Chapter 1: June 20th

What I called modesty, and what my wife thought modesty was was two different things. I thought I was being modest. Bella figured otherwise. For example she often used the words "mysterious, enigmatic, and frustrating" when she described how I talked about my personal life. I had thought it funny the first few times. If she needed to know, I would tell her. Surely divulging my true identity as an eternally damned undead would be enough of a milestone to break whatever ice she might have perceived.

For the most part, I was as honest as I needed to be. About my life as a vampire before Carlisle. And I would try to fish through muddy human memories for answers about things long forgotten like my favorite food or what my mother was like when she inquired.

But Bella would digress sooner or later. Not that she lacked curiosity, but I always managed to coerce in a distraction. It wasn't long until my observant angel figured out I didn't like talking about myself. For as much as I thought highly of myself, it just didn't matter when Bella was around. However Isabella was stubborn and steadfast. A terrifying combination in many scenarios.

"Why would someone settle drinking Smirnoff, when a bottle of 1947 Cheval Blanc was sitting right there in front of them?"

Bella frowns heavily at the question as she ponders it for a moment. Her flawless porcelain skin wrinkles slightly at the middle of her brows making the dark circles beneath her golden eyes look even deeper. Although fantastically beautiful as a vampire (not that she was not as human) she did look the most sleepless of us. I found it cute how tired my wife looked. She appeared like she would curl up for a nap any moment. Even more so when she was thirsty like now. Although Only appearances. Bella hadn't slept in almost 4 years, but it was no longer needed in her new body.

After a few seconds Bella sighs. "You know I don't understand liquor related metaphors." She makes a dramatic arm cross as she leans back onto the cabinets. Flopping her legs crossed as well as they dangled over the counter she was sitting on.

I grinned. I took the time to pull of strand of hair back behind her ear that came undone. It was summer now. And unusually hot and muggy for rainy Forks. Bella had gotten into the habit of wearing tank tops and black jeans with "fashionable" holes ripped into them, but the change in fashion wasn't so much as felt in body heat, but appease the recent few shopping trips with our daughter and her aunt.

"What I mean Bella." I start off, but then lose my seriousness by the way she looks up at me. I laugh despite myself. Bella's eyes were wide and expectant, like she was waiting on me to deliver a message from the Dalai Lama. Although perhaps it carried as much weight, because of true it was.

I compose myself quickly though. Her eyebrow began to twitch which was a sign of her growing irritation. "What I mean to say, Bella, is why would I talk about myself, when you are so much more interesting?"

Bella scoffs at me. Her eyes went rolling up the ceiling as fast as they could. "Oi vey, Edward."

I remain somber as I continue finding strings of hair to brush in different directions, styling her hair as an excuse to touch her. "You interested me then. You interest me now. There is no contest. Besides you know everything about me."

"Not everything Edward. Only what I can I seduce out of you." She chuckled leaning in to touch her lips to mine. Her chaste kiss, held passionate intent. My arms reacted to her pressing herself against me to bring her closer, but she stops the kiss and instead lands a kiss on my jaw bone and trails her lips to my neck.

"Can I have something first?"

"Oh sweet merciful Lord. What could it be this time?" I said in desperation. Desperate in fear because Bella's request are usually unfair and come with consequences or desperate to feel her skin on my skin, I wasn't sure yet.

She playfully swats at my arm. A mock anger and exasperated expression on her lovely face. "Oh Edward! Don't say it like that. I'm not going to shove you into an iron maiden."

"No. But you don't exactly take normal gifts kindly, love. So I can conclude it would not be a normal gift." I said firmly. I just realized that that never let her go. Still holding Bella against my chest. Her legs straddled around my waist as she sat on our kitchen counter. It was a good thing, Nessie no longer lived with us. She would not approve of seeing her parents like this.

Bella frowns but then nods slightly. "I know I can be difficult at times…"

I silently lament. Finally she admits to it!

"But this request is super easy. I pinky promise. No unnecessary implement required."

I nod for Bella to continue. She pauses like she is nervous,but gives me an even smile and bats her eyelashes in the way that she did when she made me agree to turn her into a vampire. Or even when she made me promise to take her virginity. Or anything other time she was absolutely flirty and deceptive. She knew I loved it. She used it against me whenever she could.

"Tell me your birthday. I want to throw you a party."

Surely it was a jest!

Surely my ears were wrong. I could hear an elk down the road no problem, but I doubted I heard what my wife had said. My shy, homebody, anti attention wife wanted to host a party.

Bella groans when I didn't answer.

"I'm sorry, love. I didn't catch that. It sounded like you wanted to throw a party."

"I did say that. Correct."

"You. Do?" I say shaking my head. "Not Alice. Not Rosalie. Not even Nessie trying to figure out how to get a new car. But you, Isabella Marie Cullen, wants to host a party of your own will."

"Don't make me out to seem like a hermit!" She says again, slapping my arm. I'm glad Bella wasn't a newborn anymore. That would have hurt otherwise.

"Look. You done so much for me. I wanted to do something for you. For all of you. It's my afterlife you know. I want to live it the best I can. Make the people I love happy. And I never got a chance to celebrate your birthday with you. I can't believe I missed out this long."

I open my mouth to debate. It was Bella whom done so much for me. She gives me purpose. She gave me a child who I watched grow. She gave me a life. Nothing could repay that-

"Shhh." She said right before she kissed me. When she pulls away she is holding my face in her hands.

"Can you let me spoil you for once?" She purrs softly. The tone of her voice was deeply erotic. She wraps her legs around my waist pulling her closer to her and breaking my will power in one fail swoop

"June 20th." I muttered softly into her neck.