Oh man I was pissed, I'm sure steam could be seen leaving my ears. The nerve of them, the nerve of her! Perhaps I should explain, I am Isabella Marie Swan, yes the one who was dumped on the forest floor by my ex vampire boyfriend Edward Cullen. To protect me he says, to keep me safe he says, I don't know what I was he says, I don't know what's good for me. Well whatever, I missed him for about a week until I realized he wasn't the cause of my zombified state. No it wasn't that prick of a vampire, it was his sister. I mean I missed them all, I thought of them as family, even Rosalie, but family doesn't do that to someone they claim to love. Family doesn't disappear after shattering you heart without so much as a goodbye. Family doesn't leave a psychotic vampire out for revenge for her lost mate. But again it was whatever, it was her I missed, Alice fucking Cullen. It was her I cried over losing, it was her I nearly died over, her that was in my head 24-7, and it was her that hurt me the most. Because it was her who came back, and not because she missed me, no one even knew she came back. She was seeing weird visions of me, wanted to make sure I was ok. I had to laugh bitterly at that one. But I missed her, I loved her. So I ran right into her arms not knowing how much I was hurting far more than just myself. I told her of Victoria and the games she was playing with me, but she had to go back. I knew it, she knew it. she wouldn't choose me over them, over him. The wolves would protect me, Jacob always has. Ok lets speed this up, Victoria kidnapped me while visiting my mom in Florida with Jake. Alice saw and saved me taking me to Alaska with her, to her family, to him. They apologized profusely while I simply ignored it. Little did I know Florida was being torn apart as they looked for me. My heart stuttered when Alice confessed her feelings for me, kissed me, took me on a date that was in the tope of my best days. But I knew it was just that, a day, she was married, she wouldn't leave him. She played me, said she just wanted one day, that ,maybe one day in the future when he didn't need her, lies, she told me lies. The wolves came to collect me as soon as I called Jake, the Cullen's claimed they wanted to protect me, because they did such a great job last time right. Ha. I was so tired of being played. And I was regretting the biggest mistake of my life, the one I didn't even know I made yet. When I got home I was bitched at, yelled at, complained at, and fussed over until finally being allowed to collapse into my bed, the burning arms wrapping tightly around me.

Ok so back to why I was so pissed, Jake had just told me that They, as in the fucking Cullen's, were coming back. Something about the hospital requesting Carlisle. I was happy, I was doing well, and as usual they had to go and fuck it up. Well their in for a surprise because I'm not the same little weak human they left behind. Well I'm still human, for ow, but not weak. I stand up for myself, I take no crap from anyone. I have new friends, and I have a new family, once I was able to get over it and trust again at least. But they love me and have my back, so does Jake and the wolves. However the reason for my changes is currently and will still be out of town when the Cullen's arrive, great huh.

So this is why I was currently spending my Sunday on a log at La Push beach watching the waves as I avoid any run ins with them before school tomorrow. I was also being watched like a hawk in case I go back into my depression. Justin was doing it the least obvious at least as he took off on another wave straight out in front of me. Mia however was sitting next to me curled into my side, one arm wrapped firmly in hers as she rested her head on my shoulder. I haven't been alone long since I heard the news, I don't blame them though, I suppose I did kind of lose it at first, and threw a few things. Mia was in a lot of ways like Alice, I mean like the clingy and super affectionate part, she never would have played me the way Alice did, she was way to sweet, usually. Even if it wasn't intentional. Looking up from her beanie covered head and soft breaths indicating she was asleep, I see Justin walking out of the water with his board. A mop of black hair dripping down and into his face. He had muscles that could rival Emmett any day, he was shirtless thanks to his incredibly hot temperature ad revealing his tattoo covered sleeves as well as a paw print right over his heart. There was a wolf howling at the moon on his back. A giant grin on his face "hey Izzy", another thing that has changed, I cant really stand the name Bella anymore. "Hey how was it out there?"

"Great, you should give it another try."

"maybe another time, let's go I'm starving." I rose and picked up the mall girl next to me bridal style. She's only about 5'2" and thanks to Justin I have been working out so she was super light for me until her long ebony hair got in the way, it reaches her mid back while in a pony tail, with a groan she pulled it out of the way and fell back to sleep. We walked silently toward the house, well more like the cabin. The garage door was already open and someone was probably waiting for their car to be finished, so I'm assuming Ivy was in there working. Ivy, tall dark and every bit as dangerous as she looks. Her skin was as pale as mine, the blackest of black hair falling in waves just past her shoulders, ice blue eyes even brighter and sharper then Justin's. She's tall around 5'9" and covered in tiny little scars, though I can't see them with my human eyes, she's a warrior, a fighter, and an ice cold bitch with a glare that could send even Rosalie Hale running. However that glare softens when I walk by with her sleeping wife in my arms. They live on the reservation with their mom, who happens to be dating my dad, so they were going to school on the reservation, but transferred as soon as we got the news a few weeks ago.

So I walked into the living room to set Mia on the couch as she snuggles into the cushions with a mumble. Then I head to the kitchen where Marcella is making breakfast, "hey sweetie."

"Hey Marcella smells great, as usual."

"why thank you dear, should be ready soon where's Justin?"

"Shower probably."

"hmm how are you holding up?" she asks as I look into her soft and kind blue eyes filled with concern. "Im ok, I just wish Catt was here."

"Life does seem to be much easier with her around doesn't it? I'm sure she's trying."

"I know, I understand she has these things to deal with, she's always told me what was going on, it's one of the things I -"


"Perfect timing Justin." She gave him a disapproving look, "What? I'm starving." Brought a laugh from us both, he is always hungry. A sleepy eyed Mia came into the kitchen dragging her feet and rubbing her eyes, "I smell food."

"Yes lil one you do." Giving me a mock glare "you know I'm like centuries older then you."

"yes I do, and yet so tiny." I dodge her swing and duck behind Marcella as an amused Ivy walks in. "Alright children enough, sit down and let's eat."

"Yes mother" echoed through the kitchen.

The rest of the day I spent playing COD with Justin before we went for a run down the beach. I did some self defense training with Ivy, got my ass handed to me, she said I was doing better though which is a big compliment from her. It took her the longest to accept me, she's a lot like Rosalie, but with different reasons, she now considers me family. She even laughed her ass off when I fell out of a tree, and she doesn't really show any emotions. we spent some time in the garage, her explaining a few things about cars to me and how to fix some minor problems. Then I met up with Mia, she's helping me gain control of my emotions, gain peace as she stated, its very hard to actually piss her off, we were meditating in the sand as waves crashed against the shore. She then decided it was time to find me something to wear to school tomorrow, to show them that I'm doing better than ever, and rub it in their faces. She also added some white streaks swirling into my near black hair, saying it went well with my pale skin. After dinner when my dad and future mom curled up in front of the TV I headed up to Catt's empty room and snuggled under the fluffy black comforter and fell asleep instantly surrounded by the warm cinnamon and burning fire scent.

"Get up Izzy!" groaning I snuggle further into my soft pillow. "Come on Izz were gona be late if you don't move it!"

"Don't make me come up there Isabella!" Ok the last one got me jumping out of bed, the last time Ivy was sent to wake me up I was thrown into the bath tub filled with ice water. At least Justin would only dump it on my head. "Im up im up!" their laughing reached me even up the stairs as I stumbled into the bathroom for a quick shower. After drying off I pull on my low belly shirt showing off my semi new red diamond in my belly button. It was black and loose enough to show the black lace bra underneath it. pulling on some tight black skinny jeans that ride low enough to show off a paw print tattoo on my hip and some black leather boots. I grab the black leather jacket that will hopefully help me get through the day, I finally check my phone skipping the messages from Jake telling me to be careful and good luck, I read Catt's, Good morning, have fun at school I will try to be back as soon as possible but it will be awhile. I'm sorry, don't let them get to you. Call me if you need me. Amote-Catt Smiling I type a quick reply and head down the stairs. "Bout time you dragged your butt down here." Marcella raises a brow at my clothes, "Mia's choice."

"Ahh figures"

"What she looks hot."

We said our goodbyes and climbed into Justin' apocalyptic Jeep. Laughing and making fun with my family calmed the nerves that were surfacing quickly. As soon as we pulled into the lot I saw the silver Volvo parked next to Rosalie's BMW. Ad standing next to them, was the family I would be fine not seeing again. Unfortunately, the farthest spot open from them was only 5 away. Out of the corner of my eye I see theirs widen as I hop out and let a small smirk make its way onto my face. Justin came up with a similar one throwing an arm around my shoulders while Mia takes my other arm in hers. Meeting Ivy's emotionless eyes I can still tell she has my back, that they all do, and it almost brings tears to my eyes. The bell ring and we walk into the school throwing a few hellos to some of my friends.

I was extremely lucky so far I had no class with the Cullen's. That ended as I got to my last class before lunch, Art, a class I didn't have any of my new family in. It gets worse, sitting at my table is Rosalie and Alice. She sends me a huge smile as I walk in. "Hey Bella" She chirps, "hello" if she noticed my strained voice she ignored it. "guess what? Were partners."


"There's an odd number of students so the teacher will have us three work together, isn't that great?" I look at her, at a loss for words but the look on Rosalie's face says she might actually share my thoughts. I was startled out of staring into her eyes as the door flies open and Mia comes bounding in handing a slip to the teacher, I had to let out a little laugh as she's is welcomed to the class. She sends me a wink as the teacher sends her to our desk, "hey partner" she mocks Alice's earlier words. "My oh my little one what have you done?" Sending me a smirk "turns out I need an art class."

"You must be new to Forks, I don't remember you from before." Alice interrupted my reply with a strained voice as she regarded Mia cautiously. Now Mia is one of the sweetest people I know, she is so bubbly and full of life even more so than Alice, and she has amazing control over her emotions, not much upsets her. So it was pretty scary as I watched her near black eyes harden and the smile slip off her face. "Yes I am, it's Mia."

"Alice, and this is my sister Rosalie."

"I know who you are."


"But of course everyone has been talking about the Cullen's return." She replied with the fakest innocent smile and voice possible I had to giggle. Class started after that silencing any and all conversation. "Alright class were doing something a little different this time around. Pictures, chose a topic and capture it to the best of your ability. You can use nature, family, society and pain. You can combine as well. Now take some time to brainstorm with your partner."

"hmmm ok how about family?" Mia asked me, "we can't do family without the whole family though." I told her slightly in a worse mood then earlier. "Ok how about this, nature and family? I mean it isn't due for two weeks, she should be back by then."

"really?" she looked unsure for a second, "I think so."

Lunch finally. I was currently sitting between Justin and Ivy as Mia spoke animatedly across from us about the benefits of me going ice skating as we munched on our lunch. I knew exactly what it meant when the room went quiet, we all turned as they walked through the door just like they did when I first saw them. I wanted to puke as I saw his charming smile and bright gold eyes aimed at me. His family took their usual table as he came toward mine their wary eyes following him.

Alice POV

I watched with my family as Edward headed toward Bella, smile firmly I place. "What do you see Alice?"

"Nothing." And it was true, I couldn't see her anymore, nothing. No decision, no choices made, nothing. Simply him walking up to her table as she sat with those who seem to have replaced us. A guy who could rival Emmett and reminded me of the wolves. A shirt girl, Mia with dark black hair pulled into a tight pony tail still reaching her mid back. A tall ebony haired woman who could put Rosalie's glare to shame. Her voice was silky and smooth with a hard edge to it as she addressed my brother "something you need Cullen?" he barely sent her a glance, foolish if you ask me. "Yes, to speak with Bella, alone." He practically demanded. The male, with a mop of the same ebony hair falling in every direction like he just rolled out of bed rubbed his prickly chin thoughtfully before speaking, "Bella? Bella Bella Bella? Sorry man I don't know a Bella, you guys?"

"nope" they all said together. Annoyance flashed through his face "Bella stop playing games we need to talk, privately."

"she's busy." The tall one spoke with a threat in her voice clear to anyone not as stupid as my brother. He sneered at her "perhaps you should mind your own business." I saw their whole table tense as her eyes narrowed, a rumbling coming from her and the males chest "perhaps you should turn around and head back to the safety of your family before I decide to remove your arm and shove it up your ass." She growled out. "Enough the bell rang lets go. Without another glance or word they were up and following Bella without complaint. Edward stood still in shock as the rest of us at the inhuman growl that left them.

We slowly made our way to our classes. I sat through history not hearing a word before the bell rang. I met with my family before we separated into the locker rooms for gym. The first thing I saw was the tattoo of a black panther on Bella's back with C.L. written in a rose wrapped around it as she changed into her gym clothes and I felt the usual attraction I always did around her. The second thing I noticed was the small girl Mia leaning against a locker, her eyes on me. I followed Rose to our own where we can change, the tall one came in shortly after. We couldn't hold in our gasps at all the tiny scars covering her skin, they put Jaspers to shame. If they heard they ignored us. Walking out we met up with the boys just as they met up with the one from lunch. We played dodgeball and I must say I'm impressed, she didn't trip or fall once, even got a few people out.

Once we changed and headed for the lot I tried talking to her but her phone went off and she left to answer it, I cant forget the smile on her face as she read the caller ID.