Here is the story that a lot of you guys have been wanting. Please enjoy and I hope you all love it.

I do not own Vampire Knight. But I do own my Oc.


Chapter 1

The Night Class At Cross Academy

Cross Academy is a prestigious school that has students with efficient grades and passed the entrance exams. Its location is high on the mountain for everyone in town to witness the academy beauty. The school gates are to protect its students from the outside world. The forest keeps them hidden so the dangerous people won't spot any of them. Three massive buildings make it seem like a castle connected with the other but in truth are separate. One of these buildings holds our academy while the other two are the student's dorms. In truth, the town can only see the three massive building but there are so much more to be seen in the academy.

This academy has a beautiful architect but holds a darker secret in its buildings. There have only been four people that are aware of this secret. Currently, there is a commotion on her grounds. A short girl with dark shoulder-length brown hair and wearing a black cross academy uniform stands in front of multiple other girls. She guards the gates against these crowded of entering. Beyond those gates are the secrets that those four people have to keep; the Night class.

"It's curfew time for everybody in the day class, so just go back to your dorms!"

The short girl orders the screaming girls in an attempt of leaving. Who is this girl that is getting screamed at? She is a first-year named Yuuki Kurosu. The adopted daughter of this school Chairman and a guardian. While the academy keeps her students safe from the outside world, there has to be someone to keep them safe from the inside. A guardian must keep the students from the 'Day Class' to stay away from the 'Night Class' and vise versa.

A way the guardians are to differentiate which student is from what class is by their uniforms. The Day Class uniform is fully black with white patterns while the Night Class is the opposite. As it says in their names, the 'Day class' study during the day while the 'Night Class' arrives at school when in the sunset till night. Day students believe them to be highly efficient in every curriculum and a part of magazines and actors. These are the celebrates of Cross Academy.

The gates of the Night dorms reveal the reason for the girl's screaming and crowding the gates. These girls would be considered fangirls or specifically hardcore fans. Each night student leaves the gates to be welcomed with fan's screams. It is an unpleasant sound but there is not much the guardians can do. It does not help that one of the Night students are encouraging this kind of behavior.

"Good Morning ladies!~ Still, as pretty as ever, I see!"

This handsome man with blond hair and icy blue eyes is Aidou Hanabusa. He is someone that makes my life difficult at times. He would rile the girls in chaos and make the guardian's job ten times harder. Suddenly, the fans ran to Aidou screaming in delight while Yuuki loses her balance. She landed in front of a night student who bends down to aid her.

"Are you okay, Yuuki? They're always so difficult to manage."


She blushes from the sight of his gentle expression and smile. There was a red bump on her forehead which looked funny with her blushing. It looked like her forehead was blushing too. She quickly got up from the ground to keep her distance from him.

"Yes... I'm just fine!"

The other students were watching the interaction between them with hints of jealousy or anger. Kaname chuckled at her sudden change in behavior at him.

"You're always so formal with me. It makes me sad..."

"Oh... I didn't mean to... It's because you saved my life!"

She babbles to get her point across while embarrassed from the sudden attention given to her. This charming man with brown hair that is grown to his collar with bangs falling into his face and bewitching red-brown eyes is Kaname Kuran. He's the Night class representative and dorm leader for the Moon Dormitory. He normally carries an expression of calm and stoic and represents elegance and an authority figure to other night students. That changes to gentle and warm for Yuuki.

From what Yuuki meant by her sentence was their experience together 10 years ago. Kaname saved her from a starving Level E that attacked her. Her memory was completely void before the age of five.

Kaname reached over to pat her head in a kind gesture.

"Don't worry about that anymore. It happened so long ago..."

His wrist was harshly grabbed off Yuuki's head. Their attention was on a tall young man with short silver hair, skin snowy-white, and hostile lavender eyes at Kaname. He wears the traditional day uniform for males and carries the guardian armband in his pocket. He is the second person to keep the secret within the academy grounds and guardian. His name is Zero Kiryu. The tension between these two was tense and uncomfortable. It was times like these that I would make an appearance.

"That is enough from you both."

The trio looked up from the sound of my voice. My spot was on a tree branch viewing them from above. My green eyes connected with Zero and Kaname. I jumped off from my spot and landed beside them with ease.

"Zero, release Kuran-sama. You did not have to go as rough as you did."

Zero made a sound of complaint but obliged. His attitude only got worst from my constant bickering of his actions. It is difficult to maintain Zero's actions but he is stubborn for refusing to listen. Kaname, on the other hand, stared at me with the same gentleness and warmth for Yuuki.

"Thank you, Mei."

My relationship with Kaname is a different story than Yuuki's. He confuses me on why he stares at me like that. Even though our relationship has disappeared years ago.

"Do not mistake this act, Kuran-sama. As the leader for the Night Class, you must set an example and not let your feelings get in the way. I'll report this incident to the Chairman. Please be aware of your status."

Kaname's gentle expression was replaced with a sad one. My politeness towards him does not mean that we are close. It is merely respect for someone with a high status in this academy and their system. His sad expression returned to the normal calm facade.

"I see. I will try to remember that. Have a good day, Mei."

He walked with the other Night students but was stopped by a Day student with a flower. Kaname accepted the plant from the hesitant girl. The girl was beyond happy for her bravery to leave with her friend.

"It's none of my business how much you suck up to Kuran, but you do know the rules, right?"

Zero pointed out at the embarrassed Yuuki.

"Zero is correct on that Yuuki. You must fulfill as the guardian of this school. Also, should you be lecturing Yuuki about the rules, Zero? When your actions were the reason for these rules to be made. "

Zero and Yuuki gulped from the sudden discipline. They both looked away from me from being caught and guilty. I sigh at their behavior and feel bad for having them to show such emotions on their faces. Nevertheless, my attitude and behavior towards them are necessary for them in the future. It is for us to protect their secret.

The Night Class secret of being vampires.


Zero startled me by the sudden screaming and fangirls scurrying off in fear. Yuuki begins punching his back as punishment for being late. I broke these two off from the fight and began another lecture.

Since the beginning of the vampire's existence, there has been a war between humans and vampires. The history of vampires has been far in the shadows that no one is aware of their existence. They are known to be legends or myths among humans. In this country, only a select number of people remember the past. The people who are aware of their existence have a responsibility to keep them in line. They are known as Vampire Hunters. The existence of vampires is a terrifying experience to come by. The reason why students in the day class don't know about this school's secret is because of us blocking off all connection between them.

After my lecture, they followed me to the chairman's office so Zero can complain for the 100th time. I was headed to that direction for the daily report in cross-examination.

"This is ridiculous. How can you possibly expect just the three of us to guard the whole bunch of those bloodsuckers and deal with the screaming idiots?! Mr. Chairman?!"

He slams the Chairman's desk to show his anger. The Chairman sat on his chair to enjoy his tea. He is a man that wears odd clothes and keeps his blonde hair in a ponytail. He adopted Yuuki at the age of 5 and became the legal guardian for Zero. Kaien Kurosu is a man that wishes for the war to end.

"I admit that it is difficult to deal with every night."

"So find someone else to help me before this whole thing implodes! Yuuki is worse than useless! And you keep taking Mei for little meetings that aren't meetings at all! You just want to check on your daughter on every chance you get!"

"I'm not taking that from someone's who's late half the time and absent the rest!"

I would figure that Zero would stop his complaints and accept this ordeal. Yet he proves me wrong every time. Kaien wasn't fazed by his outburst but took a sip from his cup.

"Impossible. The role of the guardians is critical... if the day class and the night class are to successfully co-exist. You three are the only ones I can trust. Besides, it's a thankless job, with long hours, sleepless nights, and no respect. No one else would take it. And... I know that my adorable daughters and loving son won't let me down."

Zero's temper got so bad that he broke his desk in half. This didn't faze anyone but Yuuki again. I took a paper from Father's drawn and look for the number to repair the desk.

"You might have taken care of me, but I don't remember ever becoming your son!"

"You always obsess over the details."

Zero has reminded Father each time he went overboard. It is understandable for Zero to react this way. The Kiryuu family is one of the selective few that knows about the existence of vampires. They have been Vampire Hunters since the beginning of time. He is a proud son of two famous hunters or more specific two famous deceased vampires.

"Hey Mei. Can't you do something about this? I can't continue doing this with Yuuki alone."

I do agree with Zero on this matter. Zero and I were trained to keep vampires in check since birth. Yuuki wasn't trained till recently to deal with them. As far as I'm concern, she only knows how to handle the situation inside the school. She would freeze up or too afraid to handle vampires outside of the school.

"I do agree with you Zero. I'll try to end my meetings with Father as soon as I can, then I'll help aid you two with the switch. For now, please try to be on time and not miss any more classes. Does that satisfy you, Zero?"

Zero had no more complaints after that. He kept quiet but the silence ended with Father crying.

"Mei! You make your Father so proud! I dream that one day we will break out of the dark cycle of hatred that haunts the relationship between humans and vampires! Believe that if the youth of today can grow together with open hearts and inquiring minds we can finally build a bridge whereby our two races will be able to live together in harmony! That is the glory of education! That is the purpose of the Night Class!"

Father looks crazy skipping around his desk happily. While he was in his little world, I nodded my head at the other guardians to go off on patrol. Zero left the room the normal way angry and Yuuki went through the window with a smile on her face. It was only us in the office. Father returned to the present but was confused about where the others went.

"It was time for patrol so I sent them off. Sorry about this Father."

"Oh, I see. Thank you so much for your hard work. I know it is tiring with all of these meetings and doing your responsibilities as a guardian. I can understand where Kiryuu is coming from. Even within the vampire community, there are evil creatures that still prey upon humans. That's why it would be a disaster if the truth about the night class ever got out..."

I listen to his complaints while writing down the report.

"Father, there are vampires out there that wish for this too. We mustn't forget that vampires were once humans too. I think we all forget the similarities we have. They want to get along with humans but it is this cruel curse that was bestowed upon them. The curse of craving for blood."


I put the report on Father's desk giving him a small smile.

"It's all going to be okay. We just need to be patient for a little while longer."

Father took the report in gratitude and was touched by my little speech. He did a fatherly act by kissing my forehead. Kaien Kurosu is the only person who I have close to as a parent. It wasn't until I was young to know the truth between us. Kaien Kurosu isn't my biological father. He found me as a baby on his doorstep. Even though I am curious about my biological parents, it isn't the importance of my life right now. He is my father and I am his daughter.


The sun in the sky means the Day Class has to go to school. Yuuki and Zero were passed out on their desk during the lecture. This is a regular occurrence that annoys the teachers severely. The teachers do not know about our roles at night. It comes down to me taking down notes for them and keeping them inform for class. It was part of their detention but felt more like a punishment for me.

Yuuki woke up at the same time school ended. It was a funny consequence on how wakes up at the perfect moment.

"Not detention again...!"

"It's your fault for staying out all night and sleeping all day. That's something only a vampire do."

A girl next Yuki commented at her complaint. Sayori Wakaba, Yori for short, is Yuuki's best friend and dorm mate. I am grateful for this petite girl to be close to her. I decided to stay in my childhood room with Father's main house on the academy grounds. It's better to have a room with myself so I can do some paperwork that discusses the vampires.

"Hey! Will you come to detention with me today? Please, Yori! It sucks having to do it alone with that jerk!"

I can see a flying arrow labeled 'jerk' over my head poking at Zero.

"No way. Anyway, I thought that you guys were good friends."

"As if! Zero if flakey, badtempered, and he's always so gloomy it's depressing!"

"Yuuki. I can hear you."

Zero glared at Yuuki irritated but Yuuki sticks her tongue out at him. Yori didn't help the situation but added more fuel to the fire between them. I stopped their glaring contest by hitting the back of their head with a rolled-up notebook.

"No more complaining you two. The sooner I teach you both today's lecture. The sooner we get to go on patrol."

Zero's glare focused on me. I returned the glare with my devious smirk. This is might be a punishment for me but it doesn't mean I can't have fun with this.

The study session left their heads sore the whole night. Though, Yuuki got smacked on the head more often than Zero. I can't feel bad about this because it had set me back on meetings with Father again.

We went on our nightly patrol near the windows of the night class session. It didn't take long before Yuuki to gaze at Kaname. There were a couple of times I would take glances at Kaname.

"So how is Kaname Kuran, your hero, doing tonight?"

Zero questions had two different reactions from us. I was trying to hold in my laughter from the shock sound Yuuki made. She stared at Zero flabbergasted on what to say then does a position to look out at the ground.

"It-it-it-it-it's not like I was only looking at Kaname or anything! Everyone in the night class is behaving themselves perfectly tonight! And it doesn't look like anyone from the day class is wandering around either! We probably don't even need to be here!"

"You're only saying that so you can go to sleep."

Yuuki gave me a look as if she wants to kill me. She came charging at me for us to do some friendly wrestling. It's one of those wrestling that has one of us, to tell the truth, or the either to deny their comment. In the end, I won the wrestling with Yuuki on the ground and confirming I was right.

"I know that the Chairman thinks the members of the night class are pacifists but I don't believe it."

Zero's statements grabbed our attention to end this game of ours.

"And there is no way in hell that I'm going to let my guard down. The reason why they look like humans is so that they can us down more efficiently."

"...Your wrong."

Zero's glare spoke to me in volumes. His eyes were challenging me to give him reasons why I think that. He wanted me to give him reasons so he can debunk them.

"Zero, the vampires you encountered have been bad. You have never experienced a vampire that is kind and good. It is a tragedy that you are so simple-minded to see the world outside."


"No matter what you say Zero. I believe that vampires and humans can form bonds as friends or deeper."

Zero and I stared into each other's eyes for sometime before he looked away and walked off to patrol somewhere else. It isn't like I don't understand why he is acting this way. Four years ago, his family was killed by a vampire. Not just any vampire but a pureblood. Zero bears a tattoo, Hunter's seal, on the left side of his neck. That was the mark where the pureblood bit him. I haven't told Father nor Zero that I am informed of this.

Yuuki sighs caught my attention to her. She noticed two Day students on the ground.

"Geez... Looks like some Day students are breaking curfew again..."

It appears one of the girl's legs were injured and the other girl was a concern for her friend. Yuuki jumped off the third-floor terrace to crash into a tree and swing off from the branch. This startled the two Day students but that wasn't my concern. Yuuki didn't notice the branch draw in some blood from her hand. She took care of the Day students while I jump on the ground in front of two Night students. They were startled from my appearance.


Aidou surprised me by the smirk on his face and the fascination in his eyes. Akatsuki had the same look as his cousin. I try not to show the surprise on my face but keep my usual stoic expression.

"Aidou Hanabusa, Akatsuki Kain, explain to me the reason for you two being out here?"

"I must say that I am impressed, Kurosu Mei. The rumors about you being 'all-knowing' are true. Won't you tell us why we are out there?"

Akatsuki's tone voice held an extreme interest in my answer. I have heard about the rumors the students been talking amongst each other. Some of my reports would be written up before it happens. This may scary or interest people but it is normal for me. Since I know what is always going to happen.

"You smell the blood of my sister Yuuki. You are here either bored from the everyday motion or you are unsatisfied with the blood tablets."

Aidou's eyes glow red from that last remark. Those glowing red eyes confirm the existence of vampires. Luckily, Yuuki and those girls were out of sight so they can show their true nature freely.

"Return to class Hanabusa-senpai, Akatsuki-senpai. I won't report this to Kuran-sama or my Father. Leave."

"But we came all this way. Plus, your smell is so tempting. Why not have a little fun?"

He opened his mouth to show me his fangs growing in length. He made it clear to me what kind of 'little fun' he was hoping for.

"Aidou-senpai, I'm not in the mood for these games. I will not repeat myself-"

My vision was blocked from both of their figures to Aidou's glowing red eyes in front of my face. I jumped back startled at how close his face was to mine. A purple light came out of my bracelet to appear in front of me. The light took the form of a silver bow without arrows. I grabbed the bow to get in the proper stands to pull on the white bowstring. Another purple light came out of my bracelet to form an arrow on the bow.

"Take one more move and I will shoot."

Aidou wasn't affected by my threats at all. He continued his advances towards me but I didn't back down.

"Akatsuki-senpai, stop him! Your his cousin aren't you? You should stop him so he won't get in trouble with Kuran-sama!"

Akatsuki stared at me guiltily. He didn't make any moves or saying anything to stop his younger cousin. The sound of a gunshot from behind me surprised all of us. There was a purple color symbol above Akatsuki's head that could have done some serious damage to him.


Yuuki left Zero side to come to mine. I noticed her hand was wrapped around with Zero's tie and her glare was set on Aidou. Zero walked up behind me with Bloody Rose pointed at Aidou's head.

"Don't you dare take another step towards her. This time, I won't miss."

"Zero stop! I can handle this! Yuuki is still bleeding from her hand so take her and leave."

He wasn't listening to me. His glare made his eyes turn into a dark shade of lavender and his grip on the handle tighten.

"That's enough."

All of our attention was on the new voice entering the scene. The feel of his pureblood essence aura came in full force. Yuuki's face went full red taking noticing of Kaname Kuran. My weapons form returned into the necklace sensing no danger.

"You should be more careful, Aidou. That weapon, Bloody Rose, was made to kill creatures like us. Well then, I'll take care of these fools. The chairman will need a full report."

Kaname grabbed the back of Aidou's collar.

"Is that okay... Kiryu?"

The tension between these two was suffocating. Zero hesitantly put his gun despite every part of him not wanting to.

"Just get them out of my sight, Kuran."

"Kain. Why didn't you stop Aidou? You're just as guilty as he is-"

"Wait a minute!"

Their attention was on me to focus only on Akatsuki and Aidou.

"Aidou-senpai, Akatsuki-senpai, I will not report this to Father."

This confused them immensely because it would make sense for me to notify my Father of Aidou's intention. However, there were no rules that were broken and no one but us saw these events.

"This will only be a warning. No rules were broken so you two are safe this time. Please do not let this happen again or you will be suspended for ten days."

The cousins look at me surprised then faced the ground guiltily. I can tell that they both regret their previous actions but we do make mistakes. It is a normal thing. At times like these, they both look like any ordinary human.

"You are kind as ever Mei."

Kaname commented with that gentle expression in my direction again. My response was only a small nod. It was best to keep my distance from him since I shouldn't be any more involved than I need to be.

"The sun is about to come up. We should get inside. Get good sleep senpais."

I bowed in respect before taking my leave of this scene. The way Kaname stares at me with those eyes sends a chill down my spine. It's hard to keep my composure sometimes when he interacts with me like that. He needs to only focus on Yuuki and leave me alone. That way things will be less complicated.


Yuuki and I entered the headmaster's house to take our morning shower. Yuuki was the one to take the shower first while I brushed my teeth and wash my face. After 20 minutes, she finished her shower to come out with a towel over her head and normal clothes.

"It's your turn, Mei."

"Okay! Thanks, Yuuki."

I entered the shower with my towel taking off my shirt. A sound of the blowdryer started from Yuuki then a big slam from the door.

"What are you doing here?!"

"Bit me! The dorm showers are closed until dawn!"

My eyes widen from the shouts between Zero and Yuuki outside of the shower. If I remember correctly, Yuuki was going to say something about her blood and Zero's vampire nature would cause him pain. Then, he will enter the showers to calm himself down. Yeah, that sounds right. I continue by taking off my bra.

"Don't just come in and start stripping! I'm still a girl!"

"It's not like I'd want to look at you anyway."

"You just thought, 'No, you're not!' didn't you? I can read your mind, you jerk!"

Wait, he was going to enter the showers. I'm in the exact showers where he will escape. I look down at my appearance seeing my self half-naked from the top. My face went red.

"I can't smell the blood anymore."

"Oh shut up! My hand has already stopped bleeding. But if it is like they say in the old legends, I might still turn into a vampire. Ten years ago, I was also attacked by a stray vampire... May my blood's unusually sweet or something."

"How should I know?"

Zero's footsteps went closer to the door but stopped. This gave me enough to put on my bra but the door went wide open.

"Zero wait-"

My eyes connected with the shock vampire hunter boy. He stood there unsure of what to do in this situation with the door wide open. I was standing in the shower with no shirt or bra on and he was shirtless. It didn't take long for my face to turn red and threw my shampoo and conditioner

"Get out you stupid idiot!"

The conditioner hit his forehead to snap him back at reality. He slammed the door shut cursing at Yuuki for not mentioning this. While they were shouting, I fell on the ground covering my chest with my arms. My face felt feverishly hot.

"Stupid Zero."

My name is Mei Kurosu, 14 years old. I am known as the 'all-knowing child' but it isn't because I see the future. No, it is because I have seen these scenes before in the manga. My original name is Anastasia Davis or was my name. The reason for me being in this world isn't because of wishing on a star, sucked into a portal, or made a deal with a devil. It was a lot simpler than that. When I was Anastasia, at age 14, I closed my eyes and never woke up.

...I died...

The first chapter is done! Yay! I hope you guys like this chapter. I do apologize for any grammar or misspellings. I tried to make the chapters mysterious. I hope you guys enjoy this story and let me know what you think of the name Mei. I'm getting mixed feelings about it but you guys let me know.

Pairings are unknown that I haven't decided yet. Including future chapters for what she is going to be. You guys give me your ideas and I'll love to hear them.

I've also had a hard time making this chapter because so many ideas were in my head and I had to revise it 3 times. Let me know what I think.

Until next time.