The two red blood cells weren't exactly sure how long they were out for.
After all, they both thought that they were goners.
The two assistants switched their screens back to their faces, showing signs of relief.
"Heh, I guess you guys managed to find us after all." 3803 said in a relieved tone.
"Maybe now I can finally get to know you guys."
2153 lightly pushed them off of him and got up, helping 3803 do the same.
"I heard many things about you guys, and how little sis over here likes you all so much."
They were all taken aback a bit by what he referred to her as.
The two didn't seem to notice at first.
"I also wanted to get to know you a bit more!" 3803 said with a smile.
The two looked around.
"Oh, has the body been stabilized while we were out?" she asked.
"Yeah. Aside from the cuts from all the metal, all this body needs to do is recover." IB told them.
PC flew over to 3803 and looked at her.
"...Yeah, I like this one too," it said.
She simply responded to this by picking it up and giving it pats on the head.
"We want to thank you all for trying to save us. Sorry for not telling you guys sooner, we just didn't want to get in the way," she said as she continued to pet it.
"Considering how long I've known you already, I'm not surprised in the slightest." 0011 shrugged.
Seeing as they both wanted to move away from their near-death experience, the group decided to change the subject.
It didn't take too long for the two other red blood cells to welcome 2153 into their little group.
While they were still a bit wary of 1196, they don't seem to be as afraid of her.
With each neutrophil taking a red blood cell by the hand, they all went back to the lungs to see how things are going.
Not much has changed since they went over there to get the ice cream.
The two red blood cells that were hanging around here were gone.
The four red blood cells quickly went to drop off their packages and returned with boxes of oxygen to deliver.
4201 clearly didn't want to leave 3803, but she did have her own oxygen to deliver.
5100 didn't want to leave quite yet either, so 4201 had to drag her away since her own delivery was pretty far from here.
The two assistants went over to the stomach to see how it's doing since the accident.
While leaving, PC took one more look at them before speeding up to catch up with IB.
The four that were left stayed by their side to keep an eye on them.
Stopping by a tea machine, 1196 took a sip.
"I haven't been able to relax like this in forever!" she exclaimed.
The two neutrophils looked on as the four others caught up to them.
"Man, where were you?" 4989 asked.
"Well, you don't need to know that now because it doesn't matter anymore." 1146 replied with a sigh of relief.
As if right on cue, a few antigens ran by chasing a few other red blood cells.
The antennae for all of their hats aside from 1196 perked up as they took out their blades and ran after them, but not before saying goodbye to the other two red blood cells and two nanobots.
The two nanobots looked at the other two cells.
Like they expected, while their expressions didn't change too much, their eyes' pupils did, which now emitted a faint red light in the form of a dot in the center.
Of course, as soon as the neutrophils and antigens were out of sight, the red light faded away and their expressions soften up a bit more to their usual cheery selves.
"Hey, would you two mind to meet up in the stomach in a few days? We want to talk to you about something." 0011 asked.
"Oh, sure." 2153 answered, with 3803 agreeing in the form of a nod.
Of course, while they moved on to talking about a few more things as they were beginning to do their deliveries, to no one's knowledge, Dendritic Cell was hiding in the background taking a few photos.
All with a smile on his face.
I'd like to give a big thank you to Beck_Mushroom over on twitter for being my beta reader! Go check them out there!
Also, chapter 1 for part two of this story is already done, just follow the link here if ya want to check it out!