Dottie O'Connor looked at herself in the mirror of the costume department. Earlier she had agreed to go to dinner with Nick Nemeth, or Dolph Ziggler. She had said yes because he was right, she didn't need to look to Fergal for everything. She could make her own decisions.

Alexa Bliss had offered her some fashion advice, smiling the entire time. She suggested she keep her top open, with a deep V neck shirt underneath the button up top. The black jeans Alexa suggested was nice, she suggested heels to go with the look but she couldn't, no. Dottie found some nice black sneakers that seemed to look nice.

The compact that Dottie's sister Cait was left out. It was eyeshadow with dark colors. Opening it up she looked at the colors. Something like brown would look nice, wouldn't it? She seen her sister do it numerous times, especially when it came to Colby being around. She liked to look nice for him so maybe looking nice for Nick would be a good thing.

"Dottie?" She glanced to her side in the mirror and saw Renee Young standing there. "What are you doing?"

"I'm trying to put makeup on like Cait. Can you help me?"

"Why do you need makeup?"

"I wanted to look nice for dinner tonight."

"You don't have to impress Nick." The Canadian said. "But, if you really want makeup on, let me help you."

Renee took control off the makeup. She applied the eyeshadow like how Cait did. She even found some lip gloss that tasted like peaches and cream. She added some blush to Dottie's cheeks and stepped back.

"There, you look all grown up now."

"That's what I wanted in the first place." Dottie said. "Thank you for helping me, Renee."

The woman smiled at her. "No problem. I have to go get ready to go. Jon wants to spend some time with me."

"He's a good guy, right? What he said earlier," Dottie stopped short.

"He likes ruffling feathers, or he likes to annoy people. I think he really likes to annoy people. It just means he likes you."

"So, he's okay?"

"For right now, yeah, he is. I think because you and Colby are friends, he's trying to be a good person for you."

"His form of good is a confusing one."

"I know, and I married him."

Dottie laughed. She liked Renee. The woman was nice and funny, and because she was Colby's friend so was Renee in some way.

"Renee," Dottie fiddled with her fingers. "Can I ask you a dating question?"

"Sure, sweetie. What?"

"Am I in the wrong accepting a dinner date with Nick? Fergal didn't look happy. I just...I thought Nick was right that I rely too much on someone else all the time."

"If you feel that way, then you shouldn't. You have it in your right to do what you want. I think like your sister, Fergal is just worried about you. No more than Colby or Drew is. But if this is something you want, you should do what you want."

"I want to trust Nick, that's why I'm doing this." She looked at herself in the mirror again. "You're really good at this makeup stuff."

"Oh thanks, Sweetie. I'm on television a lot so I have to know something about makeup. Now I have to really get going."

It was nearing the end of the night. Some of the staff had already taken out Dottie's sewing machine. Everyone who was ringside were cooling down, considering that Renee was also a color commentator for that night on Raw. Cait had gone somewhere and with Nick coming to pick her up after he was finished getting ready to go, she decided to wait in the costume department room.

People passed by, people smiling and being happy. Dottie wasn't happy, she was nervous. She wanted to do the right things but had she offended Fergal. She had to find him.

No sooner had she thought that he strolled into the room. He was wearing black jeans, his usual black and white sneakers and a Spider Man shirt.

"Dottie?" He said lowly.

She fiddled with her fingers. "Hi, Fergal. I…"

"You look really pretty, Dottie." He tilted his head. "I like it."

"Oh, thank you." She bit at her lower lip. "Renee helped me before she went to find Jon."

He stayed quiet, just sort of looking at her. Reading people's expressions had been hard for her, understanding people was like understanding another language.

"Are you mad?" She rubbed at the back of her neck.

"Mad? Why would I be mad, Dottie?"

"Because I'm going out to dinner with Nick. You didn't look happy when I brought it up earlier."

"I wasn't. But it's your choice, Dottie."

"I want to try new things. But I'm always worrying if I'll make you or my sister mad at me or do something stupid again."

"You annoy me sometimes with talk like that." He said. "You have to do the things that you want, within reason. You have to want to do the things others ask. It's okay to say no, and you should if you ever feel scared or uncertain about something."

She nodded.

"You know where we're staying at. I'm on the fourth floor in room 440. If you need me I'll be there all night nursing off the bad back landing I had tonight."

"You're hurt? Why didn't you say anything? Do you need something?" She stepped closer to him.

"I could use a hug, if you don't mind." He said, opening his arms.

She stepped into him, pressing her face into his shoulder. He was the right size, he was the right height. He wasn't big, not tall at least. He was always so warm, and he smelled spicy.

"Dottie, can I ask you something?" He pulled back. "My parents are coming to SummerSlam. Now you don't have to sit in the audience with them. I just want you to meet them." Fergal said. "Have dinner with us. I'll invite Cait and Colby and we'll be at my place for the night in Brooklyn. Okay?"

"Um, um…" she didn't know what to do. "Well, okay. Since they came so far to see you."

He smiled. "Thank you. I'm going to do something that I do to my sister, okay." He leaned over and kissed her temple. "Have a fun night, Dottie."

"Okay. And you better get better." She said.

Fergal laughed, his shoulders shook slightly. "You know where to find me, yeah?"

"I do. Fourth floor, Room 440. I like the number four."

"It's easy to remember." He lifted his hand in a wave and then left the room.

So she had to wait around for Nick to show up. Drew did swing by on his way out, pulling a suitcase with him.

"Heading out early, Dottie. You be careful, right?"

"I will be." She nodded.

"Dottie," he parked his suitcase against the door. "I'm not going to lie, I don't fully trust you with Nick. But if something happens that you're not okay with, you can call me and I know Fergal already told you where he's staying. So go to him okay."

"Cait is going out with Colby tonight again." She looked down. "But Nick promised to have me back by midnight."

"Okay, that sounds fine to me. Have fun and be safe."

"Can you tell Ms. Kaitlin that I said hi?"

"Of course." Drew smiled and held an arm out.

Hugging Drew had been a little uneasy at first. But he seemed to understand the one arm hug. Colby like full hugs, Joe didn't touch so that was fine with her and Fergal always asked for one.

"You were great tonight." She said as Drew stepped away.

"Aye, that I am all the time. Remember what I said, Dottie."

"Don't worry I will."

No sooner had Drew left that Nick had showed up with his own things. "Hey there, Little Red. You're looking fine. Did you get dressed up just for me?"

"You asked me to dress up nice. I don't like dresses, they make my legs feel funny." She said.

"That's a shame, I could totally see you rocking a skirt. And the makeup looks great. Did your sister help you?"

She shook her head. "No, Renee did. So, where are we going?"

"It's not real fancy but I like it. Italian, Babe. it's the way to go for dinner."

"If pizza is involved, I'll just take a cheese pizza." She said.

"Why? Just cheese is boring. All Meat of Hawaaian is the best thing to get."

"I just don't like the feeling of those things on pizza. And who puts pineapple on pizza?" She asked. "Are you making fun of my food choices?"

"Sort of. Why don't you like toppings?"

"Texture, some of the tastes make me gag." She looked down. "My mom used to force me to eat whatever she wanted me to eat, even when I wasn't hungry."

He draped an arm around her shoulders. "Well get whatever the hell you want, Babe. I don't care. We're going to have fun tonight, right?"

She nodded, her stomach already doing flips. It was one thing to go out and do things with Cait, Colby and even Fergal, but she was on her own.