With everything that's happening out there, I wanted to get this done faster in hopes to be able to help distract people from it.

I was part of a college sports radio show called 'This Week in KCOD' as a host, unofficial producer, and voice for my team's segments. My teacher is Ralph Stangis, an NHL commentator for the Dallas Stars, which is very cool. Our last week is next Wednesday because we can't find anything else to report on that's college related to sports so that blows.

Remember to take precautions everyone and to do whatever can to keep yourself sanitized. Only villains don't wash their hands.


Indeed, Bakugo. Now, back to the story!

Although Hosu City has many heroes patrolling the streets to keep evildoers off the roads from causing mayhem, none have figured to check underground. The people who don't want to ever be found hide underneath everyone's feet as no one would ever think that other evils other than Hell could be just below them.

That is why it was clever of the Yakuza boss to think of keeping whatever was left of his empire literally underground. Sure, it has its negatives but it was necessary to keep the Shie Hassaikai alive. All Might tore down the massive kingdom with his bare hands, but with him gone now, it was time to rebuild. The Shie Hassaikai are not scared of the Hulk. He's proven not to be a hero by ending All Might's career, but it would be wise to stay out of his way whenever he shows his angry face.

Kai Chisaki had a weapon. He had the ammo for it, but now it's only limited. Eri is gone. Their cure to curing this ill world was taken by a sick savage who knows a little more than most would ever know. She knew what was happening to Eri and didn't flinch to kidnap Eri. Was that teenager really saving Eri? No. She was delaying the inevitable. Chisaki will find them, kill that bitch, and take Eri back. She may not know it, but Eri is doing good for the world. She's just too young to understand.

Chisaki was sitting in his room. It was dark all around except for a lone lightbulb lit over him. The room was decorated with highly sought out valuables such as paintings, statues, and other artistic decorations. The room and everything within it belong to his father, well, his father figure at least. Chisaki had to put him in a coma to do what was right for the Yakuza. He didn't want to do it, but his father was clearly content with what he had. Chisaki wasn't and had to repay the debt he owed somehow and what better way to do it than to rebuild his once-great empire.

If only the boss was awake to see it happen.

"Boss, permission to enter."

Chisaki looked up from his papers and to the door, "Permission granted."

A goon with a gasmask entered the room with a folder, "Our scouts have found her sir." The goon brought the folder to Chisaki. Chisaki opened it and there were many photos of a young boy inside of a room in an apartment, but what caught Chisaki's eye was the woman with him.

It was her. The kidnapper.

Chisaki looked up to his goon, "Where?"

"In Musutafu, near the home of the Midoriya's."

The Midoriya's. Ahhh Chisaki remembered them well. Hisashi and Inko were not to be trifled with one point, but that's changed. Hisashi fell off the map in the US and Inko let herself go including her courage and Quirk strength. Chisaki won't bother them. Izuku has a lot of potential and is young. Maybe he can help serve the cause when he graduates.

"So close to those two, but no big deal." Chisaki waved the two green heads off. "Tell the men to get ready. We're moving out."

"Yes, sir." In a flash, the goon sped off.

Chisaki placed his gloved hands together and bore deep across to the open door. He was gonna kill that girl and the boy. Maybe then Eri will learn not to run away again.

"Sir," Another goon appeared, "He's agreed to hear you out, but wants to meet in an hour."

Well. Looks like Chisaki isn't going to attend the raid.

Vs. Board:

Team 1: Todoroki, Yaoyorozu, Sato, and Sero vs Eraserhead (Winner: Team 1)

Team 2: Tokoyami, Koda, Midoriya, and Bakugo vs Spider-Man (Winner: Team 2)

Team 3: Tsu, Uraraka, Hagakure, and Mineta vs X-23 (Winner: X-23)

Team 4: Kirishima, Kaminari, Jiro, and Ojiro vs Nightcrawler

Team 5: Mina, Iida, Shoji, and Aoyama vs Deadpool

Nightcrawler was waiting for the round to start. When he was told his round would take place in Ground Omega, Nightcrawler was thinking of a gladiator ring, not a literal forest. It suited him though. Stealth was one of Nightcrawler's specialties as well as disappearing. If there is one thing Nightcrawler couldn't ask for in combat, it was a shadowy place because that is where his best skills thrive. However, he has to take it easy on these trainees. He doesn't want to diminish their confidence.

Nightcrawler was mildly surprised that Peter had lost his bout, but knew he did not go all-out. If Nightcrawler had to say how much Peter let loose, it was around 40-60% of his true power. As for X-23's victory, there was no doubt it would end up that way. The only room for judgment in that feud was how one-sided it would be, and it was very one-sided.

Present Mic words echoed across Ground Omega, but Nightcrawler wouldn't move from the tree branch he was laying on.

"I just got comfortable," Nightcrawler mumbled, "I'll wait for them." Nightcrawler looked to his right and saw his opponents walking inside the arena. On purpose, he hid nearby because they are rookies. They wouldn't expect an attack so early and that's something they're going to need to be taught.

Nightcrawler waited for the four to get close enough and walk past him before grinning to himself an evil smile that he used only for acts and in the dark for intimidation. Nightcrawler vanished next to Kaminari and pushed him into Jiro. Kirishima and Ojiro quickly turned with Kirishima hardening his skin but felt their heads being grabbed and slammed against one another. Ojiro reeled back in pain as Kirishima then felt his shoulder being touched before suddenly being several feet in the air.

"Oh shit!" Kirishima yelled out as he fell through several tree branches and to the floor below.

"Betcha didn't see that coming," Nightcrawler said from around them and disappeared back into the shadows.

The four students got together with their backs against one another.

"He got us off-guard." Jiro said, "I'll try to listen for him." Jiro plugged her earphone jacks into the ground, but strangely hearing static.

Kaminari noticed Jiro's confused expression and spoke, "What's wrong?"

"All I hear is static in the ground. That should be impossible." Jiro replied and tried again, but kept hearing static.

Kaminari looked to be in thought for a moment, "Are the plug-ins for your earphone jacks damaged?"

"No," Jiro replied, "And if they were, believe me, everyone will know."

"Maybe he is teleporting so much that it is interfering with your quirk?" Ojiro said, "He does make a 'bamf' sound every time he teleports."

"If this was building that would be a plausible hypothesis, but I'm listening to the ground and that would be implying he is in the ground." Jiro responded, "And I'm 100% sure he isn't in the ground."

Nightcrawler was watching from above the four in a tree as he pondered to himself, "When I showed up to that workshop, I was not expecting some crazed pink-haired girl to give the exact device I needed in an instant because she had pre-built it as a warm-up idea." Nightcrawler then laughed to himself, "Though I find it rather cute that they think I can interfere with Jiro's abilities with my teleportation. I probably could, but not in the ground."

Nightcrawler teleported in front of Ojiro and used his signature teleportation barrage on everyone as he was striking them all while constantly using his mutant power to not get hit. Nightcrawler would have continued if not for a lucky hit by Kirishima midway through his attack. Nightcrawler rolled on the ground for a moment as the redhead was quick to pounce on him and grabbed him by the tail. "Oh, du hast nicht nur, dass!" (Oh you did not just do that!) Nightcrawler yelled to himself and teleported directly above Kirishima before tossing him into a tree. "Do NOT touch the tail!" Nightcrawler growled.

"What about getting hit by one?!" Ojiro narrowly missed slamming his tail against Nightcrawler as Nightcrawler jumped over it and wrapped his tail around Ojiro's neck and pulled the other tail individual towards him and kicked him in the face. Nightcrawler released his grip and was suddenly shocked by Kaminari as Kaminari released a small amount of electricity from his body.

"Got him!" Kaminari said as he stopped attacking. Nightcrawler stood still for a moment and quickly jumped onto his feet. Nightcrawler teleported behind Kirishima and gave him a german suplex into the ground head first. Ojiro, Jiro, and Kaminari all rushed Nightcrawler and the blue demon did something unexpected. Nightcrawler fought back and was equally matched the three without using his mutant power.

"How are you able to keep up without using your quirk?!" Kaminari yelled out in amazement.

"Because I know what I am doing," Nightcrawler replied, "You and Jiro are striking without coordination, and Ojiro is confused on what to do because one wrong move and I can best all of you in an instant."

Jiro scowled, "I should take fighting classes like Uraraka."

"All of you should," Nightcrawler replied as his movements suddenly shifted and his attacks became quicker and more complex. Almost as if he was now dancing.

"Damn it, what the hell?!" Kaminari was watching Nightcrawler and trying to figure out what he was doing.

"Ever heard of Capoeira?" Nightcrawler said as now Kirishima joined in the fray as Jiro, Kaminari, and Ojiro stopped attacking as the team now had Nightcrawler right in the middle of them, "It's very useful for occasions like this, mein Freund (my friend)."

"Yeah, I have." Ojiro said, "It's a Brazilian martial art that combines dance and music. In other words, you can dance battle in a literal way."

"That sounds so cool!" Kaminari suddenly beamed. "I should try that!"

"You don't even know how to Cha-Cha Slide WITH the song playing!" Jiro said, "When he says go left, you go right!"

"Wait I thought you guys didn't have our music?" Nightcrawler asked.

"If there was going to be a universal song it would be the Cha Cha Slide," Kirishima shrugged.

"I can see that," Nightcrawler said and stretched his back, "Okay, so all of you can't fight other than Ojiro? That is not good. A hero named Daredevil can fight better than all of you, and he's legally blind."

"Wait, what?" Kaminari said as a fist was suddenly in his face.

"Ja, but he has a superpower that allows him to see things through radar sense because of echolocation," Nightcrawler added in.

Jiro and Kirishima attacked Nightcrawler while Ojiro abided by his time.

Nightcrawler slid and ducked and dodged everything that the two threw at him with ease. Nightcrawler noticed that Kirishima was getting frustrated and began to focus his attack more on Jiro so he would continue to avoid Kirishima.

"Damn it," Kirishima mumbled, "Why can't I hit you?!" Kirishima swung a foolish and powerful right-hook. Nightcrawler grabbed Jiro and pulled her into his place. Kirishima's face twisted into surprise as he struck Jiro in the face with all his might. Jiro flew for a moment and skidded across the floor several feet as she grabbed at her face in agony.

"Jiro!" Kirishima was suddenly guilt-ridden and Nightcrawler was now behind him.

"Too frustrated," Kirishima swung his left hand at Nightcrawler, but Nightcrawler easily slid out of the way, "Prone to easy mistakes that could be exploited." Nightcrawler jumped over Kirishima, "Utilizes power over skill." Nightcrawler spun his body and Kirishima flew past him, "Essentially just a brute and nothing more." Nightcrawler grabbed Kirishima by his hand and teleported them higher into the sky. He dropped Kirishima and teleported to the ground before going back to Kirishima in midair and teleporting both of them much higher into the sky with momentum. Nightcrawler quickly grabbed Kirishima by the leg and swung him towards the ground. Nightcrawler teleported to the ground and kicked Kaminari in the back as he was still stunned from the facial hit.

"Got you on the nose, didn't I?" Nightcrawler said as Kirishima finally hit the ground behind him. A large cloud of dust and dirt swarmed the surrounding area with chunks of grass flying everywhere.

"You got them," Ojiro said as he stood a couple of feet away from Nightcrawler, "Normally I would help my teammates, but had I got involved, I would be on the floor too. It's selfish, but someone had to be standing to continue the fight."

"Pfffft. X-23 does that all the time." Nightcrawler chuckled as the only tailed Class 1-A students measured each other for a moment before running towards one another.

Nightcrawler vanished and popped behind Ojiro. Ojiro used his tail to block Nightcrawler's attack and quickly twirled his body to kick Nightcrawler. Nightcrawler jumped over Ojiro to avoid the attack, grabbed him by the shirt, and tossed him. Ojiro landed on his feet and blocked a teleporting kick from Nightcrawler. Nightcrawler disappeared again and suddenly began to teleport everywhere. Ojiro kept his stance and focused on Nightcrawler's pattern. Nightcrawler struck Ojiro a couple of times as Ojiro kept his composure. Ojiro predicted Nightcrawler's next move and managed to grapple the blue demon and slam him into the ground.

"Gah!" Nightcrawler let out a cry of pain as Ojiro lifted him and slammed his tail against Nightcrawler. Nightcrawler flew into a tree and slumped into the ground. Nightcrawler grimaced in pain and looked up to see Ojiro flying towards him with his foot out. Nightcrawler quickly scampered out of the way as Ojiro shifted his momentum to bounce off the tree with his foot and land on the ground with no injury.

"You're pretty good," Nightcrawler said and got no response from Ojiro. Nightcrawler sensed someone behind him and teleported into the air to see Jiro tried to tackle Nightcrawler, but missed. Nightcrawler landed on the floor, looked to Jiro, and saw a nasty dark bruise forming on her cheek. "Ouch!" Nightcrawler stepped back, "Oh I'm glad I didn't cause that."

"You put me in his way, you blue shithead!" Jiro bashed.

Nightcrawler simply shrugged, "Ehhhhhh you were just there and I was looking for a way to get Kirishima off his game."

"You and Kirishima are so dead." Jiro had bullhorns on her head as she was ready to run right through Nightcrawler.

"Ooooooo I like girls with spice~" Nightcrawler teased.

Jiro's cheeks turned red as she was now fuming in anger. Ojiro walked next to Jiro and placed his hand on her shoulder. "You know he's just provoking you, right?"

"And it's working," Jiro growled.

"Okay, let's get back to busi-ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ!" Nightcrawler began to spaz out everywhere as he fell onto his face with Kaminari standing behind him with his hand out.

"Hey look, I got him!" Kaminari cheerfully said.

"About time you did something, dumbass," Jiro replied as she quickly walked to Nightcrawler, took out the handcuffs, and cuffed him.

"Hey, I got him before!" Kaminari shouted back, "I just didn't put much 'oomph' into it."

"Why didn't you do it the first time?" Ojiro said.

"I was afraid I was gonna miss and knock all of us out," Kaminari replied, "I was going to do it, but then I thought about it."

"Wow, you can think?" Jiro laughed, "I'm shocked."

"Hey!" Kaminari yelled before realizing the pun and laughing.

Ojiro shook his head and walked over to Kirishima's position to try and get him out of the ground.


Vs. Board:

Team 1: Todoroki, Yaoyorozu, Sato, and Sero vs Eraserhead (Winner: Team 1)

Team 2: Tokoyami, Koda, Midoriya, and Bakugo vs Spider-Man (Winner: Team 2)

Team 3: Tsu, Uraraka, Hagakure, and Mineta vs X-23 (Winner: X-23)

Team 4: Kirishima, Kaminari, Jiro, and Ojiro vs Nightcrawler (Winner: Team 4)

Team 5: Mina, Iida, Shoji, and Aoyama vs Deadpool

Watch Room

"Well I'll be damned," Mina said, "Kaminari did it! In a surprising fashion too!"

"The fight feels anti-climatic though," Aoyama said, dissatisfied, "It was getting to its highest peak but then it's over. Gone. Like an angel's kiss."

"Were you that into this fight?" Shoji asked.

"Can't be a hero if you're not into a little bit of fighting." Aoyama replies, "Then you won't last as a hero because you don't like to fight."

"Wait, you like fighting?" Mina perked up.

"Do you like Monsieur Wagner?" Aoyama quickly changed the subject, "You were watching him the whole fight and not our other classmates."

"N-no!" Mina shouted with a darker shade of pink on her cheeks, but because of her skin color and lighting in the room, no one noticed, "I was studying him because I've never seen him fight!"

Iida loudly cleared his throat to grab his teammate's attention. "We're next."

The room suddenly lost its energy. They were next against Deadpool.

Iida looked to his team. They were at a loss for words. The entire time they were watching their fights, yet they couldn't come up with a plan against Deadpool. It's Peter's words that echoed in their ears that prevented them from doing so when they asked the web-slinger after his match. "You can't plan for Deadpool. He's too crazy to plan against. Honestly, you just have to fight with your wits and guts and hope he trips himself."

Iida wanted to say something inspiring. He wants to be like his brother, his idol. He was always a great leader on the field and knew how to get his partners going. A good leader can inspire with actions, but a great leader can do it with just words alone.

"I know we don't have a plan, but guys," Iida's crew looked to him as he smiled confidently, "No pressure, no diamonds." Iida simply said.

Mina and Aoyama smiled back with Shoji nodding in approval. They were under heavy amounts of pressure, but heroes always work under those conditions, and if they want to be great heroes, they better survive it.

With that, their team was called and they walked off into their fight against the Merc with a Mouth.

League of Villains Hideout

Taskmaster didn't like what he saw. This Chisaki fellow. Something was off about him and Taskmaster could sense it. He didn't know what it was, but something told the longtime mercenary that this man should not see the next day. Then again, neither should his client, but he's paying Taskmaster.

Though he'd rather be looking for Eri and that punk teen, Chisaki knew he could not pass up the dark lord of evil. If your empire is crumbling, your parents are being tortured, your wife is held hostage, whatever important thing that you were dealing with had to wait. This man demands your full attention when he invites you. Chisaki knows the original villain is weak because of All Might, but that doesn't mean he's any less threatening. You just don't say no or cross Lucifer.

Chisaki was sitting at a table with a TV several feet from him. To the right of the TV was Taskmaster and to the left were Shigaraki and Kurogiri.

"So, Kai Chisaki, leader of what is left of the Shie Hassaikai Yakuza," The TV spoke, "You've finally accepted my invitation to join my ranks. Why did you suddenly change your mind?"

"All for One." Chisaki spoke, "It's no secret that you rule the underworld. No villain dare say they are the mightiest if they ever wish to seek your wrath and suffer for their ignorance. To be able to work with you is every villain's dream, except for me it seems." Chisaki let out a breath, "My reason for not accepting your invitation when you sent it months ago is simple. I wanted to restore the glory to the Shie Hassaikai name and take back our original territories. The Shie Hassaikai was the biggest Yakuza empire in Japan, but when All Might arrived on the scene, he tore us down brick by brick until we were forced underground. Though my mentor did not want to restore the Shie Hassaikai, I took it upon myself to do so. I meant no disrespect by declining your offer. I simply wished to achieve my goals and hopefully reform the alliance the Shie Hassaikai once had with you before All Might."

"You have to be a whole new level of stupid to deny Master." Shigaraki commented, "Had you joined in the beginning, you'd probably have a huge portion of the empire back."

Chisaki looked at the boy, "Tomura Shigaraki." Chisaki said, "The underworld knows you well."

"As they should," Shigaraki cockily replied.

"Your arrogance and foolishness provide a great lesson for all of us to remember not to make fools out of ourselves lest we become the laughing stock of the underworld." Chisaki insulted.

"What was that?!" Shigaraki suddenly got up as Taskmaster rolled his head in slight annoyance.

"Sit down, Tomura." All for One commanded.

With rage, Tomura obliged and sat down, not breaking eye contact with Chisaki.

"I'd appreciate it if you didn't provoke my student." All for One said as Chisaki respectfully bowed his head, "Back to the topic at hand, tell me exactly why you changed your mind?"

"I would be an idiot to not take notice of the sudden increase of quirk strength from those pesky students at U.A High School and the new heroes appearing on the horizon such as All Might's supposed successor Spider-Man, and above all of that. The Hulk." Chisaki and the rest of the room felt a cold shiver sent down their spines. Everyone thought All Might bested the Hulk when they fought, but when he reappeared in Hosu City, there was a new sense of fear for the monster. All Might failed to stop the Hulk. You could say Hulk retired All Might without winning. "The world has suddenly changed. New threats are appearing. Some stronger than we've ever seen. It's only a matter of time before they come for us and take us down."

Chisaki knew what he had just said. He told All for One that he will not be able to defeat the new heroes on the street nor the Hulk. Any villain could get away with saying that if they were talking to any other person, but to All for One, never. Hardly anyone escaped with their lives for saying such things to All for One. Chisaki knew this was a huge gamble. Either All for One kills him right here, or Chisaki lucks out and gets away with his life. But he better keep eyes in the back of his head forever in case the shadows contain a demon serving a task for the devil.

"Normally I would be offended by your assumption of me being taken down by some beast; however, I am not blind to the facts." All for One stated, "But from what I am told by my spy, Spider-Man, Hulk, X-23, Nightcrawler, Deadpool, these are not heroes from our land and they pose a colossal threat to us if they work together. My student is in the midst of building his army before he constructs his empire, but he won't get far with these heroes in the way. Okay, Chisaki, I'll allow you to join my ranks on one condition."

"What is it?"

"Tell me. Who is Eri?"

Peter's Apartment

"The warden threw a party in the county jail

The prison band was there and they began to wail

The band was jumpin' and the joint began to swing

You should've heard those knocked out jailbirds sing

Let's rock

Everybody, let's rock

Everybody in the whole cell block

Was dancin' to the Jailhouse Rock

Spider Murphy played the tenor saxophone

Little Joe was blowin' on the slide trombone

The drummer boy from Illinois went crash, boom, bang

The whole rhythm section was a purple gang

Let's rock

Everybody, let's rock

Everybody in the whole cell block

Was dancin' to the Jailhouse Rock…"

Quietly, and to herself, Eri was singing along the words to a song she heard on Peter's music player. Eri found it and was curious about what it was. When she pressed the 'play' button and the music started to play at a medium level, this was the first song to come on. When it ended, Eri took the device to Laura and asked her to play the song again. It took a few minutes because Laura couldn't understand what Eri was talking about. According to Laura, this was called 'Jailhouse Rock' by Elvis Presley.

They had a short talk too where Eri opened up a little more. Eri admitted to Laura that when she ran into Laura, it wasn't the first time she had ran away from Chisaki. She has run away before but never got away. She's asked for help before, but either the people turned away from her, never paid attention to her, or died because of her. Laura reminded Eri that she was safe here and that everything was okay. After that Eri went back to listening to music.

As Eri was doing that, X-23 was kicking back on the couch with her feet on the coffee table and her eyes closed. Meanwhile, the bamfs were doing their routine scouting around the apartment to check to see if that masked Yakuza was skulking around.

The bamfs teleported back inside the room Eri was in.

"Nothing," One bamf said, "You guys see him?"






The bamf nodded his head, "Okay. Our brother should be back any minute from his scouting of Uraraka's home."

The rest of the bamfs nodded their heads and turned to Eri, who was looking at them with the music still playing.

"Listening to the King of Rock, we hear." The bamf spoke.

"King of rock?" Eri tilted her head, "Why is he the king of rock?"

"That's just a title given to him from fans and critics alike." Another bamf answered.


The bamfs and Eri looked to the door with Eri somewhat frightened due to the sudden noise and because she hasn't gotten used doorbells either.

"Hide." A bamf said as Eri hid in the closet and they vanished into the shadows.

X-23 got up and turned to a corner to see a bamf. The bamf gave a thumbs up to say they were ready. X-23 quietly walked to the door and looked through the peephole. A man in formal clothing was standing on the other side. His hair was short and combed and he wore glasses.

"Hello?" The man said, "Mr. Parker, your rent is due. I'm here to collect since I didn't receive the payment yesterday." The man's kinda sulked a bit, "Nor the day before or the day before that."

"Jesus Peter, seriously?! Even when you do have the money you suck at paying bills!" X-23 let a small growl.

"I know you're right there. My quirk allows me to tell if someone is ten feet in front of me if I'm looking in their general direction despite any obstacles in my way."


X-23 opens the door and the landlord seems a bit surprised.

"Oh?" The landlord rubbed the back of his head, "Who are you?"

"A friend," X-23 replied, "My name is Jean."

"Well, Ms. Jean," The landlord spoke, "Do you know where Peter is? His rent is due."

"He went out to get money from the bank." X-23 replied, "I'm pretty sure he's going to pay you when he gets back."

"Good," The landlord replied, "Can you pass a note to him for me?"

"Okay." X-23 caught a new scent entering the room.

"Tell him we're coming for him next." The 'landlord' suddenly whipped out a pistol and aimed it to X-23's head. X-23 quickly grabbed the pistol and disarmed the fake landlord before slamming him into the doorframe. X-23 suddenly felt lightheaded and dizzy as she stumbled backward and into the couch behind her. "Shit!" X-23 tried to walk forward, but nearly stumbled onto her knees, "Is frickin Vertigo here?!"

"I'd prefer 'sloshed.' That's the name of my quirk." A new voice said. X-23 looked up and saw a new figure to enter the room. He had an outfit that was similar to that of Sabertooth's, but he was shirtless and less furry. He was also wearing a mask similar to a plague mask.

"Bamfs!" X-23 yelled out, trying to get up, "Get the package out of here!"

"I think you're a little late for that." The masked figure said as the room suddenly became distorted. X-23, in her extremely dizzy state, saw the bamfs wrapped up in the walls and frantically looking around to see where they could teleport as the room kept warping crazily. That's when X-23 heard a scream of terror.

"Eri!" X-23 shouted and got up, but was shot in her knees by the man from earlier. X-23 let out a yell of pain and collapsed to the floor.

"We found her, Shin." One of the masked figures said, "The boss will be happy to hear that."

"Good." Shin, the fake landlord said, "Mimic, where is she?"

"Straight ahead in a closet." A voice that echoed around the room said, "Little shit ain't going nowhere."

Shin let out a scoff as he walked towards the room, "Such profanity."

X-23 looked over to where Shin was walking and attempted to crawl her way over, but she felt a sharp pain in her knee as the sloshed user stomped on her knees and kept his foot on her. X-23 yelled out in extreme pain and unsheathed her claws, trying to slash at the man's leg.

"Jesus!" The man jumped back, "Those look like they hurt!"

"I'll fucking slit your throat!" X-23 screamed and felt her knees regenerating as she slowly got up, much to the masked figure's shock.

"W-what?!" He took several steps back, "But he shot you in your kneecaps, you shouldn't be standing!"

X-23 was going to charge at the man but stopped when she heard Eri.

"NO! GET AWAY FROM ME!" Eri shrieked from the other room, "I DON'T WANNA GO BACK!"

"It'll be easier if you just cooperate, Eri," Shin replied aggressively.

"No!" X-23 ran to the door but was stopped when the floor trapped her feet in place several feet away. X-23 struggled to move but wasn't able to break free. Shin walked out of the room with a screaming Eri being dragged out of the room by her hand.

"Laura!" Eri cried out, "Help me!"

"Eri!" The bamfs and X-23 tried to find ways to escape and stop Overhaul's men but suddenly felt their heads get hit by a stabbing pain like if their skulls were about to split.

"Keep it up, Sakaki," Shin said as he continued to drag Eri away and past X-23.

"Do you even know what that bastard is doing to her?!" X-23 yelled out, not being able to see them now, "What he's using her for?!"

"Yes," Shin said with no remorse, "He's using her to perfect his plans."

"And you're just okay with that?!" X-23 replied with a snarl, "You sick motherfuckers! I'll kill you all!"

Shin let out a small laugh and pointed his gun to X-23's head, "No you won't."

Out of the blue, a single Bamf appeared and swiped the gun away, tossing it aside. "Huh?!" Shin looked to the bamf as the bamf kicked Shin in the head. Shin stumbled backward and into Sakaki as they both fell over, letting go of Eri in the process. The bamf then teleported and got his brothers out of their captive states and onto a flat surface.

"X-23!" The bamf spoke.

"Get us out of here, now!" X-23 said as several of the bamfs latched onto X-23 and teleported her away. The bamf grabbed Eri by her hand and also fled right before Shin could tackle them into the ground.




Deadpool was wiping his hands together, "That was fun." Deadpool turned around to look at what he had done.

Mina was hanging from a tree branch by her suit, Iida was pinned down by a net trap weighed down with 30lbs dumbbells, Shoji was on the floor with black powder smothering him and smoke steaming from his body, and Aoyama was facing a tree with katana's and many smaller blades piercing his suit but not his body.

"I bet many of the readers were waiting so long to see me fight these idiots." Deadpool looks to you, "And are so disappointed you did not get to see that. Such a shame."

"Deadpoooooooooooooool!" Mina shouted and struggled, "Get me down from here! I'm getting a painful wedgie from this!" Mina let out an 'eep' as the pain worsened.

"I hate you," Aoyama growled as he couldn't move his body due to the blades being in precise locations to pin him down.

"Deadpool you intolerable person!" Iida shouted, "Though I admit defeat, I cannot agree with the way you handled my team! You used real blades, bullets, and explosives! You could have seriously hurt one of us or worse!"

"But none of you got hurt," Deadpool replied and walked to Iida before kneeling to him, "Did you ya pint-sized mecha?"

"It was reckless!" Iida barked.

"Please if I wanted to hurt any of you that badly I would." Deadpool waved off, "But that would ruin my chances from getting shaggy with Midnight." Deadpool then let out a long wolf whistle just thinking of Midnight's figure.

Iida looked disturbed and grossed out by Deadpool's comment, "Disgusting."

"That attitude of yours is why Deku has the harems and you don't," Deadpool blurted out.

"What?" Iida looked to be confused.

"What?" Deadpool responded.


"AIZAAAAAAAAAAAAAWAAAAAAAAA!" Deadpool responded and turned around to be met by Aizawa's fist across his face. Deadpool on top of Iida. "Ow."

"Get off my student!" Aizawa yelled as Deadpool took his time doing so. "We had a deal that you wouldn't use those items!"

"If you hadn't punched me I wouldn't have fallen on him." Deadpool rubbed his cheek, "Also I forgot to tell you I had my fingers crossed when I agreed."

Aizawa ignored Deadpool as he helped Iida out of the trap, aided Ayoama from getting loose from the blade trap, and helped Shoji up onto his feet.

Peter, Deku, Kurt, Uraraka, Tsu, and Kirishima all came to check on their friends.

"You guys alright?" Peter asked.

"No!" Mina shouted, "My suit dug deep into me!" Mina growled as she was still in the tree and threw acid at Deadpool's way, "You big jerk!"

"Thanks!" Deadpool replied with a thumbs up.

Peter and Kurt shook their heads. Who thought this was a great idea for Deadpool to fight students?

Aizawa called over to Kirishima and Uraraka as the duo walked over to him and Shoji. Uraraka tapped him as both she and Kirishima kept him on the ground and aided him back to the back to get checked with Aizawa leading them. Aoyama followed, not wanting to be around Deadpool any longer.

Tsu went up to Iida, "It seems you got the lucky part of you. You were pinned down for most of the fight and did not get hurt."

"I hated that." Iida replied, "My team was fighting while I was trapped and couldn't do anything about it. I tried to burn the ropes with my engines, but the ropes must be made out of something that can withstand massive heat levels."

"Hafnium carbide," Peter says behind Tsu, "Fabrics that can withstand heat levels up to 4,000 degrees celsius (7,232°F)."

"That's able to withstand jet flames, is it not?" Deku asked.

Peter nodded his head in response.

Tsu let out a surprised 'kero' at the fabric. She and Deku were thinking the same thoughts of adding that fabric to their suits.

Mina kept struggling to get down, but heard a crack from the branch and froze. "Uh oh." The branch broke off as Mina let out a surprised yelp and fell towards the ground. Mina closed her eyes to the incoming impact but felt someone catch her. Mina opened her eyes to see Kurt had caught her in a bridal position.

"Are you okay?" Kurt asked.

Mina could only stare back as the sun perfectly shined over Kurt to make him seem more attractive. "Oh my god, he's so hot!" Mina internally screamed. "Uhh…..yeah," Mina replied with a big blush on her face.

"Good," Kurt replied and let her on her feet, something Mina was somewhat upset about. "So sorry Wade went overboard and stuck you in a tree." Kurt rubbed the back of his head, "He's just….Wade."

"As there are other words to describe him other than his name?" Mina replied with her arms over her chest.

"Essentially," Kurt answered. "Though I am impressed by how long you lasted against him. You're very athletic and acrobatic."

"Thanks!" Mina happily replied and forgot about the stinging pain on her behind, "I just loved to be active!" Mina then remembered Kurt's Capoeira fighting style, "But what you did with that Capoeira-thingy! Where you fought while dancing, that was soooooooooo cool! I never thought of doing that!"

"You can dance?" Kurt asked with some awe.

"Can I dance?" Mina pretended to sound offended, "Why yes I can! I know Contemporary, Jazz, Tap, Hip-Hop, Ballroom, you name it! I especially love breakdancing!" Mina excitedly explained.

"Interesting," Kurt replied, "Perhaps we could have a dance-off or something of the subject matter one-day."

"I would love to!" Mina giddily said.

Before Kurt could make a tease, a bamf appeared in front of him with Eri. "What the-?"

"A child?" Mina asked in confusion as everyone turned around.

"Eri?!" Peter and Kurt shouted and immediately got close to her,

"What the fuck?" Deadpool looked at the bamf, "Just because Kurt picked you and your brothers up from hell doesn't mean you can go around stealing children."

"I didn't kidnap her!" The bamf shouted back.

"Eri!" Peter asked as the two began to look her over, "Why are you here? Are you okay?"

"Where's Laura?" Kurt asked.

"He found us!" Eri screamed in terror, "He found me! He found me!" Eri began to cry. "I'm so sorry!"

Next to Eri, the rest of the bamfs appeared with X-23. The bamfs quickly got off of X-23 as she looked around and saw Eri. X-23 instantly got closer to the panicking girl, "Eri."

Eri turned around and jumped into X-23's arms, "Laura!" Eri sobbed, "I'm so sorry! He found me and hurt everyone! I'm sorry!"

"It's not your fault, Eri. It's not your fault." X-23 replied and held the frail child in her arms.

"What's going on?" Everyone else asked.

Kurt and Peter looked to each other and knew they had to spill the beans now.

Peter and Kurt took everyone inside and were met by the rest of the class and attending staff. Peter and Kurt then went into detail about who Eri was, how X-23 found her, where she was staying, how they promised X-23 not to tell anyone yet, and who was chasing her.

"You kept this from us?" Aizawa scolded, "That's highly irresponsible of you three."

"You should've told us from the beginning, Peter, Kurt," Midnight added in with a frown.

"Yeah!" Deadpool said.

"Shut up, Wade," Aizawa said.

"A little girl," Yaoyorozu spoke, "And X-23 is caring for her?"

"I'm surprised," Kaminari said, "Honestly she looks like the non-caring type to me."

"Don't let her attitude fool you," Kurt said in response to Kaminari's comment, "She is hard on everyone, but somewhere in her soul, she has a soft spot."

"Something Bakugo doesn't have," Kaminari quipped.

"What was that dunce face?!" Bakugo roared as Kaminari simply laughed. Kirishima held Bakugo back from attacking Kaminari, but all it took was a stare from Aizawa to tell the trio to knock it off.

Tokoyami lowered his head slightly, "X-23 is only showing us what she wants us to see."

"Exactly," Peter responded.

"Principal Nezu," Dr. Banner looked at his small boss, "I know it sounds like a bad idea, but I think it would be best if X-23 kept Eri with her."

"What?!" Everyone except Kurt and Peter.

"Are you crazy?! She's gonna raise a murderer!" Deadpool shouted.

Dr. Banner rolled his eyes at Deadpool, "And you'll do a better job?"

"We have enough Wolverine's as it is!" Deadpool complained, "At least with me she'll think of other things instead of stab-stab-stab!"

"Why, Dr. Banner?" Aizawa asked. As Tokoyami said, X-23 only showed what she wants to show everyone, and that concerns him since he hates being in the dark with anyone.

"Because under the logic that Eri really was being tortured, X-23 is the perfect fit." Dr. Banner replied, "Trust me, she knows more than she lets on."

"Are you saying X-23's been…..tortured?" Uraraka asked hesitantly.

Dr. Banner shifted uncomfortably, "No. But she has experience with individuals who have been. So do Wade, Peter, Kurt, and I, but Eri is attached to X-23 it seems. Breaking that attachment when she's not ready will cause only more damage to her. She may see us as villains if we attempt to get her away from X-23, and since we don't know her quirk, who knows what she can do to us."

"Especially since she's a part of a new generation." Nezu added, "Quirks only get stronger with each generation as they get weaker. Even if she had a weak quirk or is quirkless, there is a high chance her mental state wouldn't be able to comprehend what is happening to her, and I don't want to risk it."

"Then what should we do?" Midnight asked curiously.

"We have to keep them together as Dr. Banner said, but where will they stay though?" Nezu and everyone began to ponder any solutions before Deku perked up.

"I have an idea," Deku said and everyone looked to the secret One for All user.

Shie Hassaikai Hideout

"YOU WHAT?!" Chisaki was expecting his men to bring back Eri and the head of X-23 and apparently Spider-Man since he was the boy in the pictures but was told the opposite.

"She escaped our hands, sir." Shin was demoralized. He hated to fail his boss.

"I know that!" Chisaki slammed his hands on the table. Chisaki began to growl at his top Eight Bullet member, "How?"

Shin gulped and feared for his life, "There were others. These small blue creatures that could teleport. They looked like the Nightcrawler that you told us about. We thought Mimic captured them, but one of them wasn't incapacitated and managed to free his look-alikes and escape with Eri and X-23."

Chisaki gripped the edge of the table fiercely before suddenly ripping off his glove and lunging at Shin. Shin closed his eyes and accepted fate, but it never came. Shin fearfully opened his eyes to see his bosses opened-hand inches away from his face. "If you and the others weren't of value to me, I would kill you all on the spot. However, you will be needed for what's coming next."

"S-sir?" Shin asked, "What's coming?"

Chisaki calmly put his glove back onto his hand and sat back down in his chair, "An invasion, Shin. A deadly, blood-filled, invasion."

Midoriya, X-23, and Eri

"Are you sure about this, Midoriya?" X-23 asked as she followed Deku up some steps.

"Ehhh…." Deku rubbed the back of his head, "Honestly, I'm not so sure, but you and Eri need a place to stay and I know my mother would gladly help you two."

X-23 stayed silent and followed him. On one hand, X-23 was grateful, but on the other, she wanted to find another place so Deku and his mother could stay safe.

Deku stopped X-23 as they got to a door, "Wait here. Let me talk to my mom first." Deku grabbed a pair of keys from his pocket, unlocked the door, and entered the room, leaving the door slightly open. X-23 could hear Deku's mother greeting Deku cheerfully as the two began to talk in mumbles.

"Laura?" X-23 looked slightly down to Eri as she was still carrying her. "Are we safe here?"

X-23 didn't want to lie to her and say yes, but she also didn't want to frighten her and say no. Truthfully, they weren't safe anywhere except maybe out of the country. But she's bound by law to stay in Japan to serve her time for her kidnapping at the USJ. If she could leave, she would. Kurt and the bamfs would most likely follow as support.

X-23 didn't have to answer the question for now because the door opened to reveal Deku and his mother. Deku's mom was a bit big, but with a matured body. She had long green hair that grew on the side of her head with a ponytail to accompany it at the back. Her eyes were round and soft like Deku's. She wore a pink shirt and a tan long skirt with sandals.

"These are the two?" She asked her son, a little shocked to see it was X-23. One of the two teens on the news with a little girl in her arms.

"Yes, mom," Deku answered, "X-23's good, mom. She and Eri, the little one, need a place to stay for a bit. I was hoping we could help them for now until they find a place."

X-23 didn't say anything. She wasn't a beggar.

Deku's mother looked to be in deep thought. As the seconds went by, X-23 began to plan for alternatives.


X-23 looked up to the older woman.

"They can stay for now. I wouldn't deny anyone in need. If my Izuku says you're okay, then I'll take his word."

"Thank you, Mrs. Midoriya." X-23 bowed her head as Deku's mother led the two inside.

"Do you have any belongings with you?" The woman asked.


"Good. My name is Inko, by the way." Inko said, "You can call me that. Would you and your daughter like to eat? I was making dinner."

X-23 froze in place, "I-...She's not-! She's not my daughter!"

Inko covered her mouth in embarrassment, "Oh my gosh I'm so sorry! I shouldn't have assumed!"

X-23 recovered and cleared her throat from the embarrassing moment. "It's fine. But….yes, Eri hasn't eaten yet."

The evening yet by pretty quickly for Eri. The whole time Eri was silent and taking everything in. The food was delicious. Better than any food she's eaten. Kurt came by with the bamf that saved her and dropped off some stuff like new clothes and Peter's music player for Eri. From what Eri heard, the bamfs told Peter about his apartment and took Peter there along with Kurt. Some of Peter's valuables were taken, along with a picture book of his family and friends from 'their universe.' Whatever that meant. Before they left, the bamf checked on Eri and she told him she was okay and thanked him for saving her. The bamf simply nodded it's head and left with Kurt.

After that Laura bathed Eri and began to show her how to shower for herself. Laura got her ready for bed as she sat on the bed in the guest room in deep thought waiting for Laura to finish showering.

Eri was confused by what Inko and Midoriya were doing. Why were they helping them? She wanted to tell them that they were in danger because she was there, but Laura would've said something by now, right? Eri didn't understand why Laura was even helping her in the first place. She saved her yes, but why? Why go through the trouble to keep her away from Chisaki? Eri for sure thought that Laura would have sent her away somewhere after Chisaki's friends found her, but Laura kept her. Why? Why is doing this? Eri doesn't deserve this. She hasn't told them, but Eri is cursed. Cursed with a deadly power that could kill anyone if she loses her focus on it for one second. She was lucky to not let it loose this afternoon.

"Hey." Eri snapped out of her thoughts and looked up to see Laura dressed in sleeping clothes with her hair slightly wet still, "What's wrong?"

Eri looked down and twiddled her thumbs slightly. She didn't want to tell Laura what she was thinking. What if the truth drives Laura away? She didn't want to be alone. She wouldn't survive alone out there by herself. And Eri was certain Chisaki would find her too. She'll never escape a second time.

Laura closed the door and sat next to Eri on the bed. "Are you thinking about what happened earlier?" Eri nodded her head. Laura looked down at the bed too. How they found their spot Laura doesn't know. Laura never walked outside U.A nor the apartments. She always used the bamfs as their way of transport to not be spotted, yet, they found them. Laura should've known better. Yakuza have eyes everywhere in her world, and in a world where mutant powers dominate the Earth, those eyes could only get better. Yet, here they are. Laura got lucky. She stood no chance against those masked freaks. It was only by chance that one of the bamfs wasn't present at the time that they got lucky to escape. If it weren't that bamf…Eri would be gone…

"Are we safe?" Eri asked, never receiving an answer from earlier at the door.

Laura was hoping Eri wouldn't ask again. Laura gently wrapped an arm around Eri. "I won't lie, Eri. I don't know. I thought we were safe, but I was wrong." Laura could feel Eri shaking in fear with an answer that didn't bring any comfort to the little girl. "However…" Laura looked down at Eri, "That doesn't mean we're not safe. They have found us, but we're still together, aren't we? We got away from them. We have friends who'll always be there for us when we need them, and they were there when we needed them the most. Those people looking for you don't know where you are so you can sleep soundly knowing that and that no matter what you have people who will fight to protect you. People who will fight to make sure you are safe."

"But why?" Eri asked with a rapid heartbeat, "Why help me when I'm the reason everyone is in danger?"

"Because they feel a responsibility to save everyone." Laura answered and pulled Eri into a one-sided hug, "Because they care about everyone. They're heroes, Eri. They fight to protect everyone who can't protect themselves from people who are stronger than them."

"What about you? Why did you help me? Why did you keep me?" Eri had tears rolling down her cheeks, "Why are you doing this? …Why do you care?"

Laura kept her eyes on Eri. Gently, Laura lifted Eri and moved to the middle of the bed where she could sit Eri in her lap facing her. Laura looked into Eri's eyes as she was begging for an answer that would make her not feel safe, but cared for. "I'm doing this not because I'm a hero and it's the right thing to do. I'm not a hero, Eri, I'm far from it but I'm no villain either. I'm helping you because when I saw you, I saw the fear in your eyes. I saw someone who was terrified and in pain because someone else was hurting her and wouldn't stop. I felt someone hugging me and pleading for help from anyone who would listen. I know that because I was like that too."

Laura began to take a road down memory lane. It was a painful road though as it was back to her childhood where her most brutal moments took place. "When I was little, I was being hurt by the people who claimed to care for me but used me as a weapon. I was afraid and although I never showed it, I was pleading for help on the inside. I did everything they asked of me against my will and hated every single moment of it. They wouldn't stop hurting me or making me do horrible things and no one would help because they didn't care. Until one day, a woman did help me. My mother. She helped me escape and takedown my tormentors." Laura's face twisted into pain as she remembered the final moments she had with her mother. "My mother died saving me. But it was because of her that I was able to find some of my relatives who helped me find a way to track down my father and be a part of a family who did care for me. A group of friends who would do anything to protect me as I would do the same for them." It was painful to relive those memories. Laura was haunted by them and did all she could to shut them deep into her mind, but at this moment, she had to open those old wounds to help Eri understand.

"So why should I care about you? Why should I put my life in danger for you? My mother cared about what happened to me when she easily couldn't have, but she did. My mother sacrificed herself to save me when she could've just let me continue to be in pain and continue to live, but she rescued me and died for it. So to answer your questions, Eri. I care about you. Despite not knowing you, not being related to you, not being your mother or your sister or even a family member nor a friend, I care about you. And I will do whatever I have to do to keep you safe…...even if that means I must die for it."

Eri couldn't take it anymore. She hugged Laura as hard as she could and cried her eyes out. This feeling she was feeling inside her was paranormal to her. Is this how it feels to be cared for? Is this how it feels to finally have someone who will treat her right, to make her feel safe, to make her feel like she is worth something? It felt good. More than good. It also felt familiar. From a time before Chisaki. Eri erased any doubts she had about Laura or Peter or Kurt or anyone for that was helping her for that matter. She was a total stranger and a danger to them, and they knew it, but they were willing to put themselves in harm's way for her. She'll never doubt them again.

"Shh, shh, shh...It's okay." Laura softly said and rocked the girl gently like if she were a baby, "It's okay. Everything is okay now."

Neither of the two knew that from behind the door, Deku heard everything. He was going to check on them until he heard Eri asking X-23 a series of questions. Deku was holding his hand to his mouth and nearly in tears as well as he heard what X-23 told Eri. He heard everything by accident, but whatever thoughts he had of X-23 being a cold-hearted individual perished as she explained to Eri that she was cared for. Quietly, he walked away into his room and swore to never bring this up as he felt X-23 would not appreciate that.

The Next Day

It was a new day with a surprise! All Might and Spider-Man were here! Deku, Inko, and X-23 were surprised by the arrival of the heroes, the heroes were surprised by X-23 and Eri's presence, and Eri was just surprised by All Might's bone structure and not paying attention to Spider-Man. Inko invited the heroes inside where they wanted to talk to the Midoriya's about a special trip.

"It's a place called I-Island," All Might said as he sat on a couch with Spider-Man standing behind him. Across from them was the Midoriya's sitting on another couch with X-23 on the far side holding Eri in her lap, "It's an artificial moving island where the world's top scientists go to research and invent new technology in peace. They can bring their families along too as they have an area called, 'I-Expo.' Think of it as something similar to San Diego Comic-Con in the US, except it's as big as a city and showcases all the island's technological advancements."

"Just when I thought something couldn't be bigger than Disney World in Florida back at home," X-23 mumbled to herself.

"I know, right?" Spider-Man said to X-23. Spider-Man then turned to Inko, who was looking at the heroes with awe as she still couldn't believe the duo were in her home, "The island also has top of the line security that is on par with the Tartarus Prison here in Japan. So no villain can get inside and attack the place, and if they do somehow, they will get their butts quickly handed to them with ease."

"That place sounds amazing!" Deku gleefully stated. He was very intrigued by this revelation of such a place! Then Deku's mind calmed as he asked himself why he was being told this information, "But why are you telling us this?"

All Might then smiled at his pupil, "Because Young Midoriya, certain people were given invitations to attend I-island and I-Expo before it's grand opening to the public. Spider-Man and I were invited to attend the opening with an extra ticket for one person. Seeing as though you are one of U.A's top freshmen, survived countless villain attacks, and shown inspiring will and improvement to achieve your goals of being a hero, I was thinking of inviting you along. I believe you deserve a break from here and need time to relax and enjoy some time to yourself." All Might carefully said to not give away the secret of him being Deku's mentor.

"WHAAAAAAAAAAAT?!" Deku and Inko shouted in complete surprise. Eri jumped a bit from the shouting but quickly calmed down.

"Scary," Eri commented.

"M-Me?!" Deku said in excitement, "I would love to go!" Deku then turned to his mother, "Can I go?! Please?!"

Inko looked between the heroes and her son. It all sounds promising, but as All Might said, Izuku's been involved in some recent villain troubles.

"If it makes you feel any better, I will act as his personal bodyguard at the island." Spider-Man acknowledges, "I will make sure your son is safe and doesn't go anywhere he shouldn't be going."

Inko sighed and nodded her head, "Okay. You can go Izuku, but promise to call when you arrive at the island."

"YES!" Deku cheerfully shouted, "Thank you, mom!"

Inko smiled at her son's enthusiasm before shifting her eyes back to Spider-Man, "I entrust my son's safety in your hands, Spider-Man."

Spider-Man nodded his head, "Don't worry Mrs. Midoriya, I won't let you down."

"So, Spider-Man," X-23 began speaking, "Who are you going to invite."

"You and Eri," Spider-Man answered, catching X-23 off guard.

"Huh? Why?"

"Well…" Spider-Man got up and walked to a different part of the room and motioned X-23 to follow him. When they were far enough, Spider-Man leaned into X-23's ear and whispered, "A few days away from Japan might benefit you and Eri. The Yakuza will be searching for you two and this will surely confuse them."

X-23 nodded her head, "Okay."

"Yeah," Spider-Man pulled his head back, "Plus, one child can go free with every ticket so there's that too."

"Hmph." X-23 smiled a little, "Is Kurt going?"

"Yeah," Spider-Man nodded.

"When should we start packing?" Deku asked.

"I would say now because the plane that is going to take us arrives tomorrow." All Might knew the information would cause the guests to be stunned, "We just got the invitations this morning, sorry."

Inko smiled at the retired hero, "No worries. I'm just happy my Deku gets some time to relax. Are any of his classmates going?"

"Yes, actually," All Might said, "Not everyone, but a few such as Uraraka, Iida, Todoroki, Yaoyorozu, and Bakugo."

"Oh, yes, can't go anywhere without my daily 'Stupid Deku'." Izuku pondered to himself.

Spider-Man clapped his hand together, "So, get ready you three, we're leaving tomorrow at 7 AM so we don't hit morning traffic. This is gonna be…..'Amazing'."

FINALLY! I've been dying to get to Two Heroes for a long time now because that's when things really start to pick up! If I have to be honest, I really didn't enjoy writing the last two chapters. I wanted to skip them so badly and get straight to the movie, but I knew that I had to do the finals because that is where I left off Chapter 21 on. I wrote myself into something I didn't know I didn't want to do at all, even if I changed everything about it. Regardless, I did it and it's over and I'm happy about it.

So! What have we learned in this chapter? Lots of things. The Yakuza and League of Villains get together a lot sooner, Mina is definitely crushing on our favorite teleporting blue X-Men, Deadpool wants to obviously get laid by Midnight, Laura and Eri are getting closer, and some other stuff.

Now, where the fuck are Dabi, Toga, Twice, and everyone else? They'll be appearing after Two Heroes. I promise. I have special plans for them.

Give me a critique or something I don't know.

Anyways, Sanity out!