Disclaimer: All Twilight characters belong to Stephanie Meyer. Any real life instance, situation, persons, or patented product, etc. that holds similarities to this story is purely coincidental. No copyright infringement intended. Also, I just want to put it out there that i have no beta and this is me sharing my love for writing so no need to hate on all the errors hehehe.

Chapter 6


I woke up the next day feeling refreshed as ever— even if I only got 4 hours of sleep. I noticed I was far perkier than my usual self as I packed my yoga mat and gym bag… weird... I didn't even have my morning coffee yet…

After locking up, I started my walk towards the nearest Starbucks and then to Whit Yoga. This has been my routine almost every morning for the past 4 months. I waived at a flew people who recognized me during my walk to the studio.

Being recognized in the streets has been a daily occurrence for me that I slowly eased into being more sociable and appreciative of them. You can't imagine how hard it was at the start.

Sipping my coffee, I couldn't help but recall the events of last night. I must've looked like a fool from smiling, and I had to make sure to keep myself in check during the walk. I felt giddy from reminiscing about my date with Edward.

Then the dread settled in as soon I was in front of the yoga studio…..

Alice will for sure squeeze any information out of me!

Even if she's a close friend, that pixie could be a real pain in the ass most days.

"Oh Bellaaaaa" I heard the unmistakable sing-song voice of Alice Cullen.

"Heeeey" I greeted back with a wave. She dragged me to one of the lounge chairs and proceeded her 'interrogation'

"Spill! What happened last night with you and my dork of a cousin?" she was wiggling her eyebrows suggestively. If I wasn't so flushed right now I would've seriously laughed at how funny she was being.

"Nothing if you're suggesting something inappropriate for a first date." I answered, almost defensively.

She pouted and continued to pester me. I gave in and told her the basics about how Edward was such a gentleman and how I was a bit… overwhelmed I guess… with how extravagant everything was.

"Edward is one of the richest men in America, Bella. Its no surprise he's trying to show off... Its seems to me you haven't even seen the worst of it"

His bank account didn't really matter to me at all. I was just happy he was back in my life.

"It was just weird that he had so many bodyguards. Is he into something illegal?" I sipped some tea, asking her worriedly.

"Edward? Oh god no. He's a clean as a whistle. Trust me" Alice rushed and then proceeded to drag me up. "Time for class!"

With a groan, I stood and headed to the usual studio.



Morning yoga went by pretty fast and I headed home after to get ready for my day as well as lunch with Edward. Making myself a quick oatmeal and my second cup of coffee (and definitely not the last), I worked a bit on my emails as I ate.

I heard my phone chime as a text came in. Picking it up, I smiled as I read the message.

Unknown Number: Good morning, Beautiful. Javier is on his way to your place. He'll take you to my office first. Don't rush.

-E. Cullen

B. Swan: Good morning to you too. Alright, I'll see you then.

Unknown Number: Can't wait.

Quickly finishing up my food and work, I stood up to get ready. After that, I did my morning beauty routine and quickly decided to wear something comfortable— black leggings and a white tunic paired with brown knee high boots and my brown leather jacket.

As I got my work bag ready for tonight's show, I thought about how Edward knew my number and my home address. It was a bit unsettling to know someone could look that information up easily, but we were talking about Edward here.

Just ask him yourself. Don't jump into conclusions, its what tore you two apart years ago.

With a sigh, I headed to my front door to wait for Javier.

5 minutes to 11, I heard a car pull up in front of my brownstone. I took my bags and locked up.

I was met with a smiling driver with the same black Lexus that picked me up from the theater last night.

"Ms. Swan, Good morning." Javier greeted with a slight bow. He asked if he could take my bags and I politely declined. "Good morning, Javier. No worries, I can manage."

"Very well, Ms. Swan. I would like to introduce to Enriquez, he'll be escorting you this morning."

I glanced to a man beside Javier, he was a big guy with olive skin and cropped hair. He had a huge scar on his face. if it wasn't for the dimples he'd look like one of those bad guys in action movies.

"Nice to meet you, Enriquez." With that I got in the back of the Lexus with Enriquez the passenger side and Javier too the driver's seat.

We sped off towards Wall street and arrived within 15 minutes in front of an impressive building. Javier opened my door and held out his hand for me.

With a quick thanks, I accepted his hand and got out of the Lexus. I looked towards the building, not sure why we had stopped here. Before I could ask Javier, Enriquez suddenly spoke— his deep voice startling me.

"Mr. Cullen is waiting by the lobby, Miss." I nodded and proceeded to follow him towards the establishment. It was then that I noticed the large Cullen Tower sign on top of the entrance.

The building was just like any other high rise building in New York city but was way modern with all the glass windows and steel finishes. Not to mention the holographic woman who welcomed the people entering the building.

Upon entering the office entrance of the building, I expected for us to wait by the main lobby but I was quickly ushered towards an elevator which seemed to be for exclusive use.

It didn't escape my attention that some people were shooting curious glances my way… weird

"Right this way, Ma'am" Enriquez held the elevator open. I heard him mutter some words in an earpiece he had. I entered the posh elevator and anticipated the ride up.

Enriquez pressed the 35th floor and the elevator smoothly rose up. It was at that moment I felt a slight nervousness from the anticipation building inside me. The elevator music was calming though.

As quickly as we got in, I looked up towards the elevator doors and waited for our arrival. I guess my nerves came from not knowing what I'll be expecting once we reach the top floor.

The elevator doors opened and I was met by the green eyes of Edward Cullen.

I gasped in surprise at that but quickly returned his smile. He was so stunning.

"Hello, Bella." He smiled coyly. He stepped forward and held out his hand for me to take.

I took it and walked away from the elevator and right to where he stood.

We were so close to each other that I could smell his aftershave mixed with the distinct smell that could only be him. Quit gawking and speak, Bella!

"Hi." Smooth…

"I'm glad you're here. Come, I prepared something special for you." He gave me a smile that made my knees go weak. "Ok" I managed to squeak out.

With my hand in his, he led me away from the elevator and to where I assume his surprise was.

Stepping out of the elevator I was met with the floor's own receiving area— with a blonde lady typing away sitting behind the large marble reception counter.

"Mr. Cullen, appointment reminder. You have a 2 pm with Mr. Nakamura, sir." The lady called once she saw Edward.

"Thank you, Tanya. Until then no disturbances." He replied as we swiftly left the area. She looked towards me and I could've sworn her eyes narrowed viciously.

I gulped and swallowed the ugly feeling that has crept up from her glare and focused on walking with Edward. We reached a large door which Edward opened. He allowed me to go in before stepping inside himself and closing the door after.

I gasped as I took in my surroundings. Holy crap this office is bigger than my whole brownstone! Oh and the view!

"Woah, Edward. Is this your office?" I asked with disbelief as I looked toward the incredible floor to ceiling windows that occupied one side of his office. I heard him chuckle and I turned my eyes towards him and glared.

"I'm sorry, love. You're just too adorable right now. And yes, this is mine. This floor is exclusively mine as well. I'm a very private person." He answered with a wink. I blushed of course.

With his hand still holding mine, he led me to a very comfortable looking sitting area, complete with a fire place. He took my jacket and settled me on one of the lush couches.

Out of nowhere, a man in a penguin suit under an apron appeared. He pushed a brass cart towards us which was filled with light snacks and a portable espresso machine.

Where did he just come from?

"Ah good timing as always, Simon…. Bella, I was thinking we'll have some tea or coffee before lunch? Then we can order some food after or go to a deli I usually head to?" he addressed Simon like he was the boss but then he was almost stuttering as he enumerated the options to me…. at that moment I saw the young boy I was smitten with many years ago.

I nodded my head, feeling the heat on my cheeks. "The deli is more than fine."

He sighed in relief and sipped the coffee the man in the penguin suit placed in front of him… Seems like he knows Edward's usual. I would have to pay attention next time.

"What about you, Madame? Any specific beverage you would like?" He offered. I looked to Edward and he encouraged with a nod.

I bit my lip thinking of a warm chai latte but not sure if they had that. Gosh Bella he isn't a Starbucks.

"Black with two sugars then please." I settled for that and thanking Simon once he had served the drink in front of me.

Taking a sip of the coffee, I immediately recognized the smooth taste of freshly roasted Arabica. I sighed in contentment.

We were soon left alone and I noticed it was barely 11:30 am. I felt Edward's stare at me and as I brought my eyes to meet his, I felt the intensity pass between us.

"What is it?" I inquired, feeling shy all of the a sudden as his gaze became softer.

"I just can't believe you're here. This is beyond anything I've ever imagined." He spoke with so much sincerity.

"Oh come on, you're Edward Cullen. Though I've only recently found out you're some tech whiz kid or whatever, I'm sure you've had your fare share of amazing stuff." I laughed, visualizing how happy he is to be surrounded with his one true passion.

Much like myself, I felt like I was on cloud nine whenever I act on stage.

"I doubt that, love" he chuckled. I blushed as I once again noted that he called me love

"Oh and before I could forget." He reached down and took something from a box next to the couch. "I made this for you.."

He handed me the same dancing flower he invented 10 years ago— except now it was more realistic and played Clair de lune.

"Oh my! Thank you so much. This is amazing! Look how cute it is." I gave him a big kiss on the cheek and an adorable blush appeared on it. "You-you're wel-c-come" he stuttered.

We talked for a while, discussing my play and its reception. I invited him to come to my show tonight, seeming to find an excuse to see him again an hour into our lunch date.

As if reading my mind, he replied "Just another reason to see you again."

We smiled widely at each other.



We settled for sharing a box of pizza for lunch. "Man, I bet I'll be really energized after eating all this grease" I joked as I took a big bite of the cheese pizza.

Edward laughed "Hey, it was your idea to just order in!"

I didn't want to go outside actually, feeling so content with staying inside his spacious office.

"No regrets!" I countered as I took another bite.

We chatted lightly as we finished our meal. Once it was 1 pm, I brought up that I needed to get going as I had a meeting before rehearsals and the show tonight. "You have that meeting to attend at 2 pm anyway."

With a sigh, Edward stood and reached for my hand to help me get up on my feet.

Being the clumsy person I am, I managed to trip and fall into his arms. I looked up and we were once again face to face. Edward had a stunned look on his face before a lazy grin appeared… he looked so mesmerized by – can you believe it – me…

I felt my heart race and my face flush by the feel of his arms around me, his strong muscles against my soft figure.

He leaned closer, looking into my eyes before his gaze fell to my lips… Almost like he was asking permission. You don't have to even ask!

I could almost feel his hot breath on my face as he descended his mouth towards mine.

I closed my eyes anticipating our lips meeting. Just when his lips were centimeters apart from mine…

Two loud knocks..

"Mr. Cullen, I have the files you requested for the acquisition meeting" The sickly sweet and irritating voice of Tanya called behind the door.

With a groan, Edward put me upright. He then looked into my eyes and gave me a slight squeeze before letting go. I straightened my tunic as he walked towards the door to open it.

I missed the contact immediately.

"I specifically requested to have no disturbances until the meeting. I already reviewed the files earlier today, remember? And Alex usually handles those." Edward's frustration was evident as he talked to Tanya. He didn't even let her in.

"I'm sorry, sir. I just thought I could give him a hand. It won't happen again." Tanya had her head down. Edward dismissed her once again and turned towards me.

"Tanya, have Javier wait by my private entrance." Edward ordered now nonchalantly at her.

"Yes, sir." Tanya closed the door, but not before she gave me a very evident glare.

I hid my surprise as I see Edward coming towards me again.

He grabbed the work bag I had with me and offered his hand again. "I'll walk you to the car."

I took his hand then and we walked towards the elevators.

We entered the elevators, not minding the strawberry blonde lady who sat behind the reception counter— who I'm sure was shooting daggers on our backs.

As we descended to the basement— where Edward explained was where his private entrance was located— I can't help but notice our close proximity.

There was a buzzing energy inside that enclosed space. Being with him was electrifying, I just hope he feels the same as I do. Well he did initiate that almost kiss.

No time passed and we were now in front of the Lexus. "Please use the car and let Javier take you anywhere you wish to be." Edward spoke from behind me.

I turned around and hugged him goodbye. "Thank you for lunch. See you tonight?" I asked shyly once we pulled away, biting my lip to stop it from quivering.

"I won't miss it for the world." He replied. I waved goodbye I got in the back seat.

"Where to, Miss Swan?" Javier asked with a grin.

"Can you call me Bella, Javier? Miss Swan seems so formal to me" I replied with a polite smile. He looked stunned for a moment before composing himself and returning my smile with an appreciative one.

"Where to then, Bella?" he repeated now with a more relaxed approach.

"Down by the Hearst Tower?" I inquired.

"Midtown it is then, Ms. Swa—I mean Bella."

He drove to midtown as I checked an email from Angela. The meeting with Jane Volturi would be at 2:30 PM, which is approximately 45 minutes from now.

I would be meeting with Volt— a fashion and lifestyle magazine— to discuss my upcoming shoot. I'll be featured on the cover. You can't imagine how high I was in disbelief when the news came.

Soon enough we arrived at the Hearst tower. I said my goodbyes to Javier and declined that he wait outside until I'm finished with my meeting.

"Mr. Cullen wouldn't like it very much, Bella. I have very specific instructions." His eyes were pleading. With a small smile I relented. "Why don't you have a cup of coffee down the block? I wouldn't want you to wait in the car."

He smiled and took a credit card out of his pocket. "Mr. Cullen provides us allowance for such things. No need to worry, ma'am."

He gave me a simple calling card with the Cullen M.R. logo, his name and a mobile number was printed. "Please message when you're done, ma'am." I nodded and proceeded to walk towards the building.

I had a couple of minutes to spare so I was in no rush. As I was waiting at the reception in the 18th floor, I called Angela to check on her and she was currently corresponding with my voice coach. For all intents and purposes, Angela became my lifeline after Laurent "dumped" me.

"You'll love him, Bella. We had coffee by the 5th and he's very humbled to be working with you." I blushed at that of course— still not used to being praised.

"Thanks, Angela. I'll see you at the Theater by 5 pm then. Bye now." I hung up as I noticed the receptionist call for me.

"Ms. Volturi will see you now, Ms. Swan." She was looking expectantly at me and I offered her an encouraging smile.

Suddenly she bounced up from behind her desk with a piece of paper and a sharpie. "Will it be ok to get an autograph? My husband and I saw Twilight last weekend. It was perfection!" she squealed.

"Of course, who should I name it to?" I asked. After signing her name, which I now knew to be Kathy, we exchanged pleasantries and then I went ahead to the conference room.

The meeting went by faster than expected. Jane Volturi was… something else… to say the least. She wanted everything her way or no way.

A very thin 30-something women with platinum blonde hair and a tall stature, she seemed like the person who got what she wanted by using her looks and sass.

I couldn't count the number of times she shot down an idea from her staff. Jane is the daughter of the magazine's founder— Aro Volturi— and gave her the editor-in-chief position just last year. So far the magazine has hit its sales records but stirred towards a more mature audience.

The theme of the shoot is going to be close to be Vampire Nights. I can't wait for that to happen next week.

I sent a text to Javier once I was in the lobby. Within seconds he was in the front of the loading entrance. I got in the car and expressed my surprise. "It's all in the day's work, ma'am." He answered as he assisted me.

We headed towards the theater for rehearsals. Once Javier has dropped me off, I sent a text message to Edward.

B. Swan: Thank you for having Javier take me to work and for the cheese pizza earlier.

E. Cullen: You're very welcome, Ms. Swan. Can't wait to see you perform tonight.

B. Swan: Thanks for the added pressure. Hehe just kidding

E. Cullen: You're hilarious, love.

I could've squealed to the high heavens with how giddy I was feeling.



That night's performance was better than my other shows in my opinion. It was probably due to the fact that Edward was in the audience.

The flowers that usually occupy my table were now being carried by the man who had given them to me. He brought a gorgeous mix of white lilies, red roses, and pink carnations.

I blushed as he kissed my cheek in greeting and whispered his congratulations.

We had dinner that night, and the night after that as well. Being with Edward was easy, he didn't push but still gave me a sense of protection and made me feel cherished. We got to know each other on a deeper level and I was in a constant state of cloud nine.

All our free time was spent together, either in his office, my house, or once at Alice's penthouse. You couldn't imagine how happy she was that Edward and I were developing.

Before anyone of us realized, it has been about a week since our first date. Though we have only rekindled our friendship, I was so sure I felt more than that with him.

I woke up during one of my days off, planning to invite Edward for dinner at my house so we could talk more. He excitedly agreed after I baited him with chicken alfredo and brownies.

Feeling productive that morning, I decided to make avocado toast and two poached eggs for breakfast— planning to go through the mail I had pilling up as I eat.

Taking a bite of toast, I scanned through my mail...

Cable company…. Phone Bill… Subscriptions… "Hmm this seems weird" I muttered to myself as I held a white envelope without any writing. The envelope was very thin and just to get it over with, I decided to open that first.

Must be fan mail? But that weird because I have them direct it to a PO Bo—

"Oh my god!" I exclaimed, dropping the offending image from my grasp.

My heart was beating really fast and I felt nothing but sheer terror at the sight before me.

How could this happen?

The envelope contained an images of me, sleeping in my bed and wearing the pajamas I had last night… Walking to whit yoga one morning… A picture of me reading a book by my bedroom window— and it was taken from the inside…

Someone had been to my apartment. Multiple times at that..

I ran up the stairs to the bedroom and to the vanity where my jewelry box was… it was odd that my Nana Marie's expensive pearls still lay untouched. None of my jewelry was missing.

Realizing this, I scanned around to find none of my electronics or my possessions were taken.

What do they want from me then? How could I not notice sooner? How long has this been going on?

Dazed and confused, I had no idea what to do. I felt violated and sick.

I knew I only had one person to call, and that at least gave me a bit of comfort.

With my heart threatening to beat out of my chest, I quickly dialed his number.


"Edward… Someone had been to my house. Can you come and get me?" I almost pleaded with him.

"I'll be there in ten. Enriquez is already outside, I'll instruct him to call the authorities. I want you to get out and go to the street now" I could hear him run and an engine start. I did as he instructed while still on the phone with him. I hurriedly grabbed my work bag and keys as i tried my best to pull myself together.

"Tell me what happened!" He asked almost in panic. I gave him a run down of what just occurred.

"I'm so terrified, Edward. I don't know what they want or who did this." I started crying now. I continued to sob as I hurriedly opened my front door, not caring if i was in my pajamas and a thick white robe.

To both my relief and surprise, I was met by a very disheveled looking Edward. I let a sob escape me and ran to his arms, the world seemingly blurring before me.

I felt his lips on my head and His warm embrace soothing me as he said...

"I got you now, love. I won't let anything happen to you"

And i believe him..

AUTHOR'S NOTE: ...and the plot thickens. Next chapter some answers are given by edward. Please review! XOXO