Christian arrived early to the auction, wanting to be professional at any event. The place was just as you'd imagine. A dark secluded mansion, that had big red velvet

tapestries hanging from the giant double windows. No lights were on, only candles flickered about the room. The upstairs was roped off, not that any of the guest tonight

would be so rude as to help themselves upstairs, but the owner, who referred to himself with a fake name, 'Joseph', made sure everything was locked up tight. Shadows

danced on the walls about the place, as the guest began to file into the room, waiting patiently for the biding to begin. No slaves were there yet, kept only in a room off the

foyer, where they all stood waiting.

Women in black masks, and short little black dresses, carried trays of Champagne for the guests', handing everyone a glass as they waited.

People seldom exchanged words with one another here, everyone wanting to keep their private lives to themselves, and they all respected each other with that. Before

entering the house, a young brunette collected phones, so as no one could take any embarrassing pictures of anyone. And there were rules you had to follow or you wouldn't

be invited to come back. Ever. And that wasn't something the men here, and one woman, Christian noticed, wanted to risk.

Joseph threw these events only twice a year. Collecting woman up until the events, so it was a treat when he'd receive the black envelope with the calligraphy writing on the

front, the wax stamp on the back with a simple 'X', meant it was from Joseph.

Most of the men kept far distant from everyone in the room, until Joseph would call the meeting to order. Joseph wore a black mask as well, that matched the woman who

were hired for the event, helping to keep their privacy. His all black suit only made his blond hair appear more bright, especially in the very dark room. He clapped his hands

together, as he stood on the bottom step in the foyer, right in front of the red velvet rope. "Good evening gentleman, and lady," He corrected himself, gesturing to the older

brunette, who wasn't letting the fact that she was the only female guest here make here seem weak. She had the worse case of resting bitch face Christian had ever seen,

and the fact that she was probably older than she let on, but still very beautiful, didn't seem to help the matter.

"I want to start off by thanking you all for coming, and I would like to add, you will not be disappointed. We have many beautiful woman for your taking, and hopefully you all

will find someone to meet your requirements tonight. You all were given a list of rules with your invitations but I still want to make sure you remember. The biding will start

fifteen minutes after the girls are brought out, it will give you all a chance to look them over. You may look but are not allowed to touch them until they are bought by you.

After that, do whatever you please with them." He stopped to smirk.

Even though Joseph had a lot of rules, all of which Christian liked, he still felt like Joseph was a bit of a lunatic. "We're going to bring the girls out now, if you see one you like,

remember to write down their numbers, they'll all have necklaces around their neck, with their own individual number. That will be the number you can bid on later. Alrighty!

Enjoy!" He clapped his hand again and two masked girls opened a big wooden door off of the foyer, leading out a long line of naked women. They all had their hair down,

styled but no makeup on. Their nails were all done, and toenails, and only a simple gold chain around their necks with various small numbers hanging from them. Christian

ignored all of the blonds and began walking up and looking over the brunettes. They all had been well fed, and most of them, even without makeup, were gorgeous. All of the

woman had already been trained to do as expected, having their eyes downcast out of respect to their potential future Doms. Christian stopped in front of an olive skinned girl

with long chestnut hair. Her breast were perky and beautiful, her body was very lean and fit, looking to have worked out daily.

Joseph was mingling with the guest, making sure everyone was enjoying themselves and stopped at Christian. "Ah, Christian!" He put his arm around him as they both looked

at the girl in front of them, "Isn't she a beaut?" He asked, and Christian nodded.

"Yes, she's lovely. Are her breast real?" He asked, wanting to reach out and examine them, but knowing he couldn't, due to the rules.

Joseph had a flute of champagne in his hand and had just taken a sip, then nodded, "Yes, of course. I make sure all of my slaves have no fake anything." Then he left

Christian to think about the purchase, moving on to another guest.

Just then, another gentleman joined Christian in looking over the girl. Christian had just written down her number, 3012, in his notepad that was provided to him, as well as

all of the other guest. His attention was still on the girl when Joseph made his way to the first step again.

"Alright everyone gather around. I've given you all more than enough time to look the girls over and write down any numbers you'd like to bid on. Lets start with our first

girl." He motioned to the petite blonde that was at the front of the line. Her hair was cut into a short bob and she had a nose piercing. Christian was surprised that Joseph had

allowed the girl to keep it in. One of the black dressed girls ushered the blonde to the front and Joseph began the biding. "This girl is tiny but very well trained. Her Dom

before her had her loyalty for five years. Here number is," He stopped talking long enough to take the girls chain in his hand to look over the number. "8104. Lets start the

biding at ten thousand."

A short round man in the back raised his hand.

"Excellent!" Joseph exclaimed enthusiastically. "Do I hear fifteen thousand?"

A short pause and then another man bid. The round man got upset and countered it with twenty, to which the other man did not counter.

"Sold!" Joseph said, and the girl was escorted back to the room they had come from. The black dress girl handed the round man another necklace that had the same number

as the girl he hadjust bought. Later, he'd go and pick her up, so to speak.

Christian sipped on his champagne as the line got smaller, and more girls were being sold. A few times he had wanted to bid on a few, but decided to wait on the girl he had

wanted from thestart. Finally the time came and she was escorted to the front.

"Now this girl is extremely lovely." He grabbed her chain and looked closely at her number. Christian felt like he was using it as an excuse to look at her breast. "Number

3012. We're going to start the biding at twenty thousand!" Joseph said, and Christian also knew he had started high on her because Christian was

interested. Christian raised his hand, letting him know he was bidding.

"Right there yes I see you! Do I hear twenty-five thousand?"

The woman who had already bid on many of the girls, and had bought two, decided to counter Christians bid.

This frustrated him. It would be hard getting two new subs acclimated to their new lives with their Dom, yet alone three, Christian thought bitterly.

"Twenty-five! Do I hear thirty?"

Christian raised his hand.

"Thirty! Do I hear thirty-five?"

A man stepped in and raised his hand.

Christian wasn't about to let this one go though. He raised his hand, "Fifty thousand!" He called. Everyone looked at him, shocked. But Joseph was eating it up.

"Fifty! Do I hear fifty-five?" He asked, looking through the crowd. "Going once..going twice..sold!"

Christian drank the last of his Champagne and looked at the woman who had dared to bid against him. He gave her a smug nod.

The black dress girl came and handed Christian his necklace with the numbers: 3012, on it. Christian slid it into his pocket and watched as his slave was escorted to the other

room. He watched as the biding continued, patiently waiting for it to be over. Finally when the last girl was sold, Joseph cleared his throat. "Thank you all for coming this

evening. I hope you've all enjoyed your night and I look forward to seeing you all again next time." Everyone simply nodded then began to line up to pick up their subs.

Christian was behind the woman who had now purchased four girls. She turned to him, "I'm still upset you got that one girl I had bid on."

Christian smiled, "I had my eye on her all night. And besides, wont you have your hands full with all the other girls you picked?"

She raised her brows, "One can never have too many."

Christian merely shrugged.

"Perhaps one evening you can bring her over to play? I'd of course let you have time with some of my other girls. I have a lot to choose from."

Christian wasn't really ever one to share but was intrigued.

"Here, take my card. Call me." And with that, she ducked into the room and disappeared. Christian decided to keep her card and think about her purposal. He was surprised

when he barely had to wait, and was escorted into the room. All of the woman that were left, sat kneeled on the floor waiting for their new masters. One of the black dressed

woman was standing in the doorway.

"Necklace please?" She asked, holding her hand out. Christian handed her the necklace and she took it over to the slaves, matching it to his.

"Here she is sir. Enjoy." Then she walked back to the door and waited for him to dress his new item and head out.

Christian knelt down in front of his purchase and tilted her head up to look at him with his finger, "What is your name girl?" He asked.

The girls big blue eyes looked up at him. She had a small intake of breath, probably happy that he wasn't an old creepy man. "Anastasia Steele, Sir."

Christian nodded when she had answered him. "Anastasia. Excellent." He dropped his hand and stood. "Stand up." He commanded and when she did he grabbed her by the

arm and pulled her behind him, going over to a wrack of dresses that were hanging on one of the walls. He thumbed through them then pulled out a simple short black one,

with a very low cut V neckline. He handed it to her. "Put this on. No panties." He told her. After she dressed he slipped his hand into hers and continued out the other door of

the room where yet another black dress girl waited. She held an iPad in one hand.

"Sir, will you be paying, cash, card or check?" She asked, as if he were simply buying groceries.

Behind her stood a big black man, who was clearly there in case any of the guest tried to steal a slave.

"Card." Christian told her as he reached into his suit jacket and retrieve his wallet, pulling out his silver plastic card.

The girl took it and ran it through the slot that was attached to the end of her iPad. She flipped it around so the screen was now facing Christian. "Please sign here sir."

Christian used his finger on the touch screen to sign his name, then she handed him his card back.

"Feel free to stay for the after party sir. Enjoy the rest of your evening." She said politely.

Christian thanked her and pulled Anastasia behind him back out to the foyer. Joseph had been talking to the round man, who proudly had the blonde girl on his arm. The poor

girl looked very unhappy but the round man didn't seem to notice. Joseph caught sight of Christian and excused himself from the round man. "Ah, Christian! Congratulations!"

He said eyeing Anastasia. Christian smiled as he looked over his new purchase, "Thank you, Joseph."

"Will you be staying for the after party?" He asked.

Christian never stayed. Only the ones who were unprofessional about the whole thing would stay. He shook his head, "No, its late and I have things I need to go over with

Anastasia before bed."

Joseph winked at him and chuckled, "Yes, I bet you do! Alright then, I'll see you for our next event. Enjoy your girl."

Christian nodded and continued through the foyer, out to the front driveway. He walked to his car, he had driven himself not having his driver, Taylor, tonight.

He retrieved his keys from his suit pocket and ushered Anastasia to his car. He opened the passenger door for her, "Sit." He said, and when she climbed inside he buckled her

in. He got into the driver side and began to back out. "You will have rules, that we will go over tonight. I expect you to follow them and in return you will be rewarded. Do you

understand, Anastasia?"

She nodded, her hands in her lap as she knotted her fingers. She seemed a bit nervous.

Putting the car into drive Christian sped out of the high class neighborhood they were in. Every year the location of the auction was always at a different rented house. This

year had been Christians favorite by far. "So tell me Anastasia, how long have you been a Sub?" The radio was off, only causing Christians voice to echo further and seem

more loud in the quiet car. He peaked over at the girl who was behaving just how Christian would expect a Sub from Joseph to behave. Well trained clearly.

"I've only been doing it for about a year now sir." She told him, her voice very low and timid.

This was news to him.

"So you've never had a Dom then? You must've only been to the training Jospeh had."

"Yes, Sir." Was all she said.


He prayed that she would be able to handle what he would dish out to her. Hopefully he didn't just waste his money on this gorgeous creature.