Part Ten: The Wedding

"We have a situation."

Obi-Wan gave a deep sigh, turning from the mirror and looking at his friends. "What?"

"I can't find my pants," Quinlan muttered, shoving past him and opening the closet of the hotel room that had been rented for the wedding - and afterwards, before the married couple left for their honeymoon.

"You can't find your pants?"

"There's seven of us getting ready in one room - I'm surprised we lasted this long without an incident," Cody muttered from his windowsill perch.

Anakin joined the knight digging around the closet, only to pull his head out and hold up a white gift bag. "What's this?"

Obi-Wan snatched the bag from his former padawan, aware of Rex and Garen poking their heads out of the bathroom. "None of your business."

"You got your soon to be wife a gift on your wedding?" Quinlan cackled while he wiggled out of the closet, waggling his eyebrows. "Fancy."

Korkie - who had been sitting on the bed - shook his head in amusement. He could see the pants Quinlan was looking for on the floor, but kept quiet. Better to have his father distracted so he wouldn't be panicking about anything wedding related.

He stood, clapping his father on his shoulder. "I'm gonna check on Mum, Pops. Think you can be ready in an hour?"

Obi-Wan glanced at his eldest son, his pride and joy. The son that had been the product of teenage lust. Smiling, he led his son outside of the rooms, closing it gently behind him. The quiet of the hall was welcoming.

Putting his hands on Korkie's shoulders, he stared at his son for a moment. Amazing, that the young man in armor used to cry whenever someone didn't cut the crusts off his bread.

He pulled his son close, cradling Korkie's head and feeling the auburn hair underneath his fingers. The edges of the Mando'a armor were sharp compared to the formal robes Obi-Wan was wearing.

"I'm so proud of you," Obi-Wan whispered while he drew away. He blinked back a few tears. "And I'm sorry it took this long for your mother and I to marry. It wasn't - "

"Pops - Pops, it's okay. I under - "

"Korks, let me finish." Obi-Wan smiled gingerly. "It wasn't fair that your sisters are to experience being in a stable home and you did not. That they get a sober father and you didn't. Or that...that technically you're no longer a bastard by Mandalorian law."

Korkie wiped at his eyes, then hugged his father tight again. "I'm gonna teach Lillian curse words while you two are on your honeymoon."

There was a knock at the door. Before anyone could react, her daughters were scrambling to the door and flinging it open.


From her spot in front of the mirror Satine couldn't see her fiance, but she could hear him laughing while their daughters showed him how dressed up they were.

"Still can't believe Mandalorian culture allows the groom to see the bride before the wedding," Padmé murmured while she continued to curl the other woman's hair.

"Well I'm not a typical Mandalorian either."

"Everyone decent?" Obi-Wan asked while he dragged into the room, shutting his eyes. He held Lillian in his arms while Freya and Jinn were tugging on his hands.

Satine gave a small laugh, glancing at her friend. "It's just Padmé and I - everyone went downstairs already."

Padmé hid a smile behind her hand, eyes sparkling. The gown she wore was navy blue, falling to her ankles and cut off at her elbows. It was rather simple for a Senator Amidala outfit, but still beautiful.

"Keep your eyes closed for a moment Obi," Satine murmured. She glanced at herself in the mirror, smiling.

"Girls, come on. Let's go downstairs." Padmé took her youngest niece from Obi-Wan. She was followed cheerfully by the other two out of the room, her heels clacking on the floor.

"Can I open my eyes yet?" Obi-Wan muttered. "Or at least sit down somewhere."

"Three steps behind you is a bed." Satine slid in her earrings - strings of opals. She stood, smoothing her gown. The sleeves were short and made of lace, not even hitting her elbows. The bodice was deep, though she was small-chested enough were it looked modest.

The length of the gown only hit her knees. A little scandalous by Mandalorian customs, but at least the dress was in the ancient maroon of the Kryze House, before white and blue became more common.

Satine stepped into her heels and walked forward, touching her fiance's shoulders. "Open your eyes."

He did, his mouth dropping a little. A small laugh escaped him. He grasped her hands and brought them to his lips, kissing each knuckle before looking at her adoringly. "You're so beautiful."

"You don't look too bad yourself." Satine stepped back when he stood, cupping her face gently. She leaned her brow against his, smiling. "We're getting married."

"Yeah…this is gonna take a year to pay off, don't back out now."

Satine laughed, kissing him gently.

"Can't believe I agreed to this," Mace muttered while the music blared and the soon-to-be-married couple walked down the aisle. The music was something native to Mandalore - in fact, he realized several of the clones from the Third Systems Army were playing the instruments.

Korkie gave a small cackle, grinning while he glanced over the crowds. More than half of the ballroom was filled with his clan and dignitaries. The rest was filled with Jedi. Not everybody looked too pleased to be at the wedding.

It made sense why. People still didn't like the idea of a Jedi and a Mandalorian marrying.

He glanced to the front row, where his sisters were standing with his mother's surviving siblings and his father's friends were.

"This is such a boring wedding," Korkie muttered while he fiddled a bit with the cloth he held in his hands. "Mandalorian weddings are supposed to be much more fun than what is being planned."

Mace rolled his eyes, though it was more affectionate than anything.

Obi-Wan and Satine knelt when they reached the steps that led up to the dais. They bowed their heads, hands finding each other.

The music stilled.

Everyone was staring at them.

Mace glanced at Korkie, who nodded. He cleared his throat. "As friends and mentors to these two individuals before me, welcome. I am deeply honored to be officiating for this wedding on behalf of the Jedi Order."

"As son of these two individuals before me, welcome. I am deeply honored to continue our sacred traditions for this wedding on behalf of Mandalore."

Obi-Wan squeezed her hand, knowing that it was considered bad luck to look up while being spoken to at a Mandalorian wedding. He was a little surprised it was in Basic, but not all of it would stay that way.

There was a brief rumble of music.

"You may rise and face each other," Mace said.

They did so, Satine being helped up by Obi-Wan. She thought for a moment that it might have been a bad idea to wear such a short wedding dress, but nothing happened.

Korkie cleared his throat, stepping forward. "Place your palms together."

They did so, unable to keep from grinning at each other.

"Do you know the vows?" Korkie asked, continuing to hold the large swath of cloth.

"We are one together."

"We are one together," Satine murmured.

"Mhi solus tome," Obi-Wan murmured.

Satine - and a good chunk of the crowd - gasped. To have a foreigner speak the ancient vows...not unheard of, but certainly not expected. She gave a small smile, blinking back her tears. "We are one when parted."

"Mhi solus dhar'tome."

"We share all."

"Mhi me'dinui an."

"We will raise warriors."

"Mhi ba-juri verde."

Satine's smile was wry after the last vow.

"Would you face the gathered?" Mace asked, taking the edge of the cloth Korkie offered and unfurling it between them.

The pair did so, shoulders leaning against each other. Satine noticed the bouquets of navy blue, maroon, white, and cream flowers all over the place.

Korkie and Mace came forward, draping a large, ancient blanket over them. The colors matched the flowers - or maybe it was the other way around.

"With this tapestry, woven by the foremothers of the Kryze clan upon the first marriage that created this house," Korkie stepped away with a smile. "I unite these individuals as one. May the ancestors bless you and your family prosper."

A cheer went up from the crowd. Obi-Wan pulled an arm around his wife - his wife - and pressed a kiss to her temple.

Author's note: hellooooo

I struggled so much with creating the ceremony. I didn't want a typical American wedding because blah, boring. I took elements from a few different places - fictional and real - and this was the result.


ii Digestive Reader ii