Hello! Speka here, time for an update.
I will be reworking Maria, meaning the ending of this story will change along with the entire story as a whole.
I will also move this to AO3, my primary account. I say this because this account is mostly dead, only here still for joke fics, drabbles, oneshots, and prompts. If you wish, when I change this fic I can keep a copy over here for those who don't want to convert over to ao3. I won't trouble myself with it unless people actually ask.
Now, take your time re-reading or saving this if you wish. Do not repost this, and do not repost this without my permission. This story will be deleted and remade when the first 5 chapters if the newest story are complete.
Goodbye for now, I wish you all the best.
-- Speka
Update on Update!Maria has been relaunched and is now on its come back! i decided not to delete it, as plenty had this already bookmarked and would be confused or would forget to check it again, so i figured this would be more convienent.maria is still going up on AO3