Author Notes: Yes, I'm fully aware that it's been several decades since I updated...

But anyhow, here's the new chap. It's pretty long at over 8 thousand words. Once I was able to break writer's block, this just came pouring out.

Fair warning though, this chapter is just absolute filth. I slammed some caffeine, my hand slipped, and this ridiculous pile of sin was created.

Thanks to everyone who left reviews in the last chap.

Content/Trigger Warnings: NSFW, g!p, typical ABO rut sex, intercourse, mild edging, mild orgasm denial, Yuzu has a size kink, maybe?

Don't like, don't read.

Heed the tags and don't come at me if you read it and it's not your cup of kinks!

"I'm sorry," Himeko drawled, head tilting and eyebrows knitting together in confusion. "What?!"

Yuzu sighed heavily in exhaustion. After discovering that Mei had gone into a rut this morning, she had to get dressed in record speed and dash out of the apartment, with the alpha grumbling and berating her. God, now she knew why people usually avoided alphas in rut. They were cranky and unreasonable at best.

She took a few moments to catch her breath, pressing her hands on top of the table that Himeko stood behind.

"Where is the president?" Himeko demanded.

She couldn't help rolling her eyes. "I told you. She's sick and can't come to school."

The vice president glowered at her like she kidnapped Mei and locked her in a dark basement.

"The president does not take sick days," Himeko refuted hotly. "She'd drag her half-dead body to the Academy before she missed school. And it's the Culture Festival! She's literally in charge of all this." The small girl spread her arms to gesture at the bustle of activity around them. Students were setting up their booths and putting up decorations and signs.

"Well, you're in charge now." Reaching into her bag, Yuzu pulled out a thick binder and handed it to the omega. "Mei said to give you this. It has her welcome speech and all the schedules and files you'll need for today."

Himeko's eyes went wide as she accepted the binder. It was dawning on her that Mei truly wasn't showing up for the biggest event of the school year. "But," she sputtered, "But, I can't –"

"You'll do great," Yuzu reassured her with a warm smile. She and the other omega may have butted heads since day one, but Himeko was a perfectly capable leader. "I believe in you. There's no one else who can fill Mei's shoes. It's your time to shine, Momokino-san."

Himeko nodded slowly and then rolled her shoulders back. She looked every bit a tiny general with her neatly pressed blazer with the red student council arm badge. "Thank you, Yuzu. Enjoy the Culture Festival."

It was a relief to get her business with Himeko out of the way. The whole school was bustling with activity, but Yuzu just wanted to find a quiet corner to gather her wits and think. Where could she hide out and be alone until it was time for the play this afternoon?

The classrooms on the third floor. Perfect.

Unfortunately, walking down the main staircase was the last person Yuzu wanted to see. Sara waved and hurried towards her. Her friend started babbling excitedly about the past weekend and the festival. Eventually the short girl asked the question she was dreading.

"How's Mei?"

"Um." Yuzu pressed her lips together. "She's still feeling sick. She had to stay home today."

Sara's mouth fell open in a gasp. "Oh, that's terrible! So she's been sick since Saturday. I told her she was working herself too hard over the Culture Festival. That girl, she sure is a stubborn, isn't she?"

Yuzu felt a flash of annoyance at Sara's concern over her stepsister. Yes, Mei worked too hard. The alpha needed someone to make sure she didn't overwork herself. But that was none of Sara's concern. Mei had her.

"Mei's fine. She just needs to rest," Yuzu replied through gritted teeth.

"Mmmmm." Sara pursed her lips and looked deep in thought. Then her eyes widened in excitement as an idea struck her. "I'll sneak out and visit her! I'm sure she hates being home alone while she's sick."

The very idea of Sara walking into their apartment while Mei was in rut was so abhorrent to Yuzu that she was surprised at her own reaction. Every fiber of her being protested at the threat of some thirsty omega, especially Sara, getting their little paws on her rutting alpha. She was ready to cut a bitch if they tried to get near Mei. If anyone was going to take care of Mei during her rut, it was going to be her.

"No." The sharp word snapped out of her mouth before she could even reflect on what she was saying.

"But why? No one will notice I'm gone. I'm not playing any part in the Culture Festival," Sara whined.

Yuzu inhaled and fought the urge to strangle the girl. She fantasized locking Sara in a broom closet and not letting her out until Mei's rut passed.

No, bad! Sara is your friend.

"I heard Momokino-san say that she wants to rope you into being an usher for the third year plays this afternoon," she lied smoothly. Wow, I'm a terrible human being. "Besides, it's too dangerous to cut school today because the Chairman is here today. He might want to meet the new transfer students. If you're missing, you could get into some real trouble."

Again, a total lie.

Sara sighed and her shoulders slumped in defeat. Yuzu felt bad but also relieved.

"I just wish I could see her! We had such a nice date last Saturday but then I didn't hear anything from her after that. Not even a text, you know?"

The word date sent a pang to Yuzu's chest. It stung. "Mei's just not a big texter. She really doesn't use her phone much except for calls."

"All right, well, tell her I said hi and I miss her okay?"

Yuzu smiled tightly and nodded. "Will do."

The Culture Festival was finally over. It was a whirlwind of a day, but it finally came to an end.

Yuzu was the first one to exit the school gates as soon as the final event was over. Like a bat out of hell, she ran to the nearest train station.

She had spent the whole day distracted and tortured by fantasies of her stepsister, and she made up her mind.

Mei is going to give me the D.

Scrolling through her contact list, she found the house number of grandfather's house, fully prepared to demand to speak to Mei.

Mei did not have a very pleasant day either. After Yuzu left for school, the alpha hurriedly got dressed while calling her grandfather's driver to pick her up from the apartment. She threw clothes and textbooks in a bag and then took the stairs to the lobby. She did not want to trap other people in an elevator with her while she was stinking of rut pheromones.

She had the driver take her to her father's house, changing her mind at the last minute. While there was a full household staff that could cater to her needs in her grandfather's mansion, Mei decided she didn't want the Chairman to know about her condition. The man would certainly demand to know why her hormone suppressants had failed, and what was she going to say then? Oh, you know, my rut was probably triggered by sharing a bed every night with my omega stepsister, who I clearly want to bone. No big deal.

Being at her father's house brought back memories of the time when she lived there alone, before she came to live with Yuzu and Ume. And then even more recently, when she spent three months here living apart from Yuzu so they could break their mate bond.

She spent a lot of time being unhappy and lonely in her father's house. And now she was here to suffer through a rut.

Mei was lying in her bed when the doorbell sounded. Turning on her side and covering the side of her face with a sweat-drenched pillow, she tried to ignore the loud incessant buzzing. With a pitiful groan, she dragged herself out of bed to answer the door.

Wrenching open the front door, she snapped, "What?"

Yuzu was standing there in her school uniform. The very next second, omega scent hit her nostrils, sending a painful throb straight to her dick. It was enough to make her want to double over. Instead she choked out, "What are you doing here?"

Her stepsister lifted her chin defiantly and looked straight into her eyes. "I can't let you suffer here all alone. You need my help." She lifted a plastic bag from the 7-Eleven. "I bet you don't even have food here."

She fixed Yuzu with what she hoped was a furious glare and not a horny grimace. "How did you even know I was here?"

Yuzu shrugged carelessly. "I called Grandfather's house and they said you never showed up." Stepping closer to the threshold, she asked boldly, "Are you going to let me in now? Because I have some ice cream in here and it's already melting."

Mei slapped the side of the doorway with her palm, blocking the entry with her outstretched arm. Her voice came out rough and throaty, like the effort to hold back her growl was shredding her vocal cords. "This isn't a joke, Yuzu. I'm supposed to be isolating. Weren't you the one who said I can't even go to school while I'm like this? Just give me the bag and go."

Yuzu bit her lip at her sister's gruff tone. She felt a stab of desire straight to her core at Mei being all growly and threatening.

Mei's raven hair was down and attractively tousled in a way that just screamed sex hair. She was wearing a soft-looking white t-shirt and gray cotton joggers, and Yuzu had to force her eyes not to stray down past the alpha's waist band.

Quickly ducking under Mei's outstretched arm, Yuzu strode into the house. This was her first time in her stepfather's house, but she let adrenaline propel her forward, confidently walking into the living room area, confident that Mei would follow her.

The house was awash in Mei's rut pheromones, causing her stomach to flutter as she inhaled the dark, aggressive scent. It made her knees weak. She smells so fucking good.

Yuzu placed the bag of convenience store food on an end table and turned around to face the alpha, a smile curling the corners of her lips.

Mei was right behind her, looming over her with a dangerous look on her face, a growl rumbling from her chest.

It was inadvisable, but she was willing to push Mei's buttons to get what she wanted.

She had been playing this cat and mouse game with Mei for a long ass time, and she was frankly sick and tired of it. An omega had needs and she had been shackled with this useless lesbian for over a year now.

Mei stepped forward, forcing her to walk backwards. She found herself cornered against the sofa, the curved arm pressing against the small of her back.

"You know it's rude to walk into someone's house when you haven't been invited," Mei said and wrapped her hand around Yuzu's wrist, pinning it against the sofa.

Yuzu lifted her free hand before Mei could trap that one too, gently tracing the alpha's cheek with the tips of her forefinger and middle finger. She could see Mei's pulse jumping in the angular jut of her jaw. Her stepsister was always like this it seemed. Repressing her emotions and true desires. Wearing the straitjacket of the perfect girl.

Yuzu wanted none of that, not today. She was going to let Mei's alpha out of its gilded cage.

And then she was going to make the alpha rail her, by any means necessary.

"So, I'm not welcome here then?" Yuzu countered in a teasing tone. "Are you going to kick me out?"

She pressed closer to the alpha, and she could feel Mei's hard length against her pelvis. It was such a new sensation, having this piece of anatomy between them. She was used to being physical with her stepsister but dealing with a rutting alpha was a whole different ballgame. The appearance of Mei's cock introduced a sizeable factor in the equation, and Yuzu was just the omega to solve the problem.

"Yes, I should kick you out," Mei grumbled. Her eyes narrowed in concentration, trying to ignore how the omega was pressing their hips together, putting pressure on her aching shaft. "You shouldn't have followed me here. If you leave now, you'll be back at home by nine."

Yuzu hummed noncommittally. Wrapping her hand around Mei's nape, she pressed her face against the alpha's nape and inhaled. The scent was dark and potent, and it sent tendrils of heat to curl in her belly.

"I'm serious, Yuzu. Don't mess with me right now," Mei warned. "So run along, little omega."

The aforementioned omega laughed. Any other person would have trembled in fear at the steel in Mei's tone, if they also didn't have the alpha's erection straining against their belly. Yuzu could have sworn that she could feel the cock getting bigger and harder as they stood there.

Her hands were itching to wrap around this stubborn alpha dick. Too bad Mei was trapping her hand closest to it, or she would have grabbed it already.

"Maybe I would believe that if you didn't have me pinned against this couch," Yuzu said with a smirk.

Mei's eyes flashed in anger, but she didn't move away to refute Yuzu's taunts. She couldn't. Ever since the little blond troublemaker showed up, all her senses thrummed, and the latent ache that was in her belly all day suddenly had roared to life. Desire was clawing at her chest, demanding to be let out so it could sink its teeth into its prey.

"Well an omega can't just be wandering around unsupervised while an there's an alpha in rut. This is for your own good," Mei replied.

"Oh? Is that why your hand is creeping towards my boob?"

Mei's eyes dropped down to the hand that was wrapped around Yuzu's ribcage, thumb against the curve of the omega's breast.

Mei huffed, embarrassed that she somehow couldn't control her own damn hands now. And still, she didn't pull her hand away. She couldn't. Couldn't stop herself from groping her stepsister.

Great. Just great.

Yuzu tilted her head up and playfully nipped at the alpha's jaw with a gentle scrape of her teeth. She whispered, "It's okay. I want you to, alpha."

Mei's jaw clenched as she greedily cupped the omega's breast, her hand moving without any input from her brain. Her thumb swiped over the barely noticeable bump over Yuzu's nipple, eager to feel and see it stiffen under her shirt. She delighted in Yuzu's soft sound of pleasure, and she pushed her hips forward, in search of her own.

The omega's scent was calling to her, inviting her to do more, be more. Her thoughts were starting to get cloudy, probably because it felt like all her blood was rushing down to her cock. She was so hard that she could barely think about anything other than Yuzu, omega, warm, soft, wet, mine.

A gasp came from Yuzu's mouth when hands suddenly grabbed the backs of her thighs, lifting her up and setting her on the curved arm of the leather sofa. Before she could do it herself, Mei spread her knees open and slotted herself between her legs. She moaned when Mei pushed their centers together and she finally felt that hard dick between her legs.

It felt so good. Yuzu could feel how hard Mei's dick was even with several layers of clothing separating them. She immediately locked her ankles behind Mei's back, because she was absolutely not letting the alpha get away if she somehow changed her mind again.

Mei started thrusting against the omega, and by the unfocused look in her eyes and the frustrated whines sounding from her throat, it was clear that the alpha was starting to lose control.

About damn time.

Mei's hands suddenly seemed like they were everywhere. One deftly slipped under her shirt and then under her bra to grope her bare breast. The other snaked behind her to cup her ass.

After a particularly hard thrust of the alpha's hips that sent liquid arousal shooting through her veins, Yuzu mewled, "That's it. God, you feel so good. And so big. Such a good alpha…"

Mei's whole body stiffened at the babbling phrase, earning a groan from Yuzu who was unhappy that the alpha had stopped their frenzied dry humping.

Stepping away from the sexually frustrated omega, Mei wrapped her arms around her stomach protectively. She rasped, "I'm going to need you to leave now, Yuzu."

Crossing her arms over her chest, Yuzu stood her ground. "I'm not going anywhere. Everyone knows ruts are hell if you don't have a—" Yuzu caught herself before she said the word mate. "Someone," she finished. "Especially the first one, I've heard it can be unbearable. So, what, you're just going to suffer through the next couple of days or however long it takes to run its course?"

"And why not? It'll be painful and terrible but I'm not going to die."

Yuzu huffed, her patience wearing thin. Now that she had gotten a taste, she just wanted Mei back between her legs. More grinding, less talking. "Quit being so self-righteous! I'm offering to help you, Mei. Besides, didn't you do the same for me when I went into heat the first time? It's only quid pro quo that I help you with your rut now."

"I'm not being self-righteous," Mei hissed indignantly, hands curling into fists at her side. "But this isn't proper, Yuzu. We're stepsisters. Mother and father have no idea of what we've been doing. And an alpha's first rut isn't some fun game. I could lose control. I could hurt you. And speaking of your heat, don't you remember…"

The omega bit down on her lip as Mei launched into a monologue. She was only half listening, her attention glued to the alpha's crotch, where there was a visible outline of Mei's dick on the soft material of her sweatpants, along the inside of her thighs. Mei's serious face as she gave a lecture on respectful alpha/omega dynamics juxtaposed with the dickprint in her pants was frankly kind of comical.

"You think this is funny?" Mei's asked sharply when Yuzu had to bite down a giggle.

"No, I don't." Yuzu pushed off the couch with her hands and stalked over to Mei, making the alpha back away in alarm. "But I've been waiting all day to do this, and I'm not waiting anymore."

"Do wha—"

Yuzu slipped her hand under the waistband of Mei's joggers and wrapped her fingers around the alpha's cock. It was hard and incredibly warm in her hand. Like steel, but very much alive and responsive. Her omega crowed in triumph at finally being able to touch it.

"Aaaahah!" Mei squeaked. Her core seized the moment Yuzu closed her fist around her throbbing length, making her hunch over.

"Mmmm. So hard for me," Yuzu whispered right into Mei's ear. She gave the length a gentle squeeze, earning a choked whimper from the alpha.

"Stop," Mei said weakly. "Duh—don't." Her tongue felt thick in her mouth, and she trembled when the hand in her pants started stroking her shaft. Warm, syrupy pleasure crawled over her skin and sent jolts of electricity shooting through her nerves.

"Do you really want me to stop?" Yuzu asked as she continued to rub Mei's dick in her pants. They both knew the question was rhetoric.

Right now, she just wanted to get acquainted with Mei's hard member, to feel the weight of it in her palm, to test its hardness, to explore its contours.

Mei could only stutter, "I can't—we can't."

Leaning forward and tugging at an earlobe with her teeth, Yuzu knew she should be a little ashamed for taking advantage of Mei's weak spot.

The alpha tilted her head back and groaned in pleasure when Yuzu breathed into her ear, "It doesn't feel like want me to stop, alpha. Let me take care of your rut. I can feel how much you need it."

Mei couldn't really form words, not when the omega was whispering filthy things and tracing the shell of her ear with a wicked tongue. The ability of coherent language was gone as Yuzu pumped her cock, the strokes getting bolder and harder, sweeping from base to tip. All she could do was moan and thrust her hips into the warmth of her Yuzu's closed fist, helpless to resist as the omega purred encouragement into her ear. Yes, that's it, do you like it like that?

It wasn't hard for Yuzu to steer Mei towards the sofa, cock in hand. This time, she faced no resistance when she pushed the alpha's shoulders to sit down.

Mei's swallowed around a tight throat as she watched Yuzu gracefully sink to her knees. She knew what was going to happen next, and she felt a mixture of excitement and worry. Worry because she knew Yuzu was going to absolutely ruin her for anybody else.

They had already crossed too many lines together, and she had promised to herself that it was not going to go any further. Yet here they were.

Yuzu was kneeling between her legs, face hovering over the erection in her pants.

And at this moment, she couldn't tear her eyes away from Yuzu's mouth. The omega's lips were pink, soft, and slightly parted. Thinking about those lips wrapped around a certain part of her almost made her mind short circuit. Mei wanted to touch those lips and feel their plumpness with her fingers.

Ugh, pull yourself together! Don't get carried away. This isn't a porno. Mei had to remind herself to keep calm, keep control. She wasn't going to be one of those alphas who lost their damn minds while on a rut.

Oh my god, finally. Taking a deep inhale, Yuzu reached for the band of Mei's pants and tugged them down, revealing white boyshorts. Hooking her fingers underneath the elastic band, she slowly peeled them off Mei's cock.

"Oh, my," she exhaled through her mouth like someone had elbowed her in the diaphragm. Mei's dick was even bigger than she had imagined.

How am I going to get this thing inside me? A shiver went through her as she considered the possibilities of both of them trying to make it fit inside her. As if her body was trying to be helpful, liquid heat poured into her panties. She was already so wet at this point that she was worried she was going to drip down her thighs.

Mei felt exposed and vulnerable, the dick that she only had been acquainted with for less than a day just bare and sticking out of her pants, like a flag that signaled her incredibly horny state. But at the same time, her alpha preened because Yuzu was staring at her cock with naked hunger on her face, and the heavy smell of omega arousal wafted up to her nose.

The cock twitched under the omega's piercing gaze, as if trying to puff itself up to impress.

Pressing her lips together to stop from making an embarrassing noise, Yuzu decided that she very much liked how Mei's equipment looked. It definitely looked imposing. Sure, alphas were supposed to have the biggest dicks out of all three designations, but Yuzu was sure that this specimen was larger than average. There was a delicate vein running along the length of the shaft that Yuzu wanted to trace with her finger. The cock was long but also thick. Mei's girth would be the biggest obstacle in stuffing this huge dick inside her.

The head of Mei's dick was red and swollen, and as Yuzu stared a bead of fluid welled in the tiny slit. Before it could drip down the shaft, the omega dipped her head and swiped it up with her tongue.

Mei gasped.

Yuzu made an appreciative noise at the sharp tang that blazed across her palate. It was salty and slightly bitter but was there an addictive flavor to it, a quality that made her want more.

A curious pink tongue traced the delicate vein running up the shaft, making Mei shudder from the eroticism of it all. Mei fought to keep her hands at her side, allowing the omega kneeling between her legs to explore and become acquainted with her cock. Yuzu planted kisses up along the soft underside of her cock, each press of plump lips a firecracker in her veins.

This was just as unfamiliar for her as it was for Yuzu because she had avoided touching it all day. She was actually freaked out at having this thing between her legs.

Even though her cock had been aching all day, she didn't want to touch it and get herself off. It felt alien in her body, and she was sure that if she gave in and masturbated, the ravenous hunger in her blood would get worse.

But when Yuzu took the cock inside her hot mouth, Mei had never felt so right. When the omega closed her lips around the swollen head, white hot pleasure surged through her nerves, shooting from her cock to her stomach and billowing out to her chest. In Yuzu's warm mouth, her new anatomy felt like it was a part of her.

Yuzu's hand was wrapped around her girth, pumping the shaft with firm strokes while her mouth was sealed around the cockhead, sucking hard on the swollen flesh. It made Mei's toes curl. She moaned, "Oh god, Yuzu."

The blonde head raised from the alpha's crotch. Mei's breath was ragged, and Yuzu gave her a slow wink as her mouth popped off her dick.

It was that cheeky gesture made the alpha snap.

A hand shot out and tangled in Yuzu's golden tresses. Mei's voice was gravel when she demanded, "More."

Yuzu's eyebrows raised in surprise at the command, but the steel tone and the unyielding grip in her hair turned her insides into a quivering, subservient mess. Her omega rushed to comply, wanting to please the alpha, but she also wanted to put on a little show. She was always a little performer at heart.

She left Mei tug her head back towards the stiff cock, relishing the small sting in her scalp.

As she parted her lips to slip the broad head into her mouth, Yuzu innocently rolled her eyes up and locked gazes with the alpha. It got the desired effect, Mei's thighs tensed and her pupils grew wide, turning her eyes black with desire.

Yuzu sealed her lips around the rim of the thick head and slowly lowered her head down the shaft, enjoying the cock pulsing in the wet cavern of her mouth. She knew that she was an omega on her knees sucking cock, but paradoxically, she felt also power over the alpha at this moment.

A thrill shot down her spine and settled wetly between her legs when she felt Mei's hand against the back of her head, urging her to go lower.

"Your mouth feels so good. Don't stop."

The omega moaned around the cock, and from the answering groan it elicited, Mei really liked when she did that.

Yuzu relaxed her jaw to take more of the length in her mouth, letting Mei guide her progress inch by inch. When the head nudged the back of her throat, Yuzu a jolt of pleasure raced straight to her clit. It was so satisfying to be able to take all of her alpha's cock in her mouth.

Mei's eyes rolled to the back of her head when the omega moved her head up, groaning at the silky drag of lips against the sensitive flesh. Yuzu's tongue deliciously licked up the curve of her shaft on the way up, then swirling around the tip.

Pulling her gaze back on the beautiful omega worshipping her cock, Mei started to arch her hips in synch with Yuzu's descent. Intense pressure started to build in the pit of her belly as Yuzu bobbed her head and up down. Heat throbbed across the length of her cock with each pull of the omega's perfect mouth.

"Oh shit Yuzu I'm gonna, I'm gonna-"

Yuzu suddenly popped her lips off the cockhead and sat back on her heels.

It took Mei a moment to collect herself. She blinked and stared dumbly at her sister, who daintily wiped the saliva from her bottom lip with a perfectly manicured thumb. Even though Yuzu was clearly feigning nonchalance, Mei's alpha felt a sense of pride at seeing her blond hair deliciously mussed and her cheeks flushed a bright red.

"What are you doing?" Mei huffed after she managed to pull herself together.

Yuzu gave the alpha a smirk. "I know you'd love nothing more than to have me choke on your dick, but that can wait for later." She gracefully stood up and held out her hand to the alpha. "Right now I just want you to fuck me."

The unfinished blowjob quickly forgotten; Mei took Yuzu's hand. She rushed to her feet while hastily pulling up her pants with her other hand.

"Bedroom?" Yuzu asked in a sultry voice.

Mei led the way through the house, their hands still clasped together.

Yuzu was too eager and thirsty at the moment to really pay attention to the house, but she noted several flat surfaces where she wanted to be fucked on before the Mei's rut was over. The dining table, the kitchen island, the chaise in the second-floor landing, bent over the desk in the study…

Mei held the door open for Yuzu to enter the bedroom and then locked it behind her, even though they were all alone in the house. She turned around to see Yuzu standing at the foot of bed, looking at her expectantly.

Giving in to the magnetic pull that Yuzu always exerted over her, Mei crossed the room to gather the girl in her arms and crashed their lips together.

Yuzu moaned into the kiss, thrilled at the way the alpha was claiming her mouth. She parted her lips when Mei's tongue demanded entrance, and then it was like the taller girl was trying to devour her. For several moments it was all tongue and teeth, and Yuzu already knew her lips would sting from the bruising kiss. When the stink of sexually frustrated alpha filled her nostrils, Yuzu knew Mei was taking out her pent-up desires into their kiss.

And by the way the hard cock was pushing insistently into her stomach and the way hands hungrily roamed at her body, it certainly felt like Mei had some serious sexual tension that needed to be released. Yuzu felt a stab of sympathy for her stepsister. The alpha was locked in a rut all day and then she worked her up by sucking on her dick but not letting her finish.

Yuzu just really wanted to help the poor neglected thing. Yuzu's hand slipped between their bodies and cupped the clothed bulge, eliciting a whimper from the alpha. My poor baby. So hard and swollen. I'm going to give you what you need.

She gave the erection a squeeze through the fabric. After you give me what I need. Her altruism had limits, after all.

Still locked in the kiss, Yuzu started unbuttoning her shirt from the bottom while Mei unclipped her neck ribbon and yanked it off. For once, the student council president didn't comment on the lack of the standard issue necktie and her disrespect towards the Aihara Academy uniform. The alpha was too busy taking off the rest of her clothes, ripping off her skirt with precision and yanking her panties down.

A smile curled over Mei's lips when she looked at the ruined panties in her hand, her alpha crowing. They were so wet that the white lace was practically translucent. Not being able to resist, she lifted her hand and pressed the panties up to her nose and took a whiff. She groaned appreciatively at the proof of Yuzu's desire.

"Oh my god, you're so dirty," Yuzu said teasingly before reaching behind herself to unsnap her bra. She shrugged the straps off her shoulders and held the lace cups against her chest for a moment to make sure she had the alpha's attention, and then let the bra slide off her.

Mei's eyes flashed with desire when she her stepsister's pretty pink nipples were already stiff. With a rumble deep in her chest, she dropped the panties, grabbed Yuzu's shoulders and steered her to the bed. As the omega obediently lay down on her back, Mei divested herself of all her clothes with efficient precision.

Anticipation thrummed in Yuzu's body as Mei crawled on top of her, placing arms on either side of her head. Lifting her head, she glanced down the length of their bodies to get a peek at the rod about to enter her. Under normal circumstances she would have been nervous, but she was already so wet and horny that her pussy just throbbed in need.

Mei was fighting to keep control and not give in to the swarming voices in her head that demanded she dominate, control, take. She had the most beautiful and perfect omega pinned underneath her, eyes blown and fingernails lightly scratching down her arms. Yuzu lying so submissively underneath her was making it worse, her alpha roaring in her chest about how this was her right. Mine.

The scent of midnight jasmine and ripe citrus curled around her brain like a heavy fog. Her heartbeat was pounding in her ears from the effort to take it slow, to be gentle for Yuzu, and not just push inside her like she wanted to. This is her first time too. You can't hurt her.

Mei arched back between Yuzu's legs and gripped the base of her length in her hand. A groan broke in her chest when her gaze fell on her cock's intended destination. The blushing pinks of Yuzu's pussy was the prettiest color she had ever seen, and the glistening wetness made her cock throb in anticipation at the silky heat that she would finally relieve the unbearable ache.

She dragged her cockhead against Yuzu's slippery slit, mesmerized at the way the soft lips parted. When the head nudged her clit, Yuzu's head fell back against the mattress. Mei rubbed the tip of her dick against the swollen red bead until the omega was squirming and begging her to stop teasing.

"Do it, Mei. I'm ready. Just fill me up already," Yuzu insisted breathlessly.

With a growl, Mei lunged forward and buried the head of her cock into Yuzu's entrance.

Yuzu gasped in relief when Mei finally breached her entrance. But the head buried inside her only seemed to enflame her need further. The head felt big, but she was also dripping wet and it didn't even hurt at all. She wanted more.

Yuzu made little noises of encouragement and Mei complied by sinking the next few inches of her cock. Her stomach fluttered in excitement as she continued to receive her alpha inside her.

But oh.

It was still going.

They weren't done yet.

Yuzu lifted her head again and saw that Mei was only about halfway inside. She was about to call a time out, tap against the alpha's shoulder to ask her to stop for a second, but the words got lost in her throat as Mei started pushing again.

Dark eyebrows were furrowed together as Mei concentrated on keeping her hips slow and steady. All she wanted to do was bury herself in the molten heat of Yuzu's legs. It was the most wonderful sensation in her life, and Yuzu was offering herself up to her, and she had to chant a mantra of control yourself to stop herself from going feral and just rut into the welcoming heat.

Yuzu couldn't speak, so she simply whimpered as each inch was slowly being fed to her. Well now she could definitely feel Mei's considerable size. She discovered that she loved the delicious stretch of Mei's girth parting her walls. Yuzu wouldn't be surprised if this was going to be an addiction.

They both moaned when Mei was finally buried all the way inside.

"Are you okay?" Mei asked shakily through gritted teeth. Her body was taut like a bowstring about to snap. She absolutely could not hold back much longer before she started rutting for real. The alpha wondered dimly if she was going to go blind from exercising this much restraint.

"Mmm, I'm good." Yuzu said with a contented smile, wrapping her legs around Mei's hips. "But just give a minute to adjust. You're kinda big."

"Okay." Mei's arm started to wobble.

Yuzu wriggled a little, feeling like she was on cloud nine. She was such a lucky omega. Mei was being so sweet and gentle for her first time.

She gently scratched her fingernails against Mei's scalp, at her nape. She cooed, "What about you, baby, doing good?"

"I'm doing great," Mei said tightly. Sweat was beading on her forehead. "You feel so good," she panted.

"All right, you can move—"

The words were hardly out of the Yuzu's mouth when Mei complied. Still with the effort to be gentle, she drew back slowly, relishing the delicious drag of Yuzu's wet walls on her cock.

Then Mei pushed inside with a smooth, firm thrust. A cry was ripped from Yuzu's throat at the incredible friction and then suddenly being filled. Holy cow, did she feel filled.

Yuzu's cries increasingly became louder and sharper as Mei continued to fuck her. Each time Mei thrust forward, the cockhead hit a spot deep inside her that made her see stars. It felt so good, like the alpha's dick was pressing a button that was lighting up all her nerve endings. She knew that it had to be because of the Mei's size and length, and once again she thanked whoever was responsible for making the alpha so well-endowed.

Her hips raised off the mattress to meet the alpha's thrust, and when Yuzu discovered that it quadrupled the amount of pleasure coursing through her body, she started bucking. It became a little uncoordinated for a while, as Yuzu was frantically rocking her hips up, at this point lacking the presence of mind and motor skills to synch her jerking movements with the alpha. Her nails raked Mei's skin as she clawed the alpha's back.

A frustrated growl broke in Mei's chest at the omega squirming and whimpering in the cage of her arms, beseeching her for more and harder. With a snarl, Mei lunged forward, lips peeling back from her teeth. Her mouth latched on to the spot where Yuzu's shoulder met her neck with a firm bite.

As soon as Mei sank her teeth into the skin, Yuzu froze. Then her tense muscles went slack, body melting back into the mattress. She feebly tried to arch into the bite, but her muscles felt heavy. One bite from the alpha and she became a quivering, submissive mess.

Mei locked her jaw on the cord of Yuzu's shoulder for several moments, enjoying the pliant body underneath her and the appeasing pheromones that the omega was releasing. It wasn't a mating bite; it was about 3 inches away from the right spot. They both knew it was simply an alpha display of dominance.

Yuzu mewled submissively when Mei relaxed her jaw and released the hold on her shoulder. A shiver shook her spine when she felt Mei's wet tongue licking her enflamed skin, soothing the burn. She found she really really liked it when Mei took charge like this.

"Keep fucking me, alpha," she purred in Mei's ear. "Take me however you want."

Mei grunted in response but started off slowly, rocking her hips into the omega with deep, languid strokes.

"You really know how to work that big beautiful cock, Mei," Yuzu sighed, looking up at her like a satisfied cat.

That set the alpha off.

A scream was ripped from Yuzu's throat when Mei moved her hips back and then slammed into her. She could feel every ridge and vein of the alpha's big dick in her. When Mei started pounding into her, and she had no choice but to clutch the alpha's back in an attempt to ground herself in the onslaught of pleasure. She spread her knees even wider to allow the alpha more room to pump between her legs.

"Yes, yes, yes," Yuzu chanted. "That's it!"

Mei muffled her groans into her stepsister's shoulder as she finally fell into a rut. Her hips jerked into Yuzu by their own accord, the movements involuntary. The omega was being pushed deep into the mattress from the force and speed of her thrusts.

Yuzu hitched her legs around Mei's hips and locked her ankles together. Loud, pornographic wails were falling from her mouth but she couldn't find it in herself to care. Her whole world was narrowed to the relentless beat of Mei's cock between her legs. She was finally, finally getting railed by the alpha.

Mei's cock was becoming unbearably hot, aching with fullness. The omega's pussy was so warm and tight that it made her jaw ache from trying to hold back her selfish urges. Yuzu's high-pitched cries escalated the pressure gathering in the pit of her belly. Each time she bottomed out in Yuzu's pussy, the wet walls would clench around her dick, squeezing like it didn't want to let go.

"Yuzu, I'm gonna," Mei panted. "I'm gonna come."

Yuzu's eyes flew open and she immediately stopped moaning like a porn star. She knew her stepsister was dead serious. Mei was going to come and then the banging would be over. But she wasn't ready to stop yet. In her rulebook, omegas should come first.

"No." Yuzu wedged her arm between their bodies, laying it across Mei's chest, pulling the alpha up short. "Not yet."

She was determined to discourage any bad habits from forming. If Yuzu was going to be taking care of Mei's ruts in the future, she was going to have to train the alpha in proper bed manners starting right now.

I'm such a good omega to this dolt. The effort and care I put in this one, to groom her properly.

"What?" Mei growled, her eyes flashing. "What now?"

"Baby, I'm not there yet. Don't you want to make me come?" Yuzu purred, her thumb rubbing soothing circles on the skin of Mei's hips, which was churning with restraint.

A whine broke in Mei's throat. "Yes of course I want to make you come!"

"Then you have to fuck me just a little bit longer, baby," she whispered seductively in Mei's ear. "You can go for a few more minutes without blowing your load, can't you?"

"Of course I can!" Mei rumbled; her alpha pride offended. Was the omega implying that she was a three-pump chump? A stray thought flitted through the fog her brain. There were other alphas out there who wanted to prove their virility to Yuzu, to show they were the better alpha. The alpha who could bring her pleasure.

"I'll fuck you until you come so good you won't be able to think straight."

"Oh, perfect." Yuzu smiled, superbly pleased when things went her way. Giving Mei's shoulders a gentle shove, she said, "Roll on your back."

Mei's hackles rose at being ordered, but she acquiesced. She really was dangerously close to coming, and if her cock stayed buried inside the omega, it was going to be game over. With a groan, she pulled out and shuffled over towards the headboard.

Fuming a little, Mei laid on her back. A rutting alpha wasn't supposed to be rolling over like a pup showing its soft belly.

Yuzu had to stifle a giggle at the sight of Mei pouting. She had to stand her ground though. You had to be firm and consistent when you're trying to train an alpha, especially in the beginning.

She crawled over to Mei's side. The alpha's cock was still so stiff and hard, pointing straight up at the ceiling. The glans was so puffy and swollen that it was almost purple. Yuzu pressed her lips together when she saw that the whole cock was wet, covered with proof of her arousal. She was tempted to do something really bold and filthy – like suck off her own juices from Mei's cock – but that felt like she was intentionally trying to torture the poor alpha. Her training methods was going to be more positive reinforcement than punishment, so she didn't. Maybe next time, as a reward, if her alpha was good.

Yuzu swung her knees over Mei's hips and looked down for a moment at the alpha. Mei looked up at her with dark eyes, lust and adoration swimming in their depths. She took a hold of Mei's cock by the base and then slowly lowered herself on the rigid shaft.

White hot pleasure lanced through her core as she impaled herself on Mei's dick, letting gravity and her juices do their work. A shudder ripped through her spine when the cock was fully sheathed inside her. She fills me so well.

"I like this position a lot, on top of you," Yuzu shared. She gave an experimental roll of her lips, testing the angle. It felt really good. She could control the way Mei's dick slid inside her to rub against that delicious spot in her front wall. Encouraged by her discovery, she rolled her hips a few more times, squeezing on the cock at the top of each pass.

Mei's chest seized each time Yuzu's walls clenched around her cock, making the breath hitch in her throat.

Yuzu started a slow bounce on her lap, and Mei enjoyed the erotic sight of the omega riding her. Her blond hair tumbling over smooth shoulders, a pretty blush on her chest and neck, pink nipples hard and straining. When Mei glanced down to where their bodies were joined, she saw Yuzu's delicate lips obscenely stretched around her girth. Yuzu's sweet little clit was peeking from its hood, and Mei longed to touch it.

Yuzu discarded the training wheels and started to pick up speed. The ride turned rougher. She raised up until on the head was inside and then slammed her hips back down, eliciting a gasp from the alpha.

The bedframe was beating a rhythm against the wall in synch with the rocking of Yuzu's hips. A painting of Mt. Fuji mounted on the wall rattled precariously.

Beneath her taking the brunt of her onslaught, Mei moaned like a broken thing.

Helpless whines spilled from Mei's mouth as she valiantly tried to stave off her own orgasm. Yuzu's cunt was clenching around her cock in rhythmic pulses, and she felt like she was hanging on to the side of the of a 100-story building by a thread. Her control continued to fray each time Yuzu bounced forcefully into her lap.

In a desperate attempt to push Yuzu off the ledge so she could follow, one of Mei's hands reached between the omega's legs. It took a few clumsy tries, but Mei was able to pinch Yuzu's clit between her thumb and forefinger. She applied even pressure on each side of the swollen little clit, just the way Yuzu liked it when she was being penetrated.

A scream worked its way up Yuzu throat, followed by her orgasm racing up her spine. Her back arched as she came, stars exploding in her vision.

Incredibly relieved, Mei grabbed Yuzu's hips and gave a savage thrust up to the omega's molten core. There was a crack of lighting across her cock and then she was coming, a groan breaking in her throat. She felt like her brain matter had liquified and was now shooting out her cock.

Yuzu shuddered and sobbed in pleasure when she felt Mei's come spill into her spasming cunt. Her omega instincts were soothed and satisfied now that her chosen alpha had come inside her. She may have been playing a little game with Mei's first rut, but this is what she truly craved.

Feeling boneless now that she had an earth-shattering orgasm, Yuzu dismounted and then fell to Mei's side in a sweaty heap. She weakly stretched out her arm and laid across the alpha's stomach. With the little energy she had left, she mumbled into the curve of Mei's shoulder, "That was incredible. A+. 10/10 would hump again."

There was a long pause before Mei caught her breath to respond, "I did good, right?"

"The best, babe." With her eyes closed, Yuzu snuggled closer to the alpha's side. "You fucked me until I came. And wow. I've never come so hard before. I'm still kind of recovering."

Yuzu could practically feel Mei glowing with pride. She made herself comfortable curled up against the alpha's side to get some much-needed sleep. The whole day at school had been a stress ball, and she just topped it all off by riding her stepsister until she came her brains out.

A couple hours of sleep should do the trick, and then they could wake up refreshed and go another round. With that thought, Yuzu slipped off to dreamland.

Less than five minutes later, Mei gently shook her shoulder. "Yuzu, can we…?"

Thoughts? A long stick to get my head out of the gutter? Prayers for my filthy soul?