Dyslexia: I have it, grammar and spelling mistakes happen even after I send it through three words processors (Grammarly included) and my luck with betas as well. If you have a problem with mistakes go buy a published book.

Disclaimer: JKR owns all her rights.

Summary: After many, many, requests I have decided to dabble in a Fleur/Harry pairing. It always bothered me that Fleur sucked in the tournaments and four champions always seemed like one too many. This AU is the what if of being a Fleur kickass and more than a 2D character and the what if of Harry being the only Hogwarts Champion. Also, Harry will not be godmoding but he will have the equal potential of Tom Riddle and Albus Dumbledore in their youths.

P.S. Neither Beauxbatons nor Durmstrang were an all girls or all boys school despite what the movies show us.

Chapter 1

Fleur's feet struck the ground, jarring her body, but she didn't let up, didn't slow for an instant. She didn't hear the crowd screaming at her or her fake friends chanting her name or the boys jeering at her.

There were eight boys ahead of her. Eight.

She smiled even as she sucked in air through her teeth.

Eight was nothing.

The finish line was in sight and she kicked it into the next gear. She couldn't feel her legs; she didn't need to. One by one she passed them because she was faster than them, better than them. Not because of her hair, or her eyes, or her Veela powers, but because she worked harder, pushed harder. Because at the end of the day she was intelligent, powerful, and an athlete. She might not have any true friends outside of her sister, but one day someone would see her strength before they saw her looks.

She passed the last boy. He was the top runner in their school. His name was Gary Schultz and his father had won the muggle Tour-de-France some years back. Fleur saw from the corner of her eye Schultz struggling to keep up.

But she didn't spare him as much attention as he was sparing her, which is why when the final magical trap was sprung, she leaped over the snapping giggle warts, which if they made contact with sweating skin would cause boils that when popped released a giggling sound. It was quite disturbing as well as painful. Schultz tripped over the trap and rolled into them.

Fleur put her hands on her head and tilted back, trying to get air into her lungs. Her body was a warm tingling, an exhausted mass of receding adrenaline, but she was victorious.

'Fitness Pratique' at the Beauxbatons Academy was a serious class, it went hand in hand with Defense Against the Dark Arts and Magical Creatures because the belief and the truth was that in matters of self-defense dueling was not an idle event, nor was being chased by some mythical monster muggles could only dream about.

In Fitness Pratique (FP), everyone battled against everyone else. It was the one course that the boys more than often had the leg up in. Not because witches were weak or slow but because the average healthy wizard had more muscles.

And Fleur had just beaten everyone in the Seventh and Sixth years at the start of term evaluation.

She had trained all summer for this moment.

Her hearing came back to her in pieces as the adrenaline simmered and she grained control over her breathing.

And the first thing she heard was, "She only won because she isn't human."

It was as if someone had poured a bucket of worms over her head.

Fleur didn't know why she was surprised as she spun on her heal and walked stiffly to the girls changing rooms and the showers. Ignoring the people who heaped praise and adoration on her. None of their words mattered. They didn't know her, couldn't see past or get over her physical beauty.

Because at the end of the day she wasn't a person to any of them, she was just another Veela.

The Triwizard Tournament was coming up. Perhaps there she could make a statement. Being top of her class, of her generation, apparently wasn't enough. But if she became the Triwizard Tournament things would have to be different. After all, history wouldn't remember her face, they would remember her name; Fleur Delacour, the first half breed to win the Triwizard Cup.

The thought didn't cheer her as she banged open the locker room doors. No, she wasn't a practically cheery witch in the least. But she was determined.

It didn't seem to matter that there was so much new happening, Ron and Hermione were bickering -as always.

Harry was just happy at the thought that spotlight would be off him for a while. The Triwizard Tournament was bound to hold most people's attention over whatever made up rumours about the 'Boy Who Lived' were cycling around.

At that moment, a voice said, "Excuse me, are you wanting ze bouillabaisse?"

Harry lifted the plate before turning around. Shifting in his seat, he handed it to the girl who had laughed during Dumbledore's speech.

"Are you sure you are done with it?" she asked.

Her voice was the first thing about her Harry realized to be beautiful.

He nodded, "There is always more food at these feasts than anyone could eat anyway."

She smiled, her deep blue eyes catching the light, they were the darkest blue Harry had ever seen.

"Merci," she said before turning to return to her seat at the Ravenclaw table.

When Harry rejoined the conversation he found everyone -excluding Hermione, to be staring at him oddly.

Ron's face was purple.

"What?" Harry asked.

"She's a Veela," Ron said exasperated, the others nodded but turned back to their food.

Hermione scoffed, "No, she isn't."

"Look around, Hermione! Harry is the only one who acted like his normal oblivious self."

"Oi!" Fred said leaning forward so he could see down the table, "Who's calling Harry oblivious?"

"It can't be our idiot little brother, can it Fred?" George asked rhetorically. "He's the most oblivious of them all."

The twins laughed at their own joke as Ron scowled at them both.

Harry looked back over his shoulder at Fleur. She had long silvery blonde hair that fell to her waist and a lean form that made him think she would be a good flyer. Although it was true that she was pretty, he didn't see what was making the other wizards go speechless around her or the other witches to glare at her.

Harry's gaze slipped to Cho Chang and all thoughts of Beauxbatons students drifted from his mind.

AN: If you want more please, please share your desires, thoughts, and reactions with me?