Alright so I re edited the first chapter and changed a lot. I do apologize to those who had like the original, yet I just couldn't get anything out in my head that sounded right. However to make up I created some funny scenes. For those who have read this before I put a note where the major transitions happened. Please enjoy. Oh if you all don't want something to change in here, Pm me or put it in the review. I do not own Harry Potter or Avengers.
Chapter 1
The day had risen to high noon as Lilly and a woman named Angela began making lunch for the huge family. "It is so good to be able to finally be able to get together again. Aeri has been missing her older cousin."
"Aye, Zen has been missing Aeri as well. She keeps pointing to her picture, asking. Ecstatic that one was when she heard we were taking a trip to Earth for a visit."
"Crazy though. I've heard of babies learning things fast. Talking in no time, but to have the cognativeness to communicate at such a level."
"Agreed, It is a bit fast, however they are a mixture of a bunch of things. We're in uncharted territory." Angela turned her gaze to Zen. "A certain somebody has been a little crafty with giving daddy heart attacks."
"Goo?" Zen cackled, then handed Aeri a block to chew on. She nawed on one herself as well. The crystal blue eyes held a mischievous tint, going with the pink wavy hair.
"Such a sharer, that little one of yours. What is she doing?"
"Being a little daredevil. Poofing on top of the fridge, going up to big wild or dangerous creatures. Playing peekaboo." Lilly shivered at the last one.
"Tell me about it. Loki even is scared one day Aeri, might get lost with that power. He's never seen a baby able to possess that capability. She is definitely not afraid of heights. Prongs gave her a broom not so long ago. My gosh she is a seeker in the making. "The green haired, green eyed baby giggled.
"Yes, I'm talking about you little madura in trainings. When are you going to let me get that green out?"
"Nevers." Zen confirmed
"Darn those men and prank wars." Lilly sighed. The other woman gave a nod.
"Have you considered our offer anymore?"
"You mean moving to Althos?" Lilly's face became thoughtful. "We have considered it more and more. Especially with this war and nonsense Dumbledore is talking about."
"What nonsense?"
"A prophecy Trelawney's muttered about Aeri. I don't like it, nor how the man is wanting to control our lives. Aeri's to be more exact. Albus wants us to go into secret hiding only known to him and Peter of all people." Lill's face became disgusted.
"My gut says that man is not quite right."
" Aeri wants nothing to do with both either. Calls them bad men." Angela thought for a moment.
"It has become worse than feared. I know you don't want to leave the wizarding world in such a state, but it might be the best course of action for the baby."
"You're right." Lilly sighed. "If she stays, then she'll never know a childhood and be in danger all the time. Heaven forbid the Dumbledores nonsense gets told to the wrong person. She's just a baby who knows nothing of true war. I prefer that to last a long time."
"Then it is settled you, Loki and the three other maduras will come stay with us. Peter on the other hand. No, he just gives me the creeps."
"Same, the man hasn't been around a lot. When he is though, I feel something dark."
"Which is why Aeri is probably picking up on it as well. Does Aeri pull mean tricks or scare the two when they are around."
"Lot's of magical accidents around Dumbledore and well has sent snakes at Wormtel." Angela's eyes grew interested.
"A snake speaker. Bet her brother loves that and Zen does that too. We actually have to keep her away from Siff. Especially after Loki and that woman got into it." Lilly grimaced remembering that day and the cause of Thor becoming disinterested altogether with Siff. She shouldn't have opened her mouth about how they would be raised or where. Tip of the iceberg hit when the comment of magic was a disgrace. Magic users weren't weak, nor was Loki a disgrace to the family. Zen was only six months at the time, but all knew who called the birds to drag Siff into the lake from the angered babbels. "Zen honey." The girl glanced to see her mother's hand.
"Time for lunch."
"I'll tell Loki tonight that I agree." The men walked in, with the smell of work out in the air. "Don't you boys know how to bathe. Bunch of stinky animals!" Lilly lectured as she scrunched along, with pinching her nose.
"Stinky!" Aeri giggled while waving her hands around , following Zens lead. Laughter came from the adults.
"Potter decided to fight back with stink bombs." James replied as his hand reached Zen.
"Don't you dare pick her up in that filth of a state, James Howlett! It took forever to bathe them after this morning's prank fest. Go shower now." Loki smirked, hearing his wife's comment.
"Oh, but dear. They'll just get messy again anyways." Loki reached towards the woman to wrap her in a hug only to be met with a wand in his face.
"You wouldn't!" Loki hesitantly stated, as Lily's eyes furrowed.
"Oh, I would. Now go bathe or I use my magic to bathe you three here."
"Fine, fine." Loki threw his hands up in surrender as they retreated upstairs. Lilly rolled her eyes as she placed the sandwiches in front of the two girls. Aerie grabbed hers and instantly began to eat.
"Yummy." Zen was about to as well, but something began to feel off to the little one. Bad things were about to happen to her family nagged at the pit of her little tummy. The youngling rubbed her head and eyes turned to the door. Goose bumps appeared around the little babey and shook.
"It will be worse when Thor comes this weekend.." Angela teased. Lilly cringed at the thought.
"Oh yeah, better hide the alcohol."
"Uncle Thor like a brew beer!" Aeri giggled, making Lily's eyes widen.
"Indeed he does little one." Angela poked Aeri's nose, then turned to Zen. "Eat, Honey. You'll need lots of energy to play." She scooted the plate closer. When the child didn't touch it, the woman looked the child over. "Zenthra?" Eyes locked as tears began to flow. "Come here." She scooped the little one up. "Baby, what's the matter? Lilly, she's hot!."
"Ba.. bad's coming. WHAAA" The youngling whaled loud enough for the whole house to hear.
"Bad?" Zen coughed holding on tightly to the mother.
"Angela, what's going on?" James rushed to their side along with the other two.
"I don't know. She just started to shake and cry."
"Let me take a look." His hand went to the little one cheek, holding her close. "Whoa,Okay, shh"
"Hold Zen still." Lilly flicked the wand and soon vital readings of Zen appeared. "She has a bit of a fever and is in a great deal of stress. Has she been acting any different?"
"Teeth have been coming in. Never has she screamed like this though." Angela replied as James gave a low growl.
"She's going to a doctor." The man declared as Angela grabbed the diaper bag.
"Ah good, both of you are here." They turned to see Thor entering.
"Uncle thor!" Aeri held her hands to be picked up. He complied gave a playful hug. The man then looked to see Zen crying. "What's the matter Cub?" Concern appeared on the mans face. Perhaps she felt the danger of Asgard.
"Thought you wouldn't be able to make it till the weekend." Loki spoke up.
"I wish I was here for pleasure. I'd like to go find your friend Pandora again, Lilly." The God of thunder winked. At last trouble has come to Asgard. The two of you are needed." Thor's eyes moved to Zen's. It was as if she was trying to tell them something, but the words were not in the little ones vocabulary.
"Right." Loki took Aeri for a second to snuggle her, before handing the youngest to Lilly. "I'll be quick."
"What is wrong Cub?" Worry worsened through his cheek lines.
"We do not know. Thor I can't"
"No, It's okay, go. Probably just developing a cold. Lilly and Prongs will be here. She'll be okay." Angela nervously sighed at Jame's words, but nodded.
"Very well." Angela kissed the back of Zen's head and handed him the bag. "Somebody is going to fry for making me leave at a time such as this."
" Momma..Dadda. Bad.. Something bad!"
"Shh, It's okay. Daddy has you. We'll go for a ride and visit the Doc. He'll make you feel better and give you a lolly pop."
"Take my car, James. There's a good Pediatrics a few blocks down. He knows about both sides of the world"
"Thanks" Lily nodded and walked them out. He quickly placed Zen in the car seat, before getting himself in.
"Daddy!" She cried. James turned on the car and waved to Lilly. An Elderly man grabbed the woman's attention. Her reactions and look of recognition made him not give a second thought. He pulled out of the driveway and down the road.
"Hey, it's going to be okay. Here, I'll put on your favorite tape." The Greatest Showmen began to sound.
"Dad.. Daddy! He coming! Bad Men!" Zen whaled again. James somewhat froze hearing that. He glanced at the rear view mirror. Sure enough a black van followed.
"Shit. Zen, hang…" Screech, Horns Blarring Bam!" A Black jeep from the side ran into them. The car rolled at least two times, before coming to a stop upside down.
"Daddy? Da. U Wahhh!" Zen cried shaken and seeing the man grow limp. "Wake up. People." She tried to warn as footsteps grew closer. A blond hairy man walked up first.
"Ah, what's this?" Sabertooth knelt down as he tapped on the glass with one of his fingernails.
"So, my brother it seem went out and got himself a kid." Zen gripped the belt, trying to get loose.
"Daddy." James slowly stirred, hearing the the frightened cry. "Daddy!"
"Don't worry little one. The goal is not to harm you today. He grinned, before punching through the glass.
"Daddy!" Three small crystal claws pierced through Zen's knuckles and cut the belts. She fell and hit the hood. " Owey, Daddy!"
"We'll what a surprise. You have the same gift as him. They'll be happy to know." Sabertooth opened the door. Zen screamed as she backed up. "Shh it's okay. Come here." He reached in and grabbed her arm.
"No!" She frowned swiping the claws across his hand. Sabertoothe hollered while pulling his hand back. "Little brat! I'll.."
"Roar!" James threw the door open, crawled out and charged with his claws drawn out. "Leave her alone!" Sabertooth blocked the attack,threw him to the side.
"Ah, there's the beast." Step, step. Kick. Ribs Crack." Got some kind of long red spots in the head. Oh that bone sticking out of the arm looks kinda brutal. Must be painful, since there's no time to really set it, when having to fend me off from the child. Not to mention being surrounded by Strikers men, Heh." James winced as he slowly checked to see guns pointed around. "I'd kinda stay down if I were you. If you care for that brat that is. You can heal rapidly, but what about her?"
"Daddy?" James's eyes went towards Zen. His vision was blurred, but could hear the fright. Something had to be done. She had to get away. If any one needed to it was her. His own safety at the moment be damned. Then it occurred. He didn't want the baby out on her own, yet something told him to have faith.
"Peekaboo baby." Zen started crawling. "No, Peekaboo. I know we told you not to hide too well, but just this once. I love you Cub. I'll find you, now go." Three tranqs hit him.
"Don't worry, I'll take good care of her. Night night." James watched Zen, until she poofed.
"No, you won't.."
Back at the Potters
Professor Dumbledore gave a grandfather smile as he met Lilly's gaze. She gave a small grin back. "Ah Lilly such a marvelous day. Although, I much erge more caution in the future. All sorts of people would like to get a hold of Harriet or the two of you." Lill's eyes furrowed, but managed to hide the anger.
"We have more defences then you know and my child will not be kept locked up or away from other children. " Albus sighed and shook his head.
"Might I come in for a few."
"Very well, but it's Aeri's nap time." She led him to the living where Prongs was snuggling Aerie who was now crying a bit.
"Why Zen leave, Prongs?"
"Prongs? Doesn't it sound better to call him daddy or father, Little one?" The two turned to see him settle on the sofa chair. Aeri frowned. "He Prongs. Where Wolvy and Zen?"
"We let her call people by the names she wants." Lilly huffed as she sat by Prongs and Aeri. The baby cooed crawling to Lilly." Zen had to go to the doctor. She got sick. Perhaps later. Now it's nap time. Hessa?" A house elf with nice curtain robes poofed in.
"Mistress, calls Hessa?"
"Yes, will you please be a dear and put Arie for a nap.
"Hessa would love to. Come dear I'll read you Dr. Seuss." Hessa took the babe. Poof!
"You'll have to forgive the mess. One is a terror, two a nightmare who love to wreak havoc." Lilly explained. Dumbledore gave an understanding laugh.
"No, worries at all. I hope her friend feels better soon. Although like I said earlier, you shouldn't be telling where you three are at. Perhaps, I can arrange for other parents to allow their children to play during meetings, but that should be it. At Least till this whole Voldemort situation is under control. We have the safe house ready. You three can go today." Lilly and prongs turned to each other for a moment.
"No, we're going back with James and Angela. You four are coming too." Lilly mentally messaged James. He nodded.
"We appreciate it and are taking the advice by moving out of Europe." Albus rose at Prong's comment.
"No, absolutely not! Er.. I mean you must be where you three can be protected." He sat back down. "Besides think of Aeri's education and we need you both for the war. She will be needed as well. It will be up to the child.." Lilly lightly growled
"Professor Dumbledore. Let's get something straight right now. I don't care what prophecy you have heard from Trelawney's. She will not be raised to go into a war of our generation. She isn't even considered a full child, yet. Aeri will be raised, educated in what she desires. Neither of us quite frankly believe Hogwarts is the correct place to do that. We received a letter two weeks ago from another school."
"What do you mean? Both of you went to Hogwarts. Mr. Potter your family has gone for centuries. Nowhere is safer, good education and a good environment to grow up in."
"No it wasn't after some travels and learning of what other countries do. Hogwarts was none of that." James replied. " We were chased by countless things in the forest."
"I believe the rule was to not enter the Forbidden Forest."
"Which was the most tempting thing in the world. Have you not heard of magical barriers. Spells and potions were always blowing up in children's faces, due to lack of explanation . Worse of all purebloods looking down on the non. We will not have it."
"Agreed. Our little one will be raised to have love and respect everyone for who they are. This school has a zero tolerance policy for bullying. Not to mention they start at three."
"Three? That is way too young to toy with magic."
"They teach control among other basic needs. Most important part she gets to come home every day until eleven years old. Then they may choose whether or not to stay the nights for other educational purposes."
"But usually by then it's usually just minor accidents or we can hinder the flow if need be." Both gasped at the thought. "It's no big deal really. I've done it several times before."
"You will do no such thing to her!" Prongs shouted angrily. He might not be the little girl's blood father, but when the man signed the papers, she became the most important person in the world to him. "Aeri is a gifted child and will not be hindered in any kind of form."
"It must be, if she's really that powerful, my dear boy. People with too much power and misunderstanding can become dark. That is how I kept countless others from so."
"What?!" Lilly hissed as she stood."You will leave this house at once. Aeri will never go to that school, as long as you are in charge of it. We have been on the fence, but that is the last straw."
" Do not worry dear, he'll be leaving in cuffs. Albus Dumbledore you are here by arrest on suspicion of tampering with unsanctioned magical cores and for further investigations." James whipped his wand out and aimed it at Dumbledore. The olderman gave a few chuckles.
"Do you really think you can beat a wizard thrice your age, boy? A ninth level on the scale?" Albus conjured a lemon drop. "Actually I checked my lineage once before. Did you know I'm actually related to the Asgardian Hella." The potters starred. "Not by much, at last we are relatives though. Meaning I have more power than the two of you combined. My greatest talent is manipulation and I have a few tricks of my own. For instance you think I'm sitting in this chair."
"Shit!" Jame twirled around only to be blasted back with Lilly. Before hitting the floor they were both out like a light.
"When the whole time I was behind you. Now why not take this time to nap and when I settle things with your child we can go view the new safe house." He walked up the steps, and towards Aeri's room. There he peeked to see Hessa reading to the now crying child.
"Oh, honey calm down. Here Hessa will warm the milk.."
"No, Mommy Prongs. Bad Man hurt em." Dumbledore frowned.
'How could a child know such a thing. Perhaps a gift of sight per say. No matter I'll just block that as well.' The old man crept in, holding his hand forward and sent magic to knock Hessa out.
(Things change here)
"Huh?" Thud! Aeri watched the house elf fall forward. She stopped crying for a moment and leaned on the crib rails. "Hessa?"
"Fear not little one, for the elf only sleeps. She along with the rest of your family will wake up soon with new memories and feel the need to help further my cause. Do not worry, I won't need to change yours. Children have active imaginations after all."
"Hessa! Mommy! Daddy!" Aeri backed away. No one came, nor answered. She tried to poof away, but the crib had wards against it due to the disappearing act, just like Zen did.
"Shh, it's alright, Now sleep."
"No!" Aeri pulled deep within to blast the crib and the man back. Dumbledore's eyes widened before slumping down, and losing consciousness. Aeri cried
"Umph" Aeri cried while tiredly crawling to Hessa.
"Wake up…" She shook the elf, sadly it was no use. Pop!" The girl turned to see Zen sobbing."
"Daddy say play peekaboo. I don't want to be by myself." Aeri looked to the mess before them, then nodded.
6Hr later
The three Asgaurdians stared with shock; defeat and fear in their eyes. Thanos and Enchantress had done it. Collected all Infinity stones. How he had without notice was beyond them, yet there he was with a wry grin on his face.
"I don't know what you want with those, but dont be stupid. They are quite powerful and could ruin the universe." Thor tried to reason
"And much more. At first I had considered taking half of all planet's population. Then I met enchantress who's brought me to realize why do yours deserve to live as mine perished? Gets to go on all happy when all you do is take it for granted. Do you take me for a fool?" He rounded on Loki who had taken the time to get behind and grabbed him by the neck.
"Brother!" Thor shouted as he charged with his hammer. Thanos stepped out of the way and smacked Loki against him. Crash
"No, I won't let you!" Angela roared, about to engage.
"Yes he will" Enchantress laughed, appearing to the woman's side and placed a spell on in her head. "Here have a does of your deepest fear." Zen and James were hurt. Her babey lost and husband captured.
"Should of stayed back on Earth at least you could of been together till the end."
"Zen!" Angela shook her head as tears formed." Snap! A dark cloud from above appeared in the sky. It was Ominous and dark. At the same time in a different universe two courageous snaps had occurred. One when Banner brought everyone back to live and the Other when Tony had sacrificed himself for the right of others existence. This caused two more tears on both sides.
"No.." Thanos's mouth dropped. "Too much chaos." Bam
Aeri and Zen were sitting together inside a small cabin. Lilly had taken Aeri there not to long ago and the Toddler had enjoyed the time spent in the woods. Her mommy would find them here. She just knew it. They had too.
"Zen parents ok?" She nervously asked her cousin.
"They have to.." Zen wiped a tear, before gazing out the window. She gasped seeing everything being ripped apart."
"What?" The pink haired girl tackled the green one while accidentally forming a shield around them.
"Hang on."
"What happening?" Aeri cried as the three clouds clashed together. Zen tried to hold tight to protect her cousin as they were lifted into the air and for a time they were able to cling. She was only a tiny asgardian whos powers drained quickly after such uses. Aeri assisted for a bit before she too grew tired.
"No Zen!" The bubble holding them together popped as they gripped hands. "No I don't want to lose you." Zen nodded.
"Nor I. What we do?" Aeri tried to think.
"Daddy goes to a dream place. Make our own. Then never lose each other."
"Right.." The winds grew stronger, pulling them apart. "Aeri!"
"Zen!" Thump. "Oof" Aeri found herself in a basket. The sun was rising on private drive for another october day. "Mommy? Zen?" She looked around trying to spot anyone, but sadly there was none. "Whaa!"
Meanwhile Petunia had risen not to long ago. Now on her way to the kitchen to get breakfast going she heard a baby's cry. "Dudley?" Could Vernon have taken him outside?" The woman rushed out to calm the boy only to find a baby girl fussing and a letter."
Zen landed in the middle of what looked to be the end of a gigantic battlefield. "Aeri?" She crawled out of some rubble hoping to spot her cousin. No luck. Only more rubble and a crowd of oddly clothed people not to far. "Maybe there?" Zen gulped as she made her way. "Daddy? Aeri?"
The child made her way through unnoticed due to all having their attention on Tony who was in the middle. "Aeri, I here please come out." Wong's ears picked up a tinny sound, making him turn to his side. It was a toddler. Where had she come from and where were her parents? His eyes trailed as she passed by the others. Most she had gone unnoticed, but a few like Ant-Man and Hawkeye and Bruce did.
"Umm.. who's baby?" Ant-Man asked
"No, don't let her see." Barton ran, but it was to late as Zen stumbled to the middle to see a man being held by a red headed woman.
"Where's family?" Zen asked Pepper then turned to Tony.
"Ouch, big booboos." Tony nodded as she knelt.
"No look away!" Pepper tried to cover the girls eyes only to instantly be met with a wave of calmness."
"Don't" Zen gently pulled away and crawled closer to Iron Man. "Cousin's men not here. Not time." She placed her hands on him. "Saved us all from worse. I lightly sense them." Her hands glowed, showering the many in blue crystals for a moment. The childs features glowed pink as her inner pheonix appered. Gasps could be heard from several people as burns healed and strength came back to the man. When done there was no indication he had been hurt. "Ah!"
Iron man shot up as a four year-old in a spidey shirt ran over. "Tony?" Peter hugged his father figure.
"Whoa.. What the heck is going on last I remember was about to snap the stones? I'm suppose to be dead and kid what are you doing in spider man's suit?"
"Cause I am. Wait What happened to me Ahhh!" Zen returned to her normal self while giggling.
"Fates want to play tricks, emph tired. Too much.. Feel sick." Wong was first to snap out of the shocking moment and walked over to the toddler.
"Not from here at you?" He gazed to the girl's aura. It was weak and in need of attention. This was not the first time she had used magic that day or her mutant powers. The young one had damaged her core badley from all this. "I'll figure it out later. No one here is family are they?" Zen looked and only resembled Thor, except that one was bigger and in need of self esteem again. He smelled like a stinker version
"Lightning? No…" The pink haired girl was too exhausted to make her mind sighed as he watched the ever growing tired child. This was no place for a one year-old Even if she held such power. Another thing that peeked his mind was what would become of her if left to the others. Too many variations that the man didn't like. All knew one child stark was enough. Half the group wouldn't know what to do. Heck Wong didn't when it would become tantrum time. One fact that definitely worried him was the girl falling prey to becoming some kind of experiment or weapon.
"Hey it's ok." The man knelt. "Listen, come with me for now. If someone finds your family we will return you to them. Little one, you need a big rest." Zen took one more glance around as he picked her up. Seeing Daddy was not there, the child past out. "Good girl." Wong opened a portal and stepped through to Kamar Taj. "Alright guess you'll have to stay in my room for now. He smiled as he walked down the hall. That is of course till he passed by a relic. One that hadn't moved in years. "Huh?" A pink shall flew off the mannequin and landed on the tyke. Wong snickered.
"Finally found a companion have we. Oh this is too good. Dr. Strange will have a field day. I can see his sorry face already." Soon after the librarian laid her on the bed. "Sorry little one. You'll have to sleep with me tonight. In the morning I'll get a few things." Knock, Knock
"Sparing no time with a lecture I see." The man muttered. "Come in." Dr. Strange promptly opened the door taking in that the baby had been taken here by no other than Master Wong himself.
"Are you mad. Bringing the baby here?"
"Sh.. let her sleep. She is in need of it badley." Dr. Strange quietly walked over and checked over what he could of the young-one. The breathing was a bit strained, yet nothing too out of the ordinary. Pulse was right and no noticeable cuts was around. "It is good to see you again too my friend. Come to the study." The man opened the office for Strange.
"Why here? Do you know how much of a seen played after leaving with her. It took a bit, especially with the Spider turning into a kid. Attention then began to the runt again. Everyone seems to have an opinion of where she should go. Especially Tony and Pepper."
"Exactly why I did. Sure they are grateful and would take her like one of their own if need be, but no one knows what we're dealing with."
"A child."
"One who can heal and talk as if she is three."
"Maybe the same thing happened like what happened to Peter."
"I don't really think so. I had concerns."
"Such as?"
"Where she came from first of all, but what happens when tantrums occur or fussy. What other powers could she possibly have or control. Most of the others wouldn't know how to calm the angry spirit like we possibly could at the temple."
"That's not all though."
"How shall be treated. A child or tool?" Dr. strange finally understood if the parents could not be found some organization might try to kidnap her for their own use.
"Good point, a child her age could be manipulated easily. Going to be real hard to convince some.. How the hell did Stark get my number." He silenced the phone and looked to Wong. "Fine she stays but is your responsibility. You're the only one who could handle her right."
Aeri watched the to adults argue about what to do with her. Neither was truly encouraging. She didn't want to really stay either, yet too weak to poof away after a long day. They were mean and could tell she needed to be rescued soon or go find Zen somehow. Her eyes then lingered to the boy playing with toys. Why did he get to play when she was in a pen with nothing to do.
Dudley sensed eyes on him so he turned to the pen where Aieri was being kept. His parents weren't being fair at all. They were just plain nastey. Even he had to be careful with how he was around them. The boy had magic. His parents hated what was called wizards, so he tried to not show or use it. Judging by the conversation. She was magical. Even more the little one could feel it off of her as if they are connected. Dudley walked over with a toy and held it to the net. "Here." Aeri smiled lightly while taking it.
"Thankyou." She yawned.
"No." Tears swelled the little girl's eyes.
"Scared? Then I'll protect you. I'm Dudley."
"Aeri." Dudley held his hand to the screen.
"Be careful. Mommy and Daddy don't like magic."
"But you have it. Do they like you?"
"They do not know, but somehow know about you." Aeri thought for a moment.
"Dudley.. Momma's sister has a boy named that, but they do not get along. We family?"
"Think so. Meaning it my job to keep you safe."
"Same." Dudnley thought for a moment.
"These not my parents, can tell. After that storm. They didn't like magic, but not this way." Dudley cringed at the cupboard word. They were going to keep Aeri there..No way. "We're going to run."
"But where. I'm too tired."
"Park, I get us there. No one pays attention and I go play at night. One sec." The boy grabbed some snacks off the counter, before apperating them both to the park.
"Whao you do have power."
"Uhuh" He replied making sure no one was outside of the play house. "Apple?" Aeri smiled as she took it, glad somebody was there with her who was nice. "Thank you" She ate it, before cuddling next to her cousin. "We can sleep now. Safe for the night." He stroked her hair with a yawn and passed out himself."
Dream world
The sky was shining was brightly and the air was cool enough to play, yet they were the only ones there. Her family all gone. "Where are you guys? I'm scared. Park is here. You're not." Aeri looked down as Dudley comforted her.
"But I am soon someone else will be, I feel it." Aeri stopped feeling sad when he said that and began to search. Sure enough she could sense a familiar aura,
"You're right." Aeri turned towards the sky to watch. Soon a pink aura floated above, then landed. The glow disappeared to reveal another tired baby.
"Zen!" Aeri ran with Dudley chasing behind. "You okay?" Zen embraced her cousin with a small yes.
"Just tired Used more power then should of." She sat. "'Who's he?"
"New cousin. Dudley got me away from bad guys." Zen eyed him, before acceptance came to her face. "You new friend."
"Thanks, but where are we?"
"When, Daddy has to be away takes us here sometimes. Zen they have to know we'd come here. Right?"
"Wheres your body?" Aeri asked.
"Don't know, but a good man took me. Felt magical. You guys?"
"In a park for now." Dudley answered.
"No grown ups?" Zen grew a bit worried from their faces.
"They were gonna lock up Aeri."
"Then I bring him to you tomorrow. Where?"
"A playground in London that mommy took me to, before she started suspecting I have magic."
"There is no need to little one." The three turned to see a bald headed lady in monk clothing.
"Who are you?" Aeri asked nervously.
"The one standing outside of the play house. Seems I have been thrown into this world as well. I caught a glance of you two being thrown a part. Your older cousin seemed to be heading towards my people. Well guess not exactly mine so I went to rescue you. When I saw the adults take you in, I thought you would be safe, Something told me to stay and make sure. Evidently you were not. Since you two ran out on your own. I am called The Ancient One. Three phoenixes very interesting. No wonder you're in the middle of all this."
"Phoenix?" Zen asked.
"Mythical creatures that have seemed to bond when you were born. Hmm wonder why. Either way you three need to be protected for now. My pure physical form is gone, but I now serve as a guardian, who puts people towards their paths. Do I have your permission to bring you two to Zen."
"Yes." Aeri answered while thinking. "What about our family?" Ancient Onewent quiet for a moment.
"I do feel souls searching. Not all came with physical forms and ended Here. Will take some time, but I will bring them."
"What do you mean no body?" Zen nervously asked, making the woman's face grow sorrowful.
"Those only hit with two of the blasts. This does not mean there dead, just no bodies."
"So ghosts?" Aeri tried to think.
"In a way yes. Apparitions."
"How we get bodies back?" Zen tried to stand.
"Such ferocity and dedication. Yet only babies who won't be able to use the kind of power again for a long time."
"We have power!" Arei argued.
"Asgardian you are. Noble and proud, but look to your cousin. She is exhausted and ripped her core quite well. She brought one back to life and it nearly killed her."
"Hella men not there."
"Hella does not rule the land of death here anymore, at least for the time being. She tried to take over Asgard in this universe."
"No. Hella not do that. She my sister. She was at my birthday." Aeri's lip quivered.
"Shh it okay, you're right. That was very different Hella's Even by birth okay. I didn't mean to upset you Aeri. She got thrown into this universe too somewhere."
"A moment later this universes new death would of been there Zen. Tony was not meant to survive. Balance has been thrown off more. It is not your fault and very admiral. It is not in a phoenixes nature to let a life force go. Yet you can feel the cost. Your physical bodies are not ready to take bringing life into the world. I doubt those souls would want you to risk yours. There is an alternative."
"Alternative?" Dudly asked not understanding the word.
"Means something else can be done until the time comes to create hosts.
"Anything!" Aeri pleaded as Zen nodded.
"They become your guardians with the ability to weave a bit into both astral realms. Those who will be able to talk here and protect you on the outside. The two thought it over.
"Not being able to see them all the time?" Zen asked sadly.
"There are ways you will just have to find it, but they will be there in spirit."
"It's something. We won't loose them. Thank you."
"Yes, thank you." Ancient One bowed.
"I will now bring you two to Zen and Master Wong. Take care of him for me.
Wong yawned as he crawled into bed. The little one seemed to be sound asleep. Which was good to see her face become more peaceful. Seemed so worried before. "I see the protector of dreams is guarding you tonight. Just please don't be one of those who can not sleep all night. It is a much needed thing for us both.
"Actually four" The man to see the Ancient onein astral form.
"You're dead.."
"In your world yes, but I am from another realm and am tasked with a mission to bring these three to people who will keep them safe. I can not think of anyone better suited for the job than you."
"Wait what?" The woman held a finger up to quiet the man. "Do they not have family."
"Lost, throne upon a different planet or has another destiny at the moment. I know there is no right in asking this of you after what I hid on this plane, but please for their sakes." Wong looked to the tykes and instantly felt connected to them.
"This will make Strange go greyer." He quietly chuckled. "Very well."
"Indeed." She snickered while placing them by Zen. "Two more things. A representative of a school will be along at some point this week to check on them by the name of Owlett Prep. They will be able to explain a bit about them. Last thing. Give them my room. It does no use by sitting there with dust.
Around 11a.m.
Wong placed food bowls in front of the three little one. He had taken them outside this morning to avoid gazing eyes. Much was out of the ordinary for those returning and it could be overwhelming for both sides to exactly meet. Especially for the kids.
"This will settle your little tummies. "He smiled hesitantly. The man did not do that much, but to welcome the children, the master would. "Eat. It is a good day to relax and meditate."The kids slowly complied.
"Yummy." Zen quietly spoke as the other two agreed. Wong sighed. It seemed she was still very drained and saddened just like the other two.
"Thank you for the compliment. Not sure how much you three will understand. I am not Mommy nor am I Daddy. They are out there waiting to be found. By blood I am not family, but maybe over time we can become very close. Is there room in those little hearts for a caregiver and teacher?" Zen crawled on to his lap as she wrapped her arms around the man as the other two went to the sides.
"I see she's awake." Dr. Strange said with relief as he finally found them, then realized there were two more.
"Aww! Wong what is the meaning of this!" Seeing the man who had been taking care of them quietly chuckle the three started to laugh. "And wait those sashes look familiar. Hell, those are the relics from the statue.
"Haha" The shall flew Zen on to Strange's arms.
"Seems she likes you. Yes, a spirit of the Ancient One brought them to me in the middle of the night. No where else to go."
"Then it becomes up to us I see." Dr. Strange checked the baby over. She hugged him. "Welcome little one. You have caused Quite a stir." She giggled.
"That she has" Strange groaned hearing the familiar machine land with the arrogant voice.
"Stark. How did you find this place and what are you doing here?" He asked as the man's hands held the girl a bit protectively. Wong gathered the other two.
"Checking on the one who I don't know saved my life and then vanished just like that by Mr. Avatar." Tony pointed. "Hey who are they?"
"Our charges. All you need to know."
"All I need to know, the hell."
"Hell!" Zen raised her fist with a giggle, making the men realize there were actually kids around.
"Hella my sister?" Aeri looked around confused.
"Hehe, no Momma says it too."
"Wait did that little one say Hella is her sister?"Thor asked as he landed. Now a bit weary.
"Lightning?" Aeri asked just as confused as Zen had been.
"Well I can make it, yes."
"Zen, is he ours?" Zen shrugged not knowing.
"Don't know.."
"Wait Hella as in your sister?" Carla Danvers asked.
"Hey this temple is supposed to be hidden!" Strange exclaimed. A spaceship suddenly appeared. "Seriously!." Dudley laughed at the scene as Thor walked up to the girls. Tony frowned. "How is she?"
"Fine as you can see and no there are no parents still for the three.
"All three?" Tony looked to the others. "Well in that case let me take them home. I can give care."
"Why do you two look so familiar."
"Don't remember us?" Zen saddened.
"Angela, Mommy."
"Loki, Daddy." The other Avengers gasped hearing Aeri.
"Little one is Loki's imposible. He's dead."
"Don't say that, he not." Aeri's eye began to drip.
"You our family."
"Way to make them cry dunderhead." Rocket muttered.
"I am Groot."
"What, no that is not my intent." Thor turned back to the two.
"Hey look at their arms. That's impossible." Brunnhilde stated. Thor gently took their hands.
"Shh, I am sorry. Hey these are symbols of future Valkyries. Can't be." He looked to their eyes, instantly memories flooded from his doppelgangers in to his. "Aye" He held his head form a moment as the two combined.
"Thor?" Steve Rogers exclaimed with concern.
"Ack.." Finally the man came too and looked to the two as if he were their lightning again. "Your safe.. Thank Odin. These are my nieces. Well from another realm. Huh sounds strange to say." Thor claimed as he picked them up.
"Wait what?" Strange and Wong's hearts panged having truly liked the children being with them.
"Yes, they save us. Said they take us in." Aeri replied.
"I see, then that shall remain if it's what the princesses want. Many of our family is still missing."
"Thor what is going on? Is one of them Loki in disguise or put some kind of spell on you?" Banner asked making Thor somewhat laugh. "No, my friend. They are the result of some very special parents."
"Hey want something even crazier I am still a child!"
"Haha yes you are young Peter." Thor patted his head, then got a strange feeling the boy would have a destiny close to his family. Yet did not know why.
"I'm not a real child!" The young ones began to laugh.
"You are now. The fates say so."
"Hey thats what that little baby said. What does that mean?"
"Haha" The girls giggled.
"Little rascals. Then you are okay with me venturing onward to find Loki? You won't feel abandoned."
"Go find Daddy?"
"If this is your wishes little princesses then I shall go find Our family. However It is too dangerous for you two to go to outer space. Same with our new young prince." He nodded at Dudley. "Strange, Wong please take care of them."
"Of course." Wong acknowledged.
"Hold up now. I can take just as much care!" Tony complained. The bickering started all over again An hour later it was decided the kids would stay there. Tony would be allowed to be an uncle who could visit them, have them playmates with his daughter and help with fixing the nursery up. Peter would go between the temple, for study during the days. Thors Brunnhilde would become queen of the rest of the asgard until the children were old enough to choose along with keeping an ear out for the kids. She was determined to teach the two young girls how to be good valkyries and train the boy in asgardian ways when they got older. Banner would be able to study them in effort to find their benefits. As for the others, would go about their lives but never let dangerous organizations get a hold of the kids
A day later
Tony's daughter played with the babies and an awkward feeling Peter as the adults choose furniture for the new little ones. The two men were secretly glad Tony and Pepper decided to come along. Neither really had experience with kids.
"It has to have the same vibe as the temple." Wong stated, not wanting him to go overbored. They did not need to be spoiled nor have things that would keep them inside all day.
"Of course." Pepper agreed. "Don't worry I'll keep the man in check.
"But.." Tony whined as he held three tablets.
"Absolutely not" Wong glared. "Too young. They must remain social."
"Perhaps just A TV with some educational shows for now.
Ug I'll be back with a few things." The man walked off get them.
"While he's on top of that, how about we go get the real stuff. Hmm bed first. Let's see separate ones or together?"
" I think together."
"Yeah, they remind me of a wolf back."Dr Strange commented.
"Right hey, look at this one. It was big enough for triplets with Asian design.
"Perfect. This can last them a while. Matches with the dressers here too. Small but babies wont need that many right? "Wong asked.
"Heh right. Let's just not put clothes into Tony's head I swear my daughter has her own walk in closet full of princess dresses."
"Princess dresses?" Dr. Stranges eyes widened.
And tea cups. She loves tea parties."
"Doesn't sound so bad."
"Till they want you to dress up like a princess." The men's eyes widened. " Makes for good pictures." She held a picture of Tony in one that looked from the times of Sherlock Holmes. They burst out laughing.
"Hah could you send that to me?" Stephen asked while pulling up tickets for the furniture.
"Sure, any ways let's see what else. Diapers." The men grimaced at that. "Yeah, I encourage potty training as soon as possible. Bookshelf. Oh yeah we should have them pick out a few story books for tonight and can order more later. Children Won't go to bed without good ones. Peter."The boy perked up and ran over.
"Will you go with the kids to the book section and help pick some out?"
"Hmm they don't need bottles but should get sippy cups, things to keep them shaded during the day. Activity stations, art supplies, nightlight."
"But..but They're just babies." Stephen's eyes widened.
"They can't be this expensive can they?" Wong pleaded
"Only if you don't want your most desirable things to go missing or some peace and quiet. Advice put your valuables out of sight and reach." The men gulped as they finally went to the clothing section.
"Hey, I know you're not starting this without me."
"Stark! I said not so many electronics!"
"You said non social things do not go, but these are different. Most are for you two?"
"Us?" Strange gave him a weary look.
"Hehehe. Kids are slippery. Can you imagine ones with power. Gotta wonder how their parents kept sane.
"Weee!" The children magically wheeled two tricycles and a small skateboard down the aisles . Peter and Morgan chasing after them.
"No stop!" Peter shouted. Crash.
"See." Stephan and Wong ran to check on the laughing children.
"Oh my gosh are you three hurt?."
"Nope." Zen giggled.
"Have these?" Dudly asked Dr. Strange.
"You're too small buddy. How did you even do that?"
"The sashes." Strange groaned.
"Pwease." Aeri asked
"No… Zen what kind of face is that.. it's so cute."
"They fun." The kids rolled the lipss to complete the puppy eyes look.
"Hey what is this.. must no. Can't say no."
"Oh my they are good." Pepper giggled.
"Wow even have the cute words down packed. " Tony remarked.
"I.. oh fine but no broken bones!" Dr. Strange ordered.
"What was that?"
"That dear Dr. Strange is called the puppy eye move. Oh do you have your work cut out for you."
"Hehehehe" The cousins laughed.
"At least it's an outside toy. Now did you retrieve books?"
"yep" Peter held them up.
"Good let's get the stuff and leave. We're being stared at." Wong commande
Back at home most of the children played together with a few new toys as the grown ups worked on the room. Aeri and Zen however were observing. It was odd of how the three men reminded them of the maduars, but more of a coincidence. Maybe that's why they felt sace around them.
"Toney I seriously don't know why your determined to turn this place into fort knox. We have magic to you know."
"Oh yes, but just wait till they do wonder off or get out of sight. Real heart pounder." Aerie snickered as Zen picked up one oof the cameras.
"I think we're smarter then to let that happen."
"Smart and being outsmarted are two different things. Aren't they little rascal?" His eyes went to Zen who studied the baby monitor."
"Mhm.. Dada got me one." She gave a low sigh.
"Yes to check on you. Smart daddy." Zen giggled.
"Safe Daddy. Talks to me when I wake. Puts me back to sleep." Tony patted her head.
"We will do the same until we find him, kiddo I promise. I will be able to chat through here and hear you. Just like Avatar and the cloak guy here." The two men gave small glares making the two girls giggle more.
"How?" Tony smirked. He liked intelligent questions. Yes, just like everyone else it was weird to have babies who could have such a vocabulary at this age, yet it was invigorating. This red for me, Blue for Dr. Strange and green for Master Wong."
"Test it?" Zen asked curiously. Tony obliged by turning them on and having the two girls press the three. In the back of Ton's mind was a warning though. Kind of like Peters Spider sense going off. He called it the kid sense.
"Cool" Aeri grinned, before turning to Zen with a I got an idea look.
"What are you up to little miss green hair?" Tony asked.
"Play peekaboo with these?" Tony chuckled. Morgan loved playing that too. It was funny seeing them try to hide in plain sight. Little ones thinking they were so clever.
"You know what that sounds fun."
"So, little maduras against adults?" Zen's little invisible horns growing
"Sure kid."
"Yay!" Aeri ran to Peter and Dudley as Zen grabbed Morgan's hand."
"Alright, we'll count to ten." Poof! The adults stared at the spot where the kids just were. Jaws dropped as the room grew cold until the fear set in.
"Ahhhh!" The men screamed in terror as they grabbed the monitors.
"Where did they go?" Strange asked.
"No way."
"Stark this is your fault." Strange shouted.
"Hey how would I know they were little magicians."
"Just find them." Pepper ordered.
"Okay okay." The men turned on the screens to hear giggles.
""I was just baby napped!" Peter cried.
"Thank goodness. Peter" Pepper sighed in relief. "Where are you?"
"No tell. Part of rules. Only hints" Aeri pointed at the boy.
"Um well were still here I think. Looks kung fu enough."
"Are all with you."
"Just Aeri and Dudley." Another screen came on to reveal the other two muncing on animal crackers on a counter.
"Hi!" The two coresseded. "Yummy!"
"Ahhh" The adults ran out of the room and it took a good thirty minutes to find them, Needless to say, none questioned Tony About setting up some technology in the temple again.
"We have our work cut out for us." Stephens hair grew a bit greyer, as Wong limed the children up in a row.
"In deed, now you five stay."
"It wasn't my idea I was just taken. "Peter complained.
"Was fun. " Morgan said
"But dangerous. No more just poofing." Wong explained as Zen rubbed her eyes tiredly. She had forgotten that her powers had been drained a few days ago.
"Up." She asked with her hands towards the man. Wong wanted to be stern on this, yet the child's face was melting. It was now she showed her age reminding they were only one.
"Here I got her. Talk to the others." Pepper picked Zen up and led the child back to the room.
"Right, now you four."
"Mad?" Aeri's lip slumped.
"What no. No was just very scared. We did not know you could do that."
"Scare others too, why Dada gave rules."
"Really, what rules."
"Stay inside, no going to dangerous places. Ask to play peekaboo." Wong sighed.
"And you did I guess."
"So no trouble then?" Wong's eye twitched seeing what she just did as Tony snickered in the back.
"I love these kids."
"No I guess not. Same rules apply. That will become a good tactic when your old enough to train, but no powers for a week. Not because you're in trouble. It's putting a drain on your cores. Zen especially. Please tell me that is something you can understand." Wong hoped they did.
"Aaaaaaah Tony. There's a cat man out here!"