It was day two at UA as Izuku and Eri were at the trolley waiting for their line to arrive. The former sitting down writing in his book while the latter was sitting beside as she swung her legs back and forth humming a little tune waiting for the trolley.
The little girl then turned her attention to her father as she crawled into his lap and observe what he was writing.
"Who is that, Papa?" Eri asked as she saw a half complete sketch of who he was writing. Izuku smiled at her curiosity as he started talking about his picture.
"It's not finished but it's a sketch of our costumes." He said as he showed her another page with Ochaco.
"Hey, its mommy." Eri said in glee as her father chuckled.
"Yep, its her." Izuku patted her on the head before continuing. "I made a sketch of her during our training days. I've been writing down her strengths and weaknesses on both her quirk and tenant, her zero gravity allows her to manipulate the mass of any object or person. Although she can only use so much without feeling the need to get motion sick."
"Motion sick?" Eri asked with her head tilted.
"You remember the time when threw up on the beach?" Izuku asked as the little girl ha d a thought bubble form from her head as she watched her mother using her quirk before her face changed into being sick and then…
"Ooohhh. I remember that, mommy was spilling rainbows from her mouth." Eri said as Izuku couldn't help but snicker at her words.
"Yes, she was."
"Why was she doing that?"
"She overused her quirk. Once she reached her limit, she released the mass on them and all the objects she touched had their own gravity again." He explained, and then let out a small smirk at the end. "And then she spilled rainbows."
"Dad, if you have a picture of Mom then that means you have one of Auntie Tsu and Uncle Kacchan right?" Eri asked with excitement in her eyes.
"Yeah." Izuku answered as he turned his page over to Tsuyu and Katsuki. "Your aunt Tsuyu has a frog quirk that allows her to use all the functions of a normal frog, only a little more advanced. Not to mention she can secrete poison from her body through contact and can jump long distances with or without her tongue."
"Auntie Tsu sounds so cool. Wait what's her weakness then?"
"While she may be able to do all this, she's unable to fight in cold environments. Because of her quirk having frog qualities she has the same weakness as them. So in a cold environment, she'll be forced to go into hibernation."
"That doesn't sound too good. Can't Uncle Kacchan just keep her warm with his boom hands?" Eri asked innocently as Izuku tried not to laugh at her sentence.
"He could but he could also hurt her in the process." He answered as she tilted her head in confusion. He then pointed to Katsuki's page. "Kacchan's quirk is called Explosion. He can secrete nitroglycerin-like sweat from his palms and can detonate them at will, creating small or big explosions." He then turned his head toward to Eri as he smiled at her. "So, unless your auntie is okay with getting small burns all over her body I don't he'll be able to help her."
Eri gave him a small pout with her hands on her cheeks as she stared at his book, her eyes focused on Katsuki's sketch. "That's stupid."
"Yeah I guess it is."
"Oh Dad, where's your page?" Eri asked as she started flipping through the pages of his book.
"Right here." He showed her his page as he pointed a finger to it. "I'm still working on mine."
"Dad, you mostly have strengths and weaknesses up here." Eri said as her eyes scan all over the page before she saw something that caught her eye. The word at the top of the page said something weird.
"Dangerous?" Eri said in curiosity. "What's this mean?"
"It means that I'm still trying to control my tenant. I still have problems with getting him to listen to me and he only follow if I'm collecting souls."
"Souls?" Eri asked as Izuku patted her head with a sad smile.
"I'll tell you when you're older one day." He said as she nodded her head and decided to look through his notebook back to her parents and guards while Izuku was lost in thought.
'Unlike the others where they have two quirks separate from their tenants, my quirk relies on Death. Being the horseman of death, I'm able to see others deaths but I can't prevent them from happening, and it gets worse with every vision. Each death is somehow worse than the last.' He mentally said as he thought about the deaths from the past.
Before the horseman, he would always have these premonitions of someone's death whether it was in Japan or somewhere else in the world. He still couldn't understand how it was possible though. Even when he was diagnosed quirkless, he still saw them in his dreams and he could never force it away.
So how, how was he able to see these premonitions of people before they died? They're had to be a reason or explanation behind it. It's not science so could it be magic? They live in a world where superpowers exist, so hey magic could be an option.
Izuku was brought out of his thoughts when he felt Eri tug his sleeve.
"Our train is here." Eri pointed as Izuku turned his gaze to the trolley and saw people walking on and off of the platform. He turned his head around and saw Katsuki nowhere in sight.
"That's weird, Kacchan never misses the line." Izuku said in confusion. As he and Eri walked onto the train and found a seat in the back away from people he sat her on his lap as she planted her hands on the window and looked at the city.
After a few stops, they got off their normal line where they saw Ochaco waving at them with a smile on their face.
"Mommy!" Eri shouted as she ran up to her adoptive mother. The brunette caught Eri in her arms and swung her around before stopping.
"Eri." Ochaco greeted as she stroked her daughters' cheek with her own. "did you behave yourself with your father?"
"Mmhm. Dad said i could have apple pie if I behave, and since I did I get to have an apple pie for breakfast!" Eri shouted in glee, causing Ochaco to raise an eyebrow at her before turning to Izuku.
"I did promise her that she would get one if she behaved herself and pass the small test I gave her. She passed her math test with flying colors."
"Aww, my two little brainiacs." Ochaco teased as she pinched Izuku's cheek and ruffled Eri's head.
"I'm older than you by five months." He deadpanned as the brunette rolled her eyes in amusement.
"Whatever you say Deku." She said as she held Eri's hand and they all walked up to their classroom. As they went to their destination they gained looks of wary and confusion from students around them and all of them were staring at Eri. While the little girl was to focused on humming to herself swinging her parents arms along with her own, Izuku gave them a glare that was more of a threat saying that if you say anything I will kill you and Ochaco gave a sweet smile but the aura around her was saying otherwise.
Talk about overprotective parents.
Arriving at their door, they were about to enter their classroom when they heard someone speak to them.
"Finally arrived, eh Deku!?" Turning their heads, they all saw Katsuki with his normal scowl formed on his face, and his hands in his pocket while Tsuyu standing beside him.
"Auntie Tsu! Uncle Kacchan!" Eri shouted running over to the duo as Tsuyu wrapped her arms around her and Katsuki just ruffled her head.
"How it's hangin kid?" He greeted as Eri pouted at him for messing up her hair then turned his attention to Izuku. "Deku, how's Auntie Inko?"
"She's… okay. Other than the fact that I learn about what she went through over the years I was missing, she's okay. Still… I can't believe she almost shut down."
"You're not the only one." Katsuki added as he thought back to his own mother doing the same thing.
"Aw, Kacchan is being sympathetic. I think's he getting soft~" Ochaco teased as Izuku flinched while Katsuki gained tick marks on her forehead and glared at the brunette.
"What was that ROUND FACE!?"
"You have been getting less hostile over the years, ribbit, makes me think of your past self when we first met." Tsuyu added as she had a mental image of Katsuki past and present version. "You were much less of a jerk than you are now."
"Frog Face!" The blonde shouted as Tsuyu just pointed at him.
"AAAGGHH" Katsuki threw his hands up in frustration ready to blow something or someone up in an instant.
"Okay, okay." Izuku calmed them down before things got out of hand. "Let's just get inside and not cause a ruckus on the second day of school."
Katsuki scoffed at his brother's words. "Tch, we already cause a ruckus yesterday. The heck makes you think we won't do it again today!?"
"Point taken." Izuku then gazed at Eri before turning her gaze to Ochaco. "If they start crowding Eri, please do not kill them. The last thing I want is for all us to be on the run for murder an entire class." He explained before gazing at Katsuki. "I'm looking at you Kacchan."
The ash blonde covered Eri's ears before giving his childhood friend a comical glare. "Well, fuck you too Deku."
"No colorful language around Eri got it!?" Ochaco warned him as she tapped a wooden ruler in her hand making them all sweat drop.
'Where did she get the ruler!?'
"Anyway, just please no killing." Izuku said once again and they al nodded their heads while Tsuyu carried Eri into her arms as they prep themselves for the confrontation.
Izuku opened the door to the classroom as they entered the room, they saw everyone pay attention to them. They all remained silent as the four just walked inside, Eri becoming shy as she hid behind Katsuki who had a tick mark appear on his forehead and yelled.
"STOP STARING YOU DAMN EXTRAS!" His rage got everyone out of their stupor before focusing on the blonde that looked close to killing them.
He was about to shout again but a slap to the back of the head courtesy of Tsuyu stopped him from doing so, which in turned caused him to start arguing with her.
As they were doing this, Izuku and Ochaco went to their desks, Eri sitting on the former's lap as she reached her tiny hands up to place on the desk and peek from her spot.
They have waited for their teacher to show up only to start getting curious when he did not come in for the past five minutes.
"I AM!" A boisterous loud voice said as the door slammed opened. "COMING THROUGH THE DOOR LIKE A NORMAL PERSON!"
Announcing his arrival was the symbol of Peace himself, All Might. While the students were ecstatic at seeing the No. 1 hero, Izuku gazed down at Eri who was looking at All Might with curious eyes as she tugged his shirt while pointing at the hero.
"Is that him, Dad?" She said as Izuku simply nodded his head.
"It is, Eri. That's him, The Symbol of Peace. All Might." He answered as Eri turned her head back to the older blonde man.
"Wow, he's even bigger in person." As the young girl continued observing him, All Might spoke getting everyone's attention.
"For today, you young heroes shall engage in exhibition matches!" He announced while holding a card with the word Battle Trial and a background with destroyed arena.
Katsuki grinned maniacally as he thought about seeing all the battles that were about to come and the excitement of fighting was getting his veins pumping.
Tsuyu tilted her head in wonder while Ochaco giggled as she was not expecting their mock battles to happen this early.
Izuku simply smiled as he thought about seeing all of his classmates' quirks in action.
"And to simply make it more exciting…" All Might trailed off as he pressed a button and the desks in front of everyone opened up and they all became shocked at what they saw. "We had your costumes prepared to meet your specifications!" He then made a pose as he laughed. "Haha! Now everyone head to the lockers and change into your hero costumes! Once over, meet at Ground B where the mock battles can begin!" All Might said before he suddenly vanished from site, already heading to Ground B.
As the class left the room to go and change into their costumes, the apocalypse group along with Eri and two other students remained in their seats.
"Finally, a battle trial, I've been aching for a fight against these extras for a good while now!" Katsuki said as everyone started heading to the lockers.
Izuku turned and noticed that a black-haired girl and a dual hair colored boy were watching him with narrowed eyes. Not eyes full of suspicion but full of curiosity.
Izuku sighed to himself earning the attention of his friends.
"Something the matter Deku?" Ochaco asked him.
"You guys noticed that we're being watched?" He spoke as the brunette raised an eyebrow.
"Our classmates are wary of us after yesterday." She thought but the ash blonde shook his head.
"Not by them, by Half and Half Bastard and Ponytail." Katsuki clarified.
"Oh." Ochaco thought back to the Assessement test and remembered that Momo and Shouto were place in the top two.
"What do they want, ribbit?" Tsuyu asked.
"I'm not sure, all I know is that they've been eyeing us since yesterdays' trials." Izuku answered. 'For some reason though, I feel a lot more threatened by Yaoyorozu.' He was brought out of his thoughts when Ochaco spoke.
"Deku." She called out to him patting his shoulder.
"Huh? Yes?" He responded.
"I said that we could leave Eri with Aizawa sensei while we all change but—" She then moved her eyes towards to the teacher who was already in his sleeping bag. "… I'm not sure."
"No." Eri denied as she looked up at Ochaco. "I wanna see you guys spar and I wanna see everyone's quirks."
Ochaco couldn't help but chuckle at her daughter, seeing as how she picked up one of Izuku's habits. 'Like father, like daughter.' "Sweetie, I'm glad that you want to watch us but I don't want you to get hurt or be around the others yet." She voiced as a frown made its way to her face. "I don't trust them."
"You don't?" Katsuki questioned.
"No." Ochaco's expression turned into a serious glare. "That ponytailed girl has been eyeing Eri and Deku ever since we came here, but she's mostly been eyeing Eri. I don't like it."
"Should we get rid of her?" Tsuyu asked, already suggesting to killing.
"I say we kill the bitch now and save us the trouble." He said with grin on his face. He would've been smacked on the head for cursing had he not already covered Eri's ears. "Or would that be wrong?"
"It is." Izuku denied. "As a host of War, you need a reason for the blood to be spilled instead of just killing her with no remorse. Otherwise it's a pointless argument." He pointed out.
"Ugh, well at least I can still murder the extras." Katsuki grinned.
"Bad Uncle." They all voiced, eri included as she pointed a finger at him.
"Fine." He groaned with a scoff. "Way to take the fun out of it why don't you."
"Back to the topic at hand," Tsuyu interjected. "What do we do with her, should we just leave her be?"
Izuku sighed in defeat while nodding his head. "For now, yes. I don't want to attract any unwanted attention from All Might or Nezu. So let's just keep a low profile."
"Fine." Ochaco reluctantly agreed before giving Izuku a glare. "But if anything happens to Eri, you and I are going to have a long talk, understand?"
"Yes ma'am." Izuku saluted as a shudder went through his body. Hearing his answer, Ochaco gave him a sweet smile.
"Good, now let's go talk to Aizawa sensei." She said as she took Eri by the hand and they both walked over to the half-sleep teacher.
Izuku released a sigh while Katsuki was laughing at him.
"She can scary when she does that." He said in a nervous sweat while Katsuki continued laughing at his brother with Tsuyu patting the latter on the shoulder.
As everyone exited the changing rooms, they were all now in site B where they would start their Battle Trial's for their lesson. Izuku and Katsuki were walking side by side along with Iida who was attempting to make a conversation with them.
"Midorya!" He called out earning their attention. "Forgive my rude commentary but I couldn't help but notice that your costume look similar to All Might." Iida commented.
Izuku was wearing a green suit full body jumpsuit with a red belt, elbow pads knee pads, and gloves along with signature red boots. His mask had long ear-like protrustions that resembles All Might's haircut and a respirator with a makeshift smile.
Katsuki was wearing a tight black sleeveless top with an orange X across the middle, his sleeves reaching down to his elbow with black baggy pants, knee guards with knee high combat boots with orange soles and eyelets. He also had on an orange mask.
"That's funny seeing as how you're copying Ingenium, Four eyes!" Katsuki scowled at him.
"I am sorry! Forgive me for intruding!" Iida quickly apologized as the blonde scoffed before turning his head to Izuku.
"Seriously though why you wearing that, I thought you would've gone for a dark and brooding outfit like Birdbrain?" Katsuki questioned as Izuku chuckled nervously.
"Well, my mom made this for me." He said as Katsuki raised an eyebrow.
"Auntie did huh?"
"She saw one of my old costume ideas a few days ago while I was working on it. She gave it to me this morning and told me of how proud she was." He said as he thought of his mother. "Even though I was in Hell, even after everything I've been through, she still supports me." Izuku then had a frown on his face as he thought back to his nightmares. About all of them looking at them with disappointment, fear, hatred, it just made him want to throw up.
Katsuki already knowing what the nerd was thinking, raised his hand and punched the former in the back of the head.
"Look, didn't I tell you before that your mother will love you no matter what?" He asked causing Izuku to his lose anger.
"*Sigh* I haven't told my parents yet because they just got us back. As much as hypocritical I sound right fucking now, I want to tell them at the right time. So, stop worrying about that shit and get your act together." Katsuki stated as Izuku stared at him in silence before nodding his head as he gazed at the ground.
"We both know that Auntie Inko won't turn you away. Frog F—Tsuyu…" Katsuki let out another sigh as he thought about the amphibian girl. "That depends on her and you. Don't take too long to tell her understand, because if you don't tell her for the love of god, I will drag you and her into a closet and keep you in there until you talk." He said before walking away from Izuku who silently nodded his head before following him.
After that they both had met up with the rest of their class and notice everyone in their costumes.
"Oh, Deku! Katsuki!" Izuku and Katsuki both turned their heads at the sound of the brunette's voice.
"Ochaco, how's it- eep!" Izuku started before his face immediately turned pink and he covered his face with his hands while Katsuki's morphed in annoyance.
"What… the fuck!?" The blonde asked with irritation.
"W-w-why are y-you wearing that?" He stuttered while Ochaco slowly sighed.
"Well I did ask them to make me a suit…" She paused as she gazed all over her costume. "but I probably should've been more descriptive on what I wanted."
"You think!?" Katsuki shouted.
"Calm down, *ribbit*." Tsuyu interpreted as the blonde turned to her and his eyes twitched once again. "It's not like she wanted to wear a skintight suit."
"Then why are you in one Frog Face?" He asked.
"Well technically I need one if I want my camouflage to work perfectly well." Tsuyu explained. "Plus it doesn't look too bad does it?"
"How the fuck should I know!?" Katsuki screamed.
"You're the one who asked, so technically you should have an answer." She countered.
"Like Hell I will!"
"And there you go again being a hothead." Tsuyu said rolling her eyes as the blonde had a vein pulsing on his forehead. Ochaco was too busy getting Izuku to calm down who was still slightly blushing at her uniform.
"They sure are loud, aren't they?" A girl with purple hair commented as she swung her earphone jacks around her finger.
"Yeah, but they're a wild bunch." A boy with yellow hair with a black streak said.
"ALL right, you youngsters! You all look marvelous in your costumes." All Might stated as he observed Class 1-A. "Shall we begin our combat training?"
Iida looked at the entrance and noticed something familiar. "Sensei, this is the battle center from the entrance exam, are we conducting another exam?"
"Of course not, young Iida. We're going further than that, today we'll be doing exhibition matches, Hero vs Villain." All Might answered.
'Heroes vs Villains…' Izuku thought curiously.
All Might then resumed talking. "Everyday, the villain fights you see on the news are all in broad daylight, outdoors. However, there the run-ins with those that happen indoors, in the dark and out of sight. Home Invasions, underground lairs, these fights occur only with truly intelligent criminals. Staying in the shadows and wait for the right opportunity to strike. For this exercise each of you will pair into groups of two with the role of Hero or Villain and fight tag indoor battles." The Symbol of Peace explained.
"Doesn't this seem a little advanced?" Tsuyu wondered.
"The best kind of experience is on the battlefield. Only this time, you're fighting real people and not robots." All Might answered, suddenly other students started asking questions.
"Sir, will you be the one deciding our matches?"
"Can we blast our opponents to Hell?"
"Do we have to worry about expulsion again like we did on the Assessment Test?"
"Can we pick our partners?"
"Is my outfit sparkling?"
'I wasn't finished talking.' All Might thought with a sweat drop. "Quiet down, one at a time."
After the students settled down, he began talking once more. "This is how today's battles are going to go down. The villain has a nuclear bomb hidden somewhere in their hideout. The Heroes must go in and search for it. Now you will have to ways to win, either by capturing all the villains or capturing the payload, likewise the villains have to do the same by protecting their payload or capturing the heroes!"
'In other words, Overwatch.' Katsuki commented.
"Heroes and Villains will be decided by drawing lots!" All Might suddenly held out a lottery box.
"Isn't there another way to decide?" Iida asked.
"Actually, it makes sense. Pros have to team up with other heroes from other agencies from time to time, or on the spot in case of an emergency." Izuku commented. "Can't just wait for someone you want to arrive for help, you have to deal with whoever you have and make the best of the situation in a split-second."
Iida nodded his head. "I see. Forgive my rudeness." He said with a bow.
"Its all right!" All Might said before gazing at the box. "Now, it's time to draw!"
Team A: Izuku Midoriya Kyoka Jiro
Team B: Mina Ashido Yuga Aoyama
Team C: Shoto Todoroki Mezo Shoji
Team D: Katsuki Bakugo Denki Kaminari
Team E: Tsuyu Asui Minoru Mineta
Team F: Ochaco Uraraka Fumikage Tokoyami
Team G: Momo Yaoyorozu Tenya Iida
Team H: Eijiro Kirishima Mashirao Ojiro
Team I: Rikido Sato Koji Koda
Team J: Hanta Sero Toru Hagakure
Once the teams were set, everyone went to their corresponding partners.
"Looks like we'll be working together Midoriya." Jiro said as Izuku nodded his head.
"Looking forward to it." He replied back.
"Let's kill em all!" Katsuki shouted in glee.
Kaminari panicked at his partners sudden shout. "Hey, hey, hey, the whole point of this is exercise is training. Not Killing!" He said in a nervous tone.
"Let's do our best!" Ochaco gave her partner a thumbs up as Fumikage gave her a nod in acknowledgement.
'Awesome! I'm partnered with a girl in a skintight suit, this is gonna be awesome!' Mineta mentally shouted while Tsuyu stared at him with a blank face.
'Not even five seconds and I already want to kill him.' Her blank face was just a façade as she immediately hid her killing intent. Teamed with a pervert, she's going to have to keep herself from accidentally poisoning him. She was the only one, Katsuki was glaring at the little purple hero with a murderous glare.
'If he touches her, I will fuckin' murder him into oblivion. To hell with the rules.' Katsuki was grinding his teeth together, trying really hard to keep himself from attacking Mineta. The latter feeling a chill down his spine and tried his best to ignore while shaking.
"Now that the teams are set…. It's time for the first match!" All Might announced as brought out two more box, the black labeled villain and the white box labeled 'Hero'. "And the first matchups will be….. these two."
Pulling out the box, were two colored spheres labeled A and D.
Both Izuku and Katsuki had their eyes widened in surprise before they both grinned in anticipation. A battle between rivals. While they still had to keep their apocalypse power hidden, that didn't mean that they couldn't let loose everyone once in a while.
Ochaco sighed to herself as she moved a hand to her forehead, pinching her upper brow while Tsuyu tilted her head. Both of them already knowing how the fight was going to go down.
"Team A will be the heroes and Team D will be the villains." All Might said as the said groups walked away from the class. "The rest of the students will follow me to the monitor room. Cameras will be everyone to follow your actions and monitor your performance. Villain team, use this time to create a villain mindset. And remember this is a training exercise, so don't hold back and go all out. However, if things shall progress too far, I will cancel the exercise." He finished as the class nodded their heads in understanding. Soon he took the two groups to the designated building they would be using for training before taking the rest of the class to the monitoring room.
After Katsuki and Denki went in, Izuku and Jirou remained outside waiting for the time to start.
"So, do you have a plan?" The purple-haired rocker asked as Izuku hummed in thought.
"Well, from what I can remember from the assessment test, Kaminari has an electric quirk which can be use in many different ways and Kacchan with his explosion quirk is a nasty combination." He then took a look at Jiro. "Your quirk involves sound, right?"
"Yeah, I can basically use my jacks to detect movements through vibrations." Jiro answered. "I can also shoot concentrated blasts of sound through my boots."
"Alright then, I got an idea." Izuku smiled, making Jiro tilt her head in wonder.
At the same time, Katsuki and Denki were standing side by side.
"So, you got a plan bomberman?" Denki nicknamed earning a small glare from the explosion user.
"Shut it Pikachu!" He said as Denki eyes widened in surprise. "You're going to stay here and guard the bomb while I go find Deku. Once he's separated from Earlobes then you can do your thing."
"Wha—wait, this is supposed to be a tag team match." Denki exclaimed while flailing his arms as he watched his partner leave. "Annnd's he's already gone."
Denki sighed to himself once Katsuki left. "Seriously… I shouldn't be expecting much, since he's kind of a ticking time bomb. Alright, guess I better get in the role of playing villain."
Back in the monitor room, the students were ready to watch the first battle training heading underway.
"This is gonna be amazing." Toru said as she pumped her fists in the air.
"I'll say, testing our quirks against each other and putting them to the test… it's manly." Eijiro added.
"Where do you think place the bomb?" Tsuyu asked Ochaco who was next to her, the latter shaking her head.
"My guess, they will probably never move it. Knowing Katsuki, he will leave his partner with the bomb and then chase off to find Deku." The brunette sighed in exasperation.
"That's probably true. Katsuki does enjoy fighting a lot, doesn't he?" Tsuyu asked but Ochaco understood the hidden meaning behind her words. 'I just hope he doesn't let loose in the fight and reveal War.'
'Katsuki isn't stupid, he knows that we need to keep our powers under control. But…" Ochaco looked back up at the screen looking at Izuku and Jiro as they slowly roamed the building. "… if he's fighting Deku, then that's a reason to be worried. They always push each other past their limits…. Let's just hope that they could tone it down, since they have others with them.' She thought.
Tsuyu noticed Ochaco's expression and gazed back to the screen in deep thought. She knew what the brunette was thinking about but she didn't know all of it. True, Katsuki loves fighting but the downside to that is his sanity.
'Please don't go overboard.' The frog girl thought as she watched her companions begin their exercise. Unknown to them both, they had a pair of eyes watching them like a hawk. Momo kept her gaze on them as she observed their body language and then turned her head up to the screen.
She was interested and curious to see, what kind of abilities these four have.
Izuku and Jiro were silently making their way through the building, the latter stopping for a second as she leaned against a wall and place her earphone jack into the ground.
"Do you know where they are at?"
"Two floors above us. I'm hearing a foot rapidly tapping on the floor, probably Kaminari." She answered as her expression morphed into a frown. "However, I don't hear Katsuki's footsteps."
"Knowing Katsuki he's probably on his way here and since he usually knows where I am… he's gonna be hear in three…' Izuku then moved to Jiro, placing a hand on her shoulder.
'Two…' Pulling the rocker back, Izuku shielded himself in front of her. The wall in front of them already starting to crack.
An explosion rocked the building as Izuku and Jiro were thrown from the blast and crashed onto the floor.
"I found you." Coming from the hole in the wall, Katsuki gave them a wicked smile as his hands were sparking small combustions.
"Green, you okay?" Jiro questioned as she gazed at the greenette.
"Yeah, I'm fine what about you?"
"My head's still ringing." She said while rubbing her head with her left hand, slowly standing up.
"Alright, Heroes… who's ready to get murdered!?" The blonde shouted emitting a huge explosion from his hands, ascertain his dominance.
"Kyoka, go on and find the bomb. I'll distract him and meet up with you later." Izuku ordered earning a look of bewilderment from his partner.
"What are you nuts!? You can't take him on your own!" She argued as she readied herself for a fight. She wasn't sure about Izuku's quirk was specifically. She knew that he saw him take it down with a scythe with an aura surrounding him, so she guessed his quirk had something to do with the shadows and that meant he was at a disadvantage like her.
"We'll only lose more time if we're both here. One of us needs to go after the bomb, and I know Katsuki more than others, Now go!" He shouted as Kyoka just clicked her teeth before getting up and started running down the hallway.
"You better not die on me green!" Kyoka shouted.
"Wasn't counting on it!" The death host turned back to the blonde who was forming small explosions in his hands.
"Ready to die Hero?" Katsuki shouted, giving Izuku an savage grin as he got into his villain role.
"You first!" Izuku said, his eyes glowing for a moment before going back to normal. Suddenly the two flew towards each other, ready to go head to head in their battle trial.
Author's Note: I'm back to this once again. Sorry if you weren't expecting battles but I'm going to have that in part two. Hopefully you guys are still enjoying this, I want to thank all of you for following and favoriting, even waiting for this story to come back and that's what I'm doing. No more waiting for a year long for another update.
If you see a story that's missing from my page it means that I have either removed it entirely or I am re-writing it. Thank you all for reading this and I hope you all are staying safe. See you in the next chapter.
Chaos HellLaser descending back to Hell.