Black Moon Enemies
February 1
Mamoru and Usagi grabbed hold of the twins and transported to her parents house. They were tired, and Mamoru wanted nothing more than to get Usagi home and into the moonlight so she would feel better. He knew she was exhausted. If it was warmer out, he would have suggested simply sleeping on the roof of the apartment building. As it was he had plans for a skylight over their bed. He knew it would cost, especially in an apartment building, but he felt it was necessary.
The twins each had a small bag with dressy clothing for the wedding on their backs, and Mamoru was glad because he hadn't had time to go out and purchase anything for them with all the attacks they'd been facing.
The moment they appeared Ikuko-mama jumped up from the couch and ran to hug all of them, sobbing a little. He was very glad Kenji and Shingo were out of the house for the night, otherwise, he was sure, the reaction would have been much worse. Luna ran across the room and leaped onto Usagi's shoulder, actually purring in her happiness to see her charge.
"I was so worried!" Luna cried, rubbing the top of her head under Usagi's chin. She cuddled for a long moment, then leaped to Mamoru as well. He petted her and soothed her before she moved on to the twins.
Chibi-Usa giggled when a strange sound came from her backpack. Chibi-Mamo laughed and pulled his off his back as well. Mamoru frowned, guessing what was about to happen, then smiled. The twins had a pair of stowaways.
"Luna, Artemis," Mamoru warned. "You may want to sit on the floor for a moment."
Each of them gave him a strange look, but they both hopped down as the bags opened and out hopped two kittens, each with a crescent moon symbol on their forehead.
"Hi mom! Hi dad!" the two kittens called out in unison. They and the twins all broke into giggles as Artemis passed out and Luna wobbled.
February 2
The wedding was a traditional Shinto ceremony. Rei and Jadeite stood in front of the altar upon which the cups and the sake sat. As miko they had a new girl, whom Rei had just taken on, and was not yet fully trained. Mamoru couldn't remember her name, but she performed admirably. It was a rather large crowd for a Shinto wedding, which usually only included family.
But over time Rei's family had grown, and most of the members were not related by blood. Usagi's parents loved all the girls and stood behind them. Naru and Umino had become honorary family. Even Haruna-sensei was there, as she had already formed a bond with Rei. And of course the Senshi, the Shitennou, and all the others who had joined them over time.
As Jadeite took the first cup from Grandfather Hino, he balked at handing it to Rei until Doctor Mizuno nodded that it would be alright. Everyone smiled at that. Rei's sips were tiny, but all that mattered was the act, not how much she ingested. The second cup went to her first and then to Jadeite, and the third to him first and then to her.
It was called the three-three-nine-times Ceremony, and Mamoru thought it rather beautiful. To him it symbolized sharing everything, joining together. They exchanged rings as well, and Jadeite also gave Rei an engagement ring.
There were prayers after, and Grandfather Hino brought forth the first evergreen branch. Rei and Jadeite brought theirs forward. After that they all joined in and all prayed for a happy household, and the health of the couple and future children. Everything was beautiful and bright, but to Mamoru the sweetest moment wasn't a part of the ceremony.
After everyone had moved away to talk and mingle and eat, he chanced upon Rei, being held close by Jadeite, her back to his front, as he rubbed the palm of one hand over her flat stomach and kissed her cheek. He held up a camera and snapped a picture. It was beautiful. The trees shaded them slightly, and the look of comfort and love they shared would be captured forever.
They gathered behind the shrine and walked through the short barrier of woods towards the large practice field. Usagi dragged her feet a bit. She wasn't tired. She was sad. She didn't want the twins to go home. She knew she would miss them very much. She'd just gotten used to little feet running through the apartment. She'd gotten used to searching for homework, finding lost shoes, and spending hours on end playing Candyland.
Everyone took turns hugging them. Luna and Artemis were both sniffling as they said goodbye to the kittens as well. The moment came when Chibi-Usa and Chibi-Mamo hugged her and she didn't want to let go. She held back most of the tears, but a few leaked through, and she wanted nothing more than to drag them back home and keep them where she could see them.
She knew though that they needed time with their parents, and as much as she already felt like their mother, they hadn't been born yet, and she needed time to bond with their infant selves. Mamoru was just as emotional, though he hid it better. Then Chibi-Mamo stepped out into the center of the clearing with the key and held it up, calling for the aid of the time keeper.
They all waved as the twins, each holding a kitten tightly, disappeared into the streak of white light.
She held it together as Rei and Jadeite came forward to receive hugs from everyone before they left for two nights to go on an abbreviated honeymoon. It had been a surprise, paid for by her father. Usagi was happy for them. Takeo was going to stay with Grandfather Hino for the night, so there was nothing for the rest of them to do.
The moment they were gone Usagi lost it, sobbing uncontrollably until Mamoru had to pick her up and transport them home. For a long time they just cuddled on the couch, talking about the twins who were now in the future. They both missed them already and wanted them to come back soon for a visit.
Then Mamoru got an idea. He pulled a laptop off the end table and the two of them spent the rest of the evening looking at baby toys and clothes and furniture. It cheered them up and reminded them they had a lot to look forward to.
Aoto: Have we got a doozy of an episode for you! Welcome to Sailor Senshi Hour, your once weekly installment of all news Senshi related. We have some interesting footage for you, and the latest on Cardians within the city.
Yuna: The biggest story tonight of course is the disappearance of this Black Moon Clan and the end of the Droid attacks. Those were getting to be a serious problem.
Miyu: They really were, but there is a ton of footage on the return of the Senshi from their latest battle. This was slightly different from the one they had before. That appeared to be a portal that already existed, while this... it almost seemed as though they called the portal from the sky.
Yuna: Did anyone notice the change?
Aoto: Change?
Yuna: Mars' fuku has also changed. Look at this before and after series. This is her from a training last week. This was her last night. See the difference? The fuku has gone white like those of Sailor Moon and Sailor Pluto. I think we can all guess what that means. And judging by the protector who follows her around, I think it's safe to assume who daddy is!
Miyu: I had noticed it, but I was more worried about this. Do you see this cluster of five people. They've been rescued from these Dark Moon people apparently. I think the Senshi did something to hide their identities. Did you notice you can look at them, just like the Senshi and the Shitennou, but you can never really put their features together?
Aoto: I think when the police were searching for them, back in the beginning, they even tried using facial recognition software, and it didn't work. I don't really worry about it as much anymore. I mean, with all they do to help the city, I'd love to thank them in person, but I realized if people discovered who they were the whole group would probably be forced into hiding.
Miyu: Good point. Now, we do have some information on the end of the Black Moon Group, as well as information on recognizing the warning signs for Cardians.
Mamoru turned off the television. He was too tired to listen, and Usagi was already asleep on his chest. She'd cried herself out, and he just wanted to get her to bed. He lifted her, noticing that she didn't seem to have lost any weight, and smiled. After carrying her to bed he slipped in beside her and wrapped his arm around her waist, laying it over their unborn children.
"We'll see you soon," he whispered. His eyes closed and he drifted off into dreams.
February 15
Fiore smiled down at the planet that appeared to be coming closer and closer. In truth, he was the one approaching. The asteroid he had moved in that direction so long ago was finally nearing it's destination. He gazed over the fields of pink flowers that had grown across the surface with his help. They were a form of Youma of course, and could drain the energy of unsuspecting life forms.
The Xenian flower in his pocket opened and the small creature that lived within, who had helped him discover his purpose, appeared. She grinned down at all the beautiful flowers too, and then sneered at the earth.
"They must pay for what they've done to him Fiore." She said.
He looked at her and nodded. "Of course they must. Mamoru should never have been left so alone."
"They are an evil race," she agreed. "And you will plant my sisters?" she asked a moment later.
"Once the people are gone, yes." Fiore nodded. "They won't be safe with those monsters that lurk on the planet now. Only Mamoru can be trusted."
"Can you believe we're actually going to go on a date tomorrow?" Mamoru asked, sounding shocked. "We haven't done that since..." he tried to think back but couldn't remember.
"Mamo-chan, our only official date was our wedding," Usagi giggled. "We haven't exactly had the most normal relationship."
"Married before dating... that's a new one," piped up Luna from the arm of the couch. "Better make it count. I have a feeling those twins will be a handful before they're born. You two really do everything backwards." She let out a small laugh and Usagi and Mamoru joined her.
She was worried though. Artemis was going on and on about an asteroid that would be coming very close to the Earth's orbit. It reminded her too much of when Metallia had first arrived in the Solar System. She shuddered, and decided to check in with him. He was at Minako's of course, and it was dangerous to cross some of those streets without Usagi or Mamoru to carry her. Especially for a little black cat at night. She sighed, wishing he were with her.
"Don't forget to pack sunscreen," she called out as Mamoru finished putting the groceries in the fridge. "I don't want Usagi getting burned!" she added. He immediately stood and went into the bathroom to grab a bottle. Luna snorted. He was too easy.
Author's Note: So, this concludes the second book in the Dark Endymion series. I just want to thank everyone who has read and reviewed both stories. You guys are all great. I know I go through some pretty heavy issues in these stories, so thank you to everyone who stuck with it. I know some chapters can be really difficult.
The third story should be started within the next few days, and I will try to update it regularly. The title is still undecided, but I have several ideas I'm working with. I really hope you stay with me on this one because the idea has been percolating for a long time.