Disclaimer: I do not own My Hero Academy or its characters. Inspirated by another fanfic. Set after chapter 193 of the manga.


"Am I dead?" Thought of one woman, while floating in the middle of nothingness. She had black hair, wore a cape and was no one less than Nana Shimura, the seventh wielder of One for All and teacher of one Toshinori Yagi, also known as All Might. Her memories of recent events were blurry, but she still managed to grasp the fact that All for One had killed her.

"Almost. But you will be given a second chance at life."

"Really?" She asked, feeling hopeful. If she was being given another chance, maybe this time she could defeat that man, live long enough to see young Toshinori Yagi become the "Symbol of Peace" he so much talked, save her husband and raise her son. Her child, the same one who she gave to an orphanage to protect him from becoming a target to her enemy.

"I know what you're thinkin, but when I said that you would have a second chance, I didn't mean redoing all your life. What I meant was that I'll send you to live in the future."

And there's the catch. There's always a catch. "How far in the future?"

"Some decades. But don't worry, there will be people from your time alive."

"Like who?"

"Toshinori" the woman's eyes widened in shock, but he continued "And also Gran Torino, and you shall meet the person who is the reason I'm giving you this opportunity. He is the ninth wielder of One for All and Toshinori's sucessor, and I need you to aid him in his mission of becoming a great hero."

"What's his name?" She was curious, and also excited with the prospect of meeting the young man that Toshinori chose as the heir of their sacred flame.

"Izuku Midoriya"

If you asked Midoriya how his day has been, he would answer that was confusing. Firstly, the weird dream about the origin of the One for All, where the first wielder told him he was not alone, which by itself confused the heck out of him. Then, when he wakes up, he seemed to have destroyed his own room while sleeping, and woke up Aoyama in the process, leading him to becoming embarrassed, and deciding to walk in the forest at the skirts of the campus, and there's where the strangest thing ever happened.

A woman fell on top of him, she seemed to come out from nowhere, and to make things worst, he was trapped under her. By the way, she was unconscious.

"was" being the keyword, since she just opened her eyes, and now was staring down at him, blinking. When she realized their predicament, she blushed and quickly got up, bringing him up to his feet, before almost falling if it wasn't for his quick reflexes, and now that he looked at her, she seemed really familiar, but he couldn't point out exactly where he saw her.

"Are you okay, ma'am?" He asked worried

"Yeah, just feeling a little weak, thanks for your concern..." she trailed off, not knowing his name

"Midoriya, Izuku Midoriya"

She almost couldn't believe her luck, finding Toshinori's student instantly.

"And your's?"

"It's Shimura, Nana Shimura"

So guys, what you think? Please tell me if you want me to continue or not