When you're the son of a friendless loser and what would have been a dateless loser had she not married the friendless loser that is your dad, you learn a lot of things. You learn to never accept a date from a cruel woman, because she's only doing it to ruin Valentine's Day for everyone else. You learn not to play board games with your family, because when Dad loses he runs away for six months and then ends up flooding the house with lava when he comes back–long story. You learn that it's not a good idea to turn into pants so your idiot cousin can pass the Presidential Fitness Test...wait, no, that one never happened.
The point is, you learn a lot of things when you live beneath the Earth's surface. And one of the things you learn is that no matter what you do or how amazingly powerful you are, even if in your debut episode you pull a Jason Voorhees and in your second appearance you give the school bully exactly what he deserves, you STILL won't get to be on a team of action heroes! Oh, they'll give a position to the bald guy with anger management issues who wants to rule the world, sure! A green duck elephant whatever? Yeah, he gets a part! But the guy with shapeshifting demon powers and cool tentacles? Sorry, no room for you here!
Not that I'm bitter or anything. Now where was I? Oh yeah. Instead of getting to be part of the action, at best you're relegated to doing the opening spiel. Which, honestly, isn't that bad a gig. I'm getting paid for this whole story instead of just one chapter–take that, Extra 61! Yeah, I bet you feel really proud of your one line now!
Geez, what am I doing with my life? Comparing myself to an extra? To make myself feel better? That's just sad. Am I turning into my father? I really hope I'm not. No offense, Dad.
Anyway, where was I? Oh yeah. Even if you don't get to be part of the action, you can still follow along. All you have to do is sit around at home and stare at a screen. Congratulations. But this isn't just any story. It's the story of a team that faced down hordes of evil candy monsters who wanted to ruin Halloween, a would-be squid conqueror from the netherworld, and an invading force of aSTRoVaMPiReS! But danger never sleeps, and now Underfist has to come together to thwart a brand new menace in a brand new story!
Okay, fine, so it's Velma Green. The title gives it away. But they're still facing down a menace they've never faced before in this show, and this is a new story starring them, so shut up and enjoy it!