
Midoriya's PoV

"I'm so sorry Izuku!"

Mom, those aren't the words I needed to hear right now.

I was quirkless, I would never get to be a hero. That's what everyone said, but I would prove them wrong! I would become a hero!

Time skip brought to you by my friend's ocean of tears

"Stop it Kacchan! That's not nice!" I cried Kacchan was beating up a kid with a low-level quirk

"Dumb Deku! Why are you protecting him? He has a quirk, he shouldn't need the protection of a quirkless loser like you!" My former friend laughed, a tiny black kitten with red eyes sat on his shoulder.

Everyone around me had a cat with them, except me. Each cat had the hair and eye color of your soulmate, like Kacchan's kitten had spiky black fur, red eyes, and really sharp teeth. However back when Kacchan was nice to me I got to play with his cat a couple of times, it was pretty chill, kind, and playful. Kacchan named him Riot, saying it caused one when it showed up! His parents freaked out and threw a party for him.

The coolest part of the cat is they could use your soulmate's quirk. Which is probably why I don't have one. I was a quirkless loser so why would the universe give me a soulmate?

"That doesn't mean you're allowed to hurt him!" I blubbered

"If you want me to hit you instead you should have just said so." He punched his fist into his hand creating tiny explosions.

Suddenly a tiny half white half red kitten walked between us, it had one blue eye and one grey eye. Someone else was probably about to find out about their soulmate.

It looked over at Kacchan and then looked over to me. Suddenly it started walking over in my direction, and the guy behind me already had a kitten with him.

The half and half cat rubbed around my legs, a thing cats did when they claimed you. I gently picked it up, cradling it in my hands. It started clawing its way up my shirt till it was resting on my shoulder.

"Oh my gosh, I got my cat!" I muttered to myself.

"Dumb Deku got a dumb looking cat! Figures," Kacchan snickered but suddenly his head was set on fire before his hair was covered in ice.


"I'm so sorry Kacchan I didn't tell him to do that!" I noticed at this point that the kid had escaped, however, Kacchan's had set his sight on me.

"Let me see that dumb cat!" Kacchan's friends attempted to pick it up however they withdrew their hands quickly, "that cat is freezing cold!"

"No, it's burning hot!"

"You dummies!" Kacchan tried to pick my kitten up but got swiped in the face. The red and white kitten proceeded to hiss at anyone who came near me.

I quickly ran away, holding my kitten close to my tummy.

"Mom! Mom look! I got my cat! I jumped around excitedly!" I yelled running into the apartment.

"Let me see Izuku!" My mom came rushing in to see a little kitten walking around the apartment.

"Oh, honey it's adorable!" She smiled, however when she attempted to pick it up my kitten cowered away from her

"I think he's shy," I explained

"Well, then you are the perfect person for… Izuku do you know what gender your cat is?" Momma questioned

"Let me check." I picked up my kitten "he's got a popo." I showed

"Well then, you're the perfect person for him, with how much you get along with everyone, you can help him get to know your friends." She smiled

"Yeah! Come on all might, junior!" I bounced up and down at my decision for naming him

"I thought you were all might junior," mom mentioned

"Oh, you're right, how about…" I paused to think " BO FOR SHORT!" I smiled happily, and Bo started purring

" it is," momma laughed "how about after school tomorrow we go to the pet store and buy him a bed." My dad's cats walked over to me met Bo, and he looked nervous but started to relax when he saw me petting Sir Mittens. (They get these cats when they're like five, so mind the names)

My mom's cat was with my dad overseas, but my mom promised we would facetime him when I got my kitty.

Everything was looking up for me!


Todoroki's PoV

"It's ok honey, it's not your fault he pushes you so hard." My mother murmured to me, holding me close after another day of 'training'

"I just want him to stop momma,"I sobbed quietly, scared of him hearing me. "Hero's don't cry Shouto, don't let me catch you crying." I heard his voice in my head

"But honey, you still want to be a hero don't you?"

"Of course I do! I just want him to stop hurting you!" She wrapped her arms around me tighter

I felt my mother's cat nuzzling up to me, calming and pure white. It's true that my parents were soulmates, but the cats represented who you would be married to if you chose to follow what the universe had set out for you.

I haven't gotten a kitten yet, maybe I just wasn't going to get one…

"Sweetheart do you hear that?" Mother stood up putting me on the couch

I watched as she opened up the back door, expecting my father's cat; however, a tiny and I mean tiny fluffy green kitten fell into our home, it picked itself up, saw me and sprinted over. It nuzzled close to me, green eyes sparkling.

"Mom, is this my cat?" I asked slowly

"I think it is Shouto." She grinned

I picked up the tiny green fluff ball, and it started purring very loudly.

"That is who your soulmate is, a tiny green haired, greened eyed…" she lifted one of its hind legs up, "boy. They are gonna take you away from her and make sure you're taken care of." She explained

"But what if I end up with someone like dad like you did?" I asked full of worry

"Oh, honey. Let me tell you something, your father's cat was a sourpuss from the beginning, he would scratch me every now and then but what cat doesn't. You can learn a lot about your soulmate from their cat. From the few minutes I've known yours, this person is going to make you very happy one day, and going to treasure you with all their heart." My mom booped me on the nose

"So what are you gonna name him?" She asked

"Um… I think I'm going to name him Hero! Because one day he's gonna save me from dad and take me away from here!" My eyes sparkled

"That's a perfect name from him, sweetie." My mom swiped under her eyes

"Should I take him to meet the other cats?" I asked

"That's an excellent idea Shouto."

We walked down the hallway to the 'cat castle' as Fuyumi called it. Really it was just a room filled with cat toys, scratching posts, and beds.

In fact, Fuyumi was in there with her cat right now. A black cat with dark blue eyes and little rocket boosters in his front legs. She named him Leonard.

Natsuto's was light grey with purple eyes, and Toya's cat was blond with yellow eyes, and I'm pretty sure it was mentally unstable.

"Fuyumi look! I got a kitten!"I smiled showing my big sister Hero

"Aww, she's so cute Shouto!" She grinned

"It's a boy, Fuyumi," Momma explained

"Oh, alrighty then. He should meet Leonard (fuyumi's cat), Kimi (Natsuto's cat it's just made up), and Suu (Toya's cat, look it up on translate and tell me who you think of. Also it was the sound it was making when it brought a bird with her when she met Dabi)

"This is Hero!" I set the tiny cat down, he walked over to be tackled by Suu. She was quite playful and it seemed to scare him. Still, he got along with the other two quite well.

"DID I HEAR THAT MY SON GOT HIS CAT!" a terrifying voice yelled

I quickly scooped up my cat and ran to the corner, just as my father burst through the door.

"Shouto! Let me see your cat!" He demanded, thundering over to me

"I don't wanna give him to you…" I said in a small voice

"What do- wait… DID YOU SAY HE?" He bellowed

"Yes, Hero's a boy," I explained my voice getting quieter with every word

"Ok, I'm not mad just frustrated. I expected you to marry a powerful woman with and have even stronger children." He sighed

"But girls have cooties."

The three humans and all the cats present just looked at me.

"Enji, there are ways from men to have children without a female significant other. Who knows his soulmate may have a very strong quirk himself." My mother tried to appease my father

"Well, what is his quirk?" He asked

"I don't know, I haven't seen him use his powers yet," I explained, dad was being uncharacteristically nice

"Well give him here, I'll make him use its quirk!" He grabbed Hero by the back of his neck,

"No!" I cried wanting to have him back

Hearing my cry Hero started producing cracklings green energy and launched himself at my father's stomach.

"DAD! Oh, my goodness are you ok?" Fuyumi rushed over to our father

"I know that quirk." He sat up suddenly

"Enji?" My mother started

"How! He, he doesn't have any children! Hell, he doesn't even know who his soulmate is yet! What? This is bullshit! OUR SON'S SOULMATE HAS THE SAME QUIRK AS TOSHINORI! THIS IS BULLSHIT! IF MY SON IS TO MARRY THE SON OF ALL MIGHT I AM AGAINST IT!" He roared

I quickly grabbed my kitty and ran out of the room towards my bedroom.

I don't care who my soulmate is as long as they get me out of here.


Years later Midoriya's PoV

Today was the day! My first day at U.A. Academy for Heroes! As I walked in I hoped that Kacchan and that strict guy from the entrance exams weren't in my class, but to my luck when I walked in I found the two guys, however, the classroom was strangely silent. Bakugo was sitting with a dude with red hair and red eyes, it looked like a lot of the class was pairing off.

"You there!" The strict dude pointed me out

"M-me?" I asked

"Yes! I wanted to apologize to you, I believe I judged you poorly when we first met. You realized that there was more to the test then what met the eyes, and I have to commend someone with your intelligence. Please accept my apology for my mistreatment." He explained with these really weird hand movements

"Oh no! It's all good! I was a nervous wreck then and I you kept me from making a poor decision so thank you!" I started to ramble

"Let's start over, my name is Tenya Iida, what's your name?" He inquired

"I'm Izuku Midoriya." I shook his hand


"O-ok Bakugo," I felt my sweatdrop

I quickly took the last remaining seat, however, something caught my eye, a student a few desks up, with half red half white hair and mismatched eyes.

I tried to ignore him all I could, but I had to wonder. Is this when I would finally meet my soulmate? I could be wrong, I wouldn't know until I talked to him and I was nervous already about starting a new school, I needed to focus and not think about my soulmate.


Todoroki's PoV

I sat at the desk I had claimed, this was so stupid. I was only at this school because of my shitty old man. I watched students start to form groups and talk to each other, some paired off like the cheerful redhead and angry blonde, or the girl with pink skin and the boy with a lightning bolt in his hair. Soulmates I assumed after my dad got hit by Hero that day he invited All Might over to discuss what had happened.

Flashback brought to you by the fact that Brendon Urie is a pansexual icon

"Thank you for having me over Endeavor! I'm glad we've put that silly grudge behind us!" The boisterous man laughed

"We've put nothing behind us Toshinori. I still plan to train my youngest son to surpass you." My father looked at him from across the table

"Oh? Then why did you call me here today?" A small frown took the place of his blinding smile

"My youngest received his cat recently, and it seemed to have the exact same quirk you possess."

All Might paused, thinking for a moment

"May I examine this cat?" He inquired

"Shouto, bring Hero in here," Dad commanded

I went out of the room, grabbed my green fluff of a cat and started making my way back to the dining room, but as I entered I heard my father ask something

"Tell me Toshinori, do you have a secret love child?"

At this, all might spat out his tea

"A what?" He asked incredulously

"What's a secret love child?" I vocalized my question

At this, my father spit out his tea

"You see young Todoroki, when a mother and father love each other very much they have children." All Might explained

"But my mom and dad don't love each other, so does that make me a hate child?"

My mother walked in to hear that and dropped a boiling tea kettle.

"Gran Torino once told me my big mouth may cause more problems than I can solve," with that all might stood up, walked over to me, scratched my cat on its head, and left.

"WAIT YOU NEVER GAVE ME AN ANSWER!" My dad's flames licked the walls in anger


End of flashback brought to you by my friend's brainstorming.


He never got that answer.

"FUCKING DEKU! SIT THE HELL DOWN CLASS IS ABOUT TO START!" A voice screamed, the angry blond I guess…

"O-ok Bakugo…" a green haired boy replied…


Green fluffy hair? And what looked like green eyes. Could that be him? I could be wrong, lots of people have green hair and eyes, it all depended on his quirk.

Skip to after the power assessment because I'm a lazy bitch

Nope, wasn't him. My cat had never broken any bones when he used his quirk, also his quirk didn't create crackling green energy around him.

Another time skip to the tournament arc what you gonna do about it

Midoriya's PoV

God, why haven't I talked to him yet? We've survived a crisis a week ago yet I still can't ask him about his soulmate! Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh

Now he had issued a challenge to me? What? Is this his way of testing me to see if I'd be a good soulmate and to actually go through with this? Or what if he isn't my soulmate? His quirk is labeled half and half but he favors his right side strongly.

I began muttering and it was Uraraka who snapped me out of it by slapping the back of my head.

"Deku come on, don't worry about Todoroki! I'm sure we'll all do great today!" She High fived me, Iida came up behind us, "Ochaco is right, don't let something like that hinder your performance. Let's all do our best!"

Skip to after the Cavalry battle because Y'all know what happens then

"Hey, Midoriya I want to speak with you."

"Uh sure Todoroki." I replied

One thing went through my mind, 'does he want to beat me up, make out with me, or actually talk to me?

"So you brought me here… now what?" I asked

We stood across from each other in awkward silence.

"We should probably eat soon, the cafeteria is gonna be busy… don't you think?"

No response

He's all cold intimidation, way different than Kacchan.

"I was overwhelmed, and it made me break the promise I made to myself a long time ago." He started

It would have given him such an advantage to use his left side, and yet he didn't.

"Iida and Kaminari, Yourozu and Tokoyami, Ururaka. None of them felt it. In that moment I was the only one who could sense your true power. It reminded me of something, experiencing All Might's quirk."

"Y-yeah, ok… is that all?"

"I'm saying, the power coming from you felt the same as All Might's ."


"Midoriya tell me, are you really All Might's secret love child or something?"


Ok, I get why he'd think that, as insane as it sounds.

"Well, are you?"

"No! No way! That's not it at all! But I guess even if I was I would totally say I wasn't so you probably won't believe me no matter what I bet, anyway I promise you've got the wrong idea… and why would you even think that about me?" I started to panic

"That's not it at all is interesting wording, it suggests there is something between you two you're not supposed to talk about." He spoke

Ah, shit sticks you've done it again Izuku.

"My father is the hero Endeavor, you must've heard of him, which means that you're aware that he's the number two hero. So if you're connected to the number one hero All Might in some way, that would mean, that I have even more reason to beat you."

Oh god, he's starting to sound like Bakugo, HHHHHHHH WHY?

"My old man is ambitious he aims for the top, he used his power to make a name for himself as a hero, but he was never able to best All Might, so the 'Symbol of Peace' is living proof of his failure. He's still at it though, trying to take down All Might. One way or another."

"I'm not really sure what you're getting at. What are you trying to tell me Todoroki?"

"My father and mother may have been soulmates, but that doesn't mean they were destined to love each other. Their cats only represented the fact that they would marry each other one day. Now he is raising me to one day usurp All Might."

Oh shit… my soulmate has daddy issues too!

"It's so annoying, I refuse to be a tool for that scumbag."

He paused a moment

"In every memory of my mother, I see her crying. I remember she called my left side unbearable before she poured boiling water on my face."

WHAT THE HELL? All I could do was gasp

"The reason I picked a fight with you was to show my old man what I was capable of doing without having to rely on his damned fire quirk. You see I'm going to show him that I reject his power, and I can take first place without using it."

The life he's led is so different than mine, it sounds terrifying. How strange that we could be aiming for the same thing despite different childhoods.

"You're obviously connected to All Might, even if you won't tell me about it. But no matter how fiercely you come at me in the future, I will defeat you using only my right side. I can assure you of that." He started walking away

So this is why Todoroki is so focused, he's like a comic book character… a hero with a tragic backstory, fighting to rise above it.

"Hey Wait!" He stopped as I ran after him

"I'm only here because others have supported me. I've been really lucky, in fact, I've had even more help since I've come to U.A."

(Insert various flashes here that I am watching and not writing, yes I am watching the episode so I get this as accurate as possible)

"Young man, you too can become a hero!"

"All Might is constantly saving people with a fearless smile, he's the greatest hero and I want to be just like him. In order to do that, I have to be strong enough to become number one. I know my motivation may seem stupid compared to yours, but still, I can't lose this either. I owe it to everyone who supported me to try my best. You declared war on me earlier, well right back at you. I am going to beat you!" I declared

With that, he walked away.

Time skip brought to you by cats

Todoroki's PoV

Why had I explained my past to him? I was just gonna ask him about All Might and then leave. So why did I talk about my mother to him?

After a small talk with 'my dear old dad' and kicking Sero's ass, by extreme overkill. It was time for my fight with Midoriya, knowing him he was probably willing to injure himself to beat me.

All I could think about was how my father probably paid him to say these sort of things. Even as he broke his fingers repeatedly, I wouldn't listen.

"You think you can beat me with half your power!? If you haven't noticed you haven't been able to leave a scratch on me yet!" He yelled, it was starting to piss me off, who was he to tell me how to live my life? How would he even begin to know what it was like living with my father?

"IT'S YOURS! IT'S YOUR QUIRK! NOT HIS!" My breath hitched. For a moment everything clicked into place, and in that moment I forgot all about my father, all about my mother, all about my quirk. There was just him, this beaten and broken boy, who had willingly broken his arms and fingers multiple times, to save me from my own hate.

I felt my heart come alive, with a feeling as fervent as a flame. That's when I realized I was actually on fire, and I think I heard my old man scream my name. But it wasn't him to pull me out of my thoughts, it was Midoriya's smile. He was proud of what he did… he told me he couldn't afford to lose this fight, yet when he had openings he didn't take them. He was giving up for me, but why?

It didn't matter at the moment as we charged at each other. Suddenly the fight was over, and Midoriya was hunched over on the ground.

Oh, shit did I kill him?


Another time skip because I'm lazy af! Plus Y'all know what happened

I watched as Iida separated from Ururaka and Midoriya, he wasn't ok. I could see the anger burning in his eyes he would destroy himself or come out stronger than before, I could do nothing for him…

I had been feeling really weird the last week or so, specifically weird around Midoriya, around everyone else I was my normal dead-inside self, but with him, my chest felt light, I wanted to talk to him, to see him smile, to make sure he was happy. It was frustrating to not know what this feeling was, I tried to ask my mother about it, but she just smiled and shook her head.

What made it even worse is that whenever I talked to him I found my eyes slipping towards his lips and not his eyes, they were still freakin gorgeous I mean have you seen them? It was also all of his small mannerisms, the way he was so focused on becoming a hero, or how he mutters to himself when we talk about a topic of interest or even the way he chews his lower lip when he doesn't know the answer to a test question. Literally, everything he does is absolutely adorable, and I can't stand it.

I got on the train headed to the city where my father's hero agency was based out of and spotted Ururaka in a window seat, no one sat next to her… screw it we're gonna be social with someone other than Midoriya, I mean I've talked to her a couple times…

I walked over to her,

"Is this seat taken?" I asked nervously

"Todoroki? I mean no! No, it's not taken!" She smiled kindly

"So… who are you interning with?" I asked

"Uh, I'm interning with Gunhead. I decided to take his internship to learn more about combat." She grinned

"I thought Midoriya said you wanted to be a rescue hero like 13…" I paused after mentioning the green haired boy, Ururaka had a dusting of pink on her face… were, were they together? For some reason I felt my chest clench, my heart felt like it was tearing at the seams, I had to know

"A-are you and Deku and thing?" I choked out

"What? Me and Deku? No way! I'm dating Iida, he's my soulmate, he was going to introduce me to his family after the festival because they would be watching and he wanted to say, 'this is my girlfriend and soulmate Ochaco, I bet you saw her amazing performance.' Unfortunately then his brother was attacked by The Hero Killer Stain. So he set back his plans to introduce me to the family." She looked down

"I'm sorry to hear that, I've actually met the Iidas and I'm sure they'll love you." I nudged her

"Thank you Todoroki." She smiled at me, then she continued "Why do you ask about Deku?"

"Well, I don't know. I've just got this really weird feeling whenever I'm around him, my pulse races, my face flushes, I just feel awkward around him. I thought I was getting sick, but it's only around Midoriya. I also tried asking my mom what it meant but she just smiled and shook her head. Then just a moment ago you blushed a bit when I mentioned what Deku had said I felt my heart almost tear. I have no idea what it means, I mean everything he does is adorable, and it's frustrating not knowing what's causing this!" I ranted, and she started laughing at me

"What! Do you know what this means? It's so frustrating not knowing why I feel like this!" I groaned

"Todoroki, sorry if I'm being bold, but it sounds like you're in love with Midoriya." She continued to laugh

"I'm in what? I mean Midoriya and my cat look similar and have similar quirks, but my cat's never broken any bones, and whenever he uses his quirk he's surrounded by crackling green energy. I mean, yes my soulmate is supposed to be a guy, and I guess I could see myself in a relationship with Midoriya, but what if he's not my soulmate? What do I do then?" I panicked for a bit before she slapped me in the back of the head


"Ok, calm down. For one, Deku doesn't have full control of his quirk yet, who knows maybe the green energy is part of it. Two, I'm pretty damn sure the dude has the biggest crush on you ever. And three, even if you aren't soulmates doesn't mean you can't be happy together, not everybody gets a soulmate, sometimes things don't work out for soulmates, sometimes same-sex soulmates deny the fact they love each other because of religion and family, and sometimes people's soulmates have died. I know people like that, and I've seen people like that be happy together. Just because the universe gave you a cat to tell you who you'd marry doesn't mean you have to listen to it. You know what makes you happy, and you chase after it. Understand?"

"Thank you Ururaka, this has really helped. But I have to ask, why did you look so shocked by the fact I asked if I could sit next to you?"

"Oh, well I guess I was just shocked, I mean you sit with Midoriya, Iida, and me now but you usually just converse with Midoriya, so I guess I didn't think you would want to talk to me." She shrugged

"Sorry, I've just never been good at getting to know new people." I apologized

"It's all good, honestly. But going back to the previous topic you should talk to Midoriya about it when you see him next." The kind girl smiled

We continued to talk, but the whole time there was a weight to the air around us. She was just as worried about Iida as I had been, probably even more due to her bond with him.

We arrived at the station, where I was greeted by Hawks, of fricken course. Who else would my dad send to pick me up?

"Alright, see you in a week Ururaka." I gave her a small smile

"See you in a week Todoroki!" She called back

"Is that your girlfriend?" Hawks asked teasingly

"I'm gay," I explained curtly

He didn't respond, just walked me up to my father's office…

here we go.

Time skip brought to you by Todoroki being gay for Midoriya

My phone buzzed as the city was in flames, now normally I would never check my phone in front of my father, but I never got texts so…

I looked down to see that Midoriya had sent me some coordinates and nothing else, I paused for a moment and ran the opposite direction of my father

"Shouto what are you doing?" He yelled

I yelled back the address and went as fast my legs would take me.

My friend was in trouble!

When I arrived I saw a guy in a ninja suit standing over Midoriya with a sword. I quickly blasted some fire at the mofo who thought he could kill my future husband. Frack Ururaka got it in my head that I'm in love with Midoriya, yes I like him but it's not like… suddenly Midoriya was surrounded by crackling green energy and wasn't breaking his bones.

(Now mind the vine) Dick suck a dick suck a duck suck a mother f-in dick! Suck the green haired boy's dick! (Not actually)

Holy fuck Ururaka was right! Oh my god I'm going to marry him! I literally wanted to kiss him then and there, then I remembered that there was a certain asshole who I needed to burn at the stake, oh shit Iida is here too…

"You two get out of here! It's me he's after, don't throw your life away for me!" The class president yelled

"Oh shut up! You think he's going to let us go now! Besides, if we leave you will die, and I don't want to be the one to tell Ururaka that you're dead!" I yelled at him

I saw tears spilling out of his eyes, "she's been worried sick over you, we ended up in the same city, the same hotel, every night your always a topic of conversation, she worries about you, she's sorrowful she can't help you out with your brother. What would you have us tell your brother, I mean he's engaged to my sister, Tenya. If you think your family was grieving over your brother's injury, imagine how they would feel upon your death." I explained, providing cover for my soulmate as I did so.

"Damn it! What have I done? What have I done?" He cried

"It's not what you've done, we can't change the past. It's what you're going to do to fix this. Now get up and fight!" I commanded.

Time skip till after the fight, cause I suck at writing fight scenes

My father showed up at the right moment, bringing with him numerous pro heroes, who were all shocked to see three first-year students had taken down Stain. As we were carrying him to the cop car a nomu swooped down and grabbed Midoriya.

MOTHER FU- suddenly stain was out of our grasp and attacking the nomu.

"This boy is worthy of the title of 'hero' you will not be killing him on my watch." He growled, and then passed out

"Did any of you try knives earlier?" I asked dryly

"Not really, no." On girl admitted

I walked over to Midoriya, "Are you ok?" I asked my voice full of worry

"Ok children time to take you all to the hospital." A short old man in a yellow hero costume poked us with a cane

I then felt the stinging pain of where a couple of knives had pierced my arm.

"Do we know what his quirk is? Just Incase…" a man in a blue uniform asked

"He can paralyze people once he consumes their blood. We think it varies from blood type to how long he can hold them, but that's just a theory we were working within the moment. Just in case, who here has type O blood? We think that's the type he can hold for the shortest period of time." Midoriya explained

"I see, very well. Figure this out, Gran Torino please escort the boys to the hospital." My father motioned to the little man " one-moment Shouto, I want to speak to you." I hung back to talk to my dad

"This was extremely reckless, there will be serious consequences. Why would you run off without explaining the situation?" He growled

"I didn't have all the details, Midoriya just sent a text with his coordinates, I know he would have explained more if he was in the position to do so. I had a gut feeling that he was in trouble and went with it." I explained

"I've talked with Fuyumi, and I know you've been visiting your mother. That boy who was nearly taken… he is the one you fought in the sports festival yes? You never used your fire quirk before that, now you want to learn more about it, what did that boy say or do to you to get you to do that?"

"He broke his arms over and over. I think- I think Midoriya is my soulmate dad. You weren't there to see it, but he's increased his control over his quirk, and now he has this green energy that surrounds him whenever he uses his powers…" I explained quietly

"Very well, he does seem worthy of my masterpiece." He pauses a moment, "is he All Might's secret love child?" He leaned down to whisper to me

"As far as I know no, he's not related to All Might by blood, however, he does seem to share a bond with him in some way," I whispered back

"All right, you are dismissed Shouto. Go to the hospital and have your wounds tended to.

Time skip to the next day

"Thank you guys for rescuing me yesterday, I'm glad this is going to be kept between the three of us. I don't know if I could face Ururaka with her knowing what I've done. Also Todoroki, I'm excited to be your brother in law, thank you for reminding me what's important in life." Iida bowed to us

"Hey, we'll always be there to bail you out of a situation, as long as you're with us Iida when we need help." Midoriya gave him a fist bump with their good hands

"Well I'm off, I will see you both when we get back to school." With that I was left alone with the boy I was massively crushing on.

We sat there in silence for a moment.

"Thank you Todoroki, if it weren't for you showing up when you did, I don't think Iida and I would still be here."

I just stood up, walked over to Midoriya, and paused making up my mind.


Midoriya's PoV

Oh shit, he's got that face on where I can't read his emotions! Shit, he was gonna be angry with me, or was he gonna slap me, will he say he doesn't want to be my friend anymore. What if he doesn't want-

My mind was silenced when Todoroki pressed his lips to mine.

He pulled away and spoke softly

"You had me fucking worried. When you sent that text I knew something was wrong, and then you weren't responding. I thought you were dead, and I would be collecting your body."

He started to move away, but I grabbed him by the back of the neck and pulled him into another kiss.

We stayed like that for a while, it didn't matter how long really.

"Took you long enough." I grinned

"Sorry, kinda figured it out yesterday. How long have you known?" He asked a little embarrassed

"The first day of school, I mean it wasn't very hard. My cat is half red half white, with beautiful mismatched eyes." I pulled him back in

"Yeah, I thought it was a possibility, but my cat has always had the green energy surrounding it, so when we had the quirk aptitude test and it wasn't there I didn't think of it as much," Todoroki explained

"So does this mean we're dating?" I asked slowly

"Yeah, it means we're dating Izuku."

"Ok, then Shouto."

We leaned in for another kiss when Iida walked back into the room.

"What the heck!"


Chapter one done and done, now I created this au with my friend and we have expanded upon it, and there will be many more chapters on different ships. I already have plans for a couple ship and am excited to be working on this story!

We'll see you next chapter
