Saber's Kiss

Disclaimer: *sigh* the characters of this fic are not mine, unfortunately. They belong to some big corporate company that doesn't really need them, but won't let go of them because they're too money hungry. What's up with that??

Hey ya'll! I'm bright eyed, beautiful, and back to type again! Okay, so all of that is basically true…except for the beautiful part. J So…some of ya'll think I've left some loose ends untied relationship-wise from my last fic "Winter's Parting". Let me get this straight…you're telling me I should pair sweet innocent Quatre up with a war-hungry, she-devil from H-E-double toothpicks named Dorothy herself??? You betcha! Here's the first part of the fic kids! Enjoy yourselves and remember, opposites DO attract!


The sound of sabers crossing sang across the empty room like bells…or the menacing growls of predators. The two combatants were panting heavily, dressed in padded white shirts and pants, a wire-mesh mask covering their face. Dorothy smiled, eyes sparkling in cold pleasure as her teacher lunged at her again, saber extended. She danced back, parrying neatly before reversing the direction of her own sword to jab it into his chest, a triumphant purr coming from deep inside of her.

"That's the third time, Mr. Kim. I do believe you are getting rusty." Her instructor pulled off his own mask, a smile self-deprecating smile on his face as he held out his hand for the traditional handshake.

"Miss. Dorothy, it isn't that I'm getting rusty. You're getting much better. After all, I've been training your for how many years on end?" Dorothy smiled back, also removing her mask and giving her bound hair a hard shake to send it cascading down her back in a golden waterfall. That was perhaps the only thing that hadn't changed about her from three years ago. Her eyes were still a smoky blue, but unlike the hard crystals they had resembled, the cynicism had softened almost imperceptibly to lend a quiet serenity in her normally haughty façade. Her lips were perpetually twisted in a cold smile, but the predatory fierceness that had made her Zechs' trusted second in command aboard the Libra was mostly gone, although only those closest to her could actually see much of a change.

There was an aura of peace about her nowadays, as if she had found that she did not need to prove her worth to anyone but herself, did not have to shoulder any burden that she did not take willingly. Her close friendship with Releena Dorlain had ensured that the small bud of inner contentment that Dorothy held had been carefully fostered and nurtured, letting it bloom and with it, allowing the young woman to move on from her past. It was on this friendship and one other that Dorothy cemented her identity on; they were the two people that she would willingly lay her life down for, although only Releena knew it.

Soft clapping rang across the room, breaking Dorothy's reverie as she whirled towards the door, saber up in an instinctive gesture. Quatre Rebaba Winner, holder of mass fortunes and former Gundam pilot of SandRock held his hands up, grinning with sparkling humor. The years had lent a leaner cast to his face, melting away the last of the baby fat. His platinum-blonde hair, still sat on his head like a tousled mop, (although not as bad as Heero's,) his bangs sweeping downwards to touch right above his eyes. "I'm unarmed this time, Dorothy. Don't you know it's impolite to attack a guest?"

Dorothy laughed, propping her saber against the wall with practiced grace as she tugged off the white gloves that encased her slender hand. "I was never one for being polite, Mr. Winner…" He glared at her, laughter lurking in the back of his eyes, and she corrected herself, "Quatre. After all, it's almost tradition between us, isn't it?" Quatre just grinned broadly, shaking his head.

"How have you been? I haven't seen you since we chased Heero across the colonies to drag him back to Miss Releena."

"Chased? As I recall, Heero pulled a gun on us." Dorothy shrugged, "But otherwise, I'm fine." They walked in companionable silence through the halls, birds twittering outside in the gardens as the sun beamed humorously on the Earth, casting everything in its warm, golden glow. "Why have you come this time, Quatre?"

Quatre waved a sheaf of papers in his hand, sighing in exasperation, "It's called corporate business, Dorothy. It seems as if colony L3a didn't like the iron ore that we sent them the last time, some flaw or other." There was almost an offended tone in Quatre's voice and Dorothy stifled a burst of laughter, her faced pulled in its habitual frown. "As if the Rebaba family would ever send inferior building material. But I've been called to space immediately to talk to the colony leaders about it. They wouldn't even accept another representative, said they didn't trust them!"

Dorothy smiled consolingly, "Look at it this way Quatre. You won't have to watch Yuy and Miss Releena fawn over each other like schoolchildren."

He nodded in understanding, quiet joy filling his guileless blue eyes, "Yes." Although he had grown immeasurably wiser in his years as first a pilot, then as the heir to the Winner fortune, he still retained his youthful ebullience, his enjoyment of life. His smile was still tender and empathetic as he thought of his friends. No matter what, he protected them as best as he was able, in and out of the Mobile Suit. He always had, and he always would. "How is Miss Releena?"

Dorothy snorted, disdain showing in the quick flick of her fingers. "Really, its quite disgusting the way they look at each other, Miss Releena smiling and blushing all the time. I do believe that Yuy has made her grown soft, foolish. And Yuy, he's still silent and frowning, but he's guarding over her like a sentinel! He almost shot me in the head when I walked into Releena's office!" There was unhidden contempt at their behavior, yet even as Dorothy scoffed openly at their relationship, it wasn't that hard for Quatre to tell that her ranting was only hot air. There was a special softness in her voice when she spoke of Releena, a slight smile on her normally cynically twisted lips. Few others could see through her façade, but he knew her, probably better than she knew herself. Beneath her ever-present sneer was a soft heart, which she hid insidiously. It was just her way.

"I'll be back in a few days, Dorothy. Give Miss Releena my best wishes."

Dorothy's smile froze before she smirked, flicking her hair back. "Of course, Quatre. Good luck then."

Will you miss me? The unbidden thought sprang into Quatre's mind, but he smiled instead, ever the gentleman. "Goodbye Dorothy. I'll come for a visit afterwards."

There was a slight softening in her eyes, so Quatre knew she meant it even though her face retained its usual sarcastic expression. "Oh, please, Master Quatre, do." Quatre laughed as Dorothy gave a mocking ballroom curtsy, arms spread before her elegantly as locks of her hair tumbled over her shoulder to obscure her expression. Under the play of sun on glass, Quatre bowed back playfully, then walked out the door. His chauffeur sprang from the driver's seat, almost tumbling in his haste to open the door to the silver limousine and Quatre smiled, speaking softly to the man before sitting inside. Dorothy stayed by the doorway, watching the spark of silver until it disappeared from sight, then she stepped back into the house, closing the mansion door with a firm click.


Author's note: So…whatcha think? I dunno whats gonna happen, but r&r please!