Next morning Professor Oak invited Delia Ketchum to his lab. Delia put on her make-up and chose some fancy clothes- after all, you don't get invited to the lab ever day. But of course, she had no idea why Professor Oak invited her.
Gary was there too, awaiting with his grandfather. Delia was going to come in about ten minutes.
"Hey, gramps, I'm just curious...Will Moemon be capturable in Pokeballs?"
"Hmm...I'm not sure...We'll have to check that out. Do you know how Pokeballs work in general?"
"No, I haven't got to study that yet, can you explain?"
"Well, first of all I have to explain Pokemon Aura Energy.
Pokemon Aura Energy is something exclusive to Pokemon. This is an energy similar to radiowaves, it has its own frequency. The Pokeball mechanism reacts to Pokemon Aura Energy or PAE for short. This is one of the reasons Pokeballs don't work on people - the human body doesn't generate this kind of energy naturally at all, I'm speaking zero MegaHertz and this is the defining difference between a Pokemon and a human organism. Of course, you may have heard of so-called Psychic people, Aura Guardians, and Channelers. These people can produce PAE, however, in this case the PAE is not natural, it is forced to appear and it isn't emitted from the human body on a scale large enough for the Pokeball to register it.
Each PAE for a certain Pokemon, while restricted to a certain interval defined by its typing, is unique. It's sort of like a fingerprint of the Pokemon - this unique wavelength is what the Pokeball registers and continuous residence inside the Pokeball sort of imprints an additional mechanical supplementary wavelength onto the Pokemon that prevents other Pokeballs from catching a captured Pokemon.
PAE is also what allows Pokemon to use their elemental moves. Pokemon Types are also dispersed by the PAE wavelength frequency chart - Ghost and Dark types have negative wavelength with Ghost types having up to minus -3000 MHz, Normal types have a very low frequency, about 0,4 MHz. The rest of the frequencies are positive, with Psychic type being the highest reaching wavelength reaching 10000 MHz. Mind you, the wavelength has nothing to do with a Pokemon's individual power, it's mostly limited to the Pokemon's typing - that's all it defines."
"So that means that Pokemon with double typing have double frequencies?" Gary asked.
"Precisely. As I said, the PAE wavelength mostly defines typing and interactions with the Pokeball so otherwise it doesn't matter that much. In theory, Moemon will have PAE wavelenghts since they have Pokemon DNA, so they will be catchable."
Gary thought for a minute about the possible situations this could cause in the future.
The lab doorbell rang.
It was Delia.
"Why, hello, Mrs. Ketchum!" Both Oaks said in unison.
"Hi Gary! Hello, Professor!" Delia said.
Gary and Professor Oak exchanged glances, meaning something like "it's time to take action".
"'s Ash?" Gary asked.
"Oh, he's recently joined some sort of Ultra Guardian group in the Alola region." Delia went on rambling about Ash's adventures. Oak coughed and interrupted her.
"Well, you see, we have invited you to take part in our newest experiment - you could say that the future of humanity depends on it - but first, please try out my personal recipe coffee." Professor Oak chuckled and offered Delia Ketchum a ceramic white mug with totally unsuspicious coffee.
Delia drank a sip of the Jacobs-Monarch coffee - the taste was truly magnificent.
And then she immediately lost consciousness and fell to the floor. Dropping the ceramic mug as it shattered into white shards and the magnificent Jacobs-Monarch coffee spilled on the floor.
" that was some damn effective somnifacient powder. It's super effective, if I say so myself. Gramps, she's out for about 6 hours - I did the measurements myself."
"Excellent, Gary. You could make a wonderful pharmacist. Undress her and put her on the surgery table..."
" completely?" Gary asked in confusion.
"Uh, this is the moment that I didn't plan well enough..." Oak scratched his head.
OK so i seems I'll have to change the rating to M in order to free my hands with what I can do in the story.