Hey Guys! So I saw in the reviews that you guys wanted more of Transformers Fusion and I was so happy that you guys wanted more of this! And when you guys want more of something, I deliver! So here's was going to happen, I'll try my best to post a new episode/chapter of the Fanfic. If I don't post it on that day, then its most likely because I Haven't finished it yet. But you all have to be patient. Now I notice that some of you asked if I'll be using the Japanese version or putting some of the Digimon from the manga in here. The answer is, no I won't, mainly because I'll be using the English tv show of it is easier than the Japanese version of the series. And I haven't watched a lot of the other Digimon from the manga or tv series. Plus I know it better too. So yeah, there's your answer. But enough of that stuff, let's continue on with the story!
Episode 2 He is Shoutmon, Hear Him Roar!
"We're almost there, Raf!" Shoutmon shouted with excitement as he was carrying Raf as he ran up a hill very fast.
"Almost where?!" Cried Raf who was holding onto his glasses tight.
"You'll see when we get there-It's a surprise!" Shoutmon replied before he picked up the pace. "You're gonna love it!..." And with that, he ran so fast that Raf screamed in terror as he was being carried. While the two were up ahead the others, BumbleBee, Ratchet, Ballistamon, and Arcee were just walking up the mountain.
"Primus, he's crazier then Miko is." Ratchet commented from how Shoutmon ran so fast.
But with Raf and Shoutmon, the two made it to the top. "We're here!" Shoutmon said before stopping himself at the edge of the cliff and then hold Raf over the edge.
"There it is, you see it?! you see it?! Right there! You love it?!" Shoutmon asked excitedly to Raf. Raf was trembling as he was looking down at the forest below him.
"Is it below that forest?!" Raf asked still afraid of falling.
"No... there." Shoutmon said as he brought Raf back on the edge of the cliff and Raf saw that up over ahead was a village through the grass field. "That's the Village of Light. You can see my house from here!"
"Whoa!" Raf awed at the sight as a smile appeared on his face from it.
"This is the Forest Zone," Shoutmon explained. "it's the best and the prettiest zone of them all by far, don't ya think?" After he finished the others were right behind them.
"What is a zone anyway?" Arcee asked him.
"Oh, well," Shoutmon was trying to say something smart. He didn't have a smart brain like Raf did. But he was trying anyway. "it's kinda like-"
"A Zone in the Digital World is the same as a country in you're friend's human world, youngling." Said an elder like Digimon who was on his staff while his legs were criss-cross. "Please forgive Shoutmon here, he doesn't know how to greet your kind, old friend."
This made Shoutmon very mad. "Oh yeah, well I'm going to show you, you old show off-"
"Watch your mouth, you young pup!" The old Digimon said to Shoutmon who was moaning from the head smack from him.
"That hurt." Shoutmon moaned before collapsing on the ground. Then Ratchet saw that the Pickmonz, White, Silver, a Red, and Starman staring curiously at him, Arcee, and BumbleBee.
"Hello, Jijimon, nice to see you're here." Ratchet greeted with a small smile before looking at the others. "These are Arcee and BumbleBee, along with his human Rafael."
"Hi, I'm Raf." Raf greeted as the other two just nodded at him.
"Well as Ratchet has said, I am Jijimon. Thank you for coming to our aid." Jijimon thanked.
"It's no problem I guess, I just don't know how much we could do," Raf said honestly at the old Digimon.
"What's been going on, Jijimon?" Ratchet asked the old Digimon.
"I have felt an ominous rumbling in the Forest Zone of late," Jijimon stated.
"Really? Like what?" Raf asked. Jijimon sighed before he spoke.
"An evil Digimon named Lord Bagra has raised a powerful army in order to conquer the entire DigiWorld," He explained. "zone by zone. Even now, his minions are invading our peaceful valley..."
"This 'Lord Bagra' reminds you of someone?" Arcee whispered to BumbleBee.
"Yeah..." BumbleBee buzzed knowing exactly who she was talking about.
"...and we are powerless to stop them" Jijimon finished.
"That sounds really bad," Raf said a bit sadden by this. But not before Shoutmon patted his back with a determined smile.
"We're fine! We have help, now!" Shoutmon said determine. "With Raf here as our new General, we'll send Bagra's army packin' to Nowhere-ville!"
Then suddenly out of nowhere a Pteramon came out and realist three red glowing missiles on the village as White Pickmonz were running around as fire was rising from some of the houses as they screamed in feared and tried to evacuate. The others were watching this from afar.
"Oh no!" Raf said looking at this happened.
"The village is under attack!" Shoutmon said in anger when he saw this. "There's one of Bagra's flying flunkies now!"
"We can't let him get away with this, we have to stop him, and stop him we will," Shoutmon said before he lifted Raf up with his hands. "Let's go, General Raf!" And with that Shoutmon jumped off the cliff as Raf screamed.
"Raf!" Ratchet and Arcee yelled out as they watched them fall. It wasn't until BumbleBee immediately jumped off as well after them, with Ballistamon right behind him.
"Hang on Raf, I'm coming!" BumbleBee Buzzed out as he and Ballistamon fell down with them in the forest.
"BumbleBee get back here!" Ratchet called out to him but he was already at the bottom.
Back with the village, Pteramon was still firing at it. But not before BumbleBee was rolling over through the village with Raf and Shoutmon in his servos as he stopped himself.
"Whew." BumbleBee sighed in relief before he released the two from his grip and letting them on the ground.
"Thanks, big guy!" Shoutmon thanked before pulling out his mic. "Watch this! I'm gonna shout that buzzard outta the sky!"
"Rock and Roller!" Shoutmon shouted through his mic which made Raf and BumbleBee to blocked their ears as the mic glowed.
"Somebody call for some backup?!" Ballistamon said as he rolled in.
"Let's do this!" Shoutmon shouted. Ballistamon then planted his fists in the ground as Shoutmon ran at him.
"This rocker's ready!" And with that Shoutmon jumped Ballistamon's metal horn and was now up high and ready to attack but only to see that Pteramon wasn't around before coming back down and landing on Ballistamon's metal horn again.
"Okay, one more time!" Shoutmon said to Ballistamon lifted him up once more and still one sign of him.
"Where'd he go?" SHoutmon asked himself before he heard something only to see Pteramon flying towards him.
"Huh? Uh-oh!" And then he was hit as smoke surrounded him.
"Look's like he needs more help then I thought," Raf said before pulling out the Fusion Loader. "and I think I have an idea!"
Raf pulled off the top of the Fusion Loader. "Pickmonz! Digi-Fuse!" Raf Shouted as he held the Fusion Loader up front as the screen glowed brightly. Then all the silver Pickmonz come together and they were fused and combined into a slingshot. "Pickmonz! Digi-Fuse!"
Then Shoutmon was on the sling-shot as Ballistamon and BumbleBee were holding it back and Raf was checking for the right shot.
"Digi-Slingshot ready for launch!" Shoutmon said looking up. "Nice job, General Raf! Zeroing in on target."
Raf looks closely with his glasses and within moments Pteramon was in the right place.
"Locked on!" Was all he said. And with that, BumbleBee and Ballistamon let go of the sling-shot and Shoutmon was shot up in the air and was send to Pteramon.
"Surprise!" Shoutmon said before ready to swing his mic. "Polly want a cracker?!" And then Shoutmon hit Pteramon hard on his face that sends a wave as they made an explosion of smoke and when the smoke cleared, Pteramon was already turning into yellow specks of dust.
"Oh, yeah!" Shoutmon cheered before looking over at Raf and gave him a smile and a thumbs up. Raf nervously smiled back, as he adjusted his glasses the White Pickmonz in the village cheered at them for saving the village.
"With you as my wingman, I'll be crowned Digimon King in no time!" Shoutmon cheered in happiness. What they all, was that a fish-like Digimon was looking at them from afar in the ground as if it was water to swim. Then soon it turned and swam away from them through the village.
Meanwhile, Arcee and Ratchet were in their vehicle forms as they transformed back and looked around the village, unbelievable by the peacefulness of it. It seemed... familiar somehow..., Arcee was in deep thought that she didn't hear Ratchet walking up to her until he spoke.
"It strangely seemed familiar to you?" Arcee blinked a couple of times before looking over a Ratchet.
"Yeah, now that you mentioned it," Arcee said before looking around. "how did you know that Digimon's name?."
Ratchet sighed before explaining to her. "It was many stellar cycles ago, and while you all were still younglings..."
Digimon was known by our kind to be allies, I along with Jijimon was good friends. But over time, we began to avoid each other more and more for some reason. Till soon found out that Sentinel Prime decree that we would no longer have peace with them and burned all our history with them, and never spoke about them again. Till many stellar cycles later, it was during the war, Autobots, and Decepticons. While they all fought, Megatron had plans with some help from an old friend of his. Then we were all invaded by the Bagra Army, while Optimus was fighting them off with most of the Autobot's, I and the rest of us were out searching for some of our kind who were slaved or captured by the Bagra Army's Digimon. Some of the Autobot's were one of them. We learned that they would have to work for solar cycles, helping Megatron with building his ship or were kept in cages like animals.
We managed to help free and save them, but we've lost most of our mechs from those times. I thought through that time, that I would never trust their kind, ever. That was until Optimus came to the base with a sparkling in his arms, Optimus told me that while he was out, he was approached by a Digimon himself. He said he saw that the Digimon wasn't in a fight position, or ready to fight him, till he heard a faint crying from it and saw that he held a blanket with his mouth which held a now crying sparkling raped around with. The Digimon had explained to Optimus, that he was promised to the creator of the sparkling to take care of it. But the Digimon couldn't care for it, so he went and gave the sparkling to Optimus instead. And when I heard that story, I felt sorry for him. And yet, I couldn't find out why the Digimon didn't just take the sparkling instead...
"... and then when I saw that we came to the Digital World, I had found some hope of redemption for them." Ratchet finished. Arcee looked at him with a sad look on her face-plates.
"But, who was the sparkling?" Arcee asked him. Ratchet looked away from her.
"I shouldn't say, but I tell it when its the right time." Was all Ratchet said about it.
Arcee sighed at that. "Well, I'm going to see if I can comm the others here." She said to him. He nodded as she put two fingers on her Audio sensor. She tried to call them, but no answer. All she heard was static.
Arcee sighed in frustration. "They're not answering, must be too far away to reach." She said before looking over to see Ratchet was sitting down as he tried to cover his injured arm from earlier.
"How's you're arm doing." She asked.
"I need something to cover the wound," Ratchet explained as he sat down on the ground and shifted his left servos into a torch and began to fix the wound. "or else the energon will leak out." As he did, Arcee joined him on the ground. She sighed in frustration before hugging her peds. She wouldn't admit that she was lost, but she was lost for once. With no help from the comm. She felt hopeless, while everyone was happy here. She didn't realize that someone was hugging her ped until she heard a small but cute sniffle sound. She looked down and saw a small, cute, pink bunny who had a pair of headphones on along with a magenta scarf and socks. The bunny looked up at her with a sad cute look.
"Please don't be sad," The little bunny said to her. Arcee looked at the creature with a soften look before she gave him a smile. "when you're feeling sad, I'm sad."
"No no, I'm just not feeling it is all." She said reassuring. "Who are you?"
"Me? Oh, I'm sorry." The bunny apologized before giving Arcee a cute look. "I'm Cutemon!"
Arcee raised an optic from that. "Cutemon?"
"Yes-Cutemon! Are you feeling better?" Cutemon asked her.
Arcee looked at him with a confused look. "Uh, well, I-"
"Please feel better! Pretty, pretty please?" Cutemon said to her trying to make her happy. Arcee gave him a smile before picking him and chuckled from his childness. She wasn't much of a sparkling femme herself, but, you could say she was funded by his child-like nature.
"Well, I'm not much of sparkling person," She said. "but I guess you did make me feel a little better."
"Yay!" Cutemon cheered as Arcee chuckled. What the two didn't know was that the same fish-like Digimon from earlier was looking at them from afar.
"Designated target acquired," He said to himself as he looked at them from his view. "target will be eliminated... now!"
He was ready to pounce on them, but before he could though, a huge claw paw stomped on him and he was turned into yellow digital dust. A face of a lion loomed over what was left of him. Arcee and Cutemon looked over to see what the fuss was about.
"Huh?! Hey!' Cutemon said as Arcee gently put him down as he looked over at the lion-like Digimon as he growled quietly.
"Hi, Dorulumon!" Cutemon called out too. Dorulumon looked over at the two with a more calming look to them.
"Hey there, little one. Everything okay?" Dorulumon asked him before he looked over and saw Arcee next to Cutemon with a surprised looked but quickly put on a blank face. Arcee looked at me unsure, he seemed... familiar... that name rings something.
"Oh, a cybertronian..." She gasped at that, Cutemon looked at her, thinking that she was scared he went up to her.
"Don't worry. Dorulumon's my best friend forever!" Cutemon assured her. Arcee looked at Cutemon, then at Dorulumon, then back at Cutemon before looking right back at Dorulumon.
"Welcome, cybertronian. I see Cutemon's keeping an eye on you." Dorulumon said to her. Arcee was still unsure.
"Come on, little one." He called as Cutemon ran up to him as he crouched down for Cutemon to climb.
"So you're leaving?" Arcee said, now out of her awed state.
"For now. We'll see you later." Dorulumon replied before running off with Cutemon holding on to him.
"Bye bye femme!" Cutemon called out. Arcee watched as they left up until she couldn't see them anymore. She looked over and saw that Ratchet was finished with his injured arm. Why haven't he seen Cutemon or Dorulumon was a mystery to her. Then, BumbleBee, Shoutmon, and Ballistamon rolled over to them as Bee had Raf ride on his shoulder plates.
"Did you see that, Arcee?! Raf was able to help them clip off that bird's wings!" BumbleBee buzzed excited Raf was smiling nervously from them. Arcee just stood up and gave Bee a 'seriously?!' look.
"Seriously BumbleBee?!" Arcee said angerly at Bee as he and Shoutmon sweat-drop. "You do realize that we have to transform all the way over here because you had to fall off a cliff to could have offlined you!"
"She's right," Ratchet said getting up and walked over to them as Shoutmon sweated more. "We have to find a way to get back to the others. They all have to wonder where we are by now."
"Now hold you're horses there, doc!" Shoutmon yelled out as he thought nervously. 'This stinks! If General Raf goes home, my dreams of becoming Digimon King will go up in a pixilated puff of smoke!' He clutched his head at the thought. 'I gotta make sure he stays here 'till I'm King!' While he was freaking out Raf was worried that his friend was freaking out.
"Uh... Shoutmon, are you okay?" Raf asked him.
Shoutmon laughed nervously, trying to show that he was upset. "I was just, uh, planning for the party we're gonna through!" Shoutmon said nervously. "A big Digi-Party! You can't leave before your party!"
Somewhere in the Digimon, the same blonde teen boy was battling as he and his Digimon fought them with his blue Fusion Loader.
"Greymon!" he called. Greymon was a grey dinosaur with orange stripe with a silver helmet with a horn on it.
"Mailbirdramon!" Mailbirdreamon was a metal robot hawk as he roared.
"Digi-Fuse." The teen said calmly as he held the Fusion Loader up front as the screen glowed brightly. Then the two Digimon Digi-Fuse but was a shaded and only his red vizor was shown. Soon he flew up in the air and realize a couple of missiles at the army in an explosion.
"First platoon down, sir. Second platoon gone!" One by one, each army went down by the boy's attack as Madleomon was sitting in his control room as he was furious.
"His Blue Army stings us again!" He growled. "Now there's even more humans. They're starting to infest the Digi-World like rats!"
Afterward, the fusion unfused and was back to Mailbirdramon and Greymon.
"Digi-delete, executed." The boy said as he looked over at the field as ashes were left smoking and his Digimon was looking around. But as the smoke cleared he saw a shadowed figure from afar looking down at him.
"Mmm... interesting." The shadowed figure said before he walks away from the scene.
Later that day, it was sunset as a large fire was set at the center of the village as a celebration was held on.
"Woo hoo! All right! Keep that beat, Dondokomon!" Shoutmon cheered as a group of drum-like Digimon Dondokomon as one, in particular, was sweating as he drummed his head to play. As flower-like Digimon began to dance together as the flames of the fire grew big and bright behind them. While they dance to perform, Raf and the Three Autobots were sitting on a large dark cyan green with few trays of food were layed in front of them while White Pickmonz surround them all as some were awed at them.
"Raf, have tried the food? It's good!" Shoutmon asked.
"Well, no," Raf said to him. "I haven't."
"Well, try it then!" Shoutmon then shoved a piece of food Raf's mouth. While BumbleBee was helping a now chocking Raf, Arcee, and Ratchet were having some small talk with the White Pickmonz as some of the White Pickmonz were on Ratchet like a playground. Once Raf has a chance to breathe, Shoutmon spoke.
"Cool, huh? When it comes to hospitality, this is The place to be!" He said with excitement.
"Come on, admit it! You've never seen anything like this in the human world." Shoutmon nudged Raf's cheek happily. "Well, you do throw a pretty good going away party." But then a servo grabbed Shoutmon's head and pushed him away from Raf. Shoutmon looked up and saw that it was Ratchet who then sat between the two.
"I'm afraid we can't stay for very long," Ratchet said to Shoutmon. "we have to get back before Optimus finds out we're gone." This made Shoutmon yelp as he sweats nervously, he needed to think something and fast.
"You're not really still playing on going back..." He muttered.
"Well," Raf spoke. "I kind of fell bad about leaving all our friends back home and being dragged into this," He then looked at the two and made his decision. "So first thing tomorrow morning, we'll be off on the road and heading home."
This made Shoutmon groaning in fear as he's were shattering. 'Well, that's it. I've only got one option left," Shourtmon thought nervously. 'I'll have to appeal to his sense of duty! Here goes nothin'.' Meanwhile, Ratchet just had a blank face but nodded at Raf's decision. "Wise choice." He said to him. But Raf's attention was onto Shoutmon who was sweating nervously but didn't notice Raf looking at him.
"You gotta hear me out!" Shoutmon exclaimed to Raf as he grabbed Raf's shoulders with a serious look. "There's something you don't know about going on here! There are other humans here fighting against evil, just like you've been doing!" But Raf was still confused about this as Shoutmon kept going. "But to win this battle, we need you to stay here and fight! Digi-Fuse is the key is the key! We need you on our side, Raf, or we'll stand no chance! We can't do it without you!"
"Maybe Ratchet's right," Arcee said standing up, crossing her arms. "if there are other humans here, then we should find a way home."
"I agree," BumbleBee added. "I bet you're family's worried about where you are now Raf. And I don't want you to get in trouble for it." Raf looked at his guardian, before smiling at the idea.
"Yeah, you're right! I'm sure Optimus is looking for us!" Raf said agreeing to leave like to other Autobot's. Shoutmon, however, was screaming in fear at Raf's final decision.
"Please! You can't leave us! I need you!" Shoutmon begged at Raf and Bee as he held onto BumbleBee's bed.
"Come on, Shoutmon! We really have to go home." BumbleBee beeped to him as he peeled Shoutmon off his ped and held him with both servos.
"Okay, I'll level with you," Shoutmon said with a sad tone in his voice. "I've never had friends like you guys before."
"Well, we've never had a friend like you either," Raf said but unsure.
"You're my only hope!" Shoutmon exclaimed as BumbleBee put him down. "How can you just leave me hanging when it's clear I need your help, Raf?! Please!" Raf looked at Shoutmon and saw that he looked sad. He felt bad for him, he saved his friend from death, and now he feels bad about not helping Shoutmon as a favor.
Raf sighed before smiled a little a Shoutmon. "You're right, I should help my friends out." He said.
"I knew it! You're a real pal, Raf!" Shoutmon said happily.
"Raf don't give him any ideas!" Arcee yelled out who came out of nowhere. "Bee we need to get Raf home now!"
"Hey, you! Helping builds character!" Shoutmon yelled at her.
"Raf's already helped enough, he shouldn't be around here it's dangerous!" Arcee yelled.
Shoutmon grunted at that as he fell to his knees. "You three can go back to that silly world of Raf'd anytime," He exclaimed. "but helping me to become King of the Digi-world is much more Important!"
"Wait, you becoming King? Is that all this is about?!" BumbleBee beeped with a hint of anger in his buzzing voice.
Shoutmon looked at him angrily. "Wh-what do you mean by is that all?!" He stuttered.
"Shoutmon," Raf said a bit hurt. "if this is all about you, then I think you don't need my help after all."
"Com'on Raf its getting late, you need to sleep," Arcee said as he and Bumblebee walked over to her. Shoutmon's face shadowed at this as he snarled.
"Okay, you're right, it's my dream... but..." Shoutmon mumbled who started the tears. "I can't do it by myself." He roared in anger.
His roaring was so loud that everyone down in the village heard his roar.
"How could you just turn your back on me!" Shoutmon shouted in anger and ran at them with his fist. Raf yelped in fear as Shoutmon charged at them. Arcee quickly grabbed Raf and got out of the way in time. But for Bumblebee, he didn't get out of the way quick enough and Shoutmon punched him on his chest-plate. But the punch was so hard that it made him hit the rock behind him exploded and shattered to pieces. Shoutmon looked up from the blasted and gasped to see that he hit Bumblee, who was now on his knees and grunted from the blow as Arcee let Raf down and went to help BumbleBee.
"What was that?!" Raf asked running over to his guardian.
"You think shouting at us is going to make us change our minds?!" Arcee shouted at Shoutmon as she helped BumbleBee up. "Look, we can't help you. We would like to, but we have a human here who has a family here that is worried sick about him. So we have to take him home."
Shoutmon's eyes widen at that, he didn't realize about the kids family but he was angry with them to leave. But it left him with no choice.
"Then go!" He yelled as he ran as fast as he can from the scene. BumbleBee saw something that went fast. In slow motion, he saw that in Shoutmon's eye that he saw were tears.
"Go home already!" Shoutmon shouted as he ran to the forest. Arcee growled at him before turning her attention to the other two.
"Arcee... did you see that...?" BumbleBee weakly said. This made her confused.
"What do you mean Bee?" She asked him.
"See what?" Raf asked as well.
"He was crying..." BumbleBee said at last before looking over at where Shoutmon had run too as they all were off to the village.
Meanwhile, Madleomon's troops were caring off a large cage that held a shadowed Digimon. It growled as seven pairs of glowing red eyes were shown from inside.
"Keep moving!" Madleomon ordered as he flew on a Ptreamon. "The Village of light. We will occupy it before nightfall!"
In the morning the next day, Shoutmon, Ballistamon, Star, and White Pickmonz were up on the hill as they watched the three Autobots and Raf walk away.
"Nice knowing' ya! Goodbye!" Shoutmon shouted through his mic as he looked at the distance. "We can defend our zone all by ourselves, anyway!"
"Common you two, we gotta get moving," Arcee called out to BumbleBee who recovered from the blast, and Raf who looked sad to go as much as Bee does.
"Right." BumbleBee nodded before putting a servo on Raf's shoulder and the two walked off to join Arcee and Ratchet as they all walked into the forest.
"Guess they're really gone for good," Starmon said looking at them from afar.
"Oh, no!" Shoutmon stated in anger as he bashed his head with his mic. "I really blew it this time!"
"Hey! Look who's on the other end of the forest, on the horizon!" Shoutmon looked up from his mic and saw that there was indeed something, but that something wasn't good.
"Dang it. That's Madleomon's army," Shoutmon said in a panic. "and they look ready to attack!"
"Hold it! That means those poor kids are gonna run right into them!" Starmon said looking at Shoutmon. Shoutmon grabbed him by his face and looked at him dead in the eye.
"Yeah, well, no duh!" Shoutmon stating the obvious.
"Raf and Bee helped you when you needed it!" Starmon said to him.
"Huh?" Shoutmon said and then looking back and remembering at what the two did to help him and his friends before remembered what Raf said to him the other night.
"If this is all about you, then I think you don't need my help after all."
Shoutmon just hmphed at the thought. "Hey, they're the one that wanted to leave!" He said looking away and let go of Starmon.
"Poor human," Starmon muttered worriedly.
"All right! Madleomon's army is headed here!" Shoutmon shouted out. "We have had to look out for ourselves now!" He looked at the way they left but quickly looked back at the group and walked off.
: The fog here is too thick, we might have an advantage if we find some higher ground.: Ratchet comm who he and the other were in they're altered-forms. Raf was looking over his guardian's window with a sad look before saw a shadow that past by.
"Huh?" Raf said adjusting his glasses. Then the group stopped dead in their tracks in a clearing when they saw that they were surrounded.
"Looks like we're surrounded," Arcee said looking at the Digimon.
"How fortunate for me." The four looked behind them and saw that there was Madleomon standing over them. "I get to do away with that human of yours before attacking that village!" He said before he pushed over BumbleBee who transformed back and landed on his aft with Raf on his lap.
"How could anyone think that something as pathetically fragile as a Cybertronian could ever be a match for me?!"
"Cause we're smarter!" Ratchet swing around with his wheels and made some dust from the dirt on Madleomon's face. He growled as he tried to get the dust off his face from blinding him.
"Let's move!" Ratchet ordered as BumbleBee transformed and Raf quickly got in before the two, and others drive off from the scene.
"All right, now I'm really annoyed!" Madleomon growled as the troops looked at them drive off. "Release Orochimon!" He ordered out.
"You better run. Compared to him, I'm a pussycat."
The troops opened the cage as it breaks off and the shadowed Digimon showed its true form.
"Orochimon!" They shouted as its snakeheads slithered stretched out through the forest.
The three were driving deeper through the forest as they tried to lose them through the fog.
"Come on! If we make it, we can lose them through this fog!" Ratchet called out. Then a giant silver snake hits a nearby tree.
"Scrap!" Arcee cursed before she and the others picked up the pace as the snakehead slithered after them.
"What is that thing, Ratchet?!" BumbleBee buzzed quickly. As they make a clearing, Ratchet looked over his review mirror and saw six silver and gold snakeheads popping out of the forest behind them.
"By the Allspark..." Ratchet gasped at the sight behind him behind quickly explaining to the others. "That's Orochimon, he's a snake Digimon. I haven't seen him since the war."
"Well, that sounds good, but look!" Raf said pointing a rock side. "A Dead end!"
The three Autobots stopped dead in their tracks and Raf got out so BumbleBee, Arcee, and Ratchet transformed back into robots.
"Let's try climbing up to the top," Arcee said looking at the two. "Bumblebee, you can carry Raf on your shoulder-plates while you climb."
BumbleBee nodded before he crouched down for Raf to climb up on him. Once he knew that Raf was safely on his shoulder-shoulder-plate, Arcee and Ratchet started to climb up. The three were climbing but as BumbleBee was grabbing the edge of the cliff, his footing slipped and with it, Raf started falling.
"AAAAHHHH!" Raf screamed as he falls.
"RAF!" BumbleBee called out and jumped after him.
"BUMBLEBEE!" Ratchet and Arcee yelled out to him.
'He doesn't learn does he?' Ratchet thought to himself.
BumbleBee slides on the cliff side and caught Raf just in time before he crashes down. Once the dust cleared, He and Raf were covered in dust from the dirt.
"Get them!" Then three of Orochimon's heads charged at the two.
"BumbleBee, we have to think of a way out of this," Raf said looking at them charging.
BumbleBee nodded before looking up and saw that Ratchet and Arcee already made it to the top.
"Bee you can climb back up here, quickly, jump up and grab my servo!" Ratchet called out to him. BumbleBee before looking back at the three snakes.
"On the count of three, I'll jump and you hold on Raf!" BumbleBee said. Raf nodded as he climbed on his shoulder-plates once again. "One... Two... Three.."
But in the last second, a shadow jump down from the cliff and landed just before the middle head of the three smashed them and dust exploded around them.
"Now, to finish them off." Madleomon chuckled as he flew at the scene. But then he saw that as the dust cleared that the snake was being held back.
"What's happening?" He yelled in rage at this.
Raf opened his eyes and saw a familiar face. "B-BumbleBee, look!" He stuttered. BumbleBee opened his optics and gasped at this.
"It's... it's Shoutmon!" BumbleBee stuttered at the sight before him and Raf before smiling under his battle mask happily. "Shoutmon! He's come to help us!"
"But I was so mean to him..." Arcee mumbled at the sight of him holding the snakes head back.
Shoutmon grunted as he pushed the head back with all his might. "Yeah, I'm here! You didn't think I could really turn my back on you two, now did you?" Shoutmon said looking back at the two as he sweated.
"Thanks, buddy," BumbleBee said warmly at Shoutmon.
Shoutmon chuckled. "Sure! And Bee, I wanted to say-" He was interrupted as the head pushed back.
"Oh, no! Shoutmon!" Raf called out worried. But not before Starmon and Silver Pickmonz came to rescue the two as a rope with Arcee and Ratchet to pull.
"Quit watching and climb aboard you two!" Starmon said.
"Right," BumbleBee said as Raf holds onto his shoulder-plate as Bee grabbed on.
"Sometime today!" Shoutmon shouted before BumbleBee was pulled up.
"Whoa!" The two yelped but not long before Ballistamon jumped in.
"Ram-Slammer!" He busted his jet boosts and rammed at the snakehead. It let go of Shoutmon as he grabbed his mic and it glowed, ready to attack.
"Rock and Roller!" He rammed his mic at it and it fell back as it roared from the attack.
"Impudent little-!" Madleomon jumped from Ptreamon. "I'll end this farce myself!" He roared as he glowed red.
"What's he doing?!" Raf asked as he and the others watched Madleomon land on Orochimon and glowed with him.
"Oh, no!" Shoutmon said as he covered his eyes from the glow. But once the glow died down they saw that Madleomon Digi-fuse with Orochimon to make, Madleomon [Orochimode] as he roared.
"Whoa!" Shoutmon said surprised at this.
"He's just absorbed Orochimon!" Ratchet added looking at the sight before him.
"Better to destroy you with!" Madleomon [Orochimode] said, he roared as he stretched his snake arms as their eyes glowed red and stretched far and came at Ballistamon and Shoutmon. But Ballistamon held the two heads backs with his hands.
"Thanks, Ballistamon!" Shoutmon thanked before jumping up all the way till he reached Madleomon [Orochimode]'s face.
"If you think you can just slither in here and mess with us, you've got another thing coming!" He shouted as he swings his mic at him.
"I've got them now... The big one is strong but slow..." Madleomon [Orochimode] thought to look at Ballistamon as his snakehead feet's eyes glowed.
"And this annoying little loudmouth has a lot more guts than brains..." He looked at Shoutmon.
"Shoutmon! you gotta get out of there!" Ratchet yelled out, now realizing what Madleomon [Orochimode] was planning.
"Huh?" Both Shoutmon and Ballistamon said before two snakeheads attacked Shoutmon and two more at Ballistamon for a powerful blow.
Shoutmon groaned in pain as he fell back down. "Oh no!" Raf said in a panic. "Shoutmon..."
"If I don't suck it up and get back in there..." Shoutmon said weakly as his body started glitching but try to stand up. "I'll never become the Digimon King... and if I can't do that... who else will protect all my friends in our village!?"
"So that's it," BumbleBee said looking back. "he wants to become the Digimon King so he can protect his village!" He then smiled at this with proudness. "What a guy..."
"It's time to end this!" Madleomon [Orochimode] said as he held up his tail as it glowed. "Prepare to be Digi-deleted!" He swings at them.
"The only way for me to become a king... is for me to fight back!" Shoutmon shouted at Raf.
"Right!" Raf said before pulling out his Fusion Loader. "Shoutmon! Ballistamon!" He shouted.
"Digi-Fuse! Digimon Fusion!" The two were hit by Madleomon [Orochimode] as were exploded with dust as he chuckled.
"You were warned. Huh?!" He saw that they were fused and was holding onto his tail. "Digi-Fuse?! How'd you do that?!"
"Like I'd tell you!" Shoutmon as he looked over at his and Ballistamon's fusion. "Anyway, you've got a bigger problem to face. Now, we're Shoutmon times 2! That means I've got more power than ever!"
"Go for it! Shoutmon times 2!" Raf yelled at him. Shoutmon times 2 then swings the tail that made Madleomon [Orochimode] fall back on his back.
"Oh wow," Arcee said with aw. Ratchet just smiled at them. Madleomon [Orochimode] growled as his two snakeheads came at them but Shoutmon times 2 just dodged them.
"Nice try! Missed me! Too slow!" He said with ever miss Madleomon [Orochimode] made.
"His speed is incredible!" Raf said awed at this.
"Say hello to my Fusion Fist!" His fist steamed up as he swang at him.
"Are you so delusional that you think you can defeat me just by fusing together?!" Madleomon [Orochimode] asked him as his snakeheads came at them.
"You need to learn your place!" "You need to pay better attention!" Shoutmon times 2 said to him.
"To what?" Madleomon [Orochimode] asked before noticing a sling-shot around Shoutmon times 2's feet.
"You've just got yourself all tied up. See ya." He said before he was pulled back.
"I can't lose to you." He growled as Shoutmon times 2 retreated back.
"When they fuse, they're a real team. They both make-up for each other's weak points." Raf explained.
"That's the real power of Digi-Fusion!" Shoutmon times 2 said before summoning a blue orb.
"Sonic Tsunami!" He blasted Madleomon [Orochimode] with it.
"No!" He shouted but was too late. He screamed as he exploded and was turned to yellow digi-dust. Shoutmon times 2 then came back as Shoutmon and Ballistmon.
"Woo hoo! Awesome!" They all cheered at their victory.
"We did it! Ha!" Shoutmon said giving Ballistamon a high five and landed on the ground in front of the others.
"Oh, Shoutmon," Ballistamon said scooting Shoutmon over to BumbleBee. "I think you wanted to finish what you said earlier to Bee."
"Oh, yeah!" Shoutmon cleared his throut before he spoke to him. "BumbleBee, I wanted to say I'm sorry for hurting you yesterday. I got my anger get the better of me and it wasn't cool of me to do that. I'm so sorry." Shoutmon looked down in embarrassment as he said that. BumbleBee looked at him in surprise before looking at Shoutmon warmly and smiled under his battle mask.
"I forgive already Shoutmon," BumbleBee beeped out to him. Shoutmon looked up to him with a surprised look on his face. "I know you didn't mean too. And I guess we're sorry to for doubting you too." Shoutmon smiled at that, and he surprisingly hugged BumbleBee's ped.
"Thankyouthankyouthankyouthankyou!" He said over and over again as BumbleBee padded his back. What they didn't know was that Madleomon was still alive.
"How?! Those Digi-wimps never possed that kind of strength before!" He said in anger. "Bet that meddling human has something to do with it. He will pay. Retreat!" He ordered as he and the troops walked off.
What they all didn't know was that from afar from Raf and the others, Nene and the shadowed figure from earlier was watching all of this.
"An Orange Fusion Loader," Nene said looking at them all before looking back at the shadowed figure. "this is getting interesting doesn't it?"
"Mmm... yes. It would seem so, but, we must be off now, Ms. Nene." The shadowed figure said to her. Nene nodded and the two of them walked away as the group celebrated their victory.
To Be Continued...
The scene changed where there was a Monitamon was sitting there with a chibi Raf on one side of the scene and a chibi BumbleBee on the other as there was a sigh on the background saying 'Data files'.
"Accessing data files! I'm Monitamon. This Is the part of the crossover where I generously take time out of my day to explain one of our Digimon and Cybertroians to our audience!"
The screen change where there was a picture of Ballistamon as Monitamon explained.
"Ballistamon! His attacks include Ram Slammer, which he uses to flip or toss an opponent around! Now, this could be very helpful in making pancakes, or hamburgers, for that matter!"
Then Chibi Ratchet and Chibi Raf came out of nowhere and Chibi Ratchet looked angry at Monitamon.
"Well, you don't have to be so rude about him!" He said. Chibi Raf sighed at this.
"Please don't Ratchet..."
A/N: WOOO HOOO! I got it done! Back to School had to hold me back on this, but it was all worth it! So you might be wondering, who's that mysterious figure there in the episode? Well, I'm not gonna say who it is just yet so yall have to be patient about it. Anyway, hope you all have a great day and let me know what you think in the review! Bye!
*whispers* Spoiler alert! It's someone from Transformers Prime!