Bruce froze. His mind started racing, a thousand questions queued at the tip of his tongue. Finding it hard to form words, Bruce simply looked between Selina's worried face and her stomach. Somewhere in there, something had started to grow. Their child.

'Bruce, I'm pregnant!'

The simple statement kept replaying inside his head and for the first time since he was a child, Bruce was left speechless. Realising he was a lost cause, Bruce turned his attention to Selina. Rather than simply looking at her, Bruce studied her. A hand across her abdomen told Bruce that Selina would be protective of their child, but for the first time ever, Bruce saw fear.

Pulling Selina into his lap, Bruce embraced her. Putting as much emotion as he could into it, Bruce wanted the simple gesture to ease any apprehension that Selina had about Bruce's feelings on the matter, but Selina still felt tense in his arms. Selina was silent. Not a peep, not a single decibel.

Pressing his lips to a spot just underneath her ear, Bruce knew it to be one of Selina's sweet spots, but today it didn't seem to do anything. Leaning in closer;

"What's up? Are you not happy about it?"

Bruce didn't know why, but Selina turned and faced him, her face a swimming sea of fighting emotions and everything was coming up to the surface.

"Happy about it?! Damn it Bruce, I'm fucking delighted. I'm on cloud nine or whatever else I'm meant to say, but I…I… don't know! I can't go and ask anyone about all this! I'm scared, I'm happy, I'm excited. I was hoping that you say something and all the pieces in my head would stick together, but you're a quiet as I am! Are you not happy about it?"

Bruce chastised himself. A family had always been a dream of Bruce's, but between the cowl and the demanding life of a billionaire CEO, Bruce never thought he'd have the chance. Leaving Selina to simmer in her pool of fears was a bullshit move on Bruce's part. That stopped now.

Standing up, Bruce stood up from the couch. Selina watched him out of the corner of her eye, and screamed when Bruce suddenly threw his arms beneath her and lifted her up. Selina began to wave her arms about, wanting to get down, but Bruce would only leave her down with a smile on her face.

"BRUCE! What are you doing! Leave me down!"

Attacking her neck with light kisses, Bruce somehow managed to pull open their sitting room door and began running through the manor with Selina bouncing in his arms.

"Alfred! Alfred!"

Almost like magic, Alfred appeared out of the shadows, carrying a small platter.

"Is something the matter, Master Bruce?"

"Nothing's wrong, I just want to let the world know two things. First, I love this woman. Second, Selina's pregnant!"

Selina didn't think it was possible, but for the first time ever, Alfred was speechless. In the blink of an eye however, Alfred had recovered and a gentle smile broke across his face.

"My congratulations Mrs. Wayne."

In Bruce's arms, Selina was starting to turn a shade of pink because of how Bruce was acting. Bruce was just so energetic, like someone had replaced his heart with a fusion core. It was nice though to see Bruce so light hearted for once. The cowl never really gave him any time to be happy, or have a life. While the games of Cat and Mouse between the Batman and Catwoman were fun and more than likely ended in a heated sex session in either Selina's old apartment, surrounded by her few cats, or Bruce's massive manor, surrounded by shadows, it was those moments without the cowl that Selina really got to know Bruce. It became crystal clear that the 'skirt-chasing, millionaire playboy routine was just a face he put on in public.

"Thanks Alfred…"

"If I may, what are you two doing?"

"What do you mean?"

"Master Bruce, it is midnight and last time I checked, you weren't going out tonight. You are running through the manor, bouncing your pregnant wife in your arms like a baby… May I suggest you two retire for the night?"

The craziness of everything suddenly hit both Selina and Bruce. Bruce was just wearing some sweatpants and a bowtie choker that Selina had insisted he leave on because it made him 'look cute'. Selina on the other hand was just wearing shorts because Bruce had wanted a compromise if he had to wear the choker. In unison, they turned their heads and looked at themselves in a mirror that hung on the wall. There were lipstick marks on Bruce's neck and hickeys on Selina's, from an intense make-out session that they had earlier. Bruce and Selina burst into laughter while Alfred walked off towards his own room. After a while, Bruce walked back towards their room, being much more gentle with Selina the second time.

Placing her down, Selina pressed a quick kiss to Bruce's cheek before she sauntered off into the bathroom. Bruce sat on the edge of the bed and thought for a minute. Bruce's head was still painfully trying to sort through his newfound reality. Selina was pregnant. He was going to be a father. There would be someone who depended on him to keep them safe, and warm. Someday, he'd have to teach them how to drive. He'd have to thorough background checks on future boyfriends or girlfriends, and at some point even give them 'the talk'. Maybe Selina would take the reins on that one… Bruce and Selina would be responsible for allowing this new family member, their child, the environment to grow and mature in their own time. Bruce was scared. Very scared.

A soft melody pulled Bruce from his inner thoughts. Listening closely, Bruce could make out Selina, humming a gentle tune over the sound of the shower. Bruce had never heard Selina hum or sing, but it sounded heavenly. A gentle melody of calming tones and happy memories. Bruce soon found himself pressing his ear up against the door. Bruce didn't want to disturb Selina, in fear of losing the music. Slowly, Bruce opened the door and stood into the warm fog. Closing the door behind him, Bruce soon found Selina. She had her back to him, but her hands were spread out over her stomach and her hips were swaying along to her own music. Bruce would always be a gentleman, but being human, there were some biological responses that were out of his control, given appropriate stimuli. Even with the music distracting him, Bruce couldn't stop his eyes wandering down Selina's back to her firm ass. Bruce had let it slip once, but seeing that ass in Selina's old catsuit had always left him frustrated and horny, and even now, outside the suit, it had the same effect if not stronger. Bruce was now very much aware of how constricting his boxers were and went to take them off. In his haste, Bruce slammed his forehead off the bathroom counter and swore loudly. Selina turned around, her eyes wide with shock, her arms covering her ample breasts.

Bruce rubbed the sore spot on his forehead with the palm of his hand before he looked up, locking eyes with Selina. Selina's shock didn't last long and her arms went from her chest to her hips. Emerald eyes scanned Bruce and Selina was about to question Bruce before her eyes fell on a familiar bulge. Bruce chuckled awkwardly, before a seductive smirk broke across Selina's face. With the shower still going, Selina left the warm torrents until she was standing before Bruce, completely naked. It wasn't as though this was their first time together, but Selina loved it when Bruce's words got stuck in his throat.


Selina pressed a finger to her lips as she crouched down, effectively and efficiently silencing Bruce. Selina's hand traced a line from Bruce's toes to the waistband of his sweats and boxers and in one pull, both Bruce and Selina were as naked as each other. With Bruce still painfully hard, Selina's mind started to go foggy as she got drunk off the sight and smell of Bruce. Her own libido had already gone into overdrive and Selina knew what she wanted. Grabbing hold of Bruce, Selina gave some languid strokes as they stared into each other's eyes.

"Selina… that music… love…ly"

"Thanks… but we can talk later."

Selina lay over Bruce and kissed him hard. Bruce replied to Selina's advances with even more fervour and they soon found themselves making out, while Selina was still stroking Bruce, driving him on. Bruce bit down gently on Selina's lip, just enough to stoke the fires of their passion, without hurting her, and as she moaned into the misty room, Bruce took her mouth with his own and muffled her sounds with French kissing.

Selina straddled Bruce and Bruce stood up, supporting Selina by cupping his hands under her ass. Selina got faster with her handjob which led to Bruce growling deeply. The animalistic sound drove Selina on and running her free hand in Bruce's hair, Selina grabbed a clump and pulled Bruce's face down to hers, where she drove her tongue into Bruce's mouth. Salty tastes from the popcorn earlier danced along Selina's tongue. Bruce squeezed Selina's ass as he carried her back under the heated shower, but neither of them felt any different. They were being consumed in each other's passion and were oblivious to everything else.

Bruce pushed Selina up against the smooth obsidian tiles and kissed Selina's neck from her collarbone to just beneath her ear. This had the effect that Bruce was hoping from earlier, and Selina shivered, goose bumps running over her entire body. With Bruce now throbbing, Selina quickly became impatient and leaned in to Bruce's ear.

'Put that in me…'

Bruce didn't need any further instructions, and in one quick thrust, had buried himself inside Selina up to the hilt. Selina moaned loudly as Bruce started thrusting, desperately slow at first. Each thrust was precise and hard, but as Selina continued to moan, Bruce got faster until he was slamming her against the wall with every thrust. At this stage, not even the shower was drowning out the noise they were making, but neither Selina or Bruce cared. They were together, as one, their love for one another coming through in waves of pleasure and mind-numbing bliss.

It didn't take much longer until Selina screamed at the top of her lungs as orgasmic bliss took over her senses. Her arms and legs suddenly felt heavy so Bruce was the only thing holding her together as he chased after his own release. With the last bit of energy she had, Selina pulled herself up and kissed Bruce straight on the lips as he climaxed, empting himself deep within her. Bruce's legs soon gave out from underneath him and together, Bruce and Selina fell into a pile on the floor of the shower. Holding each other, Bruce and Selina allowed the water to continue washing over them as their hearts calmed down to an easier pace. When they were able to move again, Selina and Bruce washed each other before leaving the bathroom for their bed.

As Bruce and Selina cuddled in bed, Selina smiled.

"What's up?"

"Can you believe it Bruce… We're going to be parents!"