Sorry for the delay guys. I hope the characters aren't too oc.


"Are you sulking my child?"

Diana didn't acknowledge her Aunt. The younger woman kept her eyes forward, staring into the crashing waves in the ocean.

Antiope looked at the stuff shoulders and the set way her niece held her legs to her chin and sighed. She sat next to her niece on the cliff edge that looked over to the beach.

Diana didn't protest, but she still didn't look her way either.

Don't be angry at your Mother. She just wants to keep you safe."

"Yes, by cuddling me." Diana sneered.

"You are her only daughter. She doesn't want you to go through the hardships she had to go through in Man's world."

Diana lost that pinched look on her face from her Aunt's words. "Shouldn't I make that decision myself?" she asked softly.

Antiope put her hand on the younger warrior's shoulder. "You will in time. She did let me teach you how to fight."

Diana reached up and squeezed her Aunt's hand. "That's because you convinced her."

'True.' Antiope thought. She tried to convince her sister earlier after Diana stormed away and the guards took the away their guest, but her sister was stubborn.

"You're going to make Diana hate you! Can't you see that's she's trying to become her own woman." Antiope said fiercely.

"I rather her hate me and alive, than jaded or dead." Hippolyta said with a sad yet determined look in her eyes.

Antiope shook the conversation from her mind and focus on the present. Though she understood her sister's fears, having experience man's world for herself, she understood Diana's need to become her own woman and move away from her mother's shadow. Her niece was stagnant here. She sensed that Diana was needed for bigger things. Her sister sensed it too no matter how much she tried to keep Diana safe. Though she couldn't help her niece out right leave the Island, she could drop some hints to make her want to leave. "So I talk to that man."

Her niece finally looked at her. "What is he like?" she asked, eager. She haven't spoken to him yet and was curious to know what kind of person he was.

"He's not your typical Asgardain, despite what others say. He's more quiet than most of them I have met."

"Is that a good thing?" Diana asked.

"Oh yes. It's good to know when an Asgardian male can shut up about themselves." The elder warrior said this seriously, having flash backs.

"I see." Diana said, nodding filing that away.

Antiope observed her niece; she haven't seen her this interested in something since first learning how to fight. 'She's really interested in him. Hopefully he'll be the push to get her to leave the Island.' "Maybe you should go visit him. This maybe your last chance to see a man for a long time." The elder Amazon said with a teasing grin.

Diana widened her eyes. "You are right Antiope!" She got up quickly.

"Some advice Diana." Antiope said, stopping her niece before she ran off. "Though he's not like many men, please be careful."

Diana looked into her Aunt's eyes before nodding and running off.

Antiope watched her, a slight misgiving feeling inside her stomach. She failed to mention to Diana that there was something off about that male. But she ignored such feelings. The fate of her niece is more important. 'Sorry male, but I'm using you for Diana's own benefit.'


'These springs are replsihing my power.' Loki thought as he cup the glowing water in his hand and stared as the water slipped through his fingers. There was ancient magic in the water, in fact all around him in this little cave. Another mystery added to this Island. It was interesting that he never heard of these group of female warriors. They were like the Valkyries, expect they were human.

Thinking of the Valkyrie made a ping go through his heart so he shoved the memory of her and the mystery that is this Island away. He had bigger things to worry about, 'I need to know how far I traveled back.' obviously it would seemed the spell wasn't cast right since he ended on this man hating Island. 'Should've never trusted that two bit sorcerer.' He sneered. No use wasting my thoughts on that human. He might as well get out of the water, he wasn't fully charged but it was better than earlier.

He could teleport but he wanted to save his energy since he'll be escorted off this Island. He emerged from the water just as Diana came down the steps that lead to the exit of this place. If Loki was a gentleman, he ignored his Mother's voice in his head, he would've covered himself or cast an illusion to make her think he's clothed.

He did neither. He stared at her as she stared at him. Her eyes roamed his body, taking in the lithe muscles the strong thighs and his sturdy chest. Her gazed wasn't preverted, it had a naïve like curiosity to it as she stared at what was between his thighs.

He tried not to react.

"Would you say… that you're a typical example of your sex?" Diana asked, finally pulling her eyes away from his body to his face.

He scoffed. "No. I'm way above your typical average male." He thought of his oaf of a brother or that annoying talkative human Stark and shuddered. He was not like those fools.

"Oh." Was her respond as she continued to stare at his body, well more like the thing between his thighs. It looked so odd to her and it would seemed like it was growing right before her very eyes.

"Are you going to keep staring?" he asked more harshly than he intended. He was getting uncomfortable.

"Are you uncomfortable? You don't have to be, you have a beautiful body." she said with a smile.

That smile could topple kingdoms.

"Why is it growing?" she asked innocently as she stared with rapt attention at his manhood.

Ookay, Loki had enough. With a flick of his wrist he was dressed in his usual armor.

She blinked at his use of magic, but didn't comment.

"So why have you come princess? I thought you were forbidden to see me?" he asked, observing her.

Physically she looked of age, but there was something so innocent about her. So untouched by life. He was envious of that.

He wanted to corrupt her, just a little.

"I am curious about you, about the world you come from. Would you tell me more about yourself?"

It was an innocent request.

"Why? I am of little importance to you." He was genuinely curious.

"You are important to me!" she said fiercely talking a step close to him.

He was startled by her fierceness. The last woman to show him this amount of emotion was his Mother.

It would seemed she was surprised by her emotional outburst as well, by her wide eyes.

"Why are you doing this?" she asked softly.

He stared at her intensely for a while. "My brother. I want to save my brother."

Diane felt her heart squeeze at that vulnerable sentence. She reached out a hand to comfort him, but he side stepped her.

Loki didn't know what he would've done if he let her touch him so it's best not to find out. "I have some questions for you princess. Who are you people?"


To be continued…

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