Chapter 3

AN: Before we begin, there are a few things that I would like to point out for Sb2282490:

1)It will continue. 2)Yes, Demon Inko will make a comeback, but several times. 3)Miruko will be Izuku's mentor. 4)You'll get a glimpse of how fem Katsuki will look and how she'll react to the females wanting Izuku. 5)Izuku's fighting will revolve just more than kicks. 6)Yes, Mineta would get jealous, and possibly the whole male population as well. 7)Izuku won't get All for One, but instead train his Quirk. 8)One word. Dad-Might!

I wanted things to be clear and Sb2282490 helped me with that. Now enjoy the story.

Miruko was in a predicament. When she was walking her way home, her sensitive ears heard a scream from the Hospital and decided to investigate. When she got to the scene, she found a rather odd sight. The doctors, nurses, and even patients were all in there underwear. She was about to ask what happen when she heard another scream followed by laughter. She followed the noise thinking the villain, or whatever nut job wanted clothing, were going to face hard time. What she saw next, she wasn't prepared to face. She had faced villains, had faced bad press, and even faced heroes who didn't like her that much. But nothing of them combined was compared to this.

She saw two humanoid rabbits with a green haired child with the exact same ears they had. They stared at her with big blue curious eyes as she silently breaking down. She couldn't handle this, but needed to say in control. She was a fifth ranked hero and could easily take down bad guys. But these weren't bad guys, they were two rabbits and a child with the same appearance of the two.

Right now she was kneeling in front of them and they still stared at her. She wondered what it was about until the boy lunged forward at her. Miruko didn't see it coming and fell on her butt. She thought it was an attack, until she felt him snuggle in her bosom and heard him purr in delight. She blushed but it didn't last long, the two rabbits seemed to follow in pursuit and lunged at her and hugged where he was hugging. She was thrown in a complete loop. She was about to ask them why they are hugging her, until the green haired boy spoke up.

"Do you know moon-kun," the child asked.

She was confused by that question until she remembered where they were hugging her. She had put a crescent moon logo on her costume. She wondered if they worshiped the moon or something like that. Miruko decided to hug them back as she got herself off of the ground. Still in her arms, the two rabbits and child seemed fixated on her. She decided to humor them.

"Moon-kun sent me actually," Miruko said causing the boy and rabbits to stare in awe. "Moon-kun wanted to know what you three were doing."

The two rabbits tried to talk to her, key word tried. We the first things that came from there mouths, she didn't know what kind of language they were speaking. Though it seems that the small boy understood what they were saying. She looked at him for help, which he caught on quick.

"They said that they and the other Rabbids were trying to get more stuff to build a tower to reach moon-kun," explained the child. "Oh! I'm Izuku Midoriya by the way."

Miruko was silently questioning what were these Rabbids thinking because there was no possible way to reach the moon without a spaceship. She decided to ask Izuku more questions for her sanity's sake.

"Were you helping them Izuku," Miruko asked sternly.

"Actually I was with my mom for an appointment since it's my birthday," Izuku said with glee.

Miruko knew at that moment that Izuku was no villain or troublemaker. He was a pure-bean with an artificial sun in the background. He was to innocent and naïve to be evil. He was like a little bunny. A cute, fluffy, cuddly, irresistible little bunny that needed to be protected at all cost. Her thoughts on the child were interrupted by a woman's voice.

"IZUKU," shouted the voice.

"MOMMY," Izuku shouted back as he jumped out of Miruko's arms.

Miruko, still holding the two Rabbids, saw a green haired woman approach Izuku. Izuku hopped into the woman's arms as the woman toppled and regained her balance. She seemed to be frantic as she rambled on and on how Izuku scared her and how she was worried that she wouldn't find him again. As she was rambling, she didn't seem to notice Miruko as she walked over to her with the Rabbids in arms. The woman finally noticed her as she protectively hugged Izuku.

"Mrs. Midoriya I presume," Miruko asked.

"Yes, I'm her," she said with uncertainty. "But who are you and what do you want with my son?"

"I'm Miruko, The Rabbit Hero," she said with pride. "And your son seems to be able to communicate with these Rabbids, as they call themselves."

Inko was about to ask what were Rabbids, until she saw two humanoid rabbits squirming in the hero's arms. They had the same blue eyes and ears her son had. The Rabbids seemed to have noticed her stare as they stop squirming. They then looked at each other and broke out of the hero's hold. Miruko was shocked as well as Inko, who was pounced by the Rabbids. She was taken down to the floor by the two as they laughed and hugged her. Inko thought they wanted to hug her like her son was doing.

That is until she was picked up like nothing and put in a shopping cart. Inko let out a squeal as Izuku laughed his heart out. The two Rabbids then pushed the cart and with speed fast as a car, they went off in another direction.

Meanwhile, Miruko was staring in confusion. The Rabbids were in her hold in one minute and then they kidnapped a mother and her child in less than a minute. She shook the cobwebs in her mind as she stood and ran in the direction the Rabbids ran off to. Miruko ran as fast as she could as she tried to catch up with the surprisingly fast Rabbids. They didn't seem to notice her nor did they care as they zoomed down the hallway towards a yellow painted arrow.

Miruko then noticed a poorly painted shape with an 'x' in the middle of it. It seemed the Rabbids were going right towards it without stopping. The cart crashed into the wall with a sickening crunch. Miruko panicked, but quickly found herself looking at what appeared to be more Rabbids playing instruments like a marching band. She then notices a toilet in the center of them and wonders why there's a toilet. She got her answer as the Rabbids with the Midoriyas drove there cart straight into the toilet. What shocked Miruko more was when the other Rabbids jumped into the toilet one by one.

Miruko regained her senses as she saw one Rabbid stuck in the toilet. It was carrying a tuba and was stuck half way. She went towards the stuck Rabbid as she planned on interrogating it, or at least try to. She reached for the Rabbid to it pull out of the toilet.

Instead she was pulled into the toilet as the Rabbid had gotten unstuck and somehow didn't notice the rabbit themed hero. All Miruko could do was scream in shock at what had transpired. She then found herself on an old dirty mattress with the Midoryias and the Rabbid marching band. She then noticed that they were moving in the sewers at a pretty fast pace. After a few twist and turns that made the hero and mother sick, the ride came to a stop when they were in front of a large tunnel with sloppily yellow paint covering the inner walls. The band carried the Midoriyas towards the tunnel as they happily laughed and 'talked' among themselves.

"Hold on a minute," Miruko said as she ran after the Rabbids.

Miruko ran in the tunnel to see where the Rabbids went. She followed the badly painted arrows to see were she was going. As she spotted a light up ahead, she ran towards it, thinking it would lead her somewhere. As the light slightly blinded her, Miruko could almost see outlines of what was outside of the tunnel. As she regained her sight, her eyes widen at what she saw.

AN: MUA HA HA, cliffhanger suckers! I had some comments on how people didn't like these, but I use them anyways! Sorry for the late update as slow brain processing is to blame. Comment and Subscribe.