Reviews are Nice; The pairings are NOT decided yet. I get people like Vander/Lucy, I like them too, they're adorable when she's sassy and keeps up with him, but...I really don't know if they will get together or if it will be a friendship...or how far this darkness is going to go.

I don't own Fairy Tail. Mashima Does.

I don't own the Pradesh Clan. Desna does (and thank you for them).

I own the Storyline. That's it. Apparently I have also adopted "Good Hestor".

I also own All Things "Bellum" in this Story. it's my original creation, including the characters within the country.


"You want to what ?" Laxus looked at his mate with a look of confusion and utter exasperation.

Rowan rolled his eyes as he worked on dinner, flipping food in the pan as he seared the steak tips, "I want to adopt him."

"It's an It," Laxus scowled. Not even his mate in nothing but an apron and a pair of cargo shorts was going to distract him from this...though the way his mate looked was making it very tempting to find a way to distract the man from the conversation. Unfortunately, Rowan had used one of their Words to say that this was a conversation between equals and he wasn't going to be able to ply the green mage into play and sex very easily.

Rowan looked over his shoulder at Laxus, "Mard is male. I found that out from the roses." he leveled a look at the Slayer that had the other backing down a bit. "I know, it seems strange to want to do this." He let out a faint sigh, "but...I think it will benefit not just us, but myself and Fairy Tail."

"How?" Laxus pursed his lips as he put his head in his hands, confusion as to his mate's actions and words filling him.

The green mage was quiet for a few moments, putting the food on a plate and then setting it in front of the slayer as he sat at the kitchen island. The last thing put on the table was a salad. His own meal, a salad with the steak tips on it, was put on the counter as well. He took a breath and sat, looking across the island as they took a moment, "What if they're not really evil, Laxus?"

"He's a created form of life," Laxus pursed his lips, "he might not be able to be anything but evil."

Rowan let out a small, discontent sound, "we have his Book. we can let a team of rune mages look over it." he took a breath, "we don't know what is coming in the future, Laxus. White Sea taught me a lot, I grew up there, I want to pass on that knowledge in Fairy Tail...that's why we do the exchange, so mages can go back and forth, to learn and grow…"

The Slayer could just hear the almost pleading edge to the other man's voice and his dragon was whining. He was trying to stay as clear headed as he could as he looked at the man for a moment, "and with It...him, how?"

"What if we can rehabilitate him?" Rowan looked at Laxus and then reached out, moving to gently put a hand on his mate's hand, "what if we are able to actually do it?"

"How do you rehabilitate a demon, Rowan?" He tilted his head.

The Green mage smiled warmly, "believe it or not? Gardening, I think."

Laxus sat there for a long moment, slowly arching an eyebrow, "you can do that with Droy."

"Droy's a dumbass," Rowan arched an eyebrow back.

Laxus snorted and looked at his meal, he eyed the salad warily but shifted the bowl towards him, slowly taking a bite, "this is half an excuse to build a huge greenhouse, isn't it?"

Rowan opened his mouth and then shrugged, "little bit. I was going to ask for it for New Year's."

The Slayer Snorted as he looked across the island, "if, big if, you and rune mages can make sure he won't turn on Fairy Tail, or the people of Fiore...we can attempt to of Zeref's demons…" at the hopeful shining look in Rowan's eyes he groaned, "..and yes, you can have your greenhouse."


Zen watched as Lucy sat, Raven curled up in her lap and the woman smiled only a bit. He could feel the resounding pain through their bond and looked towards Vander, pursing his lips. They'd felt something similar during the event on top of Mercurius, but he wasn't sure what had happened.

It had been three days and Lucy seemed to have withdrawn. They could feel that she still loved them, but they weren't sure why she was attempting to do this all on her own. As much of the family as possible was coming to brunch, so hopefully something would come to light then.

Vander leaned against the door frame and curled his nose, wanting to know exactly what was going on. He didn't know what happened, but that mark on her collarbone meant something. He was waiting for Hestor to get back to him, the male celestial mage having been covered in honey when they'd called. The shadowquip had only missed half a beat before asking when they started 'food play' only to snicker at the blush across the man's cheeks.

Lucy smiled softly as the boy curled against her and both men looked on curious as the boy put his head against her stomach and let out a low growl. The woman giggled faintly, though there was still a haunted look in her eyes.

Vander stood there for a moment, watching the scene and then mumbled, "that's the same thing he does with Emi…"

Both men looked at one another, then back to the blonde woman. It had started a seed in their heads and they were wondering now. Slowly, they moved towards her and then lowered on either side of her. Zen debated as he lifted a hand then gently put it on his nephew's head, ruffling the dark hair, "What are you doing?"

The boy looked up and grinned at him, "marking!"

Lucy scowled a bit, "you don't need to mark me, Raven."


Arman walked into the boy saying that and then nuzzling into the woman's stomach again. His brows went up, "babies?"

Vander groaned as he let his head rest against Lucy's shoulder, "here we go."

Lucy smiled as she realized the entire family was there, having arrived with Arman, "no, Raven's right...but that's not the way I wanted to...reveal it." she blushed a bit, then her features went haunted, "Aquarius told me...right before I summoned The Celestial King." her hand moved to rest on her stomach and she murmured, "and not using the Orion Key, full power. That's how…" she trailed off, eyes getting a far off look in them.

Zen felt the pain again and then moved to wrap his arm around Lucy, murmuring, "Talk to us."

Lucy sniffled a bit, Arman moving over and crouching down, "Ganier and Layla talked about how it wasn't possible…"

"There is a way..." Lucy's voice was barely above a pained whisper, "..the price...was horrible." she looked at Arman, "I never want to do it again." tears started to slowly curl down her face as the sorrow overwhelmed her. The hand on her stomach moved out shakily and she pulled on her requip space, instead of the normal golden shimmer that came with her pulling one of her keys out, there was nothing, no magical signature as a broken key lay in her hand.

"oh, Lucy..." Arman looked at the young woman and then moved to pull her into his arms, letting her cry and smiling sadly to his sons. He could see that they wanted to comfort her, but it was obvious that a connection with someone that fully understood how close a summoner and a Spirit was the comfort that Lucy needed.


Lily stood and watched Farron talk to Toma, tilting her head a bit as she stared at the gentry around them. She didn't like this gathering, but she knew it was necessary. She had just recovered from what she'd done at 8Island and Farron, it seemed, didn't want to let her out of his sight. She mused that it was endearing and frustrating at the same time. She knew he didn't think of her as weak, but it was almost as if he was afraid she was going to fall back into that state of near death again.

The woman gave a small smile as a young man, a marquis, came up to her. She nodded her head, "Marquis Devuller, a pleasure."

The man smiled, it was a slimey smile that had a shiver run up and down her spine, "Princess Liljana." She watched him, keeping her calm facade in place as he took her hand and kissed it.

"I no longer go by that title, Marquis."

The man stood and looked at her. She supposed he wasn't bad on the eyes, if one liked dark hair and darker eyes. The fire in her gut didn't sense anything inherently 'evil' about him, but he was a Fiorian noble and she knew how they were: conniving and snakelike.

"I see," He gave her a light smile, "perhaps you might be interested in becoming a Marquessa?"

Lily stared at him, features showing nothing and she saw, just in the corner of her eye, Farron looking over with narrowed eyes. She'd almost wager that was the look of a man about to stake a claim, but she was certain the ambassador was far too reserved in public. "I am afraid that such a thing will not be possible, Marquis."

"And why not? I have not heard that you are with anyone, Lady Liljana."

She almost rolled her eyes as the man's eyes strayed downward again. What was it with these men seeing nothing more than physical attributes when it came to women? "That, Marquis, is clearly none of your business."

The man let out a low hum, "joining our two houses would be beneficial."

"So would putting a sword through your throat," She smiled as she stood there, voice soft.

The man started, "i'm sorry, what?"

Orange eyes slowly blinked, "Hmm? I didn't say anything."

The Marquis eyed her almost warily as he stood a bit straighter, "I am sure you did, Lady Liljana."

"You must have your hearing checked out, Marquis," She gave a small smile, features confirming nothing of what she had muttered.

"I believe you threatened my life, My Lady."

Lily's eyes widened just a little and she put a hand to her chest, "me? Why I would never do that, Marquis." her lips twitched, "Unless you are attempting to strong arm me into something...then as a Holy Warrior of Bellum, I would have to react appropriately."

The woman smiled as she heard Farron and then felt a hand on her lower back, "Lady Liljana."

Lily smiled softly up at the Boscan, "Ambassador Pradesh, all is well?"

"Of course." The blue eyed man smiled warmly at her as his fingers slowly moved against the fabric of the back of her clothing.

The Marquis looked between the two, seeing the woman warm just slightly and cleared his throat, "I was just discussing, Ambassador, that I should like to Court Lady Liljana."

"Oh?" Farron looked at the man, keeping his hand just on the woman's back, fingers slowly stroking, "You are aware of the Courting Customs of Bellum, Marquis?"

The man frowned, "I cannot say I am, Ambassador."

Farron's eyes danced, "it normally includes a sword fight, in which the one being courted has the right to the challenger's life should they fail to win the duel." He paused, "Lady Liljana here is a champion of her people, well versed in swordplay and on the battlefields of Bellum." Farron would not admit to the glee he harbored as he saw the man go pale.


Kaleb started from his chair, the heavy wooden object scraping backwards and tipping over as he moved quickly around the desk. He had just finished making sure the requests were in the guild system when he'd felt the first thread of terror through his bond with Hestor.

"Master?" The scream of terror had Thane starting as Hestor shot straight up from where he was napping on a couch, hands digging into his hair and his breathing ragged, almost as if he were hyperventilating. He watched as pink started to bleed into the silver hair and his eyes went slightly wide. There had been no indication until that second that something was wrong with the Celestial mage.

"Thane, get Cris. now." The mindbendering archangel crouched in front of Hestor, hands moving to his face to try to get him to focus, "Hestor. Look at me."

When there was no response, he entered the man's mind, finding a jumble of images and pushed them aside, feeling cold as he saw the figure that the Celestial mage's mind called Charon. It was almost like he could feel those Icy hands on his own face. Things made a bit more sense now when Genbu had said that Hestor had been taking from Charon's fingers and he did all he could to push the memory down, working to draw Hestor out of his own mind. He knew the man was strong in many ways, but dying and being revived had taken its toll on the man. It was why Hestor didn't nap too far from him, so he could soothe these intermittent fits when they came.

Hestor suddenly took a gasping breath as his eyes cleared and he looked at Kaleb as he shook and let his mate remove his hands. He looked almost ashamed at the blood beneath his nails and groaned, "It happened again." his lips were in a firm line, "you've tampered it down so often…"

Kaleb nodded and murmured, "I know, for some reason, the memories surge. We will continue to blanket them to reduce the strain." he gently kissed the other man, "we'll get through this."

Hestor smiled faintly, "promise?"


"Save me from the wolf with the red roses?"

Kaleb felt ice go down his spine and leaned in, lightly kissing him, "always."



Everyone will notice...that this is the "last Chapter" of Star of Bosco.

There is a reason for that. from here, the story is going to go in three very unique and different storylines.

Farron/Lily, Zen/Lucy/Vander and Kaleb/Hestor are all going to get stories that are going to become centric around their lives. There are a lot of things that weren't tied up here, but that is because those are going to actually going to be dealt with in separate ways.

Zen, Lucy and Vander are going to go into marriage and parenthood and the trials that come with that. As well as dealing with the Trauma of what Lucy lost while learning about Star Dress.

Kaleb and Hestor are obviously going to deal with something that was mentioned way back by Kek-t., getting married, Hestor dealing with becoming co-master of White Sea..there's a lot that will happen there.

Farron and Lily...well, they've got work to do as an Ambassador and a Holy Warrior Maiden in Fiore.

These are all massive storylines that will be worked on, most likely, Simulantiously (or as the muses decide to jump back and forth, they're going to have plenty to do to keep themselves happy).

To be honest, this is about where I had planned to "change over" to another "book/Title" because it's no longer just about Lucy, it's about the Trio.

Boscan Sky Will be the story of Lucy, Vander and Zen as they grow and adjust.

The Wolf With the Red Roses is going to be the story of Kaleb and Hestor.

Divine Fire will be Lily and Farron's journey.

All of the other characters in whatever location they are will show up, but in a way, this is going to make it so that things are not bouncing back and forth creating mild confusion.

All of the stories will be in the "Tales of the Boscan Sky" series ON AO3 for easy finding.