What's up everyone, hope you're all having a great time! Once again, I wanted to thank you for all the support, we've recently passed the 3500 view mark, as well as 20 favorites! It ain't much, but it's the most I've ever got on a story of mine. Anyway, I hope you enjoy this new chapter!

Rainbow Six: Operation Red Sky

Chapter 6

"The Breakthrough"


A couple of black cars parked in front of the consulate. Five men dressed in black walked out of them. Three of them entered the building through the front door, while the remaining two waited outside, guarding the entrance. As they walked into the lobby, the first thing they saw were dead bodies of the terrorists scattered around the room, blood splattered on the walls and bullet holes everywhere.

"They've been here." One of them, a tall and muscular man with a beard and shoulder length messy hair said in a serious tone. The man was wearing a suit that looked slightly more expensive than the already expensive suits of his henchmen.

"We don't have a lot of time, boss. The police forces are gonna come soon to clean all of this mess." The other man said, walking around the room and examining the bodies.

The boss nodded and walked with a quick pace, making his way upstairs. He cursed under his breath upon noticing more dead guys and all of the destruction that happened here only minutes ago. He quickly got to one of the offices and looked around the room, as if he was searching for something.

"Boss, looks like they took the laptop." One of the henchmen said.

"I've noticed, I'm not fucking blind." The boss said, visibly angered "I've got no choice, but to go to Syria earlier than I planned." He added, walking out of the room

"But boss, they'll know you're there, now that they've got the-"

"You think I care? They can't do shit to me." The boss smirked confidently, walking down the stairs and quickly leaving the building. He entered the back of one of the cars, and the henchman quickly followed, getting into their respective cars. All of the cars where the same exact Audi model, with black tinted windows. The convoy quickly drove off, leaving no traces of them ever being here.

"What's going on, Finch? You look like shit." A black man, also dressed in a suit, who was sitting next to 'the boss' asked.

"They've got the laptop." The boss, or Finch, said

The other man took out a pack of cigarettes, grabbed one of them and handed it over to me Finch "Looks like you'll need some of them."

Finch took the cigarette and a lighter, he lit up the cigarette and looked out the window.

"I've seen the heli, you know? Right before we got here." The black man said.

"I know, I've seen it too. Should've expected them to get it, honestly." Finch said, still looking outside

"Aren't you even a little concerned that they know where you're heading?"

"First of all, they won't even know my name. I've made sure to keep all my emails and data as secure as possible." he stopped for a moment, taking another smoke "Second, they'd need a hacker to even access that. So no, I'm not really worried." Finch said, throwing the finished cigarette out the window.

"Yet you seem so angry." The other man smirked

"Shut the fuck up, Watts, you and I know I can write you off anytime I want to." Finch said coldly "I don't need you." he added, leaning over the man and putting an emphasis on the word 'don't'

Watts remained silent for a while before he spoke again.

"For all we know, it could be Rainbow. And they might be a problem to us." He said

"Fuck the Rainbow. They may be good at taking care of the White Masks and minor threats but this is different. They are weak. They are no match for us." Finch said confidently

"Whatever you say, boss" Watts said and looked out the window.

Awkward silence filled the car as nobody said a single word.

"You know what, we'll make a quick stop at the HQ before we hit Syria." Finch said.

"What are your plans?" Watts asked

"You'll see." Finch said as a smirk formed on his face


July 15th

1615 hours

Rainbow's Safe House, Syria

"God, why does this place have to be so boring?" Dominic whined, walking into the living room.

Taina rolled her eyes "And why do you have to be so annoying?" she said, trying to watch the TV.'

"Yeah, stop complaining, this isn't a vacation." Mike, who was sitting on the couch next to Taina said.

Dominic left the room without a word. Mike glanced at the place where he stood a moment ago and shook his head in dissapointment. Or annoyance. Or quite possibly, both. A while later the German came back with a cold beer in his hand, he took a sip of the drink and sat on the couch next to his teammates and sighed.

"Sorry, guys. It's just that this place is shit, we've been here for two weeks and we still don't have anything even mildly important." he said

"Let me put it this way." Mike said "We need to be patient. There is a reason we are here. If there wasn't, why would Six send us here?"

Dominic took another sip of his beer without a word.

After a while, they heard some noise near the entrance. Taina peaked out into the corridor too see what's going and immediately some familiar faces came to her attention. It was Jordan, Yumiko and Ela, back with the groceries. Even though they were here for quite some time, it was the first time they had to buy their own food, as Johnson supplied them last week.

Jordan and Yumiko walked into the living room, as Ela took the groceries to the kitchen and started resupplying the fridge.

"How is it like out there right now?" Mike asked

"It's okay, I guess. Nothing unusual happened. I mean, I got a couple weird glances but that's it" Yumiko explained

Dominic nodded, not saying a word. He looked at his phone to see something unexpected, a notification. An email. He looked around the room as he heard alert sounds coming from the others' phones.

"You guys got this email as well?" Dominic asked

"Yeah, it's from..." Ela, who just returned from the kitchen, said, opening the gmail app, her expression turned to a slightly more surprised one as soon as she tapped on the mysterious email. "Dokkaebi" she finished.

"What? I thought we weren't supposed to communicate with Hereford." Yumiko said

"It's probably important then. Let's open it up on a laptop." Jordan said, walking up to his bunk bed, which he shared with Mike. He reached into his backpack laying on the bed and pulled out a small laptop from it.

He clicked a couple of times until he made his way to the email.

"Oh shit." He said, opening the email, which had multiple screenshots of other emails sent from an unknown to them source. There was a note above the pictures, which said "These were found on a laptop of one of the wolf masked terrorists. Probably someone important. I know it's not much but I hope it turns out useful."

"This is a breakthrough." Dominic said, peaking over Jordan's shoulder. The whole group gathered near the laptop, as Jordan started browsing through the screenshots.

The first email was sent a couple days after the Warsaw attacks. The person, labeled as "M" who the laptop probably belonged to, has sent a picture of the news report about the Warsaw attack to another person, who was labeled simply as "1". The response from the guy called "1" had a small note, which said "When do we start phase two?"

"Phase two?" Taina asked, surprised

"Another attack, probably." Dominic said

Jordan, looked at the second email, which was sent on the 24th of June. Once again, "M" was messaging someone called "1".

"Get your people ready" "M" wrote

"Of course" "1" responded

"July 14th. Don't fuck this up." "M" wrote, and that was the last reply.

Jordan opened the last email, which was sent on the 13th of July, only two days ago. It had only one message, which contained some coordinates.

"Wait. Copy this." Taina said, pointing at the coordinates.

Jordan highlighted the coordinates, copied them and pasted them in the notepad. He then opened Google Maps and pasted the coordinates them into the search bar. After a couple seconds, the exact location appeared on the screen.

"Holy shit." Jordan said, as he was taken aback by what he saw. Everyone fixed their eyes onto the screen. No one could say a word.

"It's just next door..." Taina was the first one to speak, removing the tension a bit

"This is about 30 kilometers from our location, by the looks of it." Mike said, scratching his beard. "Zoom in." He added

As Jordan zoomed in on the location, they were met with nothing but sand.

"But there's nothing there" Yumiko said, confused

"That's strange." Ela said, looking at the map, trying to make some sense out of this.

Dominic leaned over the screen and looked closely at the sand surrounding the location. Jordan wanted to say something, but Dominic made a gesture signaling him to stay quiet.

"Look at this." Dominic said, pointing at a specific point on the map. The texture of the sand was suddenly cut off and a slightly different looking texture was right after. It wasn't a smooth transition, it looked more as if someone cropped a specific area from another part of the desert and put it somewhere else, as if to hide something. Dominic noticed three more parts like these, it was a perfect square extending about a kilometer from the location in every direction.

"Bingo!" Dominic said excitedly, a genuine smile forming on his face.

"So what do we do now? I say we should investigate that place." Jordan said, putting the laptop on a table.

"Are you nuts?" Mike said, walking up to him "Not now. Give it a few days, we need to prepare and find some more information."

Jordan tried to argue, but he thought it was pointless so he let go and walked out of the room without a room. The rest of the team heard the door shut behind him as he walked outside. A couple moments passed in silence, as Yumiko suddenly got up and followed Jordan.

She noticed him, standing next to one of the quads, lighting up a cigarette.

"You okay?" she asked, walking up to him.

Jordan shook his head. "I don't get Mike sometimes. He knows we don't have enough time. The game is on. I know that we don't know what to expect, but these terrorists are planning something else. Maybe something even bigger. They are probably meeting at that location, it doesn't really matter, but we need to stop them ASAP." He said

"You know..." Yumiko said, sitting on the quad in front of Jordan "For what it's worth, I agree with you."

"You do?" Jordan asked, surprised.

"Well... yes and no. I know that we need to be quick, but I agree with Mike that we should wait for a while. Maybe not as long as he suggested, but still." Yumiko explained playing with her hands as she spoke

Jordan nodded, as he took another smoke. "Anyway, we should probably head out to the city today." He said, changing the topic

"I'll tell the others." Yumiko said, getting up and heading back to the house "You coming?" She asked

"Later. Gotta finish this first." Jordan said pointing at his cigarette, as Yumiko nodded and entered the house.


July 15th

1923 hours

Rainbow Six's Safe House, Syria

The sound of multiple engineers turning on filled the valley, as the team was about to go to the nearby town, to do some scouting and check, if there's anything unusual happening in the area. This was a regular part of their schedule in the new hostile environment, even though not much has happened over the last few weeks, they had to keep their guard in case something does.

They drove off on three quads, two operators on one vehicle: Caveira with Bandit, Thatcher with Thermite and Hibana with Ela. It took them about ten minutes to get to the city.

"I'm taking the town square with Therm', Cav and Bandit take the market and Hibana and Ela, you find a rooftop to watch over" Thatcher said over the comms.

"Roger that" said Bandit, who made a turn into another street, while the remaining two quads continued driving forward through the Main Street.

After a while, Thatcher made a turn to make his way into the town square, as Ela and Hibana started looking for a good rooftop. There was one building that they always chose as a spot for recon and it was a big hotel, which was located exactly between the two of the town's biggest points of interests: the market and the town square, so they would be the first to notice if anything's going on, as they had a great view on both places.

The two women made their way to the hotel and parked behind it and hid it in a small cell next to the hotel, so that no one steals it. They walked up to the backdoor, thankfully it was open, like it usually was. They quietly entered the building, they had to be sneaky, as to not draw any unwanted attention to themselves.

They got to the staircase, which was currently empty. They managed to climb a couple floor, without any problems. As they continued to walk, they heard multiple voices and footsteps from nearby rooms, but it wasn't really an issue. A couple minutes later, on one of the highest floors, they suddenly saw a silhouette of a person, walking downstairs, right in their direction.

Ela cursed in a whisper, as they started backing off quickly, albeit silently. A couple seconds later they found themselves in a dark corridor and hid behind a shelf which was fortunately big enough to cover both of them. The person that was following them stopped in the corridor and looked around for a while. "Is somebody there?" The man said in Arabic. After a while, he shrugged and continued walking downstairs.

The operators sighed in relief and walked back upstairs. A couple minutes later, they've reached the door that leads to the rooftop. Hibana tried to open it, but it was locked.

"You got the lockpick tools?" She asked Ela, who nodded 'yes' and took the tools out of her backpack.

It didn't take her long to finally open the door and they walked outside. The wind immediately hit their faces as they were now on the highest spot in the city. The only building that came close to the height of the hotel was the church, but it was a bit shorter. They walked up to the edge, from here they could see almost the entire city. Ela took two pairs of binoculars out of her backpack and handed one of them to Hibana, who later positioned herself on the other side of the roof, in order to look over the town square, as Ela had the visual on the market.

"Everybody on your positions?" They heard Thatcher ask through the comms

"Yep." Ela said

"Great, let's go." Thatcher, who was now patrolling the town square with Thermite said.

The two men decided to split so they can cover a wider area, they walked around the place, looking for anything unusual, although they maintained a low profile, acting like normal citizens, buying things from nearby shops, talking to other people and all this other stuff. Their knowledge of Arabic was pretty good, so at this point, they had no problem communicating with others.

Meanwhile, at the market, Taina was walking through a crowded aisle. People buying stuff, other people arguing for the same stuff, shop vendors announcing different bargains, made this place so crowded. Like every market, although this was the only one in town, so such crowds were unavoidable at any given hour, any day.

As she continued on walking, she felt something bump pretty hard into her leg. She looked down to see a group of kids running away, as they made their way through the aisle. One of them probably bruised against her. Lay aside her sociopathic nature, (of which she wanted to get rid even more nowadays than ever before) she couldn't help but feel bad for those kids, that probably won't have change to see the 'real' world apart from all the warfare here. It reminded her of her childhood of the violent and filled with crime favelas. Crime she herself was a part of back when she was in her teenage years. She spent most of her life with Brazil and when she found herself moving to UK in order to join Rainbow, she finally had the chance to see that 'real' world.

Well, she kinda got lost in her thoughts for a while, but as she snapped out of it, she noticed something strange. A group of US soldiers were patrolling the area, with assault rifles and everything.

"Bandit, I see some US soldiers." She announced over the comms, waiting for her teammate's response.

"Ja, I've already seen them before." She heard the German's voice after a second

Suddenly, another familiar voice spoke through the comms.

"They just got there a couple minutes ago." Ela spoke "A couple Humvees."

"Investigate." Thermite said "Nothing here at the town square." He continued, shutting off his comms shortly after.

"I'll try to contact Johnson." Ela said "Inform me if you see anything else." She hung up.

Caveira was cautious, trying to maintain a position nearby the soldiers, but without drawing any attention to herself. The soldiers kept on walking around, talking to each other, although doing seemingly nothing else.

"WE HAVE A SITUATION HERE, OVER!" Ela suddenly shouted through the comms.

She looked through the binoculars and saw two speeding trucks driving down the road, heading directly towards the market. The cars had smashed windows, a masked man wielding an AK-47 was peaking out one of them.

"What's going on?" Caveira asked, looking around frantically. She couldn't hear anything as the marketplace was too loud.

"No time to explain, find a cover!"

Caveira started running. She pushed through the crowd and jumped behind one of the stalls, knocked down a table and hid behind him, watching the action unveil. Suddenly, she saw exactly what Ela was freaking out about. She noticed a truck smash into a nearby building, the driver and passengers jumping out earlier. The crash caused the building's foundation to become even more unstable and the whole building inevitably started collapsing. The five passengers took out their AKs and started a shootout with the soldiers.

Caveira was moving quickly through the different stalls, trying to find an escape from this situation. People running and screaming in panic, bullets flying by and death everywhere.

Then suddenly, a grenade gets tossed into the moving crowd.


Taina fell down, ringing in her ears. Her vision was blurred from the impact. She touched her forehead to feel a warm liquid on her hand: blood. She looked around to see the blurred silhouettes of fighting terrorists and soldiers. A voice screaming something through the comms could be heard, but she couldn't make out who it was, as she was just too dizzy. She suddenly saw someone running up to her. The person grabbed her by the hand and helped her get up. He was shouting something, but she couldn't make out the words. He then lightly slapped her across the cheek, making her return to reality. Her vision became clearer. The man in front of her was Dominic.

"Are you okay?!" He shouted

"Yeah..." she said in shock

"We must move, we got ourselves in a fucking crossfire!" He said, grabbing her hand and making her follow him, wielding his MP7 in his other hand.

Caveira soon got out of the shock and reached into her backpack to grab a folded M12. She unfolded her gun and followed closely after Bandit. They ran from cover to cover, trying to not get shot by a stray bullet. The sight of all the bodies, men, women, children made Cav sick to her stomach, even though she was used to violence and possibly even liked it in her own twisted way, she'd still never wish that kind of fate upon anyone innocent.

The second truck drove full speed into another nearby building, causing it to collapse right in front of the operators.

"FUCK! DRAW BACK!" Bandit shouted, running back to where they were before, Caveira following shortly before him. They looked back to see a lot of dust, caused by the building's collapse.

Soon, a couple of terrorists appeared in front of them.

"LEFT!" Cav shouted as soon as she noticed the enemies. She, along with Bandit, turned into an alleyway on their left. But before they did, Cav managed to shoot one of the terrorist with a single bullet directly to the head, killing him instantly.

As they ran through the alleyway, they found themselves on an open space and another truck appeared on their side. It had a mounted gun, which was being used by a terrorist, shooting in another direction. Bandit and Caveira looked in that direction and noticed a group of US soldiers, shooting back at the terrorist. The two operators ran towards a nearby building and hid behind its wall.

"Ela, how many fucking trucks?" Bandit shouted through the comms after they managed to find a cover.

"I don't know, they're here too!" Ela said as gunshots could be heard in the background.

"Fuck's sake." Bandit said

"We need to get back to the quad!" Cav said

"I know!" Bandit said, peaking out the ledge. He saw a terrorist running towards their position and quickly shot him with his MP7.

Meanwhile, Ela and Hibana were making their way downstairs and fighting off the occasional terrorists. They were about halfway down the whole stair set. As they got down another floor, another terrorist jumped at them. Thankfully, Hibana managed to quickly shoot him down with her Bearing submachine gun. The next enemy, tried to get them, just to quickly get stabbed and killed by Ela.

Two other terrorists attacked them a second later. The first one tried to stab Ela, but she quickly kicked him in the stomach sending him down a set of stairs. He tried to get up, but was shot in the head by the Pole. The other guy swinged his knife at Hibana, unfortunately hitting her in the arm, but that didn't stop her from disarming the man a second later and using his own knife against him, stabbing him in the chest and killing him instantly.

Those were the last two terrorists inside. As they had a moment of peace, Hibana cursed against her breath at the pain caused by the knife. She ripped off a part of her shirt and wrapped it around the wound, stopping the bleeding.

"You okay?" Ela asked

"Yeah, let's go."

Ela nodded and they got outside. They instantly saw a couple of terrorist, one of them was instantly shot dead by Ela, while the other one was put down only merely seconds later by Hibana. The two women ran over too their quad. Thankfully, it was where they parked it before. They quickly got on the vehicle and drove off.

The other pair of operators also got back to their own quad. Bandit and Caveira were now near the spot where the left the quad. It was behind some sort of a compartment store, in a narrow alleyway. However, there was a small problem. Two terrorists were near the alleyway, they were probably waiting for their teammates or something.

"Wait. I have an idea." Cav said making her way to a place close to the terrorists. She hid behind a dumpster, as did Bandit

"We keep one of them alive. We can interrogate him later." she explained.

Bandit nodded without a word, as the two operators slowly made their way to the enemies. They aligned themselves behind him and in an instant, bandit killed one of them with a knife, while the other one was knocked out by Caveira. She ripped off a part of his attire and used it to tie his hands and legs. She picked him up, carrying the guy on her shoulder.

They got on the quad, while Cav was still carrying the man.

"Are you sure this can fit three people?" Bandit asked, entering the vehicle

"No." Caveira chuckled "It'll be him who dies anyway."

Bandit smirked as Caveira got on and they drove off.


Fast forward a dozen or so minutes, Bandit and Caveira and the unconscious dude found themselves in an abandoned warehouse on the outskirts of the town.

"Where the fuck are you?" Thermite asked through the comms, in a bit of a worried tone

"Don't worry, we're fine." Bandit said

"We're around 300 mikes east from your location in an abandoned warehouse. We found... something interesting." Caveira said

"Alright, I'll tell Ela and Hibana. Meet you guys there." Thermite said.


So, this is it! Sorry for a month long wait but I hope it was worth it. This is in my opinion the best chapter I've written for this fanfic yet and I hope you think the same!

Reviews are really appreciated! Make sure to let me know if you like or dislike my story, as all of the support really motivates me to write more! Once again, I'm quite surprised by the amount of views and follows this story is getting! Anyway that's it for this chapter, let me know if you've enjoyed and as always, hope you all have a nice day/night!

Fguy87 out!