Disclaimer : It was written in chapter one. It would be kinda redundant if I wrote it again.

Warnings : Ah! a pissed off Immortal Mage/Warlock, a hungry Dragon, an adorable toddler and dealing with general nastiness of a family called Dursley's. This chapter was Unbeta'ed.

A/N : * squints eyes *. Sorry for the delay, sadly we all had a real life to deal with and mine keeps kicking my butt in order for me to work on it. ( ≧Д≦)

I should probably warn everyone that this chapter was written between my hurried breakfast and afternoon breaks, edited and then posted in the dead of the night.

Anyways, a storm ravages in my country for this week resulting for a wet week for us when our freaking roof ripped off its hinges! (゜ロ゜;). I'm praying for this insane weather to pass through us, without any more devastating destruction and leaving us to be unscathed. ≧﹏≦

I don't know if anyone will agree with me in my version of Dursley's punishment, but seriously; I never liked how J.K wrote them as a loose end, as was Umbridge being alive when the good characters didn't. ( I. e: Dobby, Lupin, Tonks and Fred ). By letting them go unscathed J. K practically condoned The Dursley's and Umbridge treatment of Harry as an okay behavior to do in real life without the abusers facing any painful consequences. Σ( ° △ °|||)

Also, I firmly believe in Karma being a Bitch. Karma doesn't matter if it happen, today, tomorrow or in the future, IT always strikes back a hundred times worst when people are most vulnerable. So what will happen with the Dursley's is some sort of a Karma in the form of vengeful Immortal Mage. ㄟ(≧◇≦)ㄏ

' Thoughts '

" Speech "

" Master and Familiar speaking "

" Spell Casting and names "

XxX Magic's Chosen XxX

Chapter Two: A Warlock's Vengeance

Number 4 Privet Drive , Little Whinging, Surrey

June 28, 1985, Friday, 1: 30 P. M

With both of his companions secured in his arms and shoulder, Merlin strode confidently to enter the Dursley's pristine backyard garden; smoothly bypassing the pitiful blood based ward Dumbledore and the Potter's painfully erected. Brutally kicking the backdoor to open that it heavily dented the wall. Merlin walked determinedly towards the living room knowing the despicable family was comfortably gathered to spend the day together; all the while letting little Harry Potter laboriously slaved his day away on a hot summer month.

Upon arriving at their destination, Merlin's stormy blue eyes quickly met the widen gaze of a fat whale of a man ( who immediately spluttered in shock upon seeing him ), a horse faced woman ( who hysterically shriek using her grating voice in fright at seeing him ) and finally a dim looking baby whale child ( who only grunted stupidly at them then disgustingly shoved food down its bloated guts using its far too fat fingers ).

After a moment of surveying the deceptively normal looking family, Merlin stared blanked faced as Vernon Dursley started to blustered angrily in an attempt to cow him.

" I don't know who the bloody hell you are Freak! I suggest you leave our home Untouched before I call the Police! We never want you Freaky people invading our lives and this house again! The contract says we will continue to house that...that abnormal child as long as no one shows up on my home without my explicit permission! I won't stand for these illegal breach you've made of our contract! Out! Get out of my house you Freaks! I don't want my family to catch any of your freakishness! ", Mr. Dursley courageously/stupidly? bellows, not knowing his beady eyes betrayed his true feelings as he nervously eyed the White Dragon perched on the Immortal Mage's shoulder never even taking his eyes off Aithusa thinking the Dragon was the one they should be wary of.

Baring his sharp pointy teeth Aithusa eyed hungrily the juicy fat human, making Vernon pale in sudden fright. Petunia can only squeaked and tightly embraced her fat child, ready to protect her precious son in case the Freak stranger attack them, all the while Dudley only ignored everyone around him as long as he can stuffed his mouth with more delicious food.

" Are you done? ", was Merlin's unimpressed answer. Really, it was a miracle in itself that he had to exercise his patience in dealing with these Homo Sapiens without feeling too homicidal. Thankfully, Harry, as a sweet boy remained quiet, in the face of his Uncle's angry shouts, too busy sucking his thumb, his little body relaxed against his guardians chest, indicating he was unbothered by the loud commotion.

Not wanting to waste another second to hear the pitiful blustering of the man; the dark haired Mage quickly pointed a finger at the three Dursley's and fired an exact precision volley of spells. Dudley was the first to fall down with a heavy sleeping spell making the boy comfortably collapsed on his seat, his lunch decorated his clothes after dropping it. What happened in turn ensured Petunia shrieking hysterically " You've killed my son! " only for her hysterics to be cut off painfully as a body binding and silencing spell hit both husband and wife.

All of this occurs under 2 seconds flat, way before they could even act to defend themselves. Vernon could only soundlessly splutter angrily, while Petunia hatefully glare at the stranger in silence.

Aithusa cackle in malicious glee at the Muggles expression of horrified silence. Leaving his Master's shoulder for now, he flew off to comfortably perched himself on the arm of a sofa to have the first class viewing experience of Muggle baiting.

The Last DragonLord twitch a finger to conjure himself his own seat of golden throne ( causing the Dursley's to eyed enviously the gem encrusted chair ), never wanting to seat himself on the family's ghastly brightly yellow coloured sofa seat; any people who did so - in the past - had surely ended up sick because of its unseen greasy stains and harmful germs ( probably caused by their own pig faced son ).

Afterall one can never be too careful in placing one's self safety in an obvious dirty and hostile environment.

Once comfortably seated, Merlin turned his attention at the quiet boy burying his little head on his shoulder. By cancelling the sticking charm he moved the reluctant boy to sit on his lap, thus the both of them faced the silenced and rapidly paling Dursley's as they caught sight of the extremely changed — they immediately noted in distaste; the coloured red hair, bruise free body and face and of course the expensive looking clothing it donned — Freak boy seated comfortably on another Freaks' lap.

Harry himself was greatly fascinated at the view of seeing ( for the first time ever! ) his relatives seated silently and motionless. He decided it was real fun seeing Unca Vernon's red face silently mouthing words without any effect ( as if he was pooping! ) and Aunt Tuney screaming soundlessly ( just like the clowns they show on the Telly! ). He couldn't help the giggles escaping his lips at his relatives funny reactions! He wondered what amazing acts they'll perform next? And, would they show more funny faces at him? Too bad for poor Dudley; he always missed watching the real good shows! Just like what's happening right now!

Merlin chuckled at witnessing the first! childish glee ( in the form of watching his own relatives looking far too idiotic!) in the green eyes of Harry. He gently clasped his hands on the little boy's torso to keep the child from falling down; and when Harry suddenly squirm in an effort to face him rather than his despicable relatives ( after deeming for a minute ) that watching the Dursley's looking stupid was definitely over.

Cuddling his precious child closely and letting the little head rest on his chest while Harry listen attentively at the thumping beat of a heart beneath his ear. Merlin only rested his chin gently on top of soft red hair; his suddenly bright golden eyes glaring at his captured preys.

" Now that Mr. Dursley's useless tirade was over and you're comfortably settled. Let's get down to business, shall we?— ", at hearing this cold statement both Dursley's eyed Merlin nervously. 'What would a freaky stranger want with their family? ' and ' Is it about that Freak of a child? ' was the paranoid questions started running frantically through both of their minds.

" As you've probably quickly deduced, yes! I am a wizard and no! I don't belong in Britain's ridiculous Wizarding World. My name is Merlin/Myrddin Emrys— ", seeing Petunia's paling complexion, the Immortal Mage sighed exasperately then elaborately explained.

" Yes. I am the real deal in those Arthurian legends/stories and no, I am not an imposter faking a legendary wizards name. You know who and what I am in the Wizarding and Non Magical world. I have powers beyond ones wild imagination that continues to exist infinitely in every part of any universe. I gently suggest to the both of you to calm down, sit tight, shut the fuck up and Don't pissed me off as I laid all of the sins you've committed regarding of caring for one child named Harry James Potter. For your information, meeting you was never a pleasure of mine Mr. Vernon Dursley and Mrs. Petunia Evans Dursley ", sneered Merlin in disgust causing Harry to startled upon hearing the contempt in his guardians voice. The dark haired Mage rubbed the small back to settle the little one down again while Aithusa softly crooned to help the red haired child to relax further by flying to perch beside the toddler. The child naturally slumped back again on his guardians chest; cooing in delight at being allowed to pet the scaly form of the White Dragon.

Staring blankly ( that made other mortals quail in fright at seeing his unnatural eyes ) at the two Dursley's, Merlin raised a hand in the air, then took a hold of nothing and roughly pulled a thick black folder appearing out of nowhere. He threw it down on the center table and let the Dursley's fumed on what it contained.

" That my friends— ( the word was spit hatefully it made the pair cringe fearfully ) are the complete list of evidence to finally convict you of your crimes in abusing Harry Potter! ".

Vernon and Petunia naturally recoiled in horror at what this Merlin fellow revealed. They couldn't let this freak get away threatening to convict them! What was inside the folder was surely a ruse! Nobody knows what happened in this house because the blood wards protected them, that Dumblydor fellow assured them no freak can ever crossed the barrier without their say so! Husband and wife gestured angrily to Merlin in letting them talk again.

Merlin; amused at the ugly faces the Dursley's made, granted the pair to talk again.

" You think you can just stroll in here and cowed us by blackmailing this good family! Think again you foolish crack pot! Nobody threaten my family without painful consequen— Ahhhhh! ", Vernon was suddenly cut off in his tirade, screaming hysterically as he felt sudden painful lashings across his back as if an invincible barbed whip was repeatedly striking him in efficient precision. Bright red blood started blooming on his back, quickly staining his pristine white shirt as the magic didn't give out any sign in stopping anytime soon.

Aithusa watched the fat man suffer with satanic glee; serves the fat lout right for every sin he committed in abusing his own nephew. Harry himself was blissfully unaware of the bloody happenings around him ( Merlin erected a small barrier for him to form solid looking illusions; that made the child see and hear the opposite of what he was doing— I. e; talking calmly with his relatives ).

Petunia could only silently scream in denial and cried —as she watched helplessly her husband's convulsing blood drooling form weakly fighting his invisible bonds in an effort to escape the magic peeling his skin raw— and plead for Merlin to stop punishing her husband because they didn't do anything wrong!

Clicking his fingers to stop the raging curse, Merlin somberly looked Petunia in eye with his golden colored ones.

" That was just a taste from the curse I invented for someone who regularly abuses children. The " Torqueant abutens "(*1) curse would have never taken effect if he never laid a hand on your 4 year old nephew. Tell me Petunia, if I put the curse on you too; would you be spared from the insanity inducing pain thereby declaring you an innocent in physically abusing Harry...or would you suffer extremely as your beloved husband thereby granting you the same chance to feel what Harry himself felt under your husbands unreasonable beatings. Either which way you end up Petunia, Aithusa and I will surely be entertain by your pitiful reactions ".

Petunia cried helplessly in answer fat drop of tears marred her already ugly face making Merlin frown in distaste. Really, these two perfectly deserved each other; A Fat Cowardly Bully married to an Envious Ugly Bitch! May they lived their short pitiful lives miserably until the very end. Ah! Well, that was a great idea to gift with that he'll surely blessed before they departed.

" We never wanted that child to be stuck with us! So any kind of punishment Vernon and I dole out was perfectly reasonable— Urk ", Petunia's head suddenly and painfully turned to the side as if it was roughly slapped by an invincible assailant and then her frail body quickly sailed through the air and landed awkwardly — on the floor — on her stomach.

' What just happened? ', was her confused thought as she struggled fighting against the crippling pain in her skull combined with the sudden case of nausea. She could feel blood and acid in the back of her throat struggling to get out and feeling the great need to vomit painfully. She tried to looked up at the Wizard towering over her to blubber hysterically her apology and begging. What she found was that her vision was impaired due to the extreme pain she felt in her temples.

It took a few more minutes for her sight to return and what she saw made her wish to be blind as her eyes met glowing golden eyes looking down at her flatly.

Looking down blankly at the whimpering woman at his feet, Merlin frigidly intoned, " Thank you for the wonderful performance Petunia, now... I've clearly seen your own words brutally betray you by experiencing Harry's pain just like when you bash your then 3 year old nephew with a hot steel pan. Please do try to remember the pain Mrs. Dursley, because for every crippling, insanity and fever inducing pain you've gleefully inflicted upon your very own nephew. I will triple its costs by showing no mercy as you gracefully did to a toddler who couldn't fight back ".

Aithusa's agreement was a roar full of righteous anger it shook most of the furniture in its place, his wings vibrating and tail lashing ( that Harry gleefully tried to capture ) in a sheer effort to hold back himself from ripping the Muggles to pieces.

The sharpened teeth bared menacingly again at the unmoving married pair his poisoined tipped claws tightly gripped the sofa making its potent acid eat away at the soft furniture leaving blackened wounds that softly sizzled.

It made the Dursley's pale complexion whiten more, their terrified gazes couldn't decide which to look out for. The man eating Dragon or the Crazy Warlock hell bent on torturing them to the point of insanity.

The DragonLord commanded his angered familiar to stand down, he didn't need the Ministry or Dumbledore suddenly showing up— ( he had overlaid - the whole area of number 4 Privet Drive - of his own Magic Circle(*3). It ensured that the alarm based ward the house possess would not register any anomaly happening; a fact he wants to continue, not wanting anyone to disturb his mission until he deem it to end )— if Aithusa decided releasing his True Form. That was one ugly scenario he wanted to avoid at all possible costs.

A too much corrupted government body and a manipulative old coot knowing the existence of the Last Dragonlord and his familiar was a one way guarantee to start an international hunting game in the name of curiosity. Now, that would be a bothersome nightmare come to life he couldn't risk, especially if he wanted Harry to come with him without anyone none the wiser.

XxX Magic's Chosen XxX

Number 4 Privet Drive , Little Whinging, Surrey

June 28, 1985, Friday, 2: 00 P. M

Petunia and Vernon could only whimper in fright, as thick blood continuously bubbled out of their mouths. Any courage they might have felt quickly wilted in the face of an enraged Warlock come to life; wrathfully taking its vengeance in the name of little Harry James Potter.

Any kind of pitiful begging to it will surely ensure another round of torture. Which they must avoid at all costs! They thought they were safe in this house, being provided with deadly wards to any kind of freaky intruder. Oh, what a joke that thought apparently was! They've been too relaxed in the knowledge that they're well protected when in reality they never was; when faced with powers so ancient and near primordial that it made them feel —too insignificant in the grand scheme of things, the world and the universe — a fool to ever trust those Magical Freaks for their safety in the first place. Both Dursley elder thought that if they even get out of this moment— alive….they would surely leave England and never looked back again. They had enough of seeing these Freaks — talking to them as if their insects beneath their shoes —to last a lifetime.

For the wards to fail spectacularly, the wizard in front of them was so powerful than that old crackpot it'll only take a single flick of finger to beat the old man in a duel. Meaning no one would ever come to their rescue now ( not when a ward that was erected that needed many powerful witches and wizard to cast was brutally ripped apart as if it was a piece of paper; by a single person ) and surely no one can stood a chance at the God like powers this one possess if a band of freaks try to save them.

The thought in itself was too terrifying to consider the possibilities.

They watched as the man took a glance at his expensive watch. The golden eyes tightening only to grimaced grimly. A dark look crossing its emotionless face that surely boded ill for them.

" Well, too bad for me, the time I have to spent with you will have to be shortly cut off— ", before the pair could breath a sigh of relief, Merlin rudely took away their hope to escape.

"— Unfortunately for you, You still have to endure the "Torqueant abutens " in a little while longer, in order to satisfy my revenge—", at this statement both Dursley's frantically shook their heads, as if by denying the man their consent it will save them from their just punishment. Merlin's cruel smirk only widen at the Muggles hopeless antics.

Aithusa merely looked away at the pathetic sight, preferring now to entertain the quiet boy that behaved wonderfully. He let the little one tightly grabbed one of his horn unbothered by the child's attempt to pull it off his head. He nuzzled gently the soft pink cheek making Harry gleefully giggle. He could see his Master glancing soft eyed at the two of them. He would let his Master handle the hysterical Muggles for now; afterall; he couldn't do anything for now like roast them alive or swallow the bodies without the Magical community being alerted quickly.

"— The good news is that for every 30 seconds you survive the oncoming torture. I will explained when and what it entails. So, even if your ready or not here I come! ", as the spell gleefully came back in vengeance, Vernon and Petunia's screams reach a hoarse note as the first thirty seconds slowly passed by. Their weakened body violently shook repeatedly as the spell continued its battering assault. Blood flew morbidly everywhere on the floor and furnitures, the once pristine room redecorated with its owners blood.

" That first round was from the time Harry was entrusted in your care up until now, never receiving a cent of what his parents lovingly provided for him. His money that you gleefully spend on your greedy pig of a son, when you have no right to steal what was his from the start ", Merlin boredly watched as deep bloody lacerations appear everywhere on the bodies of his victims.

When the thirty seconds ended, he quickly cancelled the spell letting the Dursley's - for a few seconds - take deep breaths and cried bloody tears. He felt no remorse for these waste of a humans in front of him.

Afterall if they can't spare any mercy for little Harry Potter, why would he feel any for them?. It just goes what it says that what goes around comes around.

Flicking a finger to start the curse again, unbothered by the shriek of pain the pair emitted as their skin started to take on a red hue, as if their very skin was being cooked in a boiling hot water.

" This second round was from the time you bathed 1 and half year old Harry using a recently boiled hot water as his bath water. It painfully hurts isn't it? Just imagine what Harry himself felt all those years ago? His little body painfully red and aching. The two of you should still be alright after this. Afterall, Harry roughly survived it all by himself! ", when the red skin of his victims begun wrinkling and popping Merlin stop the curse again and at the same time took off the body binding spell. The Dursley's hardly need to be restrain. They wouldn't dare to move let alone to think when their whole body had undergone extreme torture.

Letting the Dursley's writhe painfully on their bloody places, Merlin watched impassively as the duo tried to beg incoherently; their jaws painfully shaking so much not a word even pass on their bloody lips. His hands only gently petted his blissfully innocent childs head, patiently waiting the Dursley's to regain their pitiful composures.

When the third round of torture started, Merlin cracked a yawn as his victims screams faded into nothingness. Their much damaged throat couldn't produce anymore sounds. This time the Durley's limbs was painfully arranged to break bones; every fingers, hands, arms and legs bent at an unnatural angle. Blood poured freely as the writhing lump of mangled bodies weakly cry out.

" Hmmm... It seems you're the type of Muggles that couldn't take easily the pain of broken bones...unlike Harry who silently endures it whenever the two of you had the fancy to break his ", Merlin stared indifferent at the Muggles pitiful plight.

With the use of Telepathy, he knew the couple would finally break if they had to go under another round of torture. Now, escaping via insanity would be a huge NO in his books. That would be considered as instant mercy which he would never give.

Eyeing critically the bloody disgusting mess that was the married pair he thought of the final explosive gift he would bestow upon them.

Hmm.. It would seem he had to exploit the Dursley's own weakness for the painful lessons to finally stick.

' Listen up the pair of you!—', he shouted in the minds of the near catatonic couple making the bloody mess shudder madly at hearing his magnified voice.

' In order for my lessons to stick in your bigoted minds, I will leave a final present for the pair of you to enjoy '.

' No more! Please.!... I'll do anything you say, just please stop torturing us! ', was the pathetic gibbering he could only discern in the chaotic thoughts of both Dursley's. Their frantic mental begging only made the ancient Warlock insanely grinned.

The Immortal Mage again waved a hand in the air, as bright sparkling shimmering light suddenly appear encasing something that was revealed as a golden and silver coloured wooden staff.

The two glittering coloured wood intertwined so closely that the pointy end of the staff looked perfectly blended together. At the top of the 5 and half foot staff rested a perfectly shaped ball of diamond. It was resting on the natural carvings of golden and silver coloured leaves. The jewel pulsed bright different lights as it greeted its Master happily when the Mage held it in his solid grip.

Merlin happily greeted back Telperelin A name he gave his staff by combining the names of the trees it came from. Telperion and Laurelin(*2). He quickly looked down upon hearing little Harry cooing at the shiny staff; his little hands excitedly reaching out to touch that sparkling object!

Before he could give in at his adorable child's request, Merlin shook himself back to his original thought. He had to trained himself early in denying Harry sometimes; it wouldn't do any good for the child to be spoiled silly. Loved unconditionally yes, but being spoiled needlessly was a huge NO.

Harry looked so sad as his request was denied, prompting his guardian to kiss his cheek and whisper reassurances that he can hold the shiny object later not now. The toddler happily nodded to convey his understanding at his guardians assurance all the while his eyes hypnotically tracked the object he so wanted to touch!

Aithusa merely snorted at the child's antics. This little one had the look of a Dragon when it comes to shiny and glittering things. He certainly couldn't fault this one when he himself felt compelled to dig his teeth in that purely made of Magic staff.

Merlin sighed exasperated at the toddlers antics, he quickly picked up the child again. Cuddling Harry close to his chest with one hand supporting him while the other hold his staff tightly. He blatantly ignored the terrified whimpering and tracking of their movements the Dursley's did. He stood and walked a little away; his golden eyes tracking the pulsing Triquetra centered on his Magic Circle.

Aithusa let his Master cast his final spell, his whole attention was gleefully used in terrifying the already vulnerable Muggles. He certainly made a show of slowly licking his chops; that it ensured another round of violently shivering, groaning pitifully and painful vomitting of the bloody mess that was once called humans.

Harry naturally ohhh at the pulsing huge circle, his green eyes delightedly traced the beautiful interconnecting huge lines and circles that layered the floor. He watch transfixed as the Magic lines shivered in welcoming pulses as they walked through it eliciting another round of giggling at the awed toddler.

Merliin gently smiled; and as soon as his feet stood in the center of the alive Triquetra symbol, he quickly stabbed his staff on the ground connecting both Magic conduits in order to strengthen a powerful spell he had in mind. The diamond in the staff produces another charge of nasty curse layering it on the first one. The conduits repeatedly pulsed out curses after curse that converge restlessly inside Merlin's Magic circle waiting for its Master to unleash them on its intended victim.

As Merlin started his chanting in the Ancient Celtic Language different colored sparks and golden glitter shower beautifully upon the two of them. Harry tried to capture some of the golden powder, pouting cutely whenever he failed to do so.

Inside of the Magic circle, The convergence of Pure Magic started to shot out ( as it was finally given permission ) in all direction inside the small suburban house. The loud cracking noises it created made the terrified occupants stare in stupefied silence when bolts of brightly colored lightening and particles seeped in every surface of the house. Nothing was safe as the solid spells imbedded themselves on anything to anchor on the house itself.

Petunia and Vernon flinched violently as black sparks eagerly jumped on their skin and imbedded themselves inside their body. They could only watch helplessly as their precious baby boy was cursed too. They knew whatever evil this man cursed them with would never be removed; not by any freaks in this timeline or next. All they can hope for was what in store for them would be mild compared to the torture they'd painstakingly endure.

Through continue beliefs of bigoted views

Narrowed minds, closed tightly to ensure

Using poisoned words, in order anyone to fool

What Magic herself will bestow upon you

Every painful moment an innocent bravely endure

Comes back to take its due on fools

Revenge must be paid by another soul

A beloved son will reaped your due

Until such the time thy son paid the price in full

Or thy parents learned the lesson well

Magic herself will end the curse

If family remains to be good and be true

As the last words echoed throughout the house, the raging curse finally calmed down to settle firmly on its place. As the last wisps of the curse planted itself. The many different wards that protect and hide Number 4 Privet Drive — to any malicious magic — had crash violently. It shook the house in its foundation as the protective barriers one by one slowly disappears.

Merlin's own Magic circle slowly faded away gently caressing its owner and his ward before it completely dissipates. Telperelin hummed in content as its Master will was successfully cast. Upon being released the two coloured staff gently floated beside its Master firmly intending to follow its human like a faithful shadow.

Merlin was amused as his sentient staff glowed brightly pink oozing disapproval at being left behind. ' Never Again! ' was its snarky thought which made the Immortal laugh heartily. He cuddled the cooing Harry on his chest letting the toddler finally took a hold of his now squeaking staff. Aithusa again perch himself comfortably on his Master's shoulder; knowing that it is time to finally come home again.

Merlin never spared a glance back at his brutalized victims, firmly intending to leave Privet Drive as soon as possible. The last of the wards had already crashed. They had to get out of Surrey before Aurors arrived and surround the area. A nightmare scenario likely to happen as every seconds quickly passed. He tightly embraced the giggling child as he silently cast an invisibility charm over Aithusa and Telperelin then proceed to quickly walk out of the house.

By passing the cupboard under the stairs, Merlin waved a hand to curse the place. The Dursley's can never ever erased every piece of evidence that room contained. He would let the Muggles — who are more competent regarding finding evidence — to see the ugly truth years in the making in this accursed house.

Gripping the knob of the front door he casually walked out of the Number 4 house. The Dursley's near neighbor's quickly eyed him in obvious confusion. It never hurt to looked too young because people never raised any suspicions glances at him exiting the house of a well respected family; probably thinking he must have been a guest.

Shooting an innocent smile at the nervous Arabella Figg eyeing Harry from across the street. He shot a quick nod at his Muggle chauffeur. The man efficiently open the back door of the Camaro(*4) to let them in. Upon comfortably seating, he expertly put Harry on his own booster seat making sure that the seatbelt was snug around the little tyke.

Harry only looked up confusedly as he found himself sat distance away from his guardian and the White Dragon that he nervously started to gnawed the squeaking staff in his hands. ( In which Merlin finally rescued from his sharp teeth and stare disbelieving at his spit covered staff ). Before the child could start to suck his fingers again, the Warlock quickly push a conjured pacifier in his ward's mouth preventing any painful gnawing — as Telperelin indignantly moaned — that may hurt his son in the future. He quietly assured the child that he won't leave him in the seat as the car finally drove out of Privet Drive.

It would seem that Dumbledore is already senile if he installed a watcher who's as useless as a turd. Really? an old squib as the perfect bodyguard for the Boy-Who-Lived? A bodyguard who couldn't even tell that her charge is being maltreated/abuse? There is clearly something wrong with the Potters to let Dumbledore decide their child's safety.

Hmm... He hoped the shocking gift he planted in the house will be found by the Aurors. As Magic's Champion he couldn't let a huge lie continue to fester the Wizarding World. Not when Harry's future will define upon gaining his rightful conquest. He smirk at the explosive chaos when the rightful truth was finally revealed.

" That old woman, who I smelled panicking who is she? ", Aithusa cock his head at his Master.

" Hmmm... She's what a full capable security guard in Dumbledore's definition and what an efficient useless one too! ", Merlin wrapped a baby blue blanket at the tired toddler. He didn't want the child to now catch a cold just because he liked the car's air conditioning crank in full power.

Aithusa choked at that implication. What in the seven blazing hells is happening in the Wizarding world for the stupidity to reach a whole new level? Merlin stared amusedly at the indignant reaction of his familar while Telperelin was strangely silent at hearing their conversation.

Merlin finally relaxed down in his seat prompting Aithusa to settle comfortably on his lap and his staff to float close by— it obviously avoided the sleeping toddler who viciously attempted to eat it —. He could now finally enjoy years of touring the world again; happy in the knowledge that another Magic's Chosen was finally safe.

XxX Magic's Chosen XxX

Unknown Location, Somewhere in Scotland,

Hogwarts Castle, Headmaster's office

June 28, 1985, Friday; 2:30 P. M

The perfectly peaceful office was suddenly disturbed by the deafening ringing and exploding of accessories Albus Dumbledore decorated his office. The many portraits of past Headmasters and Headmistress panickly ran or in others case dove out of their own frames to frantically escape the fire slowly spreading below them.

As the Magical fire started spreading wildly, only a single past Headmaster calmly remain within his portrait.

Phineas Nigellus Black narrowed his eyes at the ominous sign.

It seems Dumbledore under estimated the Fates again. He laugh at the delicious irony. Oh! He could feel that great changes will come soon! And it will definitely rocked the Wizarding Worlds views for good or bad!

He settled down to wait for Albus as he knew that the accessories are tied to the younger Potter boy's life. In which the current Headmaster ironically took no notice whenever it sounds its alarms. Albus always reasoned that the younger Potter never needed to be checked on because he was safe, never even thinking that the greatest threat was already inside the wards; as in the poor boy's own relatives.

' Oh Albus when will you stop thinking that every people are kind hearted? ', he thought ruefully. What a naive thought for a Century old man! Only this time he hoped the old coot will finally learn a hard lesson when seeing what the cruelty of ' helpless ' Muggles can do.

For now, he'll patiently wait and see what shocking revelation this news would reveal...

XxX Magic's Chosen XxX

*1. Torqueant abutens - torture the abuser

*2. I would be disappointed if anyone didn't know what and where did I got these tree names. If anyone doesn't know about it please use GOOGLE for a quick research.

*3. I have drawn Merlin's Magic circle and I'm sorry if it's just a rough sketch. I just had to give you a peek of what it look like.

*4. Oh, I know that the Camaro wasn't invented in that time, but you had to agree Merlin choose the sleek and comfortable design of the future cars in which he easily brought it along disregading any timeline he might destroy by bringing something from the future. = ̄ω ̄=