks over to Goku. Suddenly an idea is on his mind.
-You fucking bastard dare to ignore me?- Vegeta mad and fires Galick Ho to Goku Black causes a big explosion
-Goku Black has managed to block it, although barely. He uses instant transmission and appears behind Goku, punches him in the stomach.
-my friend, go and buy me sometime- Black
-What are you trying to do?- Zamasu
-Just go, you will see- Black smirks and looks at the Super Saiyan God who tries to get up
As Zamasu blocks Vegeta from getting near to Black, the Super Saiyan Rose keeps punches Goku causes him the return to his base form.
-Son Goku, I know you have the desire to become more powerful- Black
-W...what are you trying to do?- Goku barely breath
-Merge with me, and we will become one. We will have a power that no one has ever imagine- Black
-Keep dreaming you bastard- Goku tries to fight back but too exhausted
-What did Black saying?- Trunks
-He tries to merge with Goku-san- Gowasu terrified what he has just heard
-WHAT?- Mai
-No, I have to stop him- Trunks flies over Black with his sword
Black throws a blast at Trunks, making him fall down with a sword broken in haft.
-Trunks-san- Kaioshin worried
-Don't intervene brat- Black says as he turns down to the base form
The Super Saiyan Rose kneel down, places his right hand over Goku's chest
-Father, you have to stop Black. he's trying to merge with Goku-san- Trunks yells in pain
-What did you say?- Vegeta shocks
-I see- Zamasu smirks
Vegeta tries to save his rival, but Zamasu keeps blocking him. A bright light appears everyone shocks except Zamasu as Goku's ki slowly disappear. The light is gone, as well as the savior of the Earth. A new warrior stands there, no longer Son Goku, nor Black. All the scratches have gone. Everyone can feel a tremendous power comes out from Black. He begins to laugh maliciously.
-It's cannot be, Kakarotto's ki is completely gone- Vegeta shocks, his rival, and best friend is gone.
-It's my fault- Trunks blames himself
-It's not your fault Trunks-kun, I surely know Goku-san will not want to see you like this- Mai comforts her boyfriend
-Congratulation my friend- Zamasu applauds
-It's time to end this world- A new being power up, makes the entire ground shaking
-I will avenge for Goku-san- Trunks turns to Super Saiyan
-Son Goku you know is no longer exits I am the new Son Goku. A mighty god with the power to destroy mortals- Black laughs maliciously
-Goku-san, everyone. I will never forgive you for what you've done- Trunks yells
A broken sword is getting larger, creates a genkidama. Trunks use it to cut Zamasu in two
Black is about to intervene but suddenly a great pain in his head and unconscious.
-What just happened?- Vegeta
-It seems like Black gets some trouble on controlling his new body- Gowasu
-What is this power?- Zamasu screams in pain
-This is the power of mortals you bastard- Trunks
-Impossible, a mere mortal can be stronger than justice- Zamasu
-Go to hell with your justice- Trunks slices Zamasu into two
-Yes, you did it- Mai jumps in happiness
But Zamasu has not died. In fact, there are two Zamasu, this makes everyone stunned. Vegeta uses Final Flash and blows Zamasu in pieces. The pieces start to regenerate and create multiple Zamasu.
-We can't do anything, let's go back to the past- Kaioshin
-What? We can't just go back and leave Zamasu destroys the world- Vegeta
-No matter where you go, past or future. I can follow you- Zamasu laughs
-The time ring cannot travel to the past- Kaioshin
-Fool, I also have a time machine too. We found it when Black killed Kaioshin in Universe 12- Zamasu
Gowasus remembers that he once told his former disciple about the very first time machine.
-Damn it, he remembers all of it- Gowasu cursed
-It's too late to regret Gowasu, with the time machine I can execute justice even in the past- Zamasu laughs evilly
-All you head back to the past. I will stay here- Vegeta
-Father, you can't- Trunks
-Hurry up, you want him to destroy everything?- Vegeta yells
-No- Trunks head down
-Then what are you waiting for? Kakarotto is gone, there is no reason for me to live- Vegeta
-You still have Mom, she's waiting for you- Trunks
-Tell her that I'm really sorry. Go, before it's too late. You too Kaioshin, remember if you are dead then Gods of Destruction also died- Vegeta is a fighting stance, in front of him are probably millions of Zamasu
-Damn it- Trunks
Trunks are about to leave but...
-What a bunch of idiots- Black appears in front everyone, says coldly
-Damn, not so fast- Vegeta
Black turns around and smirks. Trunks are about to attack Black but Vegeta stops him. He knows that's not Black. it's Kakarotto.
-Is that you Kakarotto?- Vegeta
-Of course you idiot, now let's focus on the enemy- Goku
-Gowasu-sama- Kaioshin confused
-Apparently, when Black and Goku-san merged, it also mixed their personality- Gowasu explains
-So you say that guy is both Goku-san and Black?- Mai surprised
-Yes- Gowasu
-Stop talking nonsense- Goku gives a cold look at everyone
Everyone, especially Vegeta can't get acquainted on the changing of Goku.
-What're you trying to do?- Vegeta
Goku takes out the Zeno's button and taps on it. The King of Everything appears and falls down to the ground.
-WHAT!- Kaioshin and Gowasu extremely nervous
-Th..that's T...The King of Everything- Zamasu starts to tremble
-What's He doing here?- Another Zamasu with fear in his tone
-Yo Zeno-sama- Goku says in a friendly tone
Now everyone stunned at how quickly Goku changes his tone and personality. This is definitely from Goku. The Kaioshin and Gowasu immediately kneeling before the King.
-Who are you?- Zeno
-I am Goku, a friend of you in a different timeline- Goku smiles
-This place looks terrible- Zeno examines around
-Those guys did it- Goku points at Zamasu
-Black, you dare betray me- Zamasu shaking in fear
-How annoying- Zeno
This makes Zamasu even more fear
-Kaioshn-sama, who's that infant?- Trunks
-He is the king of Everything who rules the entire 12 universes- Kaioshin
-What?- Mai
-Don't you think you should erase them?- Goku says as Zamasu(s) start to run away
-You're right, a world like this..- Zeno forms 2 energies in his hands
-Brat, turn on that machine. You too Kaioshin, go- Goku changes his friendly to cold tone
Kaioshins disappears, Vegeta and Goku holding the time machine legs and watch how the King of All destroys the world and Zamasu. Everyone backs to the past. Bulma and Goten run out to hug Vegeta. But stunned to see Goku, in the black outfit, and coldly. Bulma hides behind Vegeta in terror
-Go to hell you evil- Little Trunks turns to Super Saiyan
-Stop Trunks- Vegeta demand with a glare
-Dad is that you?- Goten with his innocent eyes
-Of course, son- Goku gives a smile but his face has no emotions
Kaioshin appears, and a few seconds later are Beerus and Whis. Trunks then start to explain the situation to everyone. they are really sad to know that their best friend is no longer exits.
-How dare you think I'm not exits- Goku uses cold tone
-Beerus-sama, I apologise for the troubles- Gowasu
-Next time you need to choose your student more wisely- Beerus
-You say that I'm a bad student?- Goku
-Obviously, you created this whole mess- Beerus
-You know that's not me- Goku
-Fine then halt of you- Beerus
-Bulma, I'm hungry- Goku says as his stomach growling
-It's dinner time already, can't be help. Well then let's celebrate the victory- Bulma smiles. Even though he is changed but his love of food is never changing.