The pain hurt much more this time, and it didn't ripple through him like waves of pain splashing upon the shore that was his mind. It was constant. Like someone was digging into his head with a knife. His hand twitched the smallest amount, and he felt the urge to rip out his own neck if it would make the pain stop, be he couldn't, not here. Every second his eyes gazed upon hers the pain grew worse, and he found himself unable to look away. Memories flashed through his head. A woman in teal armour, the same red hair and green eyes… He saw what he did to her. He murdered her. He felt disgust, anger, rage, at himself, at her, at It.


The name came to his head, and he knew it was her, he didn't know why he knew her though. His hands were clenched up, shaking. He didn't understand how she could be alive, he killed her. It was certain. He could still feel himself holding her up, ripping them out of her neck, and killing her. So why was she here? He didn't know, and that angered him more than anything. It made him furious. She shouldn't have been there; she should have been dead. This was wrong, it was a problem, but he knew how to remove problems, and that's what he was going to do.

He started walking towards her, his hands, still clenched, were no longer shaking. He stared into her eyes still, the pain was still there. It refused to go away, it wouldn't go away. Not till she was dead like she was supposed to be. That would make things right. He knew it. Just as he was about to be upon her, so he could kill her and watch the life fade from her eyes, and the pain would go away, just as it was supposed to be, a crowd swept in. The speech had ended, and just like that, she was gone. She was gone, but the pain wouldn't leave him.

He felt no respite, no freedom from the pain that plagued him. It made him angry, it filled him with a rage that he had never felt before. He had to kill her, he had to find her, and make the pain stop. He was going to make things right. It was the only way, yet, part of him told him it wasn't. Part of him said that this was wrong, that what he wanted to do to her was wrong. The other part of him screamed, it told him that to get rid of her, would get rid of the pain. He didn't know which to listen too, he didn't know if either were right.

He knew he had to leave, to get out of there, away from people, so he did. He went the other way, away from the crowd, ignorant to the pair of eyes that followed him. He didn't know where he was going, he didn't care. Eventually, his walking turned to jogging, which turned to running. He didn't know how long he ran, but he just kept running, it was the only way he knew to keep himself from lashing out.

Eventually, he found himself on a balcony. The moonlight lit it up perfectly, it was… beautiful. He had stopped running when he saw it, entranced by how it looked. He felt calm, at peace. He felt the pain from before leaving him, replaced with a sense of calm. His hand reached out to the balcony, the shaking had stopped, something he was grateful for. His other hand he used to pull off his helmet, throwing it on the ground. Sweat caked his forehead, his damp hair sticking to his face. A scar reached up from the bottom of his chin to the top of his upper lip. His armoured hand touched it on instinct, he wasn't sure where he got it, but he could remember the feeling of pain from when he got it.

"Nice evening, is it not?" That voice. That voice was so familiar… but it was different. He whipped his head around, snarling and letting out a growl. The man, Ozpin if he remembered, was standing there sipping his coffee with one hand, leaning on his cane with the other. He growled, his right hand reaching around his back towards his brute shot. "Now, I don't believe that will be necessary," His hand stopped halfway towards his brute shot, and he turned away from Ozpin. The sound of footsteps echoed behind him, and he saw Ozpin standing next to him, looking up at the moon. "I always found nights like these to be very calming. It's a nice distraction from the work of a headmaster," Another growl. He looked up at the sky, his blue eyes stopped on the moon, and he swore his heart skipped a beat. He was so focused on the moon, he almost missed the mutter that he only barely heard from Ozpin. "How very interesting…"

The moon was… broken. Part of him, the louder part, told him that was wrong. The moon was supposed to be whole. It was wrong. The other part of him, the calmer part, told him it was right. The moon had always been shattered. He didn't know what was right, what was wrong.

"Well, we mustn't stay out too late, initiation is tomorrow," Ozpin had turned away already, and just as soon as he said it, he had started walking away. And before he could even do anything, Ozpin was gone. He simply gazed back up to the moon, it's bright light shining down at him, and as he gazed upon it, He couldn't help but feel that he was more shattered than the moon was.

A/N: And… third chapter! I know, I know, I wanted it to be longer, I even said it would be, but I made it shorter instead! There was just a specific point I wanted to end at, and that's how long I got! Next chapter will go through all of initiation, and we'll get to actually see the Meta and Jaune and how they come out. Hopefully, with the dialogue, fight scenes, and longer time we'll have at least 5k words in the chapter, that's my goal at least. But, aside from my rambling, all criticism is appreciated! Special thanks to FerunaLutelou for really helping out! Leave a review if you find something wrong, or think I could have done something better, it always helps!