AN: I HAVE RETURNED! And an Octo Expansion adaption decided to tag along with me. This story is gonna be interesting. For this one, I'm gonna be switching between our narrators again. Since I liked the idea last time, I decided to do it again. Now sit back, relax, and let's kick off the new story by introducing our new protagonist. Hope you enjoy it. (Oh, and it probably goes without saying, but expect spoilers if you don't have the DLC yet.)

Splatoon 2 Untold: Mystery of Agent 8

Chapter 1: Waking Up

Darkness...that's all I saw...

I was floating in some kind of dark and seemingly endless void. I felt cold and seeing absolutely nothing all around me took its toll on my nerves.

"H-Hello...?" I tried to call out. I didn't hear anything...not even my own voice. I tried to feel my mouth and throat, but I was horrified at not feeling my body at all. I looked down and was even more horrified to see that my entire body wasn't visible either. It was strange. I couldn't see or feel my body, but I just knew I had one.

Now, I was completely scared. I was alone in a black void, and I had no physical body. I started breathing more quickly in fear and was about to panic, but something stopped me...

I started hearing the faint sound. It was a song...and it was really enticing. The song had voices singing in them...two of them to be exact...both feminine. Suddenly, I found myself humming along to it like I knew the song by heart. It felt empowering as it slowly became louder.

I then saw a blurry image in front of me. I could partially identify a piece of the image. It was...a boy. Somehow, he looked really familiar, but I didn't know why.

The song began to grow a lot louder. Along with it, the image I saw began to move. That boy was fighting something and shooting at them. As I tried to focus more on the boy's appearance, the image changed to a slightly more clear one of the same boy looking down at me. I could partially see that he was smiling a little and holding out his hand as if he wanted me to take it. My chest started pounding as I desired to reach out for his hand. As I did, that song grew even louder before everything went back to complete darkness and silence.

I found myself floating down and lying down onto a cold, hard ground. My head was hurting a lot, and my ears were ringing. As uncomfortable as that was, that told me I did have a body and was beginning to wake up.

"AHOY! OCTOLING!" a muffled voice yelled.

I groaned as I slowly opened my eyes.

"Up and at 'em, ya lazy whiffle-whaffle!" the voice ordered. "This fight ain't over! Prepare for a royal whoopin'!"

As my vision cleared, the first thing I saw was an elderly man with very large eyes and black glasses staring at me. He had a big gray beard, wore a strange green suit with some medals pinned on it and dark greenish gray shoes, and held a cane in one hand to support himself as he looked over me. He also wore a white hat and blocky headphones around his neck.

"Well?" he said somewhat impatiently. "What're you waiting for?"

I didn't move a muscle, but I stared at him in confusion. My mind was still fuzzy, and my headache was still going.

"Hmm..." the man continued in a calmer tone. "You seemed to have lost your weapon somewhere around I guess you're lucky you're not armed. I don't see any honor in defeating an unarmed opponent."

He then looked around at his surroundings.

"Speaking of which...just where is 'here' anyway...?" he said in confusion. "From the looks of it, we seem to be marooned down in this place. And Agent 3 isn't anywhere nearby either. Well, looks like we're kinda stuck together here. So, uh...hows about we form a truce while we find away out of this place?"

I still looked at him in silence. I had no clue what he was talking about.

"But where are my manners...I haven't even told you my name!" he said with a chuckle. "I'm Cap'n Cuttlefish, leader of the New Squidbeak Splatoon! And you are...?"

I wanted to answer, but...I didn't have one to give him because I didn't know it...

"This is the part where you tell me your name," he whispered.

I sat up slowly, shrugged, shook my head.

"You don't know?! By must've lost your memory when you fell down here! Can you remember anything about yourself or how you got down here? Anything at all?!"

I tried to remember something, but nothing came to me. I shook my head again. I didn't have any of my memories.

"Most interesting..." he said while stroking his beard. "I must say it's fascinating to see an Octoling with white hair right in front of me."

"White hair...?" I thought. "Hang on...what do I look like exactly?"

"I noticed that you were humming the 'Calamari Inkantation' right before you came to..." he continued. "Since you're not attacking, that heavenly melody must've been etched into your very soul! Do you think that's it?"

I remained silent, but this time it was from surprise. That song I heard when I was sleeping played some part in this, but I couldn't remember what it was.

"I'll take your stunned silence as a 'yes'," Cap'n Cuttlefish said. "Any fan of the Squid Sisters is a friend of mine. I mean that with all my hearts. Now then, we need to get moving! Dust yourself off and find your land legs, young lady."

He then did a weird pose with his cane pointing in the air.

"Let find a way out of here!" he declared. He made his way forward.

"Young lady...?" I thought. " least I know I'm a girl..."

I slowly stood up and viewed my surroundings. Wherever we were had dim lights and exposed wires everywhere, and there was yellow caution tape sealing off various areas. This place had turnstiles that were closed off by the tape and one that was open to get by it. I looked up and saw a large hole in the ceiling with exposed metal beams. It looked like something fell through it, and I guessed that I was that something.

"Maybe I landed headfirst, and my memories were knocked out of me..." I thought.

"Ahoy! Are you coming?" the captain called to me.

I then walked to accompany him through the open turnstile. I looked to my left to see my reflection in a window of a small room.

I had brown skin, purple eyes with black markings around them, and tentacle hair that curled up slightly. It wasn't completely white like I expected. It was mostly pink, but the color started fading midway to the ends until they were completely white at the tips. I looked down at my outfit which consisted of a black, leather crop top with one long sleeve on my right arm, a small leather skirt, and black zip-up boots with gray heels. I then examined my actual body.

"Yep...definitely a girl..." I thought as I looked at it. "I really doubt that guys would have a figure or an outfit like this..."

For whatever reason, I also had some kind of yellow bracelet both on my wrist and around my ankle. I also had this odd tank on my back. I couldn't explain why, but I felt like I needed to keep it.

Cap'n Cuttlefish and I continued walking into what looked like an abandoned subway. The entire area was silent, and it was making me very anxious. We continued through the subway until we saw small puddles of pink ink on the ground. A bit of experimenting for a quick second let me know that I could change into a small octopus and swim in it. I thought that would come in handy. We continued into the dark tunnel.

"Um...M-M-M...?" I stammered quietly. For some reason, it took a lot of effort to be able to say anything to the captain.

"Ah, so you can speak!" he said. "What took you so long?"

I shrugged.

"Well, you were saying?"

"H-H-How...?" I stuttered slowly. This really wasn't easy to do.

"How did we get here?"

I nodded.

"Hmm...I wish I could tell you. Last thing I remember was me and my protégé Agent 3 following you. You spotted us and took off running. Agent 3 and I pursued you, but I couldn't exactly keep up with you kids. When I caught up, you two were talking, but something came out of nowhere and ambushed all of us. When I woke up, I was down in here with you."

"A-A-A..." I got frustrated with trying to speak and held up a the number three on my hands.

"Agent 3? No idea where the boy is. I'm hoping he'll be okay, but he's a smart squid. I taught him everything I know, and he can look out for himself."

"Agent 3 is a boy?" I thought. "Could he have been the one in my dream?"

The two of us continued onward through the dark tunnel. Although a few very dim lights were scattered throughout it to give us some light in our path, I still really didn't want to continue, but it seemed to be the only way we could go. The two of us stayed close as we continued on.

Eventually, we saw a brighter light down the end of it.

"Well, it looks like we found a way out..." the captain said as we exited the tunnel. "Sort of..."

We ended up at an underground subway station. This looked like the central place for the trains to arrive. We got on the center platform and looked around. On both sides of the platform were the tracks. Absolutely no one was there. The only thing that really stood out was what looked like a strange-looking, old telephone on a pole at the very center of the place. A light shined on it, and it was ringing.

"That's peculiar..." he said. "What's a telephone like that doing here? And who could be calling it?"

I walked up to the telephone to try to answer it. It had two bells on it, a crank on one side, an earpiece on the other, and a speaker which I guessed was how one talks through it. I reached for it, but it suddenly stopped ringing.

"SEARCHING FOR USER ID..." it said in a robotic voice. I pulled my hand back in surprise. "USER 10,008 CONFIRMED."

"User 10,008?" I thought. I looked at the bracelet on my wrist and saw that this specific number was written on it. "Oh...but that can't really be my actual name...right?"

A little jingle played for a split second before the telephone spoke again.

"Greetings, 10,008," it said in a slightly less monotonous tone. "Your current location is: Deepsea Metro Central Station. My primary function is to facilitate your journey to the promised land. Pleased to make your acquaintance."

I looked at it in confusion.

It then made some more calculations about its efficiency in communicating with me. It then enabled a different mode of speech.

"What is crackalacking, home skillet? Let us bounce to the promised land fo sho," it said.

That left me even more confused.

"Listen up, cause I got facts for ya. You have spent your entire life in the dark. Your eyes closed to the hotness that awaits in the promised land. It is a utopia of light beyond your wildest dreams. Hope you are ready because I will take you there now. NOT! Ha Ha Ha. Psyche out."

"Is someone speaking through it or is this thing just really old and malfunctioning...?" I thought.

"Only those who have proven themselves can get in the promised land. Do you dig, dog? There have been 10,007 applicants so far which makes you applicant 10,008. This opportunity comes once in a lifetime, yo. Right now, you are in Deepsea Metro Central Station, the central hub of the facility. Meaning you are going to need a CQ-80 and CQ Card."

A card dispensed from a little slot on the telephone and fell to the ground. A small device also popped out of from underneath the telephone.

"Guard them with your lizzife, because you will need them. Now get on and ride the train. Outie 5000."

The telephone powered down after that. I was still lost on what just happened, and the captain's face made it clear he was just as dumbfounded as I was.

"Okay..." he said slowly. "That was...something..."

I nodded.

"Applicant 10,008, eh? Really now, that can't be your real name, is it? It's a beakful."

I shook my head and shrugged.

"Well, I think I'll just call you...Agent 8. This 'promised land' must really be the surface. Just how underground are we? Okay, there's no time to waste! Come on, Agent 8. Grab those new dealie-dos, and let's keep moving."

I nodded and picked up the card and device. Suddenly, we heard the sound of something approaching. As it got closer, the area floor started rumbling a bit. A subway came through the tunnel and stopped by us. The door opened, and the two of us looked at each other.

"Well, I think this might be our next step. Let's get aboard," the captain said while walking onto the subway.

I didn't want to just walk on a random subway that'll take me who knows where, but I didn't want to be left alone in this place. I hesitantly joined the captain on the train, and the soon the doors closed behind me.

"Whew...I'm pooped, Agent 8. I'm gonna rest my cuttlebones for a bit," he said while taking a seat.

I nodded and took a seat across from him. I looked down at my card and the CQ-80 wondering what they were for.

I wasn't satisfied with anything I was told yet. I still had so many questions. How did we get down here? What did I need this card and device for?

And most importantly...

Who am I?

AN: And thus Agent 8's journey begins. What's gonna happen next? You'll see.

Until then, hope you enjoyed this chapter/introduction, and I'll see you in the next one.