Title: Missing Moments

Author: Gillian Leigh

Rating: PG

POV: Mulder/Scully

Category: MSR Romance/Drama

Disclaimer: I'm not Chris Carter, any member of the 1013 Production team, 20th Century FOX, or any others affiliated in any way shape or form with the X-Files. In other words, they're not mine; please don't sue me. Oh and I borrowed some dialog from DeadAlive. Sorry..

Summary: My version of the "reunion" in DeadAlive, and the events following it. Basically, I'm modifying it. I know it's probably been done to death, but I jumped on the fanfic bandwagon a little late, so deal. Oh and this is if William was born in February like he should have been.. just so ya know. ;o)

Author's Notes: Love it or hate it, appreciate the effort; I put a lot of time into this.


I awoke to two distinct feelings of discomfort, one in my head, the other in my chest. My head was throbbing; my senses had never felt more alive with pain. Well at least I knew I wasn't dead; when you're dead, your head doesn't ache. The discomfort in my chest was not really pain, more of a pressure. It felt as though there was something lying on my chest, rising and falling with each breath. I could smell something as well. Something light, somewhat flowery, noticeable but not overwhelming. In an instant it registered, and I opened my eyes. I squinted slightly, unaccustomed to the brightness of the room. Was it a hospital room? One quick glance at the blinding whiteness of the walls, and I had my answer. It was indeed a hospital room. I looked around me, wondering just how much time had passed since that night in the woods. One glance at my rising and falling chest told me that my assumption was correct. With her red hair fanned out, covering the front of my hospital gown, the weight on my chest was indeed that which belonged to the head of Dana Scully. I gently touched her hair, and in an instant she was alert. She turned her head and looked at me, and it appeared she was ready to laugh and cry in the same instant. Her eyes, shiny with tears, met mine, and she searched my face for any reaction at all, looking at me expectantly.

"Mulder..." She whispered. She seemed to be searching for the right words. "Hi." was all that she could manage. I stared at her blankly, knowing full well how terrible I was being, but I continued with it, saying,

"Who are you?" I watched as her face dropped, and I laughed slightly, hoping she'd recognize the joke. She did, sobbing in relief, tears streaming down her face. I studied her face, as words failed us both for a few moments. She seems softer around the edges, heavier, it would appear. It was almost as if she had a glow to her. I had seen this glow, but it couldn't be....No. I tried not to dwell on it; no doubt she'd been to hell and back, and the stress probably caused the weight gain. It was the only rational explanation; I had never known Scully to be even the slightest bit heavy.

"Oh, my God," she said quietly, "Don't do that to me." I apologized without saying anything. There were a few moments of silence, and she said, "Do you know? Do you have any idea what you've been through?" I studied her for a moment before responding,

"Only what I see in your face." She stroked my face, resting her head in my shoulder, and I asked,

"Anybody miss me?" She laughed, as did I, and I rested my head near hers, closing my eyes. I don't know how long we sat in silence.

"You don't know how good it feels just to be able to hold you," she said, sighing deeply. She sat up, and looked at me, smiling.

"Scully, what is it?" I asked, feeling that there was something more to her smile. She bit her lip, and avoided my eyes, but still the smile remained. She looked at me, her eyes tearing, and took a deep breath before saying,

"Mulder....I'm pregnant." There was a pause between her words, and she looked at me, waiting for a response. My mouth hung open slightly, and I managed to say,

"Wait, say that again?" Her smile grew wider, and she practically squeaked when she said,

"I'm pregnant." She rose from the chair which she had pulled closely to my bedside, and I could see that she was indeed pregnant. *Very* pregnant.

"But, Scully, how? I thought... the doctors said..?"

"I had all the same questions," she replied, resting a hand on her belly. "but this child is ours. Mulder, *we're* having a baby," she said, sitting down in the chair again. I gently stroked her cheek, feeling awed.

"We're going to be parents?" I questioned. She looked at me, smiling slightly, and nodded.

"Thank you," she whispered, resting her head on my shoulder and yawning.

"For what?" I asked, repositioning myself so I could better see her face. She sat up as well, and guided my hand to a spot on her stomach. Her smile was unbelievable as she said,

"Do you feel that?" I felt the fluttering kick beneath my open palm. I nodded, smiling at her. "Thank you for giving me a reason never to give up on miracles." I leaned in, she did the same, and there was a split second of hesitation, almost immeasurable, before the kiss. How long I had waited for this, to feel Scully melting into me again. The tongue is the strongest muscle in the body, and Dana Scully certainly knows it, and she was not about to let me forget it, either. Her hands on the back of my head, I started to sit up, and my hands find their way to Scully's waist, or what's left of it, drawing her in as closely as the hospital bed that separates us permitted.

"Ahem," I heard a voice say. Scully and I slowly turned our heads to see the Assistant Director, of all people, standing with his arms crossed in front of him and a rather amused look on his face. I watched, embarrassed, as Scully sat back into the chair, her face turning six shades of red. She wiped off my top lip, and I noticed a trace of her signature color on her thumb.

"Thanks," I muttered. She grinned at me sheepishly, responding,

"Any time." We turned our attention back to Skinner, who was trying his hardest not to laugh.

"It's good to see that you're, *feeling better*, Agent Mulder," he said.

"Thank you, Sir," I said, wondering what the hell he came to see me about.

"Is there anything else, Assistant Director?" Scully asked, leaning back in the chair and resting a hand on her stomach.

"I just wanted to see if Agent Mulder was feeling well, and apparently, he's feeling well enough..." Skinner laughed, and Scully and myself simultaneously turned deep shades of red. He turned and walked out of the room. As soon as he was gone, Scully turned to me and said,

"That was mortifying." I looked at her, mischief in my eyes, and said,

"Now where were we?" She arched her eyebrow and said,

"I think I can refresh your memory...."