Disclaimer: I only own Brenda Peterson and the plot, Everything else belongs to J. K. Rowling.

A/N: This is my first L/J fanfic, so please, be kind and review!!!

Chapter 1

"JÁMES POTTER!!! YOU ARE SO DEAD THIS TIME!!!!" yelled a seventeen year old red-haired girl.

"What did James do this time, Lily?" asked Arabella Figg, Lily's best friend.

"Look at my face, Bella, and tell me if you notice anything different!" said Lily sarcastically. Bella looked at

her friend's face and tried really hard not to laugh. Lily's face was covered with green pimples.

"Oh, my God Lils..." said Bella grinning, but Lily was alredy leaving the room and marching down to the

seventh year boys' dormitory. "Lily, wait!" Bella went after her friend. "Lily, please, don't kill him!" Lily

burst the door open to see a boy with messy black hair grinning widely at her.

"Geez, Lily, haven't you learned that it is polite to knock before you open other people's doors?" he said with

a huge grin.



"Or what, sweetheart?" asked James innocently.

"Or I'll curse your bloody ass into next week!!"

"Oh, come on, Lilikins... you still look hot!" said Sirius.

"SHUT UP, SIRIUS!!!" yelled Lily. "NOW, POTTER!!!" and James took the charm off. "Better!" said Lily

looking in the mirror.

"You know what, Evans, you look even hotter with those cute pajamas... I already told you that, didn't I? said


"I hate you, James Potter!" said Lily glaring at him.

"I love you too, honey!" said James with a wink as Lily left the room.
Bella was gathering her books and notes to go to Transfiguration class. Lily was in the bathroom taking a

quick shower and Brenda Peterson, Lily and Bella's other best friend, was looking desperately for her wand.

"Bella, have you seen my wand? "Brenda asked. "Not in the last 2 minutes since you asked."

"Hey, Bren isn't this one here your wand?" Lily asked getting out of the bathroom.

"Yes, it is! Thanks a lot, Lils!" Brenda said hugging her friend.

"Guys, we'd better get going cause classes start in 20 minutes and we haven't even had breakfast yet." Bella


"Ok, we're ready."
As soon as they got to the Great Hall, the girls went to sit with the Marauders, against Lily's will of course. It

was not that she didn't enjoy their company. Sirius always made her laugh, even when she wanted to cry.

Remus was like a big brother to Lily, since he was the most sensible and sweetest of the four. Peter, well,

Peter didn't do much, but she had no reason to dislike him. She only had problems with James. She couldn't

stand him. He had this annoying ability to bring out the worst in her and with her hot temper, James was

always in the receiving end of curses, hexes and glares Lily gave him.

When they were finished, Dumbledore stoop up to make an announcement.

"We are glad to announce that this year we will have a Christmas ball which will be held on Christmas Eve.

The ball will be only to fourth years and above. Now you all should go to your classes. I would like to talk to

the Head Boy and Girl, so Lily and James, would you please go to my office before you head to classes?"

Lily and James entered on Dumbledore's office and found the Headmaster smiling as usual.

"You wanted to see us, Professor?" asked James.

"Yes, James, I did. Please sit down." Lily and James sat down. "As I told the students in the Great Hall, we're

having a ball this year, and you two will be planning it and you will be opening the ball with the teachers and

prefects. So, I suggest you set up a time to meet and discuss this starting tonight, since we're only 3 weeks

away from Christmas. You may go to your classes now." Lily and James got up, said their goodbye to

Dumbledore and went to McGonagall's class. Lily couldn't believe she would have to dance with James

Potter, her # 1 enemy, the boy she despised above all others, except for the Slytherins, of course. She was

beyond furious.

"Lily, is 8 o'clock ok for you tonight?" James asked.

"Yeah, whatever. Where will we meet?"

"Transfiguration classroom. It's always empty."

"Alright." She said as they entered the classroom.
It was 8pm. Lily was on her way to the meeting with James and she was cursing James for being Head Boy.

'This wouldn't be happening if he wasn't Head Boy!' she kept thinking all the way. Tem minutes later, when

she finally got to the classroom, she found James looking out the window. 'He sorta looks cute.' a part of her

mind whispered. 'What the hell are you thinking, Lily Evans???' the other part yelled at her. "Hi, Potter."

"Lily, hi." James said turning around and looking at her. "Wow, Lils, you look hot tonight..." he said

checking her out. Lily glared at him.

"Let's get this over with, shall we?" she said trying to change the subject. She hated when he looked at her

like that.

"Oh, come, Lily, all work and no fun? That's not nice..." said James coming closer to her which made Lily

back away. "I won't hurt you Lily." He said touching her face.

"Get your hands off of me, Potter."

"What if I don't want to?"

"Now, Potter!" James didn't listen because he kissed her passionately. Lily felt her knees weak. It was as if

she was in Heaven. James's kiss was so soft. He begged entrance to her mouth with his tongue and she soon

gave in. Their tongues met and danced together and it felt so right, so perfect. James pulled apart so he could

breathe and looked into Lily's emerald green eyes. They were full of passion and desire, her cheeks were

flushed and she looked incredibly beautiful. "Wow!" that was all he could say.

Lily couldn't stop looking into James's chocolate brown eyes. They were full of passion and desire, just like

hers, she thought. She could kiss him forever. She wanted it again. When she heard James, it was like she was

dragged back to reality.

"Why the hell did you do that?" she asked trying to sound angry when what she really wanted was to kiss him


"Wow, Lils! That was amazing!"

"You shouldn't have done it! It's wrong! And you know it!" she said and stormed off the room, running to the

Gryffindor Tower. James stood there, unable to move, feeling extremely confused by Lily's kiss.
Author's note: So what do you think? Love it? Hate it? Should I go on? Tell me all about it when you review.

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