Frisk walked with Toriel down to where the others ended up, which was at the bottom of the mountain. Undyne managed to catch up with Papyrus so he wasn't make contact with any humans. Everyone in the underground was preparing to leave so it was just Frisk, Toriel, Asgore, Sans, Papyrus, Undyne, and Alphys. Frisk lead them to the city but they all stopped right before they got into it. They looked up at the giant skyscrapers in awe, being forever since they've seen anything this large. Frisk then lead them to the capitol, watching the reactions of almost every human they saw along they way. Some screamed and ran away. Some parents grabbed their children and dragged them somewhere else. Some gave them dirty looks. Some looked at them with curiosity. And others looked at them with amazement. Finally, they got the capitol. When they walked in, the workers at the front desk all gasped. Frisk walked up to one of them and asked them if they could set up a time for a vote with the governments. Thankfully, nothing was going on that day so they didn't have to wait too long to get it over with. Frisk knew how to do this because her parents would bring her to watch some voting, even though she didn't understand anything that was going on. An hour or two passed before someone came and directed them to the courtroom where the voting would take place. Frisk had to sit up front with the monsters because she was there ambassador, it was an unusual experience since she would always just watch, but now she was a part of it. Most of it was Asgore talking with government and everyone voting. Toriel noticed Frisk was continuously shifting in the seat, she handed Frisk some paper and crayons she happened to have in her pocket and Frisk began to color. Finally the voting started. Frisk could tell that a few of them were thinking really hard on their decision. Finally the last vote was cast and the government announced the results. "...It appears to be a very close close vote. You monsters can live on the surface... BUT! Every monster there is must live in a single city, away from any humans, until we feel that it is safe to allow you near us." Some people in the crowd groaned, some sighed, the rest just got up and left. Frisk and everyone else got up and was escorted to some plains of which they were told was the area for their city. It was very peaceful and spacious, still would be by the time construction would be done. Asgore and Undyne went back up to the mountain to get the first group of monsters into what would be their city. Since Frisk was a child, she was not requested very often for help in building up the city, so she entertained herself by playing with Monster Kid and some other monster kids in the field. Asgore and Undyne would return with a small or medium sized group every hour, filling up the space quickly. Everyone was excited and happy to be out of the underground. Though some seemed a little depressed and requested to head back to the underground. Some monsters never left, since they didn't want to leave the place that has been their home for so long, the only thing that was unpleasant about it was the fact that they were trapped. Sans spent most of his time sleeping in some shade provided by some trees or at Grillby's grill, which was a barbecue he had gotten. Undyne made the heavy lifting look easy, and Alphys made sure nothing collapsed. Asgore kept everything in order, and Toriel kept an eye on Frisk. Papyrus was normally getting at his brother for slacking off and making puns. Since no one had finished their new home by night, everyone slept out in the cool air. Some of them had managed to bring their entire bed up while the rest laid on the ground in the sheets from their beds. A month passed and the final house was finished being built. Asgore set up a trade route for the monsters that stayed underground, so they could have food and anything else they needed. Toriel was in her own home with Frisk. Sans and Papyrus lived in the same house. Asgore was by himself. Alphys and Undyne lived in the same house. And everyone else lived either by themselves or with their family.

Everyone settled in quickly after the city was built, Toriel became a teacher, Papyrus finally made it into the royal guard, which were now the city police, Sans got a job as the local comedian, Grillby and Muffet set up a couple restaurants, Alphys made a small lab she spent most of her time in, Asgore was still king but spent most of his time gardening, Undyne was still part of the guard but went to help Alphys a lot, Mettaton had his own resort and stage, Napstablook was part of Mettaton's sound crew, and Frisk attended Toriel's school while going to the city once every other month for how much people seemed to trust the monsters and politics she didn't quite understand. Humans who trusted monsters would come to visit, and Frisk's bullies would come say "hi" to her once to three times a week and Frisk would go home with bruises and sometimes cuts. Toriel would heal her then ask what had happened, but Frisk only wrote that she tripped on a hill. To add onto her problems, Frisk would be awoken in the middle of the night due to a nightmare. Each one was similar, each one ending with dust all around the underground or her death. Sometimes she would even see a blurry green and yellow figure crying. Sometimes she would see Asriel becoming dust, she wanted to go check on him but was too frightened of the outcome she didn't go close to Mount Ebott. Toriel would sometimes wake to the screams or sobs of Frisk and she would go check on her, but every time she asked what had happened, Frisk would write: just another nightmare.

A year passed and Frisk was beginning to learn how to speak thanks to Toriel. Frisk had become so noticeably tired everyday at school that Papyrus offered to help her sleep, but she declined. Toriel had offered a few things that may help, but she also declined those. And, despite her not always wanting to, Sans would somehow manage to get her to sleep whenever the two of them were alone, normally under a tree. More humans began to feel comfortable around humans and came to visit more. Some parents started letting their kids come to the city by themselves. Frisk's bullies still came and tortured her. And the council at Frisk's previous home didn't seem like they'd be letting the monsters into it anytime soon. As for Frisk's actual parents, they were whatever with the fact of Frisk leaving and disappearing, saying that their lives would be a little quieter now that she wasn't there writing ridiculous stories about being bullied. Frisk found it ironic that her real parents thought she rolled down a hill, and Toriel doesn't fully believe Frisk about it being a hill and has become more curious, since it happens so often. Other than that, Frisk would sometimes spend a night or the week at Sans and Papyrus's house or with Undyne and Alphys. Those times were always fun for her. She would go out and play in the meadow with all the kids whenever she got the opportunity, and Sans would bring her to Grillby's.