So I've been working on this on and off for about a year and now that it's done I can post it in one go!

This is set towards the end of season 1, before Mum and Uriel and omg-dad-has-a-long-con. But it diverges in that there's a lot of assumptions about what happens off screen! It's not an out and out romance, but there are feelings and family and fuzzies instead :)


"Why hello Detective, care to explain how I managed to make it to the crime scene before you did?"

Lucifer smirked into his cell phone while giving a little wave to one of the uniformed officers. Nice girl, but the bulky uniform did nothing to emphasise the figure he knew she had under there.

When there was no snarky response from his partner, which was unusual since he'd deliberately said those works to provoke an eye roll and a sigh, he frowned and tried again, "Detective? Have you pocket dialled me from Starbucks again? Because you know I can provide you with a far greater quality daily pick-me-up than that cheap -"

Lucifer was cut off by a strangled sob, and he knew in that moment he never wanted to hear the Detective say his name like that ever again.

He had already turned away from the crime scene and heading back towards his car before he realised what he was doing. He would definitely be punishing someone today. "What's wrong?"

He couldn't decide if he hoped it was Detective Douche or not. After recent events, namely the Detective showing up at his penthouse completely plastered and throwing herself at him, things had been...better.

He still wanted to sleep with her. But he also wanted more. What exactly that meant he wasn't one hundred percent sure of. Linda was throwing around words like "relationship" and "commitment". But instilling the Detective as Queen of Hell seemed a little premature.

Another strangled sob, "Trixie."

Lucifer paused mid-step, the child was on a school trip to a theme park six hours away.

She'd left the night before, they would spend today at the theme park, overnight at a tacky themed hotel, and tomorrow at a zoo before getting in around midnight. He'd had high hopes for forty eight child free hours. The Detective had even allowed him to convince her to abandon paperwork for a late lunch date.

"Has the spawn been hurt at the theme park?"

She shouldn't have been. He'd checked all the recent safety inspection reports, health department reports, and background checked the employees. He may not particularly like children, but he had a vested interest in keeping this one alive and well.

"Lucifer." No more sobs. Just breathy and terrified. He definitely did not want to hear this tone from her ever again. His grip tightened on the frame of the car, the metal giving way under the force, "Trixie's entire class has been kidnapped."