
by Mrsaturtle


Alphas and Omegas are a rare thing in Wizarding Britain, particularly after the casualties of war. Hermione suffers from heats, a quarterly occurrence in an Omega's life if she isn't already pregnant. With slim options of Alphas, who aren't married or horrible men, Hermione all but begs Draco Malfoy, of all people, to get her through this heat. What happens when years of animosity and misunderstanding crash around them mixed with urges and uncovered desires.

Author Notes:

This story hit me like a ton of bricks, and so far the muse is going great. I know there has been a long time between any of my stories, but I can honestly say the last year has been chaos and weird. A lot of mental illness, a lot of feeling overwhelmed by life, working for a bit, quitting that job, just being busy. Know that I still appreciate all of you amazing readers for your continued support and your love for my stories. I hope this one will be no different.

Please leave your feedback for this story, I have only read a few Alpha/Omega Dramione's and I give a huge shout-out to those authors (SenLinYu, MrsRen & Safeworldisdevilsnare) that I read first and loved so much I had to write!

An important note:

Also of note as always is my facebook group /groups/mrsaturtlesreaders where you can get some additional info and chapter previews.


Please give lots of love to my amazing betas
Gidgetmalfoy & lucefray27

Draco Malfoy froze as soon as he arrived through the floo into the large atrium at the Ministry of Magic. The scent of a soon to heat Omega caught his attention, and he struggled to stay in his own right mind. He was so focused on the smell that a witch walked into him as she floo'd in behind him. With a low growl, which made the woman scamper off, he moved a few feet away, where he hid behind one of the large pillars holding up the enchanted ceiling so he could collect himself.

Focus, you can't lose your head, he thought as he warred with himself. No Omega should be out in public so close to their heat. He sniffed again feeling the scent glands in his neck tingle. Whoever she was, she wasn't marked, as no other scent mingled with it. As he drew his breath in deeper, he found the scent settling in his sinuses. Detecting something that vaguely smelled familiar, but he couldn't place. The Alpha in him was sitting up, panting, all attention on the scent. Omega, find Omega, claim Omega.

Draco tightened his hands into fists, trying to fight for control of the Alpha inside him. He'd gone through his fair share of ruttings before, but never had he been near an Omega who was so close to their heat, and the mere thought of this faceless woman's soft curves and hot core him lose most of his control.

Before he could gather his thoughts, he found himself briskly walking past Ministry employees to the lifts. He fit himself inside, only to find his way blocked when the lift filled with elderly witches and wizards who looked old as Merlin himself. Growling low, and without the proper decorum, he had been raised to use, Draco pushed through the crowd and out of the lift. He turned to his right and with a rush, took the stairs two by two. He stepped out on every floor, trying to determine which one carried the strongest scent of His Omega.

After checking the Seventh Level, he heard a door slam open and was hit with the unmistakable scent of another Alpha. He let out a deep growl and continued upward, aware that he was now competing for a chance at this Omega. As he ran up the stairs—three at a time—he pulled his wand out of the fitted black robes that hung over his tailored pants and crisp shirt. With a quick thanks to Severus for teaching him to cast wordlessly. He silently waved his wand and felt the cold creep down his neck as the disillusionment charm ran over his body, obscuring him to all but the well-trained eye.

Draco opened the door to the Sixth Level briefly, but quickly let it swing shut and pushed himself back against the wall in the stairwell. He caught sight of none other than the most annoying Alpha he had ever had the misfortune of dealing with. Cormac-fucking-McLaggen was moving down the stairs two at a time, a feral look in his eyes. Which stayed locked there as Draco cast a quick body-bind and a Stupefy combo that he had found most useful on Alphas.

Alphas could usually fight through each individually— their advanced magical ability and physicality were an unequal match for either spell. But the combo of both more often than not rendered them knocked out for a while. Draco knew he still had a time limit as this was the Ministry of Magic, and inevitably someone would stumble across McLaggen and rennervate him.

Removing the disillusionment, he stepped onto the Fifth Level and, finding the smell only faintly here, grumbled and turned back onto the stairwell and continued up. He opened the door on the Fourth only to be disappointed again. Quickening his pace, he ascended through the Ministry, opening the door to level Three which housed the home of Magical Law Enforcement, Improper Use of Magic and the Wizengamont Services. He breathed in deeply and felt the Omega's scent crawl over him. With a pace that could almost be considered jogging, he moved through several Ministry employees to find His Omega quickly.

Draco turned down a hallway and followed the scent until he stood before a set of double doors. The placard on the side of the door read "Hall of Records," and he groaned, knowing that the depth of this room was unimaginable. Excitement grew in his mind knowing the chase for His Omega was still on.

He pushed the doors open, ignoring the simpering lady at the desk as she tried to offer assistance before he ground out, "I know what I'm looking for, thanks." His teeth were clenched, and as he took in this woman's scent, he found it too musky—not the sweetness of His Omega.

Moving into the room, Draco followed the sweet scent that reminded him of fresh berries and a floral scent he was sure he knew but couldn't name. The mixture was delicious and made him lick his lips. Kn owing that most Omega's would be intimated by being stalked by an Alpha, Draco pushed down the desire to just race after her. He failed miserably when after walking past twelve rows of what they called the stacks, he found the scent turn sharply to his left. Since so much of Britain's records were kept in here, no torches were allowed, and in the far distance, even to his improved eyes, he only saw a very faint light.

Draco recast the disillusionment charm over himself, taking firm control of the Alpha's wanton need to run over and claim her so that he could at least see who she was beforehand. While it might be impossible to resist the urge once he was close, he had to try. He called on the skulking behaviour he had perfected in his sixth year at Hogwarts to move along the aisle. His sensitive hearing began to pick up her murmurings to herself, and he once again had a moment of familiarity. With that thought, he took a deep breath, pulling in the Omega's scent and letting it thoroughly wash over him. It was familiar, but he still couldn't place it, and oh how it frustrated him, that such a beautiful scent had once passed him by, even though it must have been before he presented as an Alpha.

He carefully moved forward, hoping to not scare her, especially in his disillusioned state. He could now make out the quickened pace of her heart, and he wondered if it was her heat that had her stressed or her Omega sensing an alpha's presence.

"Why are all the decent ones married, I mean it's not even a fair list. Whoever is bloody responsible for this damn hierarchical system, I'll Avada them into next year."

Draco smirked listening to her frustrated mutterings. He stalked closer until his vision could focus in on the details of this little Omega. He gasped loudly and saw her large brown eyes turn in his direction, narrowing as she tried to figure out who had made the noise. His breath was caught in his throat as he saw her lift her wand.

To be continued...