Author's Note 5/21/20: This story has been completely rewritten, from the very first chapter all the way into the next book. It has been edited for ages, content, and readability. All of my M rated stories are being edited to make Usagi and the girls are sixteen or older, while Mamoru and the guys are between seventeen and eighteen. I really hope you enjoy the changes, including some added content.
Sailor Silver Ladybug
~ Tori

Chapter One
Everybody Loves Usagi

Day 1 (Thursday)

He didn't like the happy-go-lucky annoying blonde brat. Nope not one bit. Not one little tiny bit. Not at all. He tore his gaze away from her dear sweet face… Wait! What? No. She wasn't pretty. Wasn't beautiful. Nope. He didn't like her. Didn't want to take her in his arms and kiss her senseless. Uh uhn! Not Chiba Mamoru! He did NOT like Tsukino Usagi!

From the corner of his eye he saw her sitting at the Sailor V game. She rarely played those games anymore. Usually she sat in a booth with the girls who seemed to have become her best friends almost overnight. And that was another thing he didn't like about Odango Atama! How was it that everyone was instantly a friend in her little world? The girl needed to learn that not everyone was safe and trustworthy.

She was wearing her school uniform. At nearly fifteen she was a blossoming rose. Her bright golden hair done up in those silly little buns that left most of her long locks trailing down her shoulders. It had pooled on the floor behind her, and someone could step on it and she'd get hurt! Her cheeks were tinged pink with excitement and her blue eyes shone with joy.

HE DID NOT LIKE HER! He turned away and glared back at the offending party. Motoki just grinned at him and swiped his cloth over the counter.

"I don't!" he insisted, this time out loud.

"Yes, I believe you do." Motoki laughed.

"That's just stupid! She's too young!" Mamoru was running over the same arguments they'd had fifty times, and he was mighty frustrated.

"Barely two years your junior Mamoru. And if you aren't interested in her…" Motoki looked up with a devilish grin, knowing he had caught his friend for sure this time. "Then why have you chased away every male that has so much as spoken to her in your presence?"

Mamoru looked up, shocked and appalled at Motoki's lack of understanding. "Why?" He asked incredulously. "I'll tell you why." He leaned forward and spoke in a hushed tone to his only real friend. "Because that girl has no clue when a boy is hitting on her, making a pass, trying to do things to her!" He growled. "You remember that moron who tried to kiss her!" His breath was coming in harsh pants now, anger welling in his chest as he remembered her tears shaking her whole body as he held her.

He glared at Motoki. "If I hadn't intervened…" He shook his head.

"You know," Motoki spoke up, "sometimes I think you would step in front of a bullet for that girl."

"Wouldn't you?" Mamoru asked incredulously. "I know people think we are enemies or something, but she is special. She's so innocent. Like a child innocent. If I have to step in every once in a while…" He trailed off as he heard the girl in question giggling and spun around.

Now there was a pale teenage boy with auburn hair standing beside Usagi. He was about her age, Mamoru assumed, and he saw Usagi look up at the boy and smile. His gut clenched. She was going to do it again. It wasn't her fault she was clueless. She had no idea just how beautiful she was inside and out. But that didn't stop Mamoru from wanting to put her over his knee and spank her for inadvertently leading boys on.

Or spank her because maybe they would both enjoy it. Ahh! What was happening to him!

But did Mamoru like her? Nope. Not one bit. Not like that. Too young. Too Naïve. Too adorable. Wait. What? Damn. He glared at the boy standing too close to the one person on the planet who could make the world bright. He would not let anyone dim that light. Not even himself.

Over the course of the three months he had known the girl, he had come to see that she was special. Sure, he teased her a bit, and called her Odango Atama, but they both knew he never said anything cruel or malicious. Mostly he picked on her grades. And that seemed to be working because sometimes she would sit at the counter sipping a milkshake and working on her assignments. And she would ask for his help.

She trusted him not to hurt her. And he would never break that trust by picking her up and carrying her back to his apartment before kissing her senseless and planting himself deep, deep inside her. God! What was wrong with him! Too young. Too Young. Too Young. He practically chanted those words to himself a million times a day.

But Motoki was getting pushy. And that could lead to disaster. Because if he pushed too much Mamoru might forget all the lies he told himself.

Oblivious to the conversation between the two high schoolers, Usagi continued to play her favorite Sailor V game. Yukio stood beside her, cheering her on. Everyone knew she was an expert at level thirty-seven, and he had come to ask for help. She walked him through the process of using the button to jump and the joystick to leap at the same time.

"Remember, you have to count to three after the monster appears. Like this, and then… Jump. Sailor V kick, and then the special move, like that. And then jump again, and then you go up the stairs here, but you have to turn to the left." She continued to the next level.

"You're the best Usagi-san!" The boy said happily. I didn't know you had to do the kick first, or that you had to go left!" He sat at the game next to hers and began to play as well.

"Not a problem. Sorry it took so long though. I don't get a lot of free time these days."

"Well, what if I were to thank you by buying you another shake." He nodded towards hers and his character died because he wasn't paying attention.

"Sure!" Usagi happily stood up, having beat all forty levels, and together they walked to the counter.

"Did you get those math problems with the stupid square root variables?" Yukio growled under his breath. "I think you, Minako, and me are the only people in class who struggled with them!"

"I don't know them yet. I was going to ask Matoki-onii or Mamaru-baka to help me. She nodded at the two older teens, who looked deep in discussion. "I really hate math!" she added in a whining tone.

"Oi! Odango! Stop whining. Get out your book and show me the problem."

"Thanks Mamoru-baka!"

"Usagi-san, why do you call each other names? Is he your big brother or something?"

Usagi hummed happily as she climbed onto the stool. "Nope. I guess you could call him my friend. But we're fighting friends. We pick on each other… a lot sometimes. But it's just 'cause it's fun!" She turned her thousand-watt smile on the boy and he gulped. She sure was pretty.

"Could we get a couple shakes. Chocolate?" Yukio asked Motoki.

"Not chocolate for Odango. She already had chocolate. Now it's strawberry." Mamoru corrected as he pulled the book Usagi had put on the counter towards him. "What page?"

"117," Yukio responded. "Hey Motoki-san, did you know Usagi can beat level 37? She taught me! I'm gonna beat it for sure now!"

Motoki smiled as he handed them their shakes. "Yeah, she beat that three weeks after it came out. Her and all our girls can beat those games, even when it takes forever for everyone else." Motoki laughed, remembering how little Ami had beat the game on her first try by analyzing Usagi's movements. The girl had never even played a video game before that day.

"Your girls?" Yukio was confused.

"Yeah, Usagi's friends. I've kinda adopted them as kid sisters"

"Cool! I wish I had a sister. All I got is my stupid pest of a brother!"

Neither noticed that Usagi and Mamoru had their heads together, no longer paying attention to them. Mamoru walked her through several problems, helping less and less each time, until Usagi could do the problems on her own. It was their special technique. And when she finished a problem correctly without help he closed the book and pulled out a Hershey's Kiss.

"Yay!" squealed the girl as she took off the wrapper and popped the chocolate in her mouth. Mamoru had to look away. He hated when Motoki brought up his feelings (that he didn't have!) for the girl. It only made him realize that on some level he wanted to take her home, strip her naked, and fill her to the brim with his sperm. He shuddered, thinking how horrified she would be if she ever learned the truth.

After Yukio left and Usagi had finished her homework, she leaned over the bar to Motoki. "Hey Motoki, when is Reika getting back?"

"Next Sunday at six." He smiled, thinking about his long-distance girlfriend, who would be back from Africa very soon. "Why?"

"Oh, because the other day when I was out at the Juban shopping center I saw they put in a new restaurant. I thought you should take her there. It's so romantic. And then you have to walk her home and hold her hand!" Usagi giggled, looking a little mischievous. "Then you have to kiss her." Mamoru hid his surprise as the young girl blushed red to her hair-line. He didn't know Usagi ever thought about kissing.

"That's a great idea Usagi! Are the other girls coming out tonight?"

"Nope!" Usagi hummed a little tune under her breath. It sounded vaguely familiar to Mamoru, but he couldn't place it. "They're all busy tonight! But Minako has a date tomorrow, and we're going to be sleeping over at the Shrine after that."

"Who is she seeing?" Motoki asked. He didn't really like the thought of Minako or any of the others dating a boy he hadn't approved of.

"You've met him. It's Bradley, that boy from America. I don't like him much. Yukio told me he said he's gotten to third base, and I don't want him touching Mina-chan like that." Usagi sighed heavily. "I tried to tell her, but she didn't want to talk about it, so us girls are going to keep an eye on her. We've even found black clothes so we can blend in."

"Get Mina-chan to bring him here." Mamoru ordered quietly.

"That's great! Thanks Mamoru-baka!" Impulsively Usagi jumped off her stool and hugged him. Mamoru was very careful not to move. He was afraid if he hugged her back he would start kissing her. "I have to go, or I'll be late for dinner!" And without another word she threw her bag over her shoulder and tore out of Crown Arcade at a break-neck pace.

She couldn't let him know just how much she wanted him to be more than a friend.

Motoki looked over at Mamoru, who looked completely stunned. "What's wrong?"

"HOW IN THE HELL DOES SHE KNOW ABOUT THIRD BASE!" Mamoru shouted. He stood quickly and paced back and forth behind the stools that lined the counter. "She shouldn't know about that stuff. She's just a kid!"

His mind was racing. He had to remind himself repeatedly that she was too young, or he would carry her off like a cave-man and take her again and again, planting his babies in her. His hormones were barely under control around the tiny blonde. His only defense was denial, and he was clinging to it as strongly as he could.

"Mamoru, she's not little. She's a teenager and teenager's know these things." Motoki frowned when Mamoru growled at him.

He looked up at his friend. "She shouldn't know…"

"She's sixteen now Mamoru," Motoki reminded him. "She isn't a little girl. She only acts that way to throw people off."

Mamoru frowned at him, obviously not believing a word of it. Motoki couldn't explain how he knew, but he did. Usagi's childish behavior was nothing more than an act, a deliberate misdirection. He couldn't understand why she felt she had to put on such a show, but he would support her, even in that.

Motoki could very nearly read his friend's mind. He knew, though no one else did, about Mamoru's secret life, as the caped superhero Tuxedo Kamen. He also knew that though Mamoru denied it vehemently, he wanted nothing more than to claim Usagi as his own. It was obvious, both to him, and to Usagi's friends, that the two were more than friends, more than just attracted to each other. They were in the midst of falling in love.

He had to mentally congratulate his friend too. Motoki hadn't been very controlled when he first started dating Reika, and it had almost caused them to break up because he tried to move too fast. Unfortunately, he didn't think Mamoru could hold out much longer. And as for Usagi... he saw the way she looked at the black-haired teen when she thought no one was watching.

He waited out the pacing for several minutes before Mamoru was calm enough to sit again. The younger crowd had all left the arcade, and slowly it was filling with high school and college students. Most of those ignored the games and merely wanted pizza and burgers as there weren't many restaurants that served American food in the Juban District of Tokyo.

"Calm down Mamoru-san!" Motoki handed him a fresh cup of coffee. "She probably barely understands what it means," he lied. "If she was told someone said it, then she probably asked her friends. Remember, this is the girl who is saving her first kiss. She isn't going to do something stupid."

Mamoru was calmer after listening to Motoki. His friend was right, but it didn't help as much as he would like. His mind wandered as he sipped at a new cup of coffee. He pictured the day he could finally marry the girl of his dreams, and their wedding night when he could release her hair from it's Odango buns and run his fingers through it.