Disclaimer: I don't own Fire Emblem.

(A Fate in the Stars Told)

It was a time of joy and celebration for the kingdom of Nohr, for today a child was born. Not just any child mind you, (though the birth of any child is cause for celebration), but a prince born to the king and queen.
It had started the night before and the child was finally born at the break of dawn. When he let out his first cry it sounded less like a cry of fear, and more like a cry of victory, (at least to any onlookers it did), and no one thought this to be more true than the young prince's family.

And that's who were gathered in the room with him right now: his mother, who held him in her arms as he slept peacefully, his father who looked down at the two of them as he fought to hold back the water in his eyes. Standing across from them was the boys uncle Leo who watched his brother with an amused smile, and beside him was his betrothed, who watched the child with curiosity; too used she was to seeing lives end, that seeing one begin felt alien and foreign to her. And at the foot of the bed was his aunt Camilla and her sharp-tongued husband Niles. Niles for once had nothing to say, and Camilla simply gave a warm smile. One hand held her husbands, the other rested on her stomach which contained her own unborn child (though none of them knew-not even her-for it was still very early). All in all it was a tranquil moment of peace that had rarely been seen by the family for the majority of their lives. It was a moment none of them wanted to end.

"He looks just like you Xander," Camilla said.
"I think your quit mistaken Camilla. Anyone can see he looks more like his mother," jabs Leo.
"I for one say he's a bit of both," states Niles bluntly.
Leo sighs exasperatedly. "Niles, must you always be so blunt and coarse?"
Niles smiles smugly. "Would you rather I talked inappropriately?"
"No! No! No!... Just..forget I said anything."

Camilla let a giggle escape her. It always amused her seeing the two of the interact. It made her think of days gone by before Xander had been crowned king. Sure it may have been times of war but there were still good moments. And it was those moments that she hung on to.
But her smile left as quickly as it came because she remembered that one of the reasons there had been happy times, was no longer there.
"Are you alright Lady Camilla?" asked Beruka. Even after all these years she still found it hard to call Camilla anything else.
"I'm fine. I just wish Elise was her with us."
Silence fell across the room as Camilla's words sunk in. Its been three years since Elise left Nohr, and she was still missed dearly by her family and friends. She had left not because she hated Nohr; (no far from it, she loved the kingdom.) She had left because she wanted to spend the rest of her life with the man she loved, Odin. They had left just a few months after the war and where they dwell now none can say. They simply disappeared as if they never existed.

"We all miss her Camilla," Niles says as he gives her hand a tight squeeze. "I'm certain she would have loved to have been here with us all. And I'm also certain that she would not have wanted to see us sad during what should be a time of happiness." This brought a smile back to Camilla.
"So tell us," Leo begins in an attempt to lighten the mood. "What do you plan on naming him?"
"Siegbert," said the baby's mother Charlotte. "We are naming him Siegbert."

"Siegbert... What a nice name."

"Nyx! ...What are you doing here?" asks Charlotte.
Indeed it was Nyx. Yet at the same time, not the Nyx we remember (at least not entirely.) Ever since her marriage to Silas she has seemed to begun aging. It was as if the curse upon her had begun to break, or at the very least weaken. She was still nowhere close to looking her actual age, but she seemed to have aged three years in the three years that have passed. Time was finally moving for her.

"I came as soon as I heard that the child was born. I would like to do the hounor of reading his fortune in the stars."
"Is that all?" questions Xander, yet a smile crossed his face as he did so. A sure sign that his words were meant in good (if somewhat dry) humor. "In that case we would be hounored if you read his fortune. Though I suppose you would've been the obvious choice anyways. There is no one else who can match you in experience."
"No..I suppose there's not. My I have the child?"
Without question-though there was some slight hesitation-Charlotte hands Siegbert over to Nyx. Though he squirmed a bit in the initial transfer, he neither cried or woke up from his nape.
With Siegbert in her arms Nyx went outside on the balcony to read the stars. She spent much time out there. To the family in the room it felt like hours; hours of her chanting something under her breath and shifting her gaze between Siegbert and the skies. All in all it was some time before she came back in with a puzzled expression on her face.

"Interesting," she said as she handed Siegbert back to his mother. "Very interesting."
"What is interesting?" Xander asks.
"You would think the fate of a boy destined to rule a nation would be straight cut and easy enough to read; but that is not the case with Siegbert."
"Care to enlighten?"
"Some things are obvious, such as him succeeding you on the throne. I can also see that he will be very Mutable. However, everything else-all the fine details-are unclear.
"His path is so clouded. It twists and turns with possibilities. It branches off so many times. I couldn't even tell you how old he'll live to be, ...'cause even that is uncertain.
"However, there is one more thing I am certain of. He will fall in love with a girl...from another world."
With that said she exits the room, leaving the royal family to ponder her words.

Author Notes: Okay, for anyone who hasn't guessed by now I am doing a "what if" scenario. The "what if" is what if the children had been born after the war and were raised by their parents from day one to adolescence. Lets face it, if their parents had more of an influence in their lives, their bond to have wound up differently (even if just slightly.) As you can see, the plot of the story is for the most part going to revolve around Siegbert. Yes, the other children will make an appearance later on as the story progresses. No, the avatar will not marry any of them (that would just be awkward), and no there will be no incest or homosexual couples. Don't worry though, there will be much awk, much action, much cute, and even some fluff...if I feel like it.

Anyways, stay tuned, please review, and leave a comment or two. Until next time.

P.S. Let me know which pairings between children you want to see appear in the story. I've already chosen for Siegbert (sorry,) but I would like your opinions on everybody else. Please and thank you.

Additional Notes: Going back over my story, I've realized that it sucks. Or at least, it could be better. Which is why I'll be updating the chapters. And from this point on, I'll be writing the story purely from Siegbert's and Soleil's point of view, unless a different persons perspective holds some merit to the stories plot. I'm sorry, but Third Person Omniscient was not working for me. I think it's because I was trying to include too many character POVs. That's why I believe I could do better with Third Person Limited.