The Frost Demon Polaris rested in the throne room of his spaceship, the seat was turned so he was looking out of the window into the infinite void of space. Polaris opted to be in his species third form under his base form since he enjoyed the look it gave him, making him tower over all others and imposing. The parts of his body that weren't covered by ivory colored armor was light purple in color, the dome on his head is dark blue in color, his horns curbed upwards, his eyes were a piercing red. His face showed some signs of age, yet that was to be expected for someone who had already spent 700 years in this universe.
In a small cabinet near the entrance he kept his armor, it was used to cover his upper body and was the same standard model used by his forces, it was equipped with large shoulder pads and a large cape. He didn't wear the armor while resting since it was not comfortable to wear while he rested, meaning he only kept black shorts on. Overall, with armor or not, even he would admit that he looked similar to his brother Cold.
His eyes went from the window to the small virtual screen being projected from his right armrest. On it was shown a habitable planet, and the latest planet he hoped to add to his empire. This planet, like others that he had acquired, was home to the Transfer Phenomenon, which involved beings from another universe being transported to this one. The same thing had happened to him and one of his bases, which had allowed him to keep some of his men and technology. This superiority enabled him to expand into space and create his very own empire, one he did not have to share with his brother or father.
Having learned of this phenomenon from other planets he visited and conquered, Polaris began to actively looking for them. He did this for two reasons, first he wanted to help those in similar conditions to his since he understood how difficult it could be to adapt to the new situation, of course he did not do this for free. Polaris did this with the goals of adding the planet to his empire and also recruiting the people who went through the transfer to his forces, since they tended to be stronger then most individuals he came across.
He brought the glass of wine that rested in his left hand to his lips, drinking part of its contents, as he patiently waited for one of his two sons to enter the chamber. These meetings would normally not be held in person, but since this particular child was sent to oversee the conquest of a new system which happened to be in Polaris's rout, he decided to have his child come to him after the conquest was over.
The door to the chamber opened, revealing two individuals. The shortest of the two, yet still taller then the average human was his youngest child, Hail, who was about 200 years old. He was in his species overall second form just below his base form, which gave him an elongated head with an orange dome on it, unlike most of his kind while in this form he possessed no horns on his head. His chest and upper abdomen were covered by ivory colored armor, as were his lower arms and legs, from his back emerged four large spikes, his shoulders were covered by small pads created by his natural armor and the rest of his body was a healthy purple in color. He didn't wear any kind of armor, wearing only the black shorts and a large cape that covered most of his body.
Polaris's other child was named Artic, and unlike the two other Frost Demons kept himself in his true form. Also, unlike the others, he did not devote himself to conquering, having only conquered a single system during his 400 years, because in said system he seemingly found everything he needed. Now, he rarely took part in the "family business" so much so that it was certain that Hail would take over the empire once Polaris decided to step down.
Next to Hail, was the leader of Polaris's elite unit. He easily towered over Hail, yet was still shorter then Polaris, he was wearing a version of the armor used by Polaris's army. It was the same for him and for the other four members of the elite unit, he wore a dark blue full body suit, white gloves and boots, the armor itself was white with silver shoulder pads. Over the heart was a logo composed of five swords displayed so as to make a star. Only his head was exposed, revealing his insect like nature, the skin was green, his head supported two antennae. His insect-like eyes were slightly sunken in, and his mouth which was closed at the moment seemed to open vertically unlike a human's. His name was Touch Me and he was the leader of the elite unit Five's Own Goal, however even if he was the leader he was not the strongest in the group.
"I hope you are happy with your new system, Hail." Polaris said, his throne turning around, so he could face the duo
"Of course, father. It possesses great beauty. Even more so when its inhabitants were smart enough to surrender without any great incidents." Hail remarked, taking a small bow
"Is that so? It seems the both of you did little in this campaign." the elder chuckled, going back to his glass
"I-Indeed. No displays of strength were needed, and the only clash that happened resulted in minimal casualties on both sides. They gave up as soon as Lord Hail decided to go on to the field himself." Touch Me informed, speaking carefully so as not to seem to out of place
"Either way. You two did good work, as I expect. That is why till we arrive in this new planet, you and the rest of your unit are to enjoy the best this vessel as to offer. While you, Hail, are free to leave with your men before we arrive at our destination." Polaris announced
"If I may, father. I would like to accompany you in this campaign." Hail said, his head low
"No. I am aware that it has been some time since you visited some of your planets. You should go to see them, remind the people that you rule over them, enjoy the feasts and celebrations they throw for you. Do not forget that conquering them is only part of the process."
"As you wish, father."
"You are dismissed."
Hail took a bow, before turning around and leaving, so now only Touch Me and Polaris remained in the room.
"What are you hoping to find in this planet, Touch Me?"
"Hopefully one of my comrades." he replied
"Only one?" Polaris chuckled
"I try not to be too hopeful. After all we have only found three others."
"A fair judgment."
"You are dismissed. Make sure you and your team enjoy the time till we arrive."
"Thank you, my Lord."
A few days later, Polaris was awoken from the sleep like state he entered during long trips by the announcement that they would soon be arriving at their destination. Hearing this, the mighty Frost Demon rose from his throne, walked up to the cabinet where his armor was stored putting it on and began to walk through the ship.
Even the slightest sight of him was enough reason for whoever caught such sight to bow and greet the emperor. Polaris ignored these showings of respect, knowing that it wasn't necessary or fit for someone of his standing to actively acknowledge such low-level workers. He knew that for the most part, his presence which told them that their all-powerful ruler was there with them, was enough. Arriving at the bridge, he was immediately handed a glass of wine, which he took before walking to the center of the room and look at the screens that showed several readings related to the planet.
"How long till we land?" the Emperor asked, his voice echoing through the room
"Approximately two hours, my Lord." one of the beings present quickly replied
"Have the landing party assemble. I want them ready to depart as soon as we land."
After approximately two hours, the saucer landed in a small forested area, given the strange nature of the vehicle and the fact the arrival was not the stealthiest, it caught the attention of a group of 5 goblins. The creatures quickly making their way towards the strange craft, looking over it before directing their senses when a large ramp emerged from the saucer connecting an opening in the ship to the floor.
From the opening emerged a group of six individuals, all of them wearing different versions of the empire's armor. The goblins tried to keep hidden as they approached the group, who was now at the base of the ramp, however they were quickly found out when a member of the group seemed to pick up on them and informed the rest. From the group, only one took a step towards the goblins, he was the shortest, with pale skin, and the appearance of an old man.
"Greetings. We are the ambassadors of the Polaris Empire. There is no need to be worried, we come in peace." he said, in a formal yet calm tone
"Peace?" one of the goblins growled, looking at the rest
"Peace for the weak. We strong. We take ship." the larger goblin in the group roared, with a laugh
"Oh my. That won't do." the old man sighed
"They look like simple beings. They won't give us anything useful." the only female in the group remarked
"Do I take them out?"
The one that asked looked like a humanoid lizard, he lacked a tail and his snout was short, on the left side of his face was a scouter.
"Are their power levels significant?" the woman asked
"No. Their strongest is still weaker than our weakest soldier."
"What a waste. Kill the strongest and see what happens from there." the elder remarked
The humanoid lizard gave a simple nod, lifting his left hand with the index finger pointing at the larger goblin, the finger began to glow before he fired a beam from it, causing the goblin to explode upon contact. The reaction from the rest was almost immediate, as they let out terrified gasps seeing their leader fall on the floor in pieces, they didn't even look back at his killer deciding to run for their lives.
"Such a nice scenery." Polaris announced, emerging from the ship
"My Lord!" the group quickly greeted, kneeling before the Frost Demon
"I see that things have started up well."
"Our apologies!" they quickly said
"No matter. We are far to secluded to use this approach. The six of you wait here for three other teams, then follow the orders they give to you."