STORY TITLE: Harry Gets Thanked

CHAPTER TITLE: The Second Thank You - Susan Bones, Part Two (An Interesting Morning for Several People)

PART: 03 of ?

AUTHOR: Red Jacobson ( )
DISTRIBUTION: Hentai Foundry, Archive of Our Own, HPFFA,
DISCLAIMER: None of the Characters You Recognize belong to me, they all belong to JK Rowling and her publishers.
SUMMARY: After the Final Battle, Harry gets thanked by several grateful witches. Cho already has her place in Harry's bed, but it's a very big bed! Now it's Susan's turn. Also, some hints at the plot start to appear.

FEEDBACK: Of course! It Makes Me Write Faster
SPOILERS: None, if you don't know how the Harry Potter story goes by now, why are you reading this story?
WARNINGS: If You've ever read any of my stories, you know what to expect, Oral, anal, Femme-slash, dom/sub, multiple partners, and Femme-cest.

CASTING NOTE: Susan Bones is played by Playboy Cyber Girl Leanne Decker

Fleur Delacour is played by Model and Page 3 Girl Rhian Sugden

Hannah Abbott is played by Adult Actress Bree Olson

A NOTE ABOUT HERMIONE: Several reviewers were unhappy that she didn't seem to be in line to be a member of the family, based on comments in the first chapter. All I can say is, there is a reason for her attitude, and to stay tuned.

MESSAGE TO UNSIGNED REVIEWER GUEST55: I was unable to respond to your reviews because you did not sign in, leaving me no way to contact you. If you would like to sign in and send me a private message I will be happy to provide you the information you requested.

Saturday, September 7th, 1996

Hogsmeade Village

The Potter Cottage

Earlier that Morning

Male : Harry Potter

Potter-Verse Female : Susan Bones

Movie Cross Over Female : Straight, Bondage, Anal, Tit Fuck, Oral

Setting : Sex Dungeon

Sex : Dom/sub

Fleur cried out in pleasure as the bound metamorphagus between her legs sent her over the edge when her tongue hit a particularly sensitive spot. Panting, she dropped her legs off the other woman's shoulders and rolled over, leaving the other woman laying face down on the bed.

She had been enjoying the attentions of the talented Tonks tongue for nearly an hour now, since just after the two of them woke up, after the hurried mirror conversation with Cho that it appeared Susan Bones would be the first to join them.

But now it was time for breakfast, and to get ready to greet her newest family member. She smirked down at the panting Auror, her arms locked behind her back and the cuffs chained to her ankles. "Not bad, Nympho-Dora, you are almost as skilled as my little sister at pleasuring a woman, but you still need much practice to truly satisfy our Master and his wife!"

She was joking, of course, Gabrielle was still too young to take to her bed, but after her sister turned 18 in a few years, she was sure that the younger girl would be eager to join them and properly thank her savior. Besides,Tonks truly was exceptional at using her mouth and knew it, having had a great deal of practice after the first time Fleur had forced her to submit.

That had been a fun day, when she had discovered the Auror naked on her knees before her Lord without permission, and he had certainly enjoyed watching as she demonstrated for the metamorphagus her place in the pecking order.

Tonks may have taken the liberty of offering herself to their Lord without prior permission, as if she were nothing but a common putaine but if she wanted the pleasure of having him inside her chatte or derriere she had to satisfy the Alpha consort first! The Auror had squawked at first, being trussed up like a turkey, but was soon using her tongue quite well to satisfy her.

The woman had thought that a little cunnilingus would be all it would take to earn the right to pleasure their Lord, but she was sadly mistaken. Fleur had quite enjoyed the look of amused appreciation on her Lord's face as she pulled Tonks over her lap and proceeded to give her a bare bottomed spanking. When the woman was panting with need and her bottom was a nice uniform red color, Fleur had made her stand in the corner, her hands bound behind her and her ankles spread apart to prevent her getting any relief as Fleur had knelt down and asked her Lord if she could serve him.

It was only when he had taken his pleasure from her in all three holes, and her breasts were coated with his seed and he was still rampant, that Fleur was allowed to summon the Auror from her place to give her body to their Lord.

It was several hours later, when the two women stumbled out the door, supported by their Lord's arms, that Fleur discovered they had forgotten the silencing spells, and had an audience of applauding men, with Sirius and the Wolf laughing uproariously, and the Weasley Twins prostrating themselves before her Lord. Fortunately they were the only ones in the house, and her Lord had sworn them to silence, even from the other order members, to prevent word getting back to the enemy.

She was extremely glad that all the followers of the madman had died with their master, so she didn't have to keep quiet about who she belonged to.

The naked Veela stretched and walked over to the showers and quickly rinsed off, making sure that all her juices were washed away from her clean shaven Mons. She wanted to make sure she was fresh for when Susan got her first taste. Fleur really didn't remember the Bones girl, but Cho had been very complimentary about her submissive attitude and exquisite breasts and derriere when they had discussed the women who would potentially be joining them, so this was sure to be an enjoyable afternoon.

Hearing Nymphadora trying to move off the bed, she briefly wondered who Lord Potter would select as the Lady Black, so that the other woman would be able to be a proper consort, and not just a plaything for the head of House Black.

Not that the pinkette seemed to mind her current status, the Auror was always eager to strip and kneel before him, or bend over to be taken however he wished. She even changed form to any woman he wished to have, which the woman had privately confessed wasn't something she would ordinarily do for another lover.

Fleur understood, when it came to Lord Potter her natural reaction was to do as he desired. She had originally just planned on giving the young man a night of pleasure as a way of apologizing for the 'leetle boy' comment, but those plans had been changed almost immediately when she tried to dominate him and ended up over his lap receiving the first spanking of her adult life!

She had expected an inexperienced virgin, and, while he was a virgin, it seemed that there was something to the rumored "Potters Gift" that her mother had whispered about, having been with James Potter and Lily Evans during the year she had spent as an exchange student at Hogwarts for her Seventh Year. After all, no virgin could possibly have known how to please her the way he had, or had the confidence to completely dominate her to the point that she would have done anything for him, even brought him her mother and sister, had he only asked.

From that night on, there wasn't a day that went by that the two of them didn't find time to be alone together, and she grew almost addicted to the climax she received from swallowing his seed, not to mention the way he totally controlled her body! She hadn't planned on letting him have her derriere, but he didn't even ask, he just started preparing her, and by the time she realized what he had intended, she was feeling so wonderful that she didn't even think to object. But the sex wasn't even the best part of belonging to him, it was that he treated her with respect, not bragging that he had turned the haughty Veela into a woman who would happily accept a collar if he offered.

Even after the horror of the final task, he still managed to comfort her when she had nightmares about him dying, or about Voldemort finding and killing her family. He had mentioned marrying her, and making her the Lady Potter in the lead up to the final task, but she had to explain how rare it was for a Veela to have a son, and that he needed to find a Lady Potter who could give him his heir. He had been aware of that, but said he wanted to make the offer, so she knew that he valued her, and would have been willing to take the chance of having a son with her. That was when he told her that she would be the consort to House Potter when he found his Lady Potter, and they had filed the paperwork changing her status the same day that Lord Potter and Cho had signed the betrothal contract making her the Lady Potter.

It was unfortunate that the two of them had needed to return to the school before she and Cho could demonstrate to Lord Potter just how well acquainted they were, but there would hopefully be time for that today while he took his pleasure from Lady Bones and their pet Auror.

Finished with her shower, she toweled herself off, and, checking the mirror, was pleased that she didn't need to use the depilatory charm, she was still as smooth as could be between her legs. She had probably better check to see that Nymphadora was smooth as well, or her Lord would be disappointed, and Fleur wanted to avoid that at all costs!

Walking over to where the bound woman had managed to make it up to her knees, she whispered the command word to release the bonds and helped her to her feet. Checking the woman's mound, Fleur was satisfied that she was smooth as well and nodded, pointing to the showers. Nymphadora stumbled a little as her legs weren't use to supporting her, but was soon under the water and cleaning herself vigorously.

Calling for her elf to start preparing breakfast for her and Tonks, Fleur want to her dresser and pulled out the stockings and garter she would wear to greet her Lord. She would leave the knickers and bra in the drawer of course, they would only get in the way. The set she selected was in a light powder blue, reminding her of the uniform she had worn in school and smiled in amusement at the silly girl she had been.

After dressing, she sat down at the mirror and brushed out her hair until it shone, and lightly applied her makeup. By the time she was finished, Tonks came walking out of the shower, toweling off her glistening body. Gesturing to the table by the bed, she watched as Tonks obediently went over and wrapped the leather cuffs around her wrists and ankles, the metal rings easily accessible should their Lord wish to restrain her to any of the equipment in the playroom. Of course, it was just as likely that he would wish to restrain her or Cho while he had Lady Bones pleasuring him, so Fleur selected cuffs of her own to wear, just to be prepared.

By this time her elf Amelie had their breakfast prepared and Fleur sat at the table, with Tonks kneeling on the floor next to her. Fleur rolled her eyes in amusement, the girl really didn't need to submit that deeply to her, but she seemed to get great pleasure out of it, so Fleur let her be. And besides, she wouldn't deny that having someone submitting to her was rather arousing, even though she absolutely adored submitting to her Lord.

As they were eating she heard the mirror buzzing and summoned it from the bedroom. Tapping it, she smiled, seeing Cho's flushed face appear. Fleur listened, intrigued at what had happened that morning, and was looking forward to meeting Lady Bones even more now!

Looking down at Tonks, she said, "Hurry and finish so you can wash your face, Nymphadora, our Lord will be arriving soon with Lady Potter and the new Lady Bones, and you don't want to appear slovenly in front of your employer's niece, do you?"

Tonks started eating even quick, her hands held behind her back, and was soon licking the plate clean. When she finished, the woman climbed to her feet and rushed to the sink to clean her face before returning to her place.

Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

The Great Hall

The Same Time

Hermione watched from the Gryffindor table as Harry and Cho approached the Staff Table to talk to the Headmistress, accompanied by Susan Bones of all people, the light reflecting off the ring on her finger. Did that mean the Hufflepuff would be joining Harry in his perversions? The poor girl, letting herself be degraded like that. She looked like she had even managed to convince herself that she was happy about what was happening! She did her best to keep her expression carefully neutral, because she didn't want to offend the boy who was her best friend until she had discovered the things he expected his wife to do in the bedroom, and, and other places!

Why didn't he understand that a proper witch would only lay with a man for the purpose of having a family, and that was an activity for the bedroom, not just any place they happened to be when the man got the urge! Did he think they were animals, to be rutting out in the open, where anybody could see them?

Hermione was really looking forward to graduating so she could take her place in the Ministry and start making changes in the way women were treated, being forced to submit to the unnatural desires of the men they were binding themselves to.

Her eyes narrowed as she noticed just how close Susan was standing to Cho, and felt like she wanted to be sick! They were obviously touching each other for his sick pleasure! How could they expect to have children if they were busy degrading themselves like that? Why would they put up with, they certainly couldn't be receiving any sort of pleasure from the acts. Honestly, what sort of hold did he have over those poor girls?

She felt a small bit of satisfaction at the disapproving expression that Professor McGonagall had, even though Professor Sprout and the other professors seemed quite happy that Susan was being forced into such a situation!

Turning away, she took a sip of her pumpkin juice, frowning as it seemed to taste slightly different from yesterday. Shaking her head, she forced herself to eat the delicious breakfast the wonderful elves had prepared for the students. She was so happy that the elves were there to make life easier, since they had so much to do with the classes now.

She was so focused on her meal, and the work she needed to do to get ready for next weeks classes that she barely noticed Hannah Abbott getting up from the Hufflepuff table and approach the trio as they walked passed.

The three of them had just walked out of the Great Hall when Susan tapped Harry on the shoulder. He turned, a slightly perplexed expression on his face, and Susan pointed to the door, where Hannah was just coming out.

Smiling, he turned toward the other girl, and Cho and Susan waited as well. Hannah stopped in front of them, a little flustered to be the center of their attention. Looking at Susan, and seeing the Bones ring that appeared when the contract was signed, Hannah threw her arms around the other girl and hugged her, squealing in happiness, before saying in mock accusation, "And you were just going to walk out and not tell anybody? Come on, Susan, you know that's not the way we do things in the Sett! Megan and the other girls will be over the moon for you, and you aren't even going to let them congratulate you and your new husband."

When Susan didn't say anything, Hannah stepped back, a suspicious look on her face, "Okay Susan, what's going on? You haven't said a word, and that's not like you. Are you okay?" Dropping her hand to her wand, Hannah looked directly at Harry and said, "Lord Potter? Can you explain why Susan isn't say anything, this is starting to concern me, and I don't like the feeling to be honest."

Harry surprised her by chuckling, "Relax Hannah, there's no need to be concerned, Susan has a very good reason for not opening her mouth." Turning to Susan, he said, "Go ahead and take them out, you can put them back later after your conversation."

Hannah watched in wonder as Susan's face blushed as red as her hair, and opened her mouth showing the wadded up cloth stuffed in there. Hannah smirked as she realized exactly what the cloth was, and grinned at Harry, "Moving pretty fast there, Lord Potter? Getting her knickers off already?"

"Well, we signed the contract, and Susan was so eager show me her body I thought it would be polite to let her. In fact, Susan love, pull up your dress and show Hannah your new grooming. After all, we were discussing offering her the Consort position, so she she know what to expect, don't you agree?"

Susan paled, "Bu- But, right here, where everyone could see me?"

He looked at her firmly, "Susan, there is no one here but the four of us, and you won't be seen if you do it quickly, but that doesn't really matter. I wish for you to display yourself to Hannah, and you agreed to obey me in these matters. Did you not mean it? We haven't actually formalized the contract and can cancel it if you don't think you are willing to abide by the agreement."

Susan lowered her eyes, "No Sir, I don't want to cancel the contract, it just surprised me as all!"

His smile was reassuring, "Very good Susan, I just wanted to be certain, I have no desire to end the contract either, in fact I'm looking forward to making you a full member of the family." His smile dropped slightly, "However, hesitation brings punishment, so, remove your outer robe and hand it to Lady Potter."

Hannah watched in fascination as Susan blushed but obeyed, standing in front of her wearing a rather rumpled dress and her trainers. Her nipples were pressing hard against the top of the dress to nearly tear the fabric, and Hannah had to bit her lip to keep from grinning. She had known that Sue had a fairly strong submissive personality, so Harry had to be pushing her friends button like mad!

She watched as Harry reached for the back of the dress and Hannah heard the sound of the zipper coming down, and Susan reached up and pulled the dress down in front, exposing her breasts to the air. This wasn't the first time Hannah had seen them of course, she and Susan had been lovers for almost a year, since Halloween of the last school year, but it was still incredibly exciting to watch her shy friend expose herself like this!

"Go on Susan, you're doing fine, just keep going." Harry said from behind her friend, and Hannah raised an eyebrow, was he really getting Sue to do this, here? She watched as Susan closed her eyes and took a deep breath, as if steeling her nerves, and then she pushed the dress over her hips to the floor, leaving her standing completely naked in front of them!

"Dobby!" Harry called, and a bizarrely dressed house-elf appeared, and Harry grinned at the little being. "Dobby, I want you to take this dress up to our rooms and clean it properly. When you hear me call for you again, bring the dress with you to the Potter Cottage."

The elf nodded eagerly, grabbing the dress and popping away. Hannah watched the expressions dance across her best friend's face, and wasn't surprised that the girl was turned on like you wouldn't believe! But then she lowered her eyes to see what Harry had referred to as Susan's new grooming. and licked her lips at seeing the completely hairless pussy. She wasn't the first hairless girl Hannah had seen, of course, several of the girls she had seduced over the years had used the charm to keep themselves clean, and Hannah actually kept herself clean as well, enjoying the feeling of her knickers on the bare skin.

She felt her mouth starting to water a little when Hannah saw just how wet and swollen Susan's pussy was and suddenly almost ached to get on her knees and slide her tongue between the girl's lips!

Tearing her eyes away, she saw Cho looking at her with affection and amusement in her eyes, still holding Susan's school robe in front of her. And she heard Harry saying, "I don't think this is really the appropriate place for you to do what you want to do, Hannah, the notice me not charm I placed probably wouldn't stop people from hearing Susan's screaming orgasms. Would you like to join us for the afternoon? If you want to be the Bones Family consort you can get started today."

Hannah didn't even hesitate, she looked at him with a wide smile and said, "I'd love it, just let me tell Professor Sprout that you've invited me to go with you to discuss a place in the Bones family. She'll understand, she knows just how close Sue and I are, just like we know how close she is with Susan's Auntie Amelia!"

As she was turning away, Hannah saw the shocked expression on Susan's face, and wondered whether it was the casual revelation of Amelia and Pomona's relationship, or the fact that Harry had placed a notice me not charm around them that caused it? She was sure to get the answer at some time today, and hurried back into the hall to get her Head of House's permission.

Professor Sprout didn't even blink before smiling and giving her a nod, although McGonagall gave her a pursed lip look of disapproval, but Hannah honestly didn't care what that dried up old bitch thought. The woman probably hadn't ever been closer to a cock or a pussy than the time her parents conceived her, and it was her loss!

With an eager grin, she headed to the doors of the Hall, before getting an idea and ducking into an alcove just outside. Pulling her wand, she vanished her knickers and bra, sending them back to her dorm room, and walked out to join the other three. She was slightly disappointed to see that Susan had put her dress back on, but contented herself with the knowledge that her friend was completely nude under the robes.

Cho had been speaking on a hand held mirror, her face flushed with excitement when Hannah walked up, and the four of them were soon walking out the door of the castle. Since it wasn't an official Hogsmeade Weekend they would have to walk to the village, but it was a nice day so she didn't mind at all.

Inside the Great Hall

The Staff Table

Pomona watched with a smile as Hannah hurried out to join her soon to be lovers. She was glad that Susan had chosen a good man to marry, and the fact that Harry had already chosen his Lady Potter meant that he could tell the Wizengamot to shove their requirements up their arses sideways if he chose.

She really wasn't sure exactly what Minerva's problem was, though. It was absolutely none of her business if the Bones Family chose to take a consort, so what if they are all students, they are of age, and, honestly, the older witch had to be aware of that fact that Harry, with his fame and wealth, could easily have every single girl in the castle, as well as Aurora, Septima and Bathsheeba dropping their knickers at just a word. But he hadn't, and he had even offered Hannah the protection of an official position, so what was Minerva's problem?

She was acting like he was his father or Sirius Black during their time in school, and, granted, Pomona would be happy not to have to stumble across another cross house orgy like the one that James, Lily, Sirius and Marlene McKinnon had organized after they took their NEWTs, but there were no pregnancies, and several betrothals came out of it, including poor Frank Longbottom and his Alice's, so there was no harm done.

She hid a snicker, maybe she should nip down to Lilith's Toy Shoppe and get Minerva a 'personal assistant? It might help the woman out, or at least make her lighten up when she realizes that others are noticing her attitude. Of course, it would probably just offend her and make her get her 'Scottish' up, to use the phrase Filius had been known to use at times, but what's life without a little risk? At least they no longer had Severus to deal with, his irrational hatred of all things Potter or Gryffindor had caused far more problems than she cared to remember, and seeing Harry with two or more girls would probably have driven him to apoplexy!

Finishing her breakfast, Pomona left the table and walked down the aisle toward the door. She vaguely wondered why Miss Granger was giving her an evil look, but decided she really didn't care all that much, the girl had always been far too much of a swot for the easygoing woman to connect with.

Deciding to give Amelia a call, to let her know about Hannah becoming the Bones family consort, she headed up to her rooms instead of out to the greenhouses like she normally did. Pomona was sure that the news would come as no surprise to her lover, but it was best to be prepared if Patty Abbott didn't like the idea. She didn't think Patty would have a problem, but, she was raised in the muggle world, and consorts really weren't the officially recognized position that they are in the magical world, so you never could tell how the woman would react.

She grinned at the thought of telling Amelia about the way Susan had stayed suspiciously quiet the entire time they were talking to her and Minerva, and how it seemed like there was something in the girls mouth. Pomona chuckled at the multiple memories of seeing Amelia in a very similar position, with her own knickers stuffed in her mouth, making a wonderful gag while Pomona had put the Auror trainee (at the time) over her knee and spanked her.

Hurrying to her quarters, Pomona decided to just visit Amelia in person, it had been far too long since she had put the woman over her lap after all!


The Potter Cottage

Twenty Minutes Later

Harry was extremely happy to reach the cottage, especially when Fleur had stripped off her light robe when the door closed behind them and knelt naked in front of him. He had been growing desperate for some relief ever since he had drawn out Susan's submission in the entryway of the school.

Glancing at the other women, he wasn't surprised that Cho and Susan had immediately stripped, but was happy to see Hannah removing her clothing as well, showing that she wasn't wearing any underwear at all. He let the girl see him admiring her body before he said, "Tonks, serve Susan while Cho serves Hannah, and then switch!"

The four women quickly did what he told them, and then he focused on Fleur who had unbuckled his belt and let his trousers drop to the ground, his cock springing out from his boxers. He leaned against the door and closed his eyes, sighing in satisfaction as Fleur's tongue started working his shaft. "Thank you Fleur, you know just what I needed this morning, and, for that, you can cum as much as you want today!"

"Oui, Je vous remercie! Thank you My Lord!" she said, before taking his head into her mouth. She seemed to have an almost instinctive feel for how to pleasure him, he didn't know if it was her Veela heritage, or simply the deep devotion she felt for him allowed her to sense what he needed, but Harry didn't care either way, she had been a balm to him ever since the first time they were together, and things had only gotten better over the last almost two years!

Tonks did her best, and Cho was certainly getting better as she got more experience with him, but neither of them were as good as Fleur was. He still loved the other women for their own characteristics, but his lovely Veela was sexual desire personified, and if it hadn't been for her, he might not have fought as hard in the Graveyard that night. He had Fleur to return to, and that made all the difference.

Hearing an unfamiliar voice crying out in orgasm, he opened his eyes and grinned, seeing Hannah shaking on the floor, Cho's mouth locked on her pussy, and... why that naughty minx! Cho had shoved a finger into Hannah's arse, sending the girl over the edge already. Hannah must have been really keyed up by what had happened earlier, and he was really looking forward to getting to know her in every sense.

Looking over at Tonks and Susan, he smiled slightly at seeing Susan's enjoyment of Tonks' tongue, but blinked when he noticed that the kneeling Auror's arse was suspiciously red, and the base of a plug was sticking out of her arse. Fleur must have been playing with the woman before they got there, but, knowing how Tonks got off on being dominated he seriously doubted that the woman had even considered objecting.

Fleur was fingering herself while she sucked him, and he could feel the arousal pouring out of her, but she was managing to keep her Allure under control, which was impressive. She'd obviously been working on it, because she usually let it slip when they were together, unless she was holding back because of the two new women?

He was really looking forward to seeing Fleur serving Susan, since she was going to be the Lady of her House, and watching her dominate Hannah the way she already dominated Tonks. Of course, seeing how submissive Susan is, it might end up with Susan submitting to Fleur, which would be entertaining all on it's own.

Knowing that he was finally going to be able to see Fleur and Cho together, as well as anticipating Susan's look as he buried himself in her soaking pussy and virgin arse, not to mention finding out more about Hannah was pushing his excitement to the breaking point, and he reached down, sliding his fingers into Fleur's hair and holding her in place. His consort released him from her mouth long enough to give a happy moan before he plunged inside, shagging her mouth like it was her quim, the tip of his cock brushing the back of her throat until it all got to be too much and the cum came boiling out of his balls and he exploded into her mouth!

She swallowed as much as she could, before her orgasm hit her, and she fell backward, letting his cock slide out of her mouth as she shuddered on the carpet, a blissful smile on her face. She didn't even seem to notice when the last bursts of his cum landed on her face and chest, she was so lost in her own world.

Harry stood there, panting, his cock still erect and his eyes locked with Susan's. Gesturing to her, he said, "Lady Bones, please come here, it's time to welcome you to the family."

With a grin, Susan walked over to him, kneeling down and stroking his shaft before sticking out her tongue to taste him for the first time. Looking over her head, he saw that Cho, Hannah and Tonks had all converged on Fleur, and were using their tongues to clean the insenstate woman's body. He grinned at the way they automatically did what he would have wanted, even Hannah, before turning his attention back to Susan.

He watched through half closed eyes as the busty redhead took him into her mouth and enthusiastically, if a bit amatuerishly started sucking him. It was clear that she hadn't done anything like this before, but that didn't bother him in the slightest, she was more than willing to do her best, and he and his other ladies would soon teach her what he enjoyed.

For now, he just enjoyed the feelings of her eager mouth on his cock and had to refrain from pinching himself to prove he wasn't dreaming! Of course, it wasn't the first time he'd done that, it tended to be a regular occurrence ever since that first night with Fleur! He idly wondered if this was the universes way of paying him back for the shite he had gone through, but if that were so, then Hermione would be right here with him, and not avoiding him like he was going to rip her knickers off and force her to give him a knobber while kneeling on a copy of Hogwarts, A History!

The feeling of Susan's soft hands on his balls pulled him back to the present, and a moan of pleasure rumbled from his chest as she took him deeper into her mouth. Susan seemed to be gaining confidence the longer she sucked him, because her movements were smoothing out and becoming very enjoyable.

He enjoyed her ministrations for several minutes, until the pressure started building up again, and he reached down and tapped her on the shoulder. Her eyes went up to him, still sucking, and he ground out "I'm getting close, are you going to swallow or take my load on your tits so the others can lick you clean?"

Her eyes widened as she processed what he said, before she leaned forward and took him even further into her mouth. He managed to chuckle at her obvious answer and grunted, releasing control and letting loose in her mouth. He fell back against the door as his orgasm, seemingly even more poswerful than the first burst out of his cock and flooded Susan's mouth, making her pull back so just the head was inside as she swallowed his cum.

She managed to swallow everything he gave her, not letting go until he finally started going limp. Susan released him from her mouth, and then her eyes widened in shock as his magic triggered a massive climax from deep inside her!

Harry watched in resigned amusement as Susan's eyes rolled back in her head and she slumped sideways, incomprehensible sounds of pleasure tumbling from her mouth as she stretched out on the floor.

That's four for four, Harry thought with a grin, as he finished stripping out of his clothing and levitated Fleur and Susan to the bed where they turned to each other and fell deeper asleep.

Looking at the others, he grinned at Tonks and said, "So, were you naughty and that's why my Consort spanked you, or did she give you a spanking for a reward?"

Tonks looked up and gave him a cheeky grin, "Wotcher, Lord Black! The Potter Consort was very pleased with me, so I got a reward, she even got my arse stretched out for when you want to bugger me, so you wouldn't have to take the time!"

Cho turned to her and said, "While I'm sure my husband will enjoy taking your arse again, Nymphadora, he has others to welcome to the family, so don't get greedy! In fact, with my husband's permission, I would like to take you down to the playroom that our Consort told us about, and show you your place!"

Harry nodded with a grin, and Cho stood, gesturing for Tonks to precede her, but, when the Auror started to stand, Cho slapped her on the ass and said, "Crawl Nymphadora, you haven't earned the right walk yet!"

Hannah was watching with fascination, and not a little apprehension as Harry approached her, but he grinned, "Don't worry, absolutely nothing happened there that Tonks didn't want. She's extremely submissive and gets great pleasure out of the way we treat her. I've talked to her about it several times and she knows that all she has to do is say one single word and it will stop at any time. She just chooses not to say that word."

Hannah nodded, obviously relieved, and Harry said, "So, now that you've gotten a taste of what being part of the family is going to be like, do you have any questions?"

She grinned at him, "Just one, My Lord, can you show me the playroom too?"

End Chapter Three (Sorry, the chapter was getting fairly unwieldy, so I decided to end it here)

A Plea for Help from The Author

Hey Folks: I hope you don't mind me adding a personal plea, but I'm really in a tight situation and asking for help any way I can think of. I am in dire need of funds to cover living expenses while I deal with a temporary personal situation. Donations have come in, but, very slowly, so I'm trying to get as many eyes on my GoFundMe as possible, in the hopes that some folks who've enjoyed my writing will be able to contribute so I can get back to working.

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and remove the parentheses () and spaces, and it will lead you to my donation page.

Even if you aren't in a position to donate, it would still be a help if you would share it on your social media.

Thank you very much!
