Disclaimer: The following is a fan-based parody. Bleach is owned by Tite Kubo. RWBY is owned by Rooster Teeth and the late Monty Oum (rest in peace you saint of a man). Please support the official release.

Chapter 57: I'll Call You Emo-kun!

(Que Story OP – Hello Sleepwalkers "Hyakkiyakou")

If there was a term to describe the situation that Jin Kariya could put it, controlled chaos was an appropriate term. It really falls down that himself and the Bounts were outnumbered by the amount of teenagers gunning after them. At least three of them were any actual concern, and the rest were simply cannon fodder that were too much into their own head. Then came down this... orange-haired maniac wielding hammer. He noted that the girl possessed incredible strength that was keeping the weaker members of his order on their toes, possibly to do with the lightning crackling off her body.

'She's idly reminiscent to the legends of Norse god, Thor.' Kariya thought in humor. 'Now all she needs is her hammer to come back to her.'

"I'mma smack the final boss right here!" Cried the maniacal Nora.

'...Did she label me with a video game reference?' Thought Kariya in slight bewilderment.

Kariya raised a single brow in response watching the orange-haired so-called vampire slayer jump up the flight of stairs towards him. Her hammer was cocked back all the way for a massive swing carrying immense strength to collapse a whole building, and that was more so due to her Semblance. The strength in her jump had her at speeds that rivaled Ruby with her Semblance. To one of the oldest Bounts in history Nora was moving in slow motion.

With deft ease born from centuries of experience he practically flowed out of the way of the hammer swing. Nora was still in the air, making it impossible for the girl to feint her attack. Now behind the human, Kariya placed a single hand on Nora's shoulder and used the secret lightning properties of his Doll to absorb the electricity enhancing her body. All of her strength granted by her Semblance left her and Kariya gave a chop with his hand to have Nora meet the floor. To any onlookers, it would have looked that Kariya had just smacked Nora to the floor, and the one blow was already making her Aura blink.

"Now that is just simply unkind." Kariya playfully admonished, straightening his coat. "I at least had the gesture to show my manners in my own home."

Kariya senses pricked at the spike in spiritual pressure, and he knew it from a shinigami using shunpo. For one small moment, Ren was there holding Nora in his arms and the next second he was gone. The old Bount's eyes tracked Ren's movements to the other side of the hall.

He shrugged and began walking away. "Koga, I leave it to you to keep our guests entertained. The rest of you follow his orders."

where he settled Nora gently against the wall. Her Aura was barely able to stay on.

"Are you alright, Nora?" Ren asked in concern.

"Ah-ha, I really jumped the gun on that one." Nora said deliriously. "Never jump the final boss. Final bosses are bad news."

Ren sighed. "Stay put and keep safe, okay Nora?"

"My hero..." Nora said dreamily after Ren disappeared in a burst of shunpo to cover for everyone else.

Meanwhile, most of the heat was being put on Ruby and Ichigo being the real immediate dangers among their group. Solid steel balls from Go's Doll swarmed and tried to bludgeon them to death all the while the head of the Doll manifested just to cackle and taunt them. They stood back-to-back defending themselves against the bludgeoning storm. Their tough Aura saved them from most of the pain and bruising, more so for Ruby due to her Hierro, but the scowls on their face were showing their irritation.

"This is getting quickly annoying." Ichigo growled, focusing his spiritual pressure into his dual blades for a Getsuga Tensho.

A quick kick to the back of his knee was delivered from Ruby. Not strong enough to make him stumble but enough for Ichigo to lose his concentration. Not that there was still much of it considering his massive reiatsu reserves.

"Do you want to bring the whole manor down on us?" Ruby berated, simultaneously batting away a steel ball aimed for her face. "Some of us can't survive having a building crash down on us."

Ichigo sweat a little at the glare directed by his girlfriend. "Crap, sorry hime."

"You're a knucklehead, but you are still my knucklehead." Ruby thought, pointing a bala to blast away a steel ball that was soaring at one of Ichigo's blind spots.

"Can you save the damn romance for later!?" Exclaimed Yang.

She was barely back-peddling away from what she had personally named 'the crazy bitch with the fan and knives'. Yang cursed that she had to be stuck with her worst kind of opponent. The kind that likes to dance around their opponents with fluid kicks and punches like some sort of martial arts master. This was just as bad with the mute umbrella girl with the weird hairdo.

"Gah!" Yang gagged when the Bount, Yoshi, delivered a kick to her gut and sent her rolling across the floor. "This is literally... the worst."

Before she knew it, Yoshi was in front of her and stomped a foot on her sternum to keep her pinned. A cruel smirk stretched her lips and there was a hunger in her eyes. Seeing the literal look of appetite in the woman made Yang remember that these Bounts literally eat other people by sucking their soul, and she was about to become her next meal.

"Prey should not be speaking." Yoshi said, angling her jian down to stab Yang.

Fortunate to Yang, a kusarigama blade tied to a black ribbon wrapped Yoshi's sword arm and a tug made her posture stumble. It served to have Blake pull herself forward in the air and land a dropkick to the Bount's face. Yoshi was sent crashing into the wall and Blake now crouched protectively over Yang.

"That 'prey' is my partner." Blake hissed, extending a hand to Yang. "Need some help?"

"Anytime." Yang answered with a smirk as she accepted Blake's hand and pulled back up to her feet.

Probably the worst off in the situation was Weiss contending with a rock-like whale and a creepy golem. They were the Dolls Baura and Gesell belonging to Sawatari and Ugaki respectively. The old man sat on the whale as it swam through floor and Geselll simply tried to smash Weiss while Ugaki watched from the second floor. To keep the latter occupied, Weiss summoned her Semblance's summon avatar and it was an easy match-up since it stood two stories tall.

Baura was the real problem with its rock-like body and its spatial capabilities that defied physics. Weiss jumped from wall and through the air using her glyphs as platforms. She had gone into this fight with dual wield with both Myrtenaster and her Asauchi given to her by Ruby. The 'adolescent' zanpakuto was already showing signs of unique manifestations with the tsuba featuring a four-pointed snowflake of gold tipped with red and twine wrappings of both sky and dark blue.

No matter what she did, Weiss could not simply pierce the body of Baura. She had already used gravity glyphs to keep Baura and his Bount master in place, but he would simply 'swim' through the floor. Her Aura was running low as it was already being taxed keeping her avatar manifested and she spent too much on glyphs to dodge Baura's attacks.

"Escape is impossible, girl." Sawatari said, disappearing into the floor again.

Weiss kept her guard, her form of her new dual wielding similar to that of her older sister Winter. She was unfortunately not prepared for the rock whale to resurface right her feet. The Schnee pseudo-shinigami-in-training managed to have her feet just above Baura's upper lip and use as a vantage point to jump back. Yet once she landed back to the floor, Weiss found herself with no chance of escape as Baura was right now above her to chomp down on her body.

Instinctively, Weiss shut her eyes waiting for the pain. Instead, she felt someone shove her body back, causing her to reopen her eyes in time to see a head of shaggy blonde hair and white armor. There was the sound of a high-pitched ring Weiss was only familiar of an incredibly dense Aura being impacted and the body in front of her was pushed back, knocking Weiss off her feet across the floor. Reassessing herself, Weiss looked to her apparent savior, surrounded in a white glow, and was shocked to who it was.

"Jaune!?" Weiss exclaimed, holding who was possibly more of a dork than her best friend. "What are you doing here?! Are you okay!?"

"Heh-heh." Jaune laughed weakly with a groan, slowly getting to his feet both sword and shield in hand. "My bad, Weiss. But as you know as they say. The hero always comes at the last moment."

'Heh, hero.' Weiss thought in nostalgia when they first met.

"Besides, I think you can use a boost." Jaune offered, extending his sword hand out to Weiss.

His Aura concentrated into a bright white sheen projected from his palm as he activated his Semblance. Pure energy projected from his hand and washed Weiss in power. She felt her Aura reserves not only fill, but become dense like a sheen of invincible armor. Weiss no longer felt taxed and the avatar even a couple meters taller in height. The Doll which had been only been halted by the knight avatar was now being pushed back.

"Thank you, Jaune." Weiss replied with a kind smile. "Guess you really are a hero."

Baura appeared again rising from the ground to swallow the duo whole, but this time Weiss casted a glyph right in front of its face. With Jaune's Aura enhancement, she was able to halt the Doll's very movement in the air, drawing a shocked look from Sawatari. A smug grin etched itself across Weiss' features as she casted more glyphs to surround the Doll.

"Impossible." Sawatari cursed. "A human managed to stop Baura in his tracks!?"

"You should by now to never underestimate humans!" Weiss retorted smugly.

Ren chose the opening to fire a Raikohou into the flank of the Doll Baura, sending bits of rock flying into the air. Gesell made a charge for Weiss to smash her, but Jaune covered her flank and blocked the smashing fists with his shield. It was only because of his Aura that he managed to hold on as he did.

"This is getting out of hand." Ugaki commented from his vantage on the second floor. "None of them haven't been killed then."

"They aren't anything if not resourceful." Added Mabashi. "Do you want me to pitch in?"

"No, no, we don't need that." Ugaki said, adjusting his glasses. "This is of course according to Kariya's plan."

(Meanwhile with Rukia and Mod Souls)

Rukia had cursed the weakness of herself for the one hundredth time today. She cursed herself that her spiritual pressure had not fully recovered since the events of the Ichigo's invasion into Soul Society. If she did decide to come out of her gigai to fight, Rukia would not even have the spiritual pressure to awaken her Shikai. Even then Rukia was not confident in her abilities to fight against the Bounts. The only ones in her mind to really take out the Bounts were Ichigo and Ruby due to their raw power, which she knew went as far as to at least match her brother in battle with his full Bankai, and now they were even stronger then. But now all she really had going for her was find and rescue Uryu.

'I feel so useless.' Rukia mentally lamented.

Earlier, Noba had arrived back to the manor with Ren and Nora in tow, and transported Orihime and Chad to safety from the Bounts. The Mod Souls with her, Kuroda and Ririn, were her only guide to find Uryu. Along the way traversing the many halls of the manor, they could hear the sounds of fighting from the hall they fled from.

"C'mon, we are getting close." Ririn said, taking the lead of the group.

They came onto a large room that would have served as a lavish dining area with walls and a ceiling made of paneled glass. Unfortunately, the shockwaves from the fight in the great hall had long ago shattered the windows into a ruined mess.

"I'm afraid that is as far as you go."

Rukia and the Mod Souls twisted on their heel back to the only entrance they came through. Standing in the way of their only escape was, to Rukia at least, a shinigami. He wore the standard attire with a shihaksho and a zanpakuto settled at his hip. His eyes were cold, almost empty in their look. It made Rukia on edge, but her own professional mind kept her from shaking.

"A shinigami?" Rukia said, perplexed. "What are you doing here? There are Bounts that are-"

"Rukia," Kuroda whimpered, "I don't think he's a friend."

Realization struck her harder than Kenpachi using two hands on his zanpakuto. She never wanted to imagine that a shinigami of the Gotei 13 would actually go in join the enemy. Then the whole betrayal of Aizen and it turned her world upside down. Still, to know there were still other shinigami that had gone rogue made her tremble in fear. However, as a loyal shinigami she must uphold her duty no matter what, which was why she already faced the apparent traitor with her palm faced towards him.

"Hado 33: Shakaho."

Her spiritual pressure, as diminished as it was, was more than enough for Rukia to fire a destructive red ball of kido. It raced towards the rogue shinigami like a rocket ready to explode. He made no expression in the small milliseconds it came for her, and at the last moment he drew out his zanpakuto to knock it into the wall.

"I'd appreciate if you didn't make me destroy Kariya-sama's home." The shinigami said stoically.

A bead of sweat tricked down Rukia's face. The whole ease the rogue moved made Rukia surmise that he was at the level of a lieutenant. If only she had her full capabilities she may be able to do something instead of firing Kido blasts only for them to be deflected, and she doubted Kuroda or Ririn could handle the rogue. To some unsaid prayer, a swirl of black opened by her side where Noba appeared having returned from depositing Chad and Orihime to safety.

"Oh thank goodness you are here, Noba." Kuroda cheered. "Now we can have hope in defeating this ruffian that is preventing us from finding Uryu."

"You really think another intruder is going to make any difference?" Said the shinigami.

"You'd be right." Noba said, pointing a finger behind the traitor where another portal open. "But she can."

"Senna - Kick!"

From the portal soared Senna in war cry, delivering a flying, sharp kick to the back of the rogue shinigami's head in a comical fashion, yet with a devastating impact. Caught off guard, the shinigami crashed tumbled across the ground and crashed through the furniture, leaving a cloud of dust once he crashed. Senna merely landed lightly on the ground with a wide grin on her face.

"Sup, Ruki-chan!" Senna greeted, twirling her zanpakuto in her left hand before settling into a kendo stance. "You go on ahead while I take care of this rude boy."

As Rukia and Mod Souls went off to search for Uryu, the rogue shinigami emerged from his impromptu meeting with the ground. His calm facade was marred with a fierce scowl directed towards Senna. The bubbly former Shinenju responded with her tittering smile, wanting to egg on the guy.

"It doesn't matter who or what comes my way." The rogue shinigami growled. "No one will interfere with Kariya-sama's plans."

"Go ahead and stop us, Emo-kun." Senna chirped.

"Ex...cuse me?" The shinigami said, ultimately perplexed. "My name is Maki Ichinose-"

"Nope!" Senna interrupted. "Your name is Emo-kun. It fits you, don't you think? You got the black hair that is dropping to your eyes. You look like you have never smiled in centuries. And you've got that deathly gloom that makes a graveyard have more cheer. So there you go. You have no earned the name of Emo-kun."

A very tense silence hung in the air, practically making it petrified. One could hear the identified shinigami Ichinose's knuckles tightening on the hilt of his zanpakuto. Veins and tick marks bulged around his head as the only sign of how livid Ichinose really was. His reiatsu, a myriad of colors from the light spectrum, thrummed around his body and increasing the pressure in the room. Senna blinked at the sudden spiritual pressure flooding the room, making the glass in the room continue to crack. Her smile turned a little more mischievous.

"I am going to enjoy this more than I should." Ichinose stated, spectrum colored reiatsu washing off his body as he settled into a neutral kendo stance. "Flicker with Splendor, Nijigasumi."

Senna watched in surprised fascination as Ichinose's blade turned into a literal blade of pure light, illuminating the entire room. His spiritual pressure heightened upon his zanpakuto's release, and his reishi was visibly stemming from his body. As impressive as the display was, it wasn't so high that Senna was worried to be crushed by it. Being around people like Ichigo who were practically reiatsu power plants made Senna prepare herself better unless this guy had a Bankai.

"I'd be disappointed if you didn't~, Emo-kun~." Senna replied in singing manner. "Bring them to the Twilight, Mirokumaru."

Her zanpakuto glowed with power and transformed into her the golden pewter staff. Winds carrying autumn leaves swirled around her weapon and her body like a protective twister, and her spiritual pressure shined like a sheen of golden mist from her body. Ichinose's gaze narrowed in slight caution, tensing his stance as their spiritual pressure clashed in the room. What followed next was the sound of clashing steel and roaring winds.

(Entrance Hall)

"Koga, leave Ichigo alone for a moment." Kariya announced, making his way down the steps. "I've grown an interest in this human with a shinigami's powers."

The burly man nodded in obedience. "As you wish."

Ichigo overhearing the orders did not let up his guard even as Koga's Doll, Dalk, disengaged from Ichigo and trained her sights on Ruby. His brown eyes trailed to Kariya casually approaching Ichigo while the other battles raged on in the room. The leader of the Bounts stopped in his approach once he landed at the foot of the stairs.

"Well then, I am right here, Ichigo." Kariya announced. "All for the taking. I'll even let you go on the offensive first."

"Then here I come." Ichigo roared.

He launched off the floor cracking it from the strength in his limbs, and his white lizard tail automatically waved in the air for extra motion. Ichigo wasn't even using shunpo and yet his speed made the surrounding Bounts pause in alarm. The three-way hybrid smirked smugly at Kariya widening his eyes while not realizing he could of course track Ichigo's course. Zangetsu Y, the white kyber blade in his right hand, was the first one to make a swing aiming for his chest. In a surprising maneuver, Kariya ducked under the blade instead.

'What the hell!?' Ichigo thought in shock.

Ichigo changed tactics by swining Zangetsu X all the way around to catch Kariya. The Bount responded by leaping forward with the air around him working as a corkscrew. A vein bulged on Ichigo's forehead, irritated he could not land a hit on this guy.

'Seriously!?' Ichigo thought.

This time, Ichigo whipped his tail at the vampire and try to ensnare him by his neck. Yet he dodged again as the air somehow blew him out of his tail's reach. In an impulse of frustration, Ichigo slammed down both of his kyber blades to the floor to catch Kariya in the destruction, but the Bount seemed to float out of the way.

"You're probably wondering why you are incapable of hitting me?" Kariya said amusingly.

Ichigo was probably too angry to give a retort so he just scowled. His mindscape looked like a raging storm of heavy winds from how frustrated he was.

"You have a lot of power." Kariya continued. "Honestly, it terrifies me. I don't think I'd come out unscathed from a direct hit. You have enough power to level an entire country and still keep going. Yet with all that power you lack on crucial component: experience. At your core, you are still a human who has not even lived a score of years, and only in mere months do you know how real battle is? I, on the other hand, have lived for centuries thus have the literal battle experience that is older than you have been alive. Give yourself another decade or less in this life, and you will definitely be a force to be reckon with."

"Just wait and eat those 'experiences' down your throat." Ichigo threatened.

"Ichigo, what do I always tell you?!" Ichigo winced from the shrill screech of his girlfriend after she blasted Dalk with a Cero. "Fight smart. Not some lumbering dumby."

"S-Sorry, Ruby-hime." Ichigo apologized.

'She has you wrapped around her finger.' Zangetsu Y snickered.

Before he could make a retort or start rushing down Kariya, the ceiling of the hall was broken through yet again as Yoruichi made her appearance to Ichigo's surprise. She was faster than even a blur could be made of her, striking down Baura and Gesell out of the way to get Weiss, Jaune, Yang, and Blake of danger. Her golden eyes trained on Ichigo.

"We've found Uryu." Yoruichi announced. "There's no need for us to be here."

Ichigo thought differently. "Hey, just let me-"

"Stop being stubborn and let's go!" Ruby's voice hissed behind Ichigo, making the three-way hybrid freeze.

Her lithe arms wrapped around Ichigo's torso, and they both disappeared in a sonido out of the manor while Noba worked in transporting Yang, Weiss, Blake, and Jaune. None of the Bounts couldn't give chase as Jinta, who arrived upon the grounds, started to bombard the manor with his rocket launcher. Despite this, none of the Bounts were truly in alarm especially their leader. Kariya only wistfully smiled and walked along even as his home crumbled around him.

'For shame.' Kariya thought. 'This was such a nice manor.'

That's done for now, and expect the next chapter soon. This was just to rush through the episodes at the manor. Concerning the brief clash between Kariya, some of you complain but here's the reason why I think this is okay despite Ichigo's full potential realized. Experience plays a very key role in fights even in differences of physical stature. Kariya has lived through centuries and he definitely has not been idle in that time while plotting to take his revenge on Soul Society. Still, he does admit that it is only that reason he can outmaneuver Ichigo, but not defeat him because of his raw power.

Up next is Chapter 58.

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