Hello friends. This is a new Mcroll story. Hope you like it. Remembering that I don't own the characters. CBS has them.

Why, mom? Why did we have to move to Hawaii? I lost all my friends! My friends had been studying with me since kindergarten.

I know it's very difficult to change life like this, from one day to the next, Caroline . But your father's job is here now!

I don't care about my father's work!

Caroline Elizabeth Rollins! Stop complaining!

Caroline was startled by Catherine. Her mother was always so sweet and now she looked nervous.

I'm sorry, Mom. I didn't want to argue with you. I just do not understand why you don't divorce my father. He treats you very badly and doesn't even know I exist. Don't you regret having married him?

Catherine stopped to think.

No. I don't regret because I have you. You were the only good thing that happened at my wedding. You don't understand, daughter.

So explain it to me, Mother!

You're only 16 years old. It's your time to dream about the Prince Charming. I'll not destroy your dreams because of a frog like your father.

Oh, Mom! I love you.

I love you too daughter! Catherine said, hugging Caroline.

Now take a shower. We're going to leave and enroll you in school so that you start studying tomorrow. Said Catherine.

Ok, mom!

The next day...

John got up and didn't smell the breakfast his father always prepared for him.

John went to Steve's room, but only found his mother.

Lynn, where's my dad?

Your father didn't come home. He stayed in that damn office again. And stop calling me by my name, I'm your mother!

My father is not home. That means going to school without breakfast. John thought.

Can you take me to school? John asked Lynn.

Get a cab, John. I want to sleep.

Okay, Lynn. John sighed.

John was coming down the stairs when Steve arrived.

Hey, son!

Hello, dad!

Had breakfast? Steve asked.

Not father. I woke up almost now. I didn't have time to do anything.

And where is your mother? Steve asked.

She never does anything to me, Dad. Why would she do it today?

Come, we stop to buy something to eat on the way to school. Steve said.


Why are you so quiet, son? Steve asked when he was in the car with John.

I don't know if I should tell you, Dad.

What ? You started talking, now finish it.

John was quiet.

Speak, John. Don't be like Danny.

You put his name on me, forgot? So, don't complain if I act like him. John said.

Steve stopped the car.

Say what you have to talk or we'll stay here. Steve said.

John sighed. Do you know that she betrays you with other men? People are commenting.

Steve looked out of the car window.

This is a subject I don't want to discuss with you. You are only 16 years old. Steve said.

Steve started the car and headed toward the school.

John got out of the car in front of the school.

Bye dad. I'm sorry, I should not have said anything.

It's okay, son. Bye, Steve said, leaving.

John went into the classroom and sat down in his seat.

I ask everyone's attention. You guys have a new classmate. Let's welcome Caroline. Said the teacher.

John looked at Caroline. He had never seen such a beautiful girl