Disclaimer:I do not own the characters, locations or plots from Buffy: The Vampire Slayer or Bleach. They are the properties of Mr. Whedon and Tite Kubo. This is just a work of fiction so yes I have made (and will make in the future) some changes to the details for each show. In other words, this entire piece is AU. All reviews are welcome.

Series: Occurs after the Lost Agent arc for Bleach and in Season 5 of BtVS.

Karakura Town, Japan

Ichigo Kurosaki had to face many things throughout his young life; from losing his mother when he was just a boy to growing up with his sisters and a crazy father to becoming a substitute shinigami, losing his powers during the Winter War against Sosuke Aizen, and then regaining his power once again thanks to a group called Xcution. Now, as he stood looking out at Karakura Town in his revamped shinigami uniform this still night when now a tree was rustling around him, he closed his eyes as he tried to sense for any hollows.

"Ichigo!" said the raven haired female shinigami who just appeared behind him.

"Rukia," said Ichigo as he looked over his shoulder at the Shinigami who had started him on this path years ago.

"What are you doing, Ichigo?" asked Rukia as she went to stand next to him, looking over the city.

"Trying to sense for hollows," said Ichigo as Rukia started to laugh.

"You know you suck at that, right?" said Rukia.

"Oh shut up," replied Ichigo, "Doesn't mean I can't try right?"

"True," said Rukia smirking.

"So what are you doing here Rukia?" said Ichigo softly, "Inoue asked you to come talk to me?"

"She told me what you are planning to do," said Rukia, her smirk turning into a frown as she looked at Ichigo, and then back out at the city again.

"So what did she say?" asked Ichigo.

"That you're planning to leave Japan soon," said Rukia as she crossed her hands over her chest while standing next to the orange-haired Shinigami, "that you got admitted to an American university in a city called Sunnydale."

"That's all true," replied Ichigo as he looked at the raven haired young woman standing next to him, "it's something I need to do. Even though my grades in high school are good, I still have to wait until next year before I can reapply to an university. The whole thing with Ginjo kinda made me lose track of what I have to do in the world of the living."

"Work part time then," said Rukia, "plus there are as many hollows in Japan as there are in America, you know."

"I know, I thought about taking part-time jobs here," said Ichigo nodding his head in agreement before he sighed, "but that would mean taking some dead end jobs that I'll be miserable at."

"The truth is" continued Ichigo, "Inoue got into one of the best university's in Japan, and I'll be behind her by a year. I'm just scared that she'll think I'm some sort of a failure."

"Well you are an idiot," said Rukia to a surprised Ichigo, "but not in the way you think. Do you really think that she's that shallow? Do you think that just because you're a year behind that she'll think you're an idiot? I think that she'll think you're an idiot just because you think that you're an idiot."

"What?" said Ichigo confused as he looked over at Rukia who was looking at him.

"You know what I mean," said Rukia as she looked away, "Idiot."

"I'm leaving tomorrow," said Ichigo quietly.

"What?!" shouted Rukia as she turned her head sharply to him, "does she know?"

"No," said Ichigo shaking his head.

"Oh, you are such an idiot" exclaimed Rukia while she waved her hands about, "how could you?"

"Only my dad and my sisters know," said Ichigo, "well now so do you. I…. I just can't face her.. just to see the disappointment in her eyes. I'll be there for only a year and then I'll come back, and then I'll start fixing this whole mess I'll be leaving behind."

"You really are an idiot Ichigo Kurosaki," said Rukia as she flash stepped away into the sky before she turned around and looked down at him, "and a jerk."

Ichigo could only sigh as Rukia took off again, leaving him standing alone before he whispered to himself with a hint of sadness in his voice, "I know."

Karakura Airport, the next day, 10:00 am.

"Ichigo," said Isshin Kurosaki, Ichigo's father and former Shinigami, as he tilted his head to the left.

Ichigo turned to his left to see who else, but the friends he was set to leave behind without even a word of goodbye; Inoue, Chad, Tatsuki, Uryu, Mizuiro, Keigo, all of them were followed by Rukia in a red blouse and jeans who was walking alongside Rukia, Renji, and Urahara.

It was Ichigo's childhood friend Tatsuki who walked up to him first, "Ichigo," she exclaimed just before giving him a very hard punch on his face, "you idiot."

"Tatsuki Chan," said Inoue as she looked on surprised at the pathetic looking face that Ichigo had given his oldest friend. She saw the orange haired young man glanced over at her while rubbing his cheek before he looked away, and then looked at Tatsuki again.

"Tatsuki," said Ichigo who was trying to hide that he was suddenly feeling sorry for having had tried to leave without saying a goodbye; however, with Ichigo being who he is, he wanted to remain the tough Shinigami that they had known him for. So he hid the pathetic face he had made before looking at Tatsuki and frowned, "what was that for?"

"Oh you know what that was for you double-crossing moronic idiot," said Tatsuki as Chad and the others tried to hold her back from attempting to pummel Ichigo who had to take a step back.

"How could you even leave without saying goodbye to your friends?" continued Tatsuki as she calmed down, "not to mention how poor Inoue must be feeling."

"Can I speak to Inoue alone?" said Ichigo when he looked at Inoue. The both of them looked at each other while Ichigo remembered everything they had been through during the Winter War, and then the loss of his powers and the period after regaining them. He remembered the times the both of them had gotten closer and closer to each other; he looked at the eyes that were looking back at him, and then at her lips, and back to her eyes again... the eyes that belonged to the woman who he knew would forgive him no matter what. And now, he started to feel even worse at not having told Inoue; however this was precisely the reason he didn't want her, of all people, to come see him off; if he saw her again before leaving, then he may not want to leave.

"Hey look," said Ichigo's younger sister, Karin, "let's get some snacks… come on guys lets go get Ichi-nii something for the flight. Each person gets something delicious."

Soon everyone had gone leaving just Ichigo and Inoue alone, at least for a few more minutes

"Kurosaki-kun," said Inoue gently as she stepped forward and looked up at the young man, "Rukia-san told me why you're going to America."

"I kinda guessed that," said Ichigo softly while nodding his head.

"If that's how you really feel, then you should go," said Inoue to a surprised Ichigo, "just know that I would never have thought any less of you if you stayed here."

"I... I know, but I still need to do this Inoue," said Ichigo as he stepped forward and held her hands. He placed a hand on her cheek and then he ran his hand through her wavy burnt orange hair as he pulled her in for a tight hug.

"I'm sorry for being such an idiot," said Ichigo.

"You should have told me Kurosaki-kun," whispered Inoue into his ear, "I'd have understood."

"I'll be back in a year," said Ichigo, "I promise."

"Ok," said Inoue as she stepped back smiling.

"Hey lovebirds," said Renji as he approached the couple with the others.

"Renji," said Ichigo as he shook the hands of the head haired Shinigami, "sorry about all this."

"Nah," said Renji, "but you do it again, Rukia said she'll use her Zanpaktou and freeze you solid."

"And then I'll crack the ice with you still in it," said Tatsuki as she and Karin handed him a bag of treats.

"Hey," said Ichigo as he looked inside the bag full of snacks and other treats, "it's not like I'm going to the moon or something."

"Kurosaki-san," said Urahara, the sandal-wearing man looking at him while leaning on his cane, "You have your Substitute Shinigami pass with you?"

"Yea," he said.

"May I have it?" said Urahara as he reached out with one of his hands.

"O...k" replied a confused Ichigo as he reached into his pocket and handed his mentor the pass, "What are you going to do with it?"

"The Soul Society Research division has come up with an universal translator," said Urahara as he stuck what looked like a chip on to the substitute badge before handing it back to Ichigo, "keep the badge on you at all times and it should automatically translate whatever words you hear into your native language."

"Oh that's cool," said Ichigo as he took back the badge from Urahara and then put it back into his pocket.

"And here's a mobile phone," said Urahara as he reached into his pocket and took out a grey colored flip-phone that had a bunny charm dangling from one side, a charm that caught the Rukia's wide eyes. Ichigo heard her whisper 'Chappy', the name of the bunny charm on the phone that Ichigo was frowning at before he looked at the grinning Urahara.

"You're joking, right?" asked Ichigo as he pointed at the charm, "this is..."

"The speed dials are all set to your house here, Inoue-San's home, the Soul Society telephone exchange and most importantly, my store. In case of emergencies, you understand," said Urahara as he interrupted Ichigo before pointing at the Chappy charm, "and that is one of only a hundred charms ever made... it's quite rare, Kurosaki-san."

"Fine," sighed Ichigo as he looked at the charm before he snapped his head back up at Urahara, "wait, Soul Society telephone exchange?"

"In case you need to call Kuchiki-san or Abarai for help," said Urahara.

"Nah, what are the odds of something happening in a town with the name Sunnydale?" mumbled Ichigo shaking his head while putting the phone into his pocket with his left hand.

"Be very careful Kurosaki-san," said Urahara as he took on a more serious look, "Soul Society has been keeping a watch on that town, but so far nothing world threatening has happened yet. Call us if it's really bad"

"Thanks, Urahara-san," said Ichigo as he accepted the mobile phone, 'why would Soul Society be watching that town anyway?'

Just then came the announcement that Ichigo's flight was ready to be boarded in forty-five minutes. After listening to the woman speaking over the PA system, Ichigo turned back towards Urahara and asked, "wait, why has Soul Society been keeping watch?"

"You'll find out," replied Urahara with a grin. Ichigo scowled at the fishhat wearing man who was waving his hand with a smile on his face, "don't worry, Kurosaki-san, if there was anything that affects the blance between the world of the living and the dead, then Soul Society would have intervened."

Ichigo sighed shaking his head before turning away form Urahara and turning towards Inoue.

"Goodbye Kurosaki-Kun," said Inoue rushing forward and hugging Ichigo. She then looked up at him before leaning forward to give the substitute Shinigami a deep kiss which left him red faced and had the others look around into space nervously. Isshin had to cover the eyes of both his younger daughters while the kiss was going on.

"Wow," said Ichigo as Inoue broke the kiss and gave him a smile; the both of their faces red.

"I'll miss you Kurosaki-Kun," said Inoue before stepping back.

"I'll call you once I'm at my host family's home," said Ichigo as he looked at both Inoue and his family.

"I'll probably meet up with you there sometimes," said Renji.

"You will?" said Ichigo.

"Sure, why not?" Renji replied with a shrug, "Rukia's got Karakura Town as her sector, maybe I'll request Captain Kuchiki he posts me at Sunnydale for few days or so. I haven't patrolled anywhere in America yet."

"That would be cool, Renji," said Ichigo as he went to give Tatsuki a hug.

"If you don't call me," his old friend said as she held him tight and whispered into his ear, "I'll go to Sunnydale and beat you up."

"As if you could," Ichigo jokingly replied while he stepped back out of the hug.

"Have you talked to the lady you'll be staying with?" said Isshin as he and his son faced each other, the older man having a serious face on him that contrasted with his usual joking self.

"Of course, I have," said Ichigo rubbing the back of his head, "her name is Joyce Summers and she has two daughters; the oldest is named Buffy, and she goes to the same university as me but will be living in the dorms. The youngest is named Dawn and she goes to the High School there."

"What kind of a name is Buffy?" asked Renji as he scratched the back of his head.

"It's a nice name," said Inoue nodding her head before turning her head back towards Ichigo, "you'll be staying with them only for one night?"

Ichigo nodded his head while replying, "yeah, I don't think their house would give me the privacy I need to patrol." Ichigo then rubbed the back of his head and chuckled, "I mean, can you imagine she or her daughters coming into my room and seeing a dead body."

"You could always use Kon," Rukia said.

"Yeah, but I prefer the privacy of staying in the dorm," Ichigo shrugged, "besides, I'm getting a room just for me."

"So you'll have maximum privacy," Inoue said, her arms down while she clasped her hands together. It was just then that a female voice announced over the PA system once again in regards to the flight Ichigo was supposed to be boarding. Everyone listened, and after the announcement finished, Inoue looked back Ichigo with a small smile on her face, "Be... be good, Kurosaki-kun."

"I will," said Ichigo giving Inoue a small smile as he picked up his bags and got ready to go.

"Kurosaki," said Uryu with his arms crossed over his chest before dropping his arms to his side, and raising his right arm towards Ichigo, "Don't do anything stupid."

"Thanks for the uplifting speech, Ishida," said Ichigo sarcastically as he shook Uryu's hand.

"Be well Ichigo," Chad spoke in his characteristic deep voice. And Ichigo nodded at the tall, young man.

"I'll call you soon big guy," said Ichigo. He then waved at his family and friends before he turned and walked away to fly to a new city in another country.