S \/\/ 1 t C I-I 3 I (switched)

Kagome sighed as she slipped in to the warm water of the hot spring that was discovered near to their camp. Slipping her headphones over her ears she closed her eyes and felt her muscles fall into relaxation.

Sesshoumaru stripped his body of his armour and silken kimono. Folding it carefully he placed it upon the stony foundation around the hot spring. Letting out an annoyed sigh as he held a lock of his silver hair stained by some weak Youkai's entrails. So okay, normally he didn't get covered in Youkai's remains but this one in particular had exploded covering him and his surroundings with it's bodily organs and fluids. Letting a slight frown crease his features as he ran his clawed fingers through his hair in an attempt to remover the entrails without the obvious aid of soap. Inhaling deeply his refined senses picked up the scents of the hot springs thick air. Dunking his head below the heated surface of the clear water, he rinsed his hair free of the entrails that stained his silvery locks. Resurfacing his lungs took in the air around him, this time noticing the subtle change in the springs scent. Frowning delicately he spread out his senses to zone in on the point of the airs intrusion.

Rising up from the waist deep water that rippled away from his body as he walked toward the different sent. Stealthy rounding a boulder in the middle of the spring he was currently resided in. The naked figure of an almost ethereal body came into his vision. The full moons light gave the body's pale skin a milky glow. As he came closer recognition flooded his mind at the sent of the body. "Inu-Yasha's wench" his deep sooth voice hissed into the still air. His golden eyes narrowed at the unclothed figure, Raising his clawed hand into the air he let his poisoned claw gather ready for the soon to come death of his half-brothers miko companion. 'With out this wench in the way, Inu-Yasha's attacking capability will inedibility become much more reckless and powerless.' Sesshoumaru cracked his knuckles for the ready 'Just like him to become weakened by this mere human' A smirk graced his face 'The Tetsusaiga will be mine'.

Kagome's miko senses sparked at the detection of a noticeably close and strong youkai presence. Snapping her eyes open she immediately sat upright rigidly. Causing her headphone cord to pull her disc-man off the bank of the hot spring and towards the hot water below. Sesshoumaru sped towards the wide-eyed human, with his youkai speed. Bringing his claw down for the killing blow, just as a bright blue light engulfed the youkai and miko.


I let out a low groan from my place against, what felt like the hot spring bank. Massaging the side of my head in vain hopes the pain that felt as though 10 tonne of bricks landed on my head Groaning again I tried to move my head into a more comfortable position, That's when I notice the hot spring bank was moving. Blinking one eye open my sight was clouded with black. Grumbling I pulled my ebony locks out of my sight only to have the moving "bank" tense and let out an annoyed hiss. Blinking again I sat up off the hissing bank only to come face to face with a pair of cold blue eyes. Leaping back in shock, my own eyes widened in shock as I frantically pointed at the sight that met my vision "Gug..muund..furrh..reec..ii..waaaaaa?" a utterly freaked deep voice babbled out. The blue eyed figure growled menacingly at me "What the hell did you do wench?" and oh so familiar voice bit out coldly. I did the only logical thing I could think of. Faint.

A.N: Hello people or Internet space if no one's there, you are there? Right? right? Well anyway this is my new story, my first Inuyasha story. I got this idea when I was at work. It was about 7:30 in the morning, the time where everything seems like a great idea and had the whole story written out so by the time my consciousness kicked in (usually after walking into the oven for the 20 times. Seriously I have the bruises to prove it.) And so when I went to write out the story on the back of napkins all I could remember was small snip-its. So as the story goes I have no idea how I'm going to get to snip-its I can remember. And that's where my usual writing technique kicks in, 2am hyped up on sugar and a computer keyboard at my mercy with the end result of everybody getting naked, well probably just Sesshoumaru, And getting transported to the planet of the carnivorous Chibi's. Trust me it's happened before. So if you want to give any suggestions AT all for the in between snip-its (ahh I love that word, Snip-its. Hehehe funny) Just send them to my e-mail, Where-ever it is. and they will be taken into great consideration and if used or helps branch off and idea you will have the chapter dedicated to you and my thanks (bows on knees with head to the floor "please help mee!") So I guess that's it for now or the A.N. will be longer that the first chapter.