Big A/N: Greetings all! We regret to inform you, that, upon further rereadings of our previous chapters, we have decided to abandon this fic like an unwanted, red-headed, royal stepchild and completely rewrite it. Over time, our respective writing styles have changed and we are honestly ashamed of the abhorrent way the story has been written so far.

We apologize to the few of you who have been following SoF since the beginning - you know who you are. Rest assured, Teams GRPE and MGTA are not dead, they're just off to the gym to shape up a little. When they do return, it will be with a vengeance.

*Serious Face Intensifies* This time, it's personal.

Thanks for reading this far. We shall reconvene with you at a later... juncture... at a juncture, yeah.