Reviews are Nice; The pairings are NOT decided yet. I get people like Vander/Lucy, I like them too, they're adorable when she's sassy and keeps up with him, but...I really don't know if they will get together or if it will be a friendship...or how far this darkness is going to go.

I don't own Fairy Tail. Mashima Does.

I don't own the Pradesh Clan. Desna does (and thank you for them).

I own the Storyline. That's it.

Many people asked for more of the "Childhood" I'm going to the beginning. giving more details, so updates will be slow, this is...well it's darker to start, but it will...become...however my muses want it to be. I'll be honest. I expect dark things, I expect funny or light things...we're dealing with a childhood story, children. they're unpredictable.

yes, Jude is an abusive asshole. he emotionally abused her in the Manga/Anime and eventually she forgave him.


Lucy was a very smart girl for her age, her tutors said so. So when Mama started to get tired more often, she knew something was wrong.

The past few weeks, she'd sit with Mama and read letters from her Hygge. Papa always got so upset when Mama read the letters, more so when she softly read them to her. It was one of the arguments they tried to hide from her. Her Papa didn't like her Hygge and that upset her.

After one fight, she'd asked her Tutor what a 'Bosco' was and she had been rewarded with a geography, history and culture lesson that had her eyes wide, her mind open, her lips curled in a happy grin as she told her Mama about the lesson, not knowing her Papa was just outside the door, and had a new Tutor the next day, who ripped the grin off her face as he firmly stated that Bosco was 'a country of sexual deviants, hardly anything a young lady of her stature needed to ever think of'.

When Mama died, she'd cried and tried to find comfort in Papa, but his eyes were so cold towards her and she felt small…smaller than she already was. He threw harsh words at her when she didn't perfectly do what her tutors were, but…things took a downward spiral after he hit her for bringing him a rice ball she made.

If she didn't get out of Papa's way fast enough, she got painful smacks, but the worst were the ones where the staff had gone home for the night and she'd gotten so thirsty that the pitcher of water emptied. She'd have to venture out of her room, through the home and Papa was always angry, smelling oddly and she almost always ended up with bright bruises on her arms and legs, feeling so void of emotion at the slew of words that came out of his mouth, how he blamed her for Mama's death, putting it all on her shoulders and making her curl up in pain.

She'd been scared one night when he said he was going to sell her off as a wife. She didn't know what that meant, but 'sell off' registered. It was with small and shaking hands that she wrote to her Hygge eight months after Mama's death, hoping that the letter would get to him, begging him for help because Papa was scaring her. She didn't talk about the hitting, the bruises, none of it, only that she was scared of him. Normally the secret letters to the man that she'd never met, but her Mama promised he was a good man were just normal things, talking about what she was learning, this one, she couldn't take it anymore.

He'd raged two weeks later when a letter arrived for her. Only her and it had sent her running through the hall that late night, screaming in fear from the Monster her Papa had become. Her voice cried out in help, but she knew there was no one there. She desperately called out for her Hygge even as she tripped and fell. Tears ran down her face as she looked up and saw the man with one of Mama's very heavy vases over his head.

The last thing in Lucy's mind that night as a terrified scream ripped through the night was that she just wanted to be loved.


Arman had gotten the letter from the child, brow furrowed as he looked at his own small brood of children. Nurem was there, so he knew he could take a small trip and he did after talking to the dragon queen. This letter from his goddaughter was the last straw, he'd sent letter after letter after Jude had written him that Layla had died, yet no reply. He was worried, he didn't trust the man, not after he'd been so adamantly angry about her coming to Bosco to visit him after his wife died. There was something there, something a little dark in Jude and he wanted to make sure that the girl was safe now that he'd gotten a sloppily written and tear stained letter.

He made plans, coordinated things and when they'd gotten to the Konzern late at night with the Rune Knights, his blood ran cold as the echoing screams of a child in terror were heard. It didn't take him long to follow after the rune Knights as they stormed the home, quickly finding the man and tackling him before the heavy crystal vase was brought down on the now passed out child.

Arman's lips drew into a thin line as he carefully picked the woefully slender and small child up. No, he was done. The man had just tried to kill his goddaughter and the ugly cuts and bruises made him angry because in him, he could see his old friend's face when they were younger.


Lucy was awake, better but sore and she looked at the people around the room with her. The man with dark hair and tan skin made her feel safe though as he crouched down and looked at her and it took all she had to not flinch as he gently touched the top of her head.

"Lucy, dear," he smiled warmly at her, "My name is Arman Pradesh…" he watched her as she curled her nose cutely in confusion, "I'm your Godfather…your Hygge." He saw her eyes light up, there it was, that was a good sign.

"now…your father did something very bad, do you understand?" he watched her as she gave a nod and then moved to stand, pushing her chair in, "now…I could adopt you, become your Father, or stay your Hygge and make you my ward."

The girl looked at the papers, brow furrowing, "You…you're Hygge…papa is…" she shook her head.

He smiled as he nodded, realizing this child probably would never be able to say any variation of Father for a long time, not until she got a lot of help, "Alright. I'll stay your Hygge."

His heart melted at the grin she gave to him and then smiled, "anything you want to take with you?"

Lucy shifted in her seat before she put her hands in her laps, "…Mama's keys? She…was teaching me."

Arman nodded "of course."

The girl bit her lip as she looked at papers that she was supposed to put her name on. Her nose scrunched up as she did so. Arman had to admit, her writing was well honed, especially for a child of seven and a half years old.


The man watched her shift nervously in the sedan, watching as she was torn between looking out the window and trying to hide as far back as she could in the seat. He knew she would have a road ahead of her, one of recovering and growing. He was a bit sad that she hadn't wanted to be his daughter, but at the same time, he understood.

He'd left Heartfilia Railways under an Executor Status, with a man he trusted, to run until the girl decided she wanted to run the company, or if she just wanted to have stock in it and allow it to run without her other than making a few choices here and there. That would be Lucy's choice and when she got older, he'd discuss it with her, for now, though, he had to gently coax her out of the fear that Jude had thrown her into.

When the car parked at the Pradesh estate, he looked at the girl, seeing her wide eyed, "Everything alright?"

She let out a squeak and looked up at him, smiling a very small and very sad smile, "mm! just…" she shrugged, "Feels like…the Konzern…when Mama was alive."

Arman gave her a soft smile and gently lead her into the house, sighing as what greeted them was his children playing. Roughly. Bickslow, Cris and Emzadi were struggling on the floor, the coffee table was broken and Farron, Kaleb and Xally both had a look on their face that they usually got…right before they came yelling about what the other's did wrong. Only Vander was unaccounted for, but he was sure the boy was around…he hoped.

"Lucy, these are…your god-siblings, don't be," Lucy's little scared squeak at the scene caught all their attentions and they turned to look at him and the girl that was hiding behind him while holding tightly to his pants. He smiled and put a hand on her head, "oh, come on, they won't hurt you." The pointed look he gave his children said it all 'be good'.

The man smiled as Farron slowly stepped forward, leaning from side to side before he managed to catch the girl's eyes. The boy smiled at Lucy, "I remember when you were a baby, your Mama was very beautiful. I bet you'll be beautiful as well."

Lucy blinked, almost owlishly as she felt a bit of heat rise to her cheeks and shook her head. No one could be that pretty. "mm! no one's as pretty as Mama."

Farron held out a hand and waited patiently until she took it and grinned as he tugged her along, "don't worry, Van, Cris and Bix can get a bit rough, but they're all cuddlers." He pointed out each in turn and then grinned, "Kaleb's nice too, Emzadi's the tall one, Xally's the small one and I'm Farron."

Lucy let out a soft giggle and nodded, smiling as she was drawn to the group, letting out a squeak as Emzadi and Xally moved to hug her. The girl stiffened for a moment, but when it stayed at the gentle pressure, she sniffled and clung to the two, crying happily. She felt wanted, loved and she wasn't even adopted into the family.