Authors Note: Here's my first chapter! I really enjoyed writing this and Chapter 2 will be out soon! If you enjoy the story so far please leave a good review (It is highly appreciated). Also please note that none of these characters belong to me, I'm just borrowing them for my personal enjoyment. Happy Reading! :)

Edward continued to stand there in silence, as still and as quiet as a statue. It was beginning to make me incredibly anxious. In less than a split second, Edward's expression had turned from confused to angered, and I just couldn't take it anymore.

"Edward, what is it?" I whined. He slightly turned his head to face me.

"It's nothing you should be worried about, my family most definitely will take care of it." The fact that Edward said I shouldn't worry, made me even more uneasy about the situation, which by the way, I still had absolutely no clue what it was about.

"What is it?" I repeated. He let out a sigh.

"The newborn army. One somehow escaped and got away. I can smell his trail." It took me a few seconds to exam the information he had spoken. A newborn got away, and with my luck, there's no doubt that he'll be coming back. Specifically for me as well... with my damn human scent that Riley passed around to all of those blood thirsty newborn vampires.

Edward's cell phone rang, I figured it was Alice who had probably seen the whole forthcoming of the deceitful newborn already played out in her head. Let me explain it a little more thoroughly. Edward's sister, Alice, has a very unique quality to her quirky self. Like Edward, who can read minds, Alice also has a useful aspect, she can tell the future.

"Alice." Edward's voice had returned back to a calm, relaxed tone. He had probably sensed my distress, and didn't want to it to increase. A classic Edward move.

As I had stated before, Edward can read minds. But strangely, he somehow can't manage to read mine. Which by the way, I'm extremely thankful for. But still, it makes me feel as if there is something wrong with my brain. He can read almost everyone's thoughts, but mine. It will forever and always continue to confuse me.

"C'mon Bella, we're going to go see my family." Edward grabbed me by the legs and placed me onto his rock solid, stone cold back, he then started to run faster than the speed of lightning. I was so caught up in my thoughts, I didn't even remember seeing Edward hang up his phone.