
Muse-chan was pregnant the whole time with another round of bunnies. You know where this does leads. As you already guessed, I thought what would Lelouch do in Game of Thrones. I admit, I read other works in that vein, but they did not have that itch which would need to be scratched, unfortunately.

My old teacher once said: If your fantasy wasn't written, write it.

Which I did. Here it goes.

Of course, don't worry, my House Lannister Rise in Calradia will continue. A common writer's block.

Now onto the meat.

Lelouch Lamperouge (or Lelouch vi Britannia) is the perfect description of an Anti-Hero.

He's another complex character who had, you could say, daddy issues, but unlike Tywin Lannister, he hated his father, not because of his image alone.

He despised his father for these reasons:

1. His father did not care about his sister, Nunnally, even referring to her as a useless cripple.

2. He believed that his father had a hand on the murder of his mother, Marianne.

3. His father sent them both (Lelouch and Nunnally) to their death to Imperial Japan.

4. After he discovered his father's ambition(Ragnarok), he did everything in his might to destroy it(Commanding the World of C with his Geass).

Lelouch was young as his mother was murdered which brought to his emotional outburst in front of the Emperor. Conclusion: He and his sister were exiled out of the imperial court and married off to Japan as Hostage. Unfortunately, direct after the Holy Empire of Britannia invaded the country and since then colonized it as Area 11.

He promised vengeance against them, especially his father. His grudge ran deep.

In his earlier years, his showed his brilliance in form of winning chess matches against his siblings. The only sibling he could not win against was Schneizel li Britannia whom he took a draw.

Of course, being brilliant at chess is one thing. To no surprise, after he got some McGuffin a la Geass (although, he had honestly a plan in motion without the use of Geass), he integrated himself to a Japanese (or as the purist would say: eleven) resistance group. As a charming master strategist, he convinced the group to his banner: The Black Knights (they were like the modern Robin Hood). He knew theatrics, he was in his appearance melodramatic.

His obsession with chess shows in his callsigns for the various 'pieces' like Q1 etcetera.

He never trained physically which showed in his body as he's easily exhausted.

You could say, he was a certain type of genius which even excelled academically.

Of course, if you have seen the anime, you could say he was a siscon or at least very overprotective of his sister which makes sense after all she was blind and couldn't use her legs at all.

Later, his goal changed to that of destroying Holy Empire of Britannia (although he destroyed its foundation) to destroy the world and remake it after his own (playing the monster for the Hero to slay).


1. The character Lelouch Lamperouge (Lelouch vi Britannia) and the world of Code Geass are trademarked by Sunrise who delivered us the wonderful anime.

2. The world of Game of Thrones is trademarked by HBO.






A ceremonial sword, a sword made for rituals of the nobility, a class of parasites, plunged deep into his stomach. The finely polished blade gleamed in the sun on the horizon as it went through his body and out of his back, coating the blade red. Blood dyed his white garb deep red while he stared at the visor of his executioner, seeing his violet eyes giving way to red birds flapping.

"L-Lelouch," said his executioner in a whisper as cold enveloped his body.

"You, too, will bear the burden" - Lelouch slumped forward - "as an ally of justice, the mask will be your only face."

Lelouch's right hand brushed against the visor, marking it. "You'll sacrifice everything for the world."

"This Geass I accept."

The sword which held him in place was pulled out. His last support lost, he fell down the ramp, sliding it till his body rested on the ground.

"Brother?" He turned his head slightly to the side and could recognize the blurry frame of his dear sister. He felt her hands touching him as his eyes failed him.

He couldn't hear what his sister said, yet he fought hard to open his mouth. "I-I'm going to... destroy... the world... and recr-"

The heat burned on his pale skin all the while the sand tortured his feet, causing him to grimace with every step as he followed the dark man. He wasn't the only one behind him as there were others also chained to the slaver.

The chain rattled as one of his fellow slaves collapsed. The march halted. The slaver spat to the ground as he unsheathed his sword and strode to the slave on the ground. He kicked the slave, getting no reaction, he brought down the sword. Blood spurted out of the wound, pooling around the body as the slave died.

Lelouch averted his eyes at the sight, trying to ignore the uneasiness while he held back the bile that threatened to rise. Fortunately, the march continued through the desert.

His mind went back to the very first day he awoke in these strange primitive lands. His eyelids snapped wide open as a wet cold cloth touched his face. A little girl had her eyebrows furrowed as she travelled with the cloth through his whole body. Abruptly, he sprang into motion, trying to stand up but to no avail as pain enveloped his body.

He laid there, hearing the gibberish of the girl, some unknown language. With a shake of his head, he tried to tell her that he couldn't understand anything she said to which she just nodded albeit hesitantly.

His hands went to his chest, running down his stomach, trying to feel the wound, yet there was nothing as if he was never stabbed. It puzzled him. He loathed it absolutely. To not know things. It grated on him, the unknown variables.

A hand touched his shoulder lightly, waking him out from his circling thoughts. He noticed. His breathing was too shallow. Hyperventilation. A panic attack with other words.

He closed his eyes, focusing on calming his breathing while he ignored his surroundings. The distant noises faded away.

He was mortally wounded. He was stabbed by his friend, Suzaku. His conclusion thus was: He died or should have. Yet he didn't appear to be dead. Perhaps this was a lie. He could be in the Purgatory. Although he was never a religious person, the collective human unconsciousness could be seen as the God. This train of thought would lead him to...

Lelouch paused. The conclusion was obvious at this point. The World of C was a bridge to the afterlife which meant that he entered the World of C after he died.

His sensitive eyes opened once more and were instantly greeted painfully by the brightness. He flinched as he snapped them shut again. He took a deep breath and let his eyes adjust to the light while the girl's hand ruffled his hair in a comforting manner he assumed.

If this was the afterlife, where was Euphemia?

Instead, he sighed in defeat. He threw these useless thoughts in the farthest corner of his mind.

"Who are you?" She scrunched her nose, appearing like the cute girl she was, the bewilderment all too obvious for him, so he pointed at himself and said, "Lelouch." He repeated his name for some time until her face brightened as she got the gist.

"Melisandre." A strange, unfamiliar name. Foreign definitely as its origin was of French.

Well, it would be impossible to assume that the dead souls would speak only in English. Yet, the strange words she spoke wasn't anywhere near French, vulgar Latin.

Surely, the World of C wouldn't have diverse language as it seemed to him very bizarre indeed. Another unknown variable.

As he felt the pain lose on intensity, he used his left arm to prop himself up, almost failing because of pain, but he gritted his teeth and follow through. Ah, pain receptors were working overtime. They should've vacations. Surely, the World of C should have cancelled his pain, yet it was real enough, the pain at least.

He never imagined his vacation under the tender care of a little girl, but whatever floated the collective human unconsciousness' boat.

Wait a moment. Was his unconsciousness screwing with his head?

After all, the collective human unconsciousness would include himself too. That really put the whole situation on another level. Did he have a fetish for little sister types? He was convinced that he was not a paedophile at all.

Melisandre said something unknown, yet he could understand the worry in her tone. He was too still which scared her obviously. To calm her down, he gave her a smile which he always did to his friend Rivalz if his friend happened to notice his uneasiness. Another mask he wore to hide his ugly nature.

Was he not dead already? Why did he need to hide? Lelouch vi Britannia. The Demon Emperor. The truth was known to them.

His sigh raised the worry of Melisandre, yet he couldn't help it. Too many conflicting things. Thus he deduced: Either he was in hell, literally or he was not dead; disproving his earlier conclusion.

"Let's assume nothing," muttered Lelouch as his thoughts raced.

Waking up in an unfamiliar location. Cause: Unknown.

He ignored the words Melisandra spoke as he couldn't even understand them.

With his body in perfect condition as if he was never impaled by a sword. Cause: Unknown.

Not understanding the strange language the girl, with a French name, spoke. Cause: Unknown.

"Conclusion: Once is an accident. Twice is a coincidence. The third time it's enemy action." Apparently, Auric Goldfinger was onto something.

So he assumed rightly that something fishy was going on. He couldn't be dead and alive. Yet... His train of thoughts paused.

Dead and alive. Schroedinger's cat. The thought experiment about the interpretation of quantum mechanics.

Could it be that he died? And thus was alive. Did he have his father's code? Impossible, yet... very possible.

But if he died and was found alive by someone, wouldn't there be an outcry unless... the girl, Melisandre, could not recognize him as the Demon Emperor. Certainly, he could be in a remote village without access to the wider world.

Although his gut feeling told him otherwise, he trusted his reasoning more than mere instincts, hilarious enough going against the Moscow Rules.

So that meant it would not be long before someone would recognize him and destroy all the sacrifices he did for a better world so Nunnally could inherit it.

His next course of actions thus: Kill himself somewhere remote to hide his corpse.

No, it wouldn't be enough to hide his identity. He could try burning himself completely. Unfortunately, it would only destroy his fingerprints which weren't enough anyway, after all, there were methods which could identify the person with only the teeth.

Alright, the strategy would be thus:

First, his teeth needed to be completely erased. Smashing would not help.

Second, he needed to burn himself to death.

Third, he hoped he was not immortal at all.

Difficulty: Relatively high as the risk was that he would be recognized before he could destroy every evidence of himself. And to procure the tools for his death... It would be difficult, but he worked with less.

Lelouch would need to fight against time. A smirk adorned his face at the thought of playing again. This time his opponent was harder to best, yet the thought of winning spurned him on. Although in the deepest dungeon of his mind, he was worried about his status being alive as it would flip the peaceful world, he created for Nunnally, upside down.

Only the last two questions needed to be addressed: Who carried his body this far? More information was needed. Did he still have his Geass? He could test it.

"Lelouch vi Britannia commands you to tell me where I am." He did not see the telltale sign of his Geass awakening in her eyes as she spoke in her language. Her confusion aside, his Geass did not work or it vanished.

It could be a fluke so he would need to test it on more than one person.

Wait. Even if his Geass was successful, would he even understand the person if he couldn't understand the language at all? Unfortunately, he never tested his Geass on a human whom he could not understand.

Screams shook him out of his thoughts as his heartbeat thundered in his ears. The girl's eyes widened laced with despair while the heavy pounding of horses closed.

Horses? What could it possibly be? And these screams...

"P-Please! M-Mercy!" He shuddered at the yell which was full of despair. The screams ceased. His body went cold. With a sense of foreboding, he stood up, ignoring the diminishíng pain as he hobbled to the wooden door.

His sweaty palms touched the wooden material and pushed.





Author's Note:

A third season was announced. Honestly, I don't like the notion at all, I mean the ending of season 2 was fine for me. And even had a certain mysterious open ending flair which I liked.